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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. I normally don't comment on depressing poetry such as this, but I suppose I shall. Just as a presentation feature, could you not capitalize all of the title? Something about that bugs me, but if it has to do with your style go right ahead, because that would be different. I understand this to be about a person who is overweight, and blames their control of eating on the fact. It seems this person hates themself because of the fact, which inncedentally would lead to more eating. This unfortunate situation was well captured. The occasional alliteration, such as "weak" and "wreak" draw out the strong negitive meanings of the words, and the meter makes it easy to read the whole way through. As a situational poem I belive it is very well done, however I completly disagree with the philophy. First of all the thing that jumps out at me is the end, in which ugly and alone are used to describe the same thing. I find that difficult to make agree, because when someone is alone they are the judge of everything, in which case why make themselves ugly? Now the "someone" that will steady, what will that persons opinion be? I don't understand this perpetual someone, unless it refers to a higher being. Unless this does refer to a higher being, then I don't think it will help. The problem seems to be within and not without. The problem is not, as I see it, being ugly, but seeing yourself as ugly.
  2. Cool
  3. I don't know if that was a person specific question Zool, but I want a try Les see the realm of experence would be the select few of situations and phonomena in the universe that we have personally experenced. We use these to validate the collective realm of understanding, which is the collective realms of experince of humanity, and the reasons behind them. The realm of faith is how we patch the holes in the realm of understanding, and where we make base assumtions that allow us to further our understanding. I do wonder though if beliving in things like text books fall into the realm of faith or understanding. I personally compare what I read with what has happened to me, and what I belive to exist, thus I'd put it in understanding, because I have fairly good proof it exists. I hope this was on topic...
  4. A castle of dreams in the sky Purple and blue translucent towers Changing the sun's hues Wearing Sky pink clouds as a cloak Forms a crust around the dark ground below Over hulks of darkened dead trees And an Obsidian ground with red blazing cracks It’s a Lie, the shield over the ground Two separate entities now, horizon inverted Black and white side by side Threatening to split, and end it all Need the shadow for the lines that define Must be blended, must be mended Throws out a protocol and shuts the eye Numb encompassing of the duel charge Threatens to shut down and pretend But Sanity recalls Purpose Mutations of combinations vary A sine wave, a spiral But all are lies, lies, and lies Instead the structure must shatter To encompass what was unknown That opposites exist in the same home Now the absolute is the center And the previously impossible haze becomes unreal But exists instead as a void And can create all nonexistent Now let serve the gray knight The king. Kneel. Edited by: Nyyark at: 8/16/02 10:55:06 pm
  5. I would say its about 6 tastetons myself...
  6. I really like it. The way your poem forms an empty hand is really good. I feel like I can see how sad the hand is. Keep it up.
  7. Opes, does this mean you find that anything unperciveable non-existant? If so, might I point out the irony of how much that is percived doesn't exist. Then again, I suppose it all comes back to existance. Loaded words "Truth" and "Existance".
  8. Aww thanks Rahash, I've bugged Ozy about this, but he's been busy... would you like to corrispond through E-mail? My Email addy is Nyyark@hotmail.com If so just send a letter. I have MSN and Yahoo Messengers if you'd rather do that. =) Again, thanks.
  9. Opening the casket, raising a cobwebbed corpse, "Come", followed by exoskeleton spiders. Marching together, the hollow beasts clicking on their course Harmoniously, the puppets follow their master Who is now Marionette of the Necromancer, And is now waking again. The Horn blows for the trees return to bloom The cherry blossoms wait to fall. Their poetic nature on whim revived Puppets of reproductions call The low green light of a cold machine Sweeps the innards of life A paper copy produced Made to dance And too please. As the spiders weave their hearts The hollow men are filled And the puppet dancer of death Dances to create their thrill The beauty stretched Into fine spider silk Ensnaring the spring And catching the blossoms’ fall Suspending life’s decent To write words on the wall The lover dance of life and death Is heart of all who are men Those who see their end Create the beautiful contrast Of fallen petals in web And copper rust on brass The coffin is open again The world welcomes him back Spiders take their bow The way Necromancer showed them how
  10. I'm not entirely sure why you use this ofre of debate. To me it looks really condesending, as well as putting more value on word than meaning, but I'll use it while adressing you as your prolly more comfortable with it. "How do you seperate the two? Are you talking internal reality and external reality? Yes, they are also personal experiences, the internal shared overtly and the internal shared covertly." Well Zool, I can't clearly define what is going on in reality. I can however allow for my perception of everything to be wrong, and seek out an accurate perception by comparing mine with others. Can you say "paradox"? Is this something like (just as a 'faith' example) God, whom you 'know' exists... Paradox. Yes Zool I can say it, and unlike Pepsi commercals with Albert Einstien I know what it means too. What I'm wondering is if you can understand beliving something you know is wrong. I think in 1984 they called it double think. Sometimes reality really sucks, so you have to overlook things to enjoy yourself. These things are really, but I choose not to acknowledge their existance. Usually I acknowlege existance though, just not their ability to affect me. Unhealthy, probably, but I do it anyway. "You'll have to explain this a little more, though I thought Know thyself came AFTER you were brought into physical existance." Yes myself awareness did come after I existed. However how I sought it brought me into a very symbolic world. I can only percive reality from the feeble five senses I have, and my rationality. Most would admit they aren't perfect. Neither am I. My perception does indeed differ from what really is, and in some cases I know where. That false part of my perception had become a rather large part of who I am, and rather than lose that chunk of me, I just didn't adjust my perception. If you've notice I don't worry too much about being very accurate with reality, because I don't see it as too important. "I really couldn't say, but it has been handy for that durring this discussion. I reserve the right to point out other uses at some future time." Go ahead, Its not my intention to limit you. "Reality doesn't matter? Then why put us through it? My own opinion about the Lord is that he isn't worried, but of course I really couldn't say. " You're the one putting yourself through reality. You live in it by your own choice. Why have it? I don't think people would be able to find much in common if they didn't have reality. "Funny the concretist notions people pick up, isn't it?" Indeed.
