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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. *Stick re-reads the post, and then realises Vlad made fun of him!* Heyyyyy! ;p
  2. I *did* make an elastic ball a bit bigger then a tennis ball, but then a coworker sold it for five bucks... ...and a few more q's from me... Have you ever been in a situation so unreal you knew it had to be false, but when along with it anyways because you had no other choice? Have you ever had your fortune told? Have you ever told someone's fortune? Have you ever been influenced by a dream? Has a dream ever left you waking up in tears? Have you ever ruined the chance of a relationship with the most beautiful person you know? Have you ever been in the situation where there's something important you should do and just said "screw it."? Have you ever been so upset you went into your car just so you could scream at the top of your lungs until you were out of breath? Have you ever realise how crappy life gets, it doesn't really matter if you're still alive?
  3. Have you ever purposely made a public spectacle of yourself? Have you ever played a video game for days straight? Have you ever been somewhere and ended up destroying something i.e. a wall? (accidentally of course) Have you ever driven your car over the non-road parts of your local university campus? Have you ever shoved a d20 up your nose? Have you ever put food in your nose (any kind) and then ate it? Have you ever found yourself watching something on TV you know you hate, and asking why you're watching it, and why you can't change the channel? Have you ever counted the licks it takes to get the center of something?
  4. Have you ever seen that guy sneaking up behind you? Have you ever smashed a rubix cube, for it's insane challenge rating? Have you ever slain a dragon? Have you ever been slain by a dragon? Have you ever eaten a whole cake, or a pie, or both in one sitting? Have you ever beaten the Omega Weapon in FFV? Have you ever taken anything I've said seriously? ;p
  5. As Tayne made his way down the road, he had the distinct feeling that he was being followed. There was an itch in the back of his neck that usually came from hunting and being hunted over all these years. Whoever it was, they were silent though, and pretty good at hiding. Everytime he looked around discretely, he couldn't pick up any signs of someone following him. However, it was one of his many magical devices that told him to be cautious. In his left ear was a ring that detected magic being used nearby. It rang like a bell inside his head, telling him that most likely there was someone using a spell to hide from him. Tayne often sat on the border between fear and hate of magic users. Ever since he was young, they had had nothing but an ill-effect on him and his family. As much as he'd like to kill whoever it was that was following him, there was no way to tell if they'd be able to overtake him or not. Perhaps if he was able to lure them into a trap of some sort, he'd be able to take the advantage. As he weighed to pros and cons of such an idea, he concluded it'd be best to continue as he was until the person following him decided to take some sort of action. After all, it'd be foolish for him to put himself in even the slightest position of disadvantage. On he trudged, insofar unbothered until he finally came upon a sign that read: The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Keep and Town: 2 Miles He was close. He could taste the blood that would be spilled. He could hear the cries of pain that would echo through the halls. Most importantly, he could feel the billion-geld reward that he'd take all for himself filling his coffers.
  6. I had the same problem, so I hit the button to re-send it... I think I had to do it a couple times. After that, I couldn't really figure out what to do. I just about died to a rat, but thankfully, my troll-like regeneration kicked in. I also wasn't sure if I was equipped with my old rags and stick or not. Anyways, I'll give it another shot... I was just wondering Finn, when do you usually play?
  7. Boaz- I think that was really well put. I had some commentary, but I'm not exactly eloquent. Basically it involved me realising how ignorant I can be at times. That, and possibly a hypocrite. Regardless, I'm learning more about people. Sociology and theology are interesting... Ntraveler- I don't want to start anything, I shouldn't get involved, but I can't stand by in silence. P can speak for himself, but I want to stand up for him. I can honestly say I haven't met a kinder person than Peredhil. Just because he is expressing how he disagrees with you, that doesn't mean he's trying to straight-up offend you. Not everyone has to agree, but it'd be nice to agree to disagree here. Let's see some community spirit! Laugh it off! Ignore it! Whatever! Sarcasm isn't cool, unless it's witty... and used sparingly. Please, share the love. Don't make me huggle you. I know how, and I'll do it. I swear. I do sincerely apologize if you take offense, but honestly, you have to try and not get offended so easily, it's not worth it.
  8. Yeah, although you gotta be careful with Marduk. Side-note, I thought the necronomicon was very interesting, but I don't hold it in very high regards... of course, if one were to take it seriously... well... I'd recommend extreme caution, 'cause a lot of stuff in there can't be undone... yikes.
  9. Tiamat. ...just kidding ;p
  10. It seemed like days since Tayne's encounter with the demon. As much as he wanted to collect the reward on No'Dessu's head, he had reminded himself that there were a few others he wouldn't mind catching up to. Plus, he had to prepare properly. He knew very little about The Pen's keep, but he did have a little bit of information. It would take all of his training to get inside, and then some. He loaded himself up on equipment, too. His fingers glittered with different rings, most of which were of varying magical resistance. A few similar pendants dangled beneath a jacket of the finest elven chain. He had payed a lot to get that jacket; it was probably the only item he hadn't killed someone to get. Regardless, such an item would make it easier for him to sneak around without making noise. Into a magical bag, he tossed various items from traps to potions to wands and more. He wanted to be prepared for any situation. He knew Gyrfalcon was smart, and that he had much power under his command. Finally, satisfied with his equipment and his planning, Tayne donned a long cloak that seemed to blend in with the environment around him, and made haste in the general direction of The Pen's Keep. In fact, he was running at a speed that was comparable to a race horse...
