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Everything posted by Nyyark
Thanks, fixed it, st = set, lol. Thank you very much for noting improvement! I normally don't think about it, but if I'm much better now I should keep going so I can be even better. thanks for the inspiration.
You should be the Elder of Cowboys!
*grins broadly as the secret is revealed to him* Indeed, very clever.
A melancholy moon was supposed to set When the night died with the sunrise, But though the hurtful age is past, A darkness still clings to the eyes. The wind still whispers discordant strains Of winters icy tune, And even now in the time of spring The flowers refuse to bloom. Its no use to see starshine In a blue sky full of day. It has no beauty without darkness Yet the longing won't away. To be bound like a slave to a sacrificial alter, Tied to the blood rite of beauty, Is once justified, hard to forsake, For in division is lost identity. The hidden trapping of the optimist Is the addiction to torment and pain, And when the hopeful become masochists, What's right can't help but be slain. A soldier who can not take up a plow in peace, Is one who is far from human. Thus it is the duty of those who learn pain, To learn as well: Love.
Ooooh I like it alot. Great word choice and good imagery. I love a scarecrow as a metaphore(even if scarecrows go against what I belive in) Very, very cool.
A black swathed figure coughs dust from a forgotten corner Hey guys I've been checking out this forgotten corner for awhile an-WOW! Promotions! Congrats to everyone promoted. Nyyark thinks for a bit You know, I've completely forgotten what I was going to say. Oh well. Nyyark sprints to jump oto the 'I need to post some more' Bandwagon
Along with Falcon I say WONDERFUL imagry. Great poem!
Kyle stepped into a short hall paneled with wood. Kyle and Red stopped a few paces on before a cubby for cloaks and shoes. At the gesture of Red, Kyle encumbered himself of both. He then followed his host left around a corner to what appeared to be a parlor. The room was saturated with coziness and warmth. A soft orange yellow from the warm fire lit the room and provided light and heat for the two occupants. In a chair was a middle-aged woman who was rocking in rhythm to the shadows. Kyle paused. No she was casting the shadows; this scene was too right, it seemed to be throwing off his senses. On the wall by a dark window there was a couch, and on was...was... Wow she was something all right. "Who have you got there Red dear?" asked the kind looking woman, "A friend of yours?" She smiled. To regain at least some if his will, Kyle looked in depth as his new host. Now that Red's cloak was removed Kyle could see the benefactor of the name. His hair was trimmed short and definitely red. He was slightly shorter than Kyle, but the way he stood made Red tall like no gift of genetics ever could. Although his age seemed that of the inquisitive woman in he chair, the energy with which he seemed to live made him come off as much younger. A lot certainly could be said for appearances, and Kyle wondered at the enormous amount that must be left unsaid. "Just an hour ago I would not have been able to answer yes, but now I believe I can. Step forward lad. This is Kyle uh, Kyle what is your family title?" said Red. "Windseer sir." said Kyle. "Alright Kyle Windseer, you can call me Red, even my dear wife does." Replied Red, looking at the middle-aged woman. "Kyle this is my Wife Mellony." The Woman rose. She was pretty but past her age. She clasped his hand. "Pleased to meet you Kyle." Mellony said. "And this lovely young woman is my daughter, Amber." Continued Red. Amber rose. In this light she seemed like Lady Autumn incarnate. Her hair was a darker red than Red's, but her skin fairer. Maybe, just maybe, Kyle was in the wilderness for too long, but she was incredibly beautiful. As his mind shut down, he held onto the phrase "just like autumn" to retain sanity. Amber Curtsied before him and said with a nod "Kyle". "Amber..." Kyle droned. "Yes, there is a tradition in my family of calling our first born after a color. She is our only born, but the first nonetheless” Red covered. "Anyway Kyle will be staying with us for a while. As told Bill I'd keep him as a favor." Kyle snapped out of his trance and remembered to smile; he hoped he wasn't staring. He also hoped no one was watching him too closely either. Red looked at his wife, who fortunately gave a glance of acceptance. Red then turned to Kyle. "Well come along lad, you've