  11. sorry Edited by: Nyyark at: 8/6/02 5:07:47 pm
  12. By your defintion of reality Zool, it would be different for eery person, as a metter of fact, I wouldn't see any 'our' about it. I've always tried to define reality as what actually is, rather than the realm of my existance. In my realm of existance, many thing exist that I know don't really don't. I wholly exist in my mind, and partally in reality, mainly because I attached things I recongize as important values to non-existant things. What then is the point of reality? Well I think its real only importance is for communication between two people. I can say this without worring about Christianity, because in that light reality doesn't matter. I only worry about the Lord. I find it really funny when people are so bound by reality. Especally when people say things like 'We will never be able to do [insert anything here]. If one but looks at people compared to 100- years ago, you can see how much the agreed upon 'must be reality' has changed. Do these people expect it not to change in the future? I've often wondere that.
  13. Perhaps there is only internal truth, for wouldn't light only see darknes? Would that lead truth to only see lies?
  14. I think most are to lazy to ever learn another language Perhaps we'll have High-Speak and English. That'd be kinda cool
  15. I seem to remeber from a history book the American government destroying the ruling society of a central american country for giving land to peasants, because this made them communist. Now perhaps it was a little extreme, but I think it lends a little leeway to the defenition of communism. Of-course, I DO wonder what peasants were doing in a communist society
  16. C is for cheese that tastes good on rice e is for emphatic, 'cause she's so nice l is for lovely, 'cause that's how she is l again for lady, the best in the biz e for enthusiastic, good for all of us s for super, super Lady Celles
  17. *hugs* Silence isn't all its cracked up to be =)
  18. She wasn't joking with the spirt as pure as snow thing... =) Edited by: Nyyark at: 7/31/02 7:08:56 am
  19. Can you stew an NRA member?
  20. I enjoyed this poem alot too. It flowed very well, not just rhythmically but logically. I liked how the logic and rhythm were very circular, because it added to the theme of the worlds hypocrisy. It just seemed to pull me in. Good Job.
  21. I would love to hear the music for your lyrics! They sound really good as lyrics, but I really can't be constructive till I've heard the tune... Well I guess if your thinking of the greatest good for the greatest number of people then losing the middle class is bad.. America is a consumer country though. We are where the businesses can gamble and gain and lose wealth, so America shouldn't end up being pure capitalism, because its a necessary wealth exchange battleground. The pure capitalism countries are the third world ones that make all of our goods. It is beneficial for business to have consumers as similar as possible, because that way they can have the smallest spectrum to work with. I would guess it makes it easier to do control as well as work with. This is all opinion by the way.
  22. Nyyark


    Sorta sounds like a nursery rhyme...
  23. Nice Job, you have knack for perfect metaphores.
  24. I can taste the air again And the colors don't fit. Waiting for dawn again And the girl I've never met. I find that time is no longer passing As today and tomorrow are being spent the same They all become yesterday And I don't know where I am I find myself in a different place It is called the present Looks like I was here all along Even though I was absent I'm racing too catch up to where I am But I keep seeing me on the next rise On the sunrise I'm riding the sun Now I'm waiting for the dawn again Hoping to find myself there I waiting again Waiting for me Somehow I know I'm watching myself and laughing As I chase myself, and wait for myself. I can't seem to find me here. I'm not yesterday, or tomorrow, and I can't see me now It’s time to blink and look up It’s time to see my smile It’s time to take my hand It’s time to step out It’s time I step out
  25. Simply another lost passing, By he who walks without touching A king without a world A specter of grief Just a Glance and a Flash of Teeth Components and structures no longer matter All is clear for him to see And they all twist around him All giving their plea But all they get Is a Glance and a flash of teeth The smile is a true as can be Watching the currents shift before him The world moves with his eyes Seeing what's going to be as what has been All in a glance and Flash of teeth He is an untouchable dream He is a bird in the sky With the wind in his wings And all you'll ever get Is a glance and a flash of Teeth Edited by: Nyyark at: 7/25/02 6:18:47 am
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