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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. Welcome! I love your name btw, a nice time of year and half the title of one of my favorite songs: Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward
  2. That was great!
  3. Cool I look forward to seeing more from you =) This was my favorite stanza. I think it says it's say realy well. Btw I found myself mentally editing out the commas after the first and third lines in each stanza. They broke up the flow to much for me. Good first post!
  4. Greetings LBR! Welcome to the Pen. I hope that you find both it and us too your liking. Feel free to post and explore as you wish. If you entertian the idea of membership go ahead and post in the recruiter's office. Whatever you decide to do I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions comments or concerns. Good to meet you! -Nyyark
  5. Congrats. I have trouble seeing the value of money sometimes because Its like everyone beleives it into existance. But thats just me Really the idea of know the value of money is realizing that some people have to wrok really hard to get it, and then you look at things and think, "Is that really worth the effort it takes to get?"
  6. Not only well written but a good point. One much needed in todays culture. I'm glad I was able to read this
  7. Oooo very scathing, I feel it forfills its intention.
  8. Happy Birthday! ! ! Yay!
  9. Nyyark grins in anticipation. A fall ball and what perfect timing... He rubs the sweat from his palms on his black robes as he rethinks what Crow had told him. She met a girl in the forest on the way to the Pen some months back, and the girl knew crowspeak. Not only crow common, but a few of the smaller tribe languages too. And upon asking Crow, she also informed him that this girl was a total babe. A hotty fluent in crowspeak here at the Pen, it was too good to be true! And the Fall ball, a perfect chance to ask her out. Ha this won't be like last time. Nyyark shakes his head as he thinks of Vulture Girl. I'll wait until after she answers to leave the room. Now I'll just have to think up a pickup line before the 15th... Nyyark’s thoughts are interrupted as Annael exuberates "I love parties!!!” Not following the conversation Nyyark stammers, 'Uhhh me too. I'll be there; I just need to find a date." "No dates required" repeats Ashleya for the third time, but Nyyark has stood up and began to wonder off to Nythtyrdal to figure out what to wear. "Maybe Crow knows some good pickup lines..." he mutters as he leaves the room.
  10. The problem is that there can be a "logical" explaination for anything. Just because something asnwers the question fully doesn't mean its the right answer. I've personally always wondered about the bodies ability to recognize itself. You lose millions of cells everyday to the air, but at what point they stop being you. I personally just seem to 'know'. As far as my belief in fortune tellers and psycics I really beleive they exist, and that work... Well not always. I beleive those powers are granted by spirits. In my beleif system there are two kinds of spirits. Most of that stuff follows the spirits I'm not of, and since I beleive that the Spirit I follow is more powerful, I don't think they will work on me. Thus a prediction won't have effect on me, because I won't beleive it works.
  11. I for one know I'm gonna choose something by the Moody Blues. Is there a time limit, like when we have to have this done by? Also are we supposed to post in a specific place? If not are we supposed to send you the link to our post so you can make list of links to the post? Sounds fun. -Nyyark
  12. In a closed societal system the most widespread opinion of how most others are. In relation to me, it refers to the standards set by society that I either meet or don't meet. My usage: 1) A crutch when talking to people who haven't explored their personal word definitions. 2) (as in Normally) meaning usually, oftentimes. I like the way it rolls in my mouth. 3) I use it when specifically refering to a closed system exclude from interveining reality. Since I normally don't bother with those systems I often time finds little use. Personally I kinda think the way "Normal" is used is neat. "But Bob, thats not Normal". It serves as a rallying flag and a morality, even though it can change with setting. I think that a mind that could use normal in this way, yet adapt normal to whatever the current culture they reside in would be extremely survivalistic. However I think that doing so would require enough intellegence that the concept of normal would be rejected for its somewhat obvious philosphical flaws, so I don't think one would meet many people like that. One would have to choose that mindset rather than be born to it. Ooops, I rambled away
  13. The happy melons sing away A crack spreads across the dry earth Kings jester killed without mirth A blue invite slip to play Three things with meaning The smell of cold air The feel of her hair The sight of a mantis preening (This is mostly nonsense, does it count?)