been traveling, and I'm sure you wouldn't mind washing up” Kyle was suddenly reminded that he probably smelled like monster goo, woods, and hay. Good thing for the rain. "I'll get your tub water boiling, as soon as I show you a room. We run an inn, as well as a store. Finding you a room shouldn't be too hard." Kyle followed Red back the way he came, and went what would have been a right turn coming in. He then was led to a door, which opened to a staircase. "We came in from the back door to the inn. This will lead us upstairs to the rooms. I'll put you in one near the stairs, as you’re a guest and not a customer." Explained Red as he led Kyle up the stairs. He unlocked the first door on the left. "This is your room. As a matter of fact I'll give you your first chore. Make sure no one comes through here from the rooms. I normally don't have a problem but lately I've had some shady customers. It wouldn't be sound business to turn them out, but I do worry. Anyway I'll go start your bath water, you can use the tub over there” Red gestured to the large bucket in the corner. "You get set in while I go fetch it, when your done leave the tub and whatever you need cleaned by the door. A maid will get them, and bring the clothes back washed. I'll probably stop by later to talk. Until later." With that Red left. Kyle's room was a nice size. He had a small round table with too chairs near the wall with the door, and a bed against the far wall. Above the head of the bed was a cabinet fixed to the wall, and at the foot of the bed was a great wooden basin. Near the big bucket was a discreetly brown chamber pot. On the far wall was a single set of wooden shingles, which could only be a window. Kyle put his pack of clothes and other travel supplies in the unoccupied corner behind where the door would open. He took Rings out of its bag and put it on the table, hoping it was right side up. He threw the empty sack into his unsorted clothes pile and sat down in a chair. It was nice to sit in a chair. Very nice. Kyle looked at the bed. If the chair was this nice... No. He needed to bathe, and Red said he was going to drop by later tonight. The vision of the nice bed was replaced with that of the washtub, and resilient against the evil glare that wished its death, the tub enlarged as Kyle approached. Inside the much-undesired bucket was a large coarse brush, and soap, on a rope. Either this was a really classy Inn or Kyle was getting special treatment, because soap was not all that common. 'It must be the Inn' Kyle thought, 'because Red went straight from the parlor to this room. He wouldn't have had time to prepare.' Realistically the tub was a nicer place than Kyle had slept in a while, and this realization brought on a new fear of falling asleep in the bath. He went back to the chair to wait for the maid, all the while steeling himself against the relaxing hot water. The maid’s entrance was anticlimactic. Kyle pointed towards his filthy clothing, she pointed at the washbasin, they both nodded in agreement, and that was that. Red came in carrying two steaming pails, followed by a servant with a robe a towel. "Give your clothes to him" said Red nodding at the servant, "and then take your bath. I will return soon so please do make haste." Red left and was shortly thereafter followed by the servant with Kyle’s clothing. Heeding Red's request, and trying to keep awake, Kyle made quick work of the bath. His job was thorough however, as visions of the lovely Amber wanted him to be just that much more clean. Kyle was sitting by the table with in his robe when Red returned. "Here's a set of clothes for tomorrow. You can dump the bath water out the window, it opens like this:" said Red as he flipped a latch and pushed the shingles outward. "Now," said Red sitting back down "is there anything that you want to talk about?" "Actually," said Kyle while eyeing rings, "my father gave this to me before I left, I was wondering if you knew what it was?" Kyle took rings out of the bag and handed it to Red. He inspected it carefully. "I've seen many things in my travels but never-” As Red set Rings down on the table it began to glow and levitated a few inches. Both Kyle and Red froze in shock. The ringed bands, though once immobile began to rotate. They went faster and faster until all the patterns lined up and then it stopped. Kyle almost dared to breath when an image appeared in front of him. It was one of The Court! "Lord Keller," said the image of Jester, "I wish to have conference with you."