  11. If I fit into any common description, I guess you could say I'm agnostic. I believe that there is much more to the world than what we see with our bare eyes. However, I don't believe so much in the scripture side of religion. Granted, it does help a lot of people in our world, I don't think that's my path. I'm trying to learn about all sorts of religions; right now I'm learning about the Qabalah, which is quite interesting. I don't think any religion is more right than another, especially considering how time seems to warp things. Regardless, I'm not very actively spiritual, I mostly just have this underlying belief of there being something more to our lives, like I said above. This doesn't bother me, however, because I also believe as long as you don't start killing people and such, you should have nothing to fear in terms of the afterlife. Of course, there could be more to it than that, depending on your belief... sometimes I think there are steps one needs to take, but that's delving too deep...
  12. Something nice. ;P
  13. Sorry folks, the infamous real life has taken a harsher grip lately, and well, as I'm sure some people have gotten used to now, I just can't complete this. Full refunds for everyone, of course. Damn, my credibility hurts.
  14. No way! Shrink the suspense! Shrink the suspense! MUWHAHAHA!!!! ~Insanity~
  15. Ah, thanks Katz, I was just about to get to that... *wanders off indiscriminately*
  16. Gyrfalcon- thanks for the reminder... this time your sprite will be a bit more interesting as opposed to last time. Finnius- wow, good call, that's what I went with in my test version ^.^ EDIT: follow the link above to check out my old webcomic... don't worry people, I'll do a better job than that, I promise ^.^ If you want to see a sample banner, click here. Oh, and just as a reminder, I may not be using photoshop, so I'll have to do some creative thinking on the backgrounds. If I can't do anything clever with paint, then I'll have to find myself a copy of photoshop. (dimensions are loose, I'll probably use the size people around here use, whatever that is...) And if you want to see a sample desktop, click here. Again, I'm not sure how cool I can make it with paint, so there might a be a bit of delay for those who want the wallpaper whilst I get myself some photoshop action... In any case, that's all my old work, and I plan on doing much better for everyone ^.^
  17. Mr.Bunny hands Yui a larger-than normal slice of carrot cake, an autographed 8x12" photo of himself, and five geld for the heck of it. "..."
  18. Mr.Bunny frowns at seeing Salinye reject his gift that was in jest... but still... The carrot-loving mage hops down from his booth, gently scoops up the costume. He takes a few minutes to dust it off, then wraps it up in some more (but different) shiny paper. He attaches a little piece of paper with instructions that it be deliverd to Salinye's personal chambers. He then wrote down what would be later known as the most torrid love letter in history, sealed it within an envelope, attached it to the package, and had one of his other bunny-clad assistants deliver it. The letter went as so: (in poorly scrawled common:) Dear Salinye, "..." (followed simply by Mr.Bunny's paw print)
  19. *ding ding ding ding* Mr.Bunny stands up on the booth, and speaks into a Mr.Bunny translator microphone: "..." Alright everyone, I ran the clock a bit late here, but I've finally made my decisions! It was really tough, because everyone tried really hard. All the entries were fabulous! Lots of people put their hearts into it, it seems... anyways, without getting into it, or picking at anyone's work in specific or general, here we go! In first place is Xaious, Master of Time! I really enjoyed the simplicity of this one... it was about a nice, simple thing that brought him happiness... quite enjoyable! Enjoy your fifteen geld! Second place is Tanuchan! It was tough picking between Tanny and Xaious, because I think their's were the most haiku-ish in my mind! (;p) It was really nifty, in a slightly different take on happiness, metaphorically, anyways. Enjoy your ten geld! Third place is... everyone else! Honestly, these were all so good, I couldn't stand to having only 3 specific winners... I really enjoyed every single one; everyone's different style, the way you worked with the short format, everything, it was truly wonderful. A lot of effort went into these, so everyone who entered and didn't get first or second gets five geld! (only per person, not per entry of course ^.^) Mr.Bunny then proceeds to hand out autographed pictures and carrot cake for free! As Salinye comes up to collect her five geld and a slice of carrot cake, Mr.Bunny winks at her and gives her a special gift wrapped in shiny paper. Curious as to its contents, Salinye opens up the package and gives it a curious look, blushing a little. Inside is a bunny costume, like the ladies wear in animes, or at that certain mansion somewhere. It seems to be made for Salinye's figure exactly, if not a bit smaller, which is even more cause for concern. Mr.Bunny simply snickers in his bunny-ish manner, winks again, and resumes handing out freebies... OOC: You get the goof prize, Sal! ;p
  20. Dean- help me out a bit more here... I'm fairly ignorant... what's his head like? Also, does your cat have any identifying features? Finnius- I think I got some ideas for yours... I think it should be fairly simple... however, what colour are your eyes?
  21. Oh yeah, silly me ;p ...poor Mr.B...
  22. For those ladies involved in the Haiku challenge, only one more hour to go! For those of you not involved... hurry! Your chance to win is running out! ;p
  23. Pssst, Mr.Bunny's up there too... ;p
  24. Mwahaha, I went back and re-did your test, Katz... it seems I didn't fare much better though :S (I didn't cheat or anything either ^.^)
  25. Xaious - well done, and you'll see later as to a reward ^.^ Merelas - HA HA HA!!! YOU SUCK!!! ...just kidding... the more verses the merrier; I personally enjoy doing multiple verses as well. I don't think it's *proper* haiku format, but that isn't a factor in this contest. ^.^
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