  14. My single worst fear is losing control and killing someone. You wouldn't beleive how many nightmares I've had where I'm the thing to be feared. *shudders*
  15. LOL@BPO!
  16. Wow, good example. I like it so much I'm tempted to change my definintion. I always related safe with words like stagnant and dead. Its one of those things that a healthy concept has in percentage. Safe to me is lack of negitive possibilities. Unfortunately existing brings about negitive possibilities, and this is compounded by acting. Without the involvement of something of a spiritual nature, believing one is safe is about as good as believing in a lie. Therefore I find percent saftey something to help judge between decisions, but it really unimportant. So much could happen, anywhere, anytime.
  17. Happy birthday Dad -
  18. Nyyark stands and blinks in disbeleif. All around him he hears the clapping and cheering of his many friends. Slowly the shock fades to a grin. He shakes his head once then throws it back in loud laughter. When he notices that applause has died down he creases his laughter. Seeing the confusion on the faces in the tavern, he grins even more" "Oh this is great! I'm thrilled to be a voting member now, but a party..." Nyyark pauses to see if anyone is catching on. As dead silence greets him he continues. "Lets just make sure that everyone knows they can attend this time." As odd as his "joke" is, his face lights into such a delightful smile many cannot help but laugh. Cawing a sigh, Crow comes and leads Nyyark back to his seat. Just before he sits down he shouts out as an afterthough "Oh yeah, I want to be a Poet!" (Thanks everyone for sharing my experences here, its really cool to finally be a member )
  19. Wow, I really like the structure and imagry in these. I couldn't quite comprehend the second one, but I think I came close.
  20. "It was in the third moon of spring. The air held new the pines scent, and the birds were beginning to wing. In the town of Timath Kanoal eyes opened as always to the sky. It was a clear blue, and colors abounded, free of winter's harsh eye. In morning chore he strode to the well, and the face he saw revealed forever fates will." The lulling sounds of the guitar began to form a patterned beat. Rhythm now rocked the bodies of the tavern, the chords ominous but unavoidable. Fate and all her patterns were rendered inviolate in the hearts of the patronage. Too the footfalls of Time's march the bard began to chant: "Will and a well, the heart of the barb, sight doomed Kanoal, Wearer of Fates Garb. Times past and present, the futures to be, he alone seeks, what should be history. Times past and present, the futures to be, he alone seeks, what should be let be." Slowly the rhythm lulled back into the chords of the story, but in each listener bore an unbearable weight of foreknowledge. The chords changed of longing to hope. It couldn't be that he was doomed already. Each was addicted with denial.
  21. W00t!!! Way to go Ken! Big time Congrats!
  22. I'm not sure if I would say the LOTR isn't supposed to example christianity, I would say its the other way around. Christainity can be a major infulence on ones life. In LOTR Tolkein drew out and displayed many of the greatest strenghths and weakness of Mankind. In defining these strenghths I would expect him to use his beleifs, which would come from his beleif system. The hero's doing Christ-like things was perhaps because he veiwed Christ-like things as heroic. That would be my opinion anyway.
  23. Nice poem! I really like the subtle hint at the loss of stars for day, which parrallels the loss of the beauty of pain for the wonders of its absences! I went through an emotional trasition recently (depression -> healthy) and this captures wonderfully what I felt. Good job!
  24. would this be about a french kiss. if so LOL!!!! The twist in the end is great, I thought is was talking about disapointments themselves all the way until the end. The imagry was really good btw, and the word choice creates a great mood. Good Job Wyvern
  25. The bard’s hands crept along the guitar, plucking out deep resonant tones, sliding on the edge of darkness. The chord was slowly played and yearned to be filled. Inside the sound a sense of disquiet and adventure filled the hall of the tavern. The vastness of the world unseen echoed each note, and in the souls of the audience. Slowly their eyes became filled with cool mountain summers in the shade of pine trees. The feeling of movement rocked their bodies. They were traveling, to a place long forgotten. Thousands of memories played by like threads of a faded tapestry. The colors of aged tales passed, and they were but one in the clockwork of eternity. The yearning and longing to see the sky, the ruins of ages past, hear the wild birds play their songs. Then the bard’s deep voice hung in the layers of music, "And so it began that the spirit of the wild entered our young hero, and he could not more live as he did."
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