To cool Rev. *snaps applause*
That might be neat. You might want to start a contest w/ that
Whatever you do do, you have my best of wishes =)
Concepts Secondborn had found him on the rocks by the stream. Firstborn was bleeding from a hole in his side. Firstborn’s blood ran to cover the crude fitting fur strapped to his body. All Secondborn could do was give him soothing Breaths. As Firstborn took his last breath he grunted the only new Breath, the one that meant Them. It was Cold. Air was Cold, Trees were Cold, Rocks were Cold, and Firstborn was Cold. Secondborn was doing his best to drag him back to Home, but the earth wasn’t cooperating. This must be where Firstborn was to stay. Secondborn took the hole maker on his right hip and began digging. He was angry. The ground was cold like Firstborn, and it was rocky. The ground wouldn’t take Firstborn, and the Earth wouldn’t let him leave. Why were they not loved anymore? Why did the World hate them? Moreover why did the world love Them? Secondborn left Firstborn in a shallow grave. He took Firstborn’s axe, and headed Home. Family breathed Greeting with him. Sadness was breathed shortly after when Firstborn’s axe was presented, and then Fear when Secondborn breathed Them. Stay was their only choice. It was cold. Earth hated them. Now Secondborn brought food. It was Dark. He sat at Place and waited. Soon Deer would come and he would kill it. Deer came. He came up behind Deer. In Moonlight he saw clearly where to smash it. In one quick motion he did. He then placed Deer on his shoulders and walked back home. They would live a little longer. He gave Deer to Sister, and sat by Fire. Father was at Fire. They looked at each other and neither breathed anything. It was Dark and Cold. Fire was warm. Fire would be gone by the sunrise. It was morning. Second born was given Fur for Arms from Deer. He started sharpening Rock for Spear. He would need it for Fight. There was Noise in the distance. It was driving away Animals. Soon he would Fight. There was nothing to hunt that afternoon because of Noise. Earth hated them, and he knew they would soon all be Cold. When Earth and Sky and Ground hate you, you only have one place to go, and Firstborn had already started hunting there. ------------------------------------------------------------ Survival Kain felt the drums pulse in his temples. The red stained fur banners fluttered in the wind, and the fire had him roaring. The earlier hunting party had found the Lesser in the area. That meant that there was good enough hunting that they could stop at least until the main group arrived. In his hand he held a spear his father had crafted. Right now he was only a spearman, but knew someday he would be a Javelineer. He had already proven his skill with a bow, and soon he would show his prowess with his father’s spear. The tooth amulet around his neck guaranteed this would be a successful hunt. Today was no ordinary hunt either. Today he would kill some of the Lesser; those that dared mock their existence. They were hobbled and malformed. They wore crude clothing, not having the mental capacity to make a decent needle. They made him sick. Kain grinned at his comrade-in-arms. He was working with Dolan, the bowman. “There will be dead Lesser today.” Kain said to Dolan “Are you wearing your amulet?” Asked Dolan. “Yes.” Replied Kain. “Then we are sure to win.” Agreed Dolan. They would do their ancestors proud in the hunt. The forest reverberated with the drumbeats. Dolan and Kain were shouting at the top of their lungs. This kept away all of the animals so they could find the Lesser. Just a little while ago they had come across a pathetic attempt at a burial. Kain thought that it must have been the Lesser that was killed the day before. They were following the trail left by the Lesser who buried the corpse. It was great to be alive. They came upon a small cave outside of which were two Lesser, a male and a female. One had an axe strapped to his side; the other was cooking. They looked disgusting. With a shout Kain was off. As he charged an arrow shot by him to pierce the male Lesser’s arm. The female Lesser tried to run, but Kain ran her through with his spear. Another arrow shot by and missed. The male was on his feet and tried to attack Kain, but wounded, he didn’t come close to being a challenge. Inside the cave there was another woman, and a child. Kain dealt with them quickly. Kain and Dolan were celebrating their success when Dolan suddenly fell to the ground. A spear-bearing Lesser was standing behind him furious. Kain brought up his own spear and the fight was on. Kain was taller and faster. His spear point was better carved and balanced. The Lesser, on the other hand, was slower and shorter. His spear was crude and thick. But the Lesser was strong and tough as nails. Kain couldn’t believe it. He was losing to a Lesser! Then he saw the ashes of a previous fire. Kain worked the Lesser to the loose footing of the ashes and then rushed him full force. The ashes gave out beneath the Lesser and Kain killed him while he was trying to get up. Kain laughed. The stupid brute had been killed by his own fire pit. Dolan was unconscious, but Kain thought he would live. Kain knew he would be a Javalineer. Edited by: Nyyark at: 10/8/02 11:22:21 am
By this time Bagghinssssss was already walking away. "A bank I came to robss, but insssstead A band of foolssses. What Luck!" Bagghinssssss realized just to late he said this aloud. His elliptical eyes widened as he began to run. His scales rasped against the cobble stones of the trail as panic set in. Firssst they'll check their empty pocketsess. Then there will be no precioussses. Then they'll catch me, and then, And Then, AND THEN.... Eeek" "In his worry Bagghinssssss dropped his hairy, ssssscale blemished tail. Although a dead give away of his identity he knew he didn't have the timeses to go get itss." He was narrating aloud again.
I was in the depths. Cold chasms, sunken cities. A meloncoly monument to Leth. Alone dark and dead. Then you opened my eyes I was only trapped inside The darkness and chains are gone And I rose to the sky. Now I can walk in the sunlight. With you in hand. Now I can see the stars in the night And marvel at their shine. I never want to be alone again I never want to slumber deep within. Even if memories must sustain me You have already given me a lifetime of life.
I like it. Very good.
As the course of the banquet runs its end, Do not be an unpleasant guest. Little is known of the next send, And how its flavors will best Complement the previous. So why hurry to the end of the feast? Surely you'll be satisfied, but never again fed. Why scorn that which is the least? Just allow your self to be led Through things nice and things grievous.
heh I always found it rather useless to debate philosphy with non-christiain, as the veiw point is so different. With the idea of a universal truth, the metaphore of an apple and and an orange becomes rather useless as one could be better than the other. On the other hand with a like of complete belief in a "divine judge" there is no way to compare seemingly unlike things. Zool, from what I understand you find a logic trap in fearing God. I agree that this wouldn't make any sense if God was a being of pure love. I personally find him also to be a being of justice, and that he hates 'evil'. Now theres a loaded word. I use evil as in the definition of evil by a supream all-knowing created everything judge. Now to stay on topic, lets not debate how egocentric I must be to assume My God created everything. Because God loves good and hates evil he will distroy the evil out of love for the good. Unfortunatly for we humans(Yes I include you, because it is my belife that you are human, and all humans are in the same boat), all of us have commited evil. Therefore we must repent and have a fear of the fact that if we are doing evil when it is our time to be judged we will be in serious trouble. On the flip side he loves us and all of our goodness, and that is why we have so musch time to repent and try and be good. That is my thought on the whole thing. Now as to your complaint about the definition, I belive it is the result of people wanting to be considered christian, but not wanting to do what is christian. Perhaps they don't want to belive God will punish them. I don't think a cultural definition of a word should be used to argue theology. I would hate to go up against Plato on the topic of music if it could be.(as was one of my homework assignments) Well thats my opinion.
Ups and downs of satisfaction and desire Joy and sadness, the sine wave of a lover A beautiful equation when seen in the whole Curves are more with their counter-part told Its is not point A nor point B, but the line in-between, The art of life finished only when entirely seen.
Who travels for the end of the jouney? Who watches for the end of a movie? Where is the point on the path that satisfies my desires? Perhaps is the color of time, and the walking hours.
insanity manatee sounds like a megaman boss =) I kinda liked it =)
after each of the room names there is a description of what goes in them on the main screen. Its in non-bold text, so its kinda hard to notice. *coughwhynotboldthosekeywordscough* good poem btw I look forward to more.
One Foot For two Feet Magic Socks, But they're too big for me. What power they might have What hold on the world I'll never know Because I don't have the toes For the Magic socks Ah to be an English king with a huge foot maybe two On which my Magic Socks would go.
Zool I think that when someone fears something, they tend to go against it. However just because someone go against something does not mean they fear it. To me its a sorta If P then Q, which is not nessicarrly true backwards. However its not nessicarrly true forwards, so I kinda think the entire statment is incrorrect. I suppose some poeple always react to things they fear by opposing it, and I suppose some poeple always oppose only things they fear, I however don't include myself in either of those groups. Now as to what I fear: the 1st on my list is myself. After a few very disturbing nightmares I realized I am very scary. However because this fear is probably the eaisest to control it doesn't cause me much grief. I don't like things that live on the cornor of the vision, and whisper things that can't quiet be heard. I think this is sorta a fear of the "can't be known". I don't like walking in the dark when I can't see past my knees. I hate brushing furry things in the night. I used to be afriad of spiders being over my head, and going to sleep only to wake up to a thick web about a foot above me crawling with spiders. I'm also somethimes afraid that things will just stop making sense. Well thats all I can think of right now....
Green and Ground and Sky met as grey, with the spotlight on the fangs. Grown from beauty a horrable beast, a true look into the sewers.