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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. Actually Katz, realistically how you choose your rhymes should depend on the kind of message you want your poem to convey. My IB English 12 teacher would have me believe that great poems are not just great meaning with a great meter and catchy rhyme scheme, but one in which the meter would reflect the meaning. Now Walt Whitman (who's writing I dislike immensely for the most part) would have been utterly hypocritical (not that he isn't anyways) to have used a set meter and rhyme for his many (, many, many) poems talking about self expression (unless he was actually trying to be clever for a change and was commenting on the superficial expression of self which involves conforming to a predetermined stereo type*). Anyways just being aware that the differing types exist allows one consciously to use them for a specifically desired effect. The effect could vary from poem to poem, and I don't know any of the useful (when you read this think of this) sayings. (Not that they really apply that often, like in music everyone always teaches when you hear a major chord it sounds happy, when you hear a minor chord it sounds sad. What about those of us who think minor chords sound dynamic?) The Masculine and Feminine rhymes are actually new to me as well, but I'm sure they will be useful knowledge for my future composing and commenting. Thanks Alaeha! *Yeah that would have been an anachronism, but I still don't like his stuff....
  2. Hope to see you later friend.
  3. I see a shaman priest of the wolf clan with his hands outstreched in the middle of a ritual to summon forth the spirits of his ancestor wolves. Ironically thats what I really thought it was until I read it was an inkblot
  4. Sometimes, because my life has no meaning, (It seems every thing just is, people go, they die, and why? Why not. And off the street there isn't much that isn't, with technology everything seems to be real but me, except when I feel the anger at the whiners saying "where I fit in?" Can't they see that's what they are, and all they are and all they'll ever be?) I write stories about people whose lives have it. Sometimes, because I feel so empty, (You know its like nobody really knows what to think, and they all pretend they do, everybody going on and on with life, nothing to see or do. The Generation ages, and mine, not even having an X to label it, nor for that matter, caring, sits in It's withering shadow. The yellow curb paint is chipped and flecked, but nobody expects it to be repainted anyway.) I write Poems full of loneliness. Sometimes, because I'm lost, (There really isn't any where to go. I could swim if I was stranded in the ocean, but there isn't an island to go to. Or for that matter water. Just a large vast space to float around in. They say in space, no one can hear you scream, but I don't know because I never tried.) I wish I knew what to do.
  5. perhaps most of those tenthousand posts were as incorpreal as the poster...
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Heh, I like it alot. A nice touch of cyncism. I agree that many times people censor the darkness from the world. Maybe they fear others pain. Anyway I think this is really clever. The use of bubblegum flavor really brings out the over-artificial-sweetness of the censorship. Also you do a great job of managing to adopt another voice in the middle of the poem. Really, really well done.
  9. Worn and weary, she stumbles back again. The rider of the dark horse comes to mount. Running the race she knows she cannot win. Because the storm sodden track will not count. Running circles set by a cruel master. While the crowds hoot and holler as she comes near. Screaming she is too slow, she must go faster, Her muddy torn cloak, the subject of jeer. Can you not see it is for you she rides? Her word as her promise, she will be there. How is it you laugh at the pain she hides? She rides for your life, yet you do not care. Are you so dead that your heart will not beat? Open wide the gates, let her ride out! Can't you see that you lose with her defeat? Grow and change! That's what the future's about.
  10. H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y Appy birthday to you Appy birthday to you Appy birthday dear...err...um...Appy Appy birthday to you! WhoooooooHooooooo *hugs and hugs*
  11. Cool, I like it alot. It reminds me of Psalms in a way. I look forward to seeing more from you.
  12. Cool structure idea, I like it alot. = )
  13. Neato! I like this alot. Very clever and well written.
  14. *grins* I have no idea if I'm One Of The Names or not now. I still feel like a newby most of the time, but I agree, getting to know the legendary people makes them more human. Except Orlan. He's still just as legendary and cool and intimidating as when I first showed up.
  15. Happy Birthday to you! *HUGE HUGS*
  16. good ones!
  17. Ich mag es Appy! Es war sehr schorn. Deiner Dicht(sp) macht mir Fro zu sehen, weil ich Deutsch Leben. Ich habe eins eine Deutsches Dicht gemacht. Es war nicht nur unsinn uber Katze-essen. Prima!
  18. The clockwork ticks away, Grinding down another day. Some see glory, some see lies, Both reflect desire from their eyes. If we all would, then we all could. Aren't we them, aren't they us, Aren't we all born of dust. To be pitied most of all, The Few bearing sight, Who can see their wretchedness.
  19. This is a cool idea, I'd love to participate.
  20. I would shed myself and who every was left would probably join one of the armed forces.
  21. LOL! That's great!
  22. W00t! Way to go!
  23. [Crow] What is taking him so long? Crow thought. Nyyark could get himself in the worst situations. If we hadn’t met in the nest, I doubt he would have survived being a fledgling. Crow could never really fault Nyyark though. He was the only one that had accepted her even though she was enchanted to be so huge. Besides, he was a really nice person in general, and his only real failing was his inability to see why he should consolidate reality with his personal world. Not that he couldn’t see both, she thought. At this rate he could take the whole night. Hmmm that might not be so bad. A social function without Nyyark. And he did say I had to go to keep Zariah there. And she could translate. Having made up her mind, Crow leapt out her window and began to wing her way down to the Ball. Crow landed outside the Ball room. Approaching the doors she noticed to bodies on the floor. Could it be? Did a hostess finally take into consideration the carrion eating members of this establishment? Crow was disappointed to find that the figures were merely unconscious bouncers. Walking past them Crow rapped on the Ballroom door. As it opened her senses were assaulted by a barrage of colors sounds and smells. It took her a second to see Ayshela holding open the door. “Hello Crow is it?” she asked. “Kaw.” Crow responded merrily. “I didn’t expect to see you without Nyyark, nonetheless please enjoy yourself” responded Ayshela. Crow Cawed her thanks and hobbled into the Ballroom to look for Zariah. [/Crow]
  24. Earlier that day… Nyyark looked at Crow glumly. Crow cocked a bright eye and looked back impudently and cawed softly. “Easy for you to say. I’m going to have my first date and I’m not even sure she knows I’m alive.” Crow cocked her head the other way, and cawed thoughtfully. And then again. Nyyark looked around the Courtyard nervously to see if anyone had overheard. “Even I know that you can’t just walk up and peck a human being to get their attention. And the shiny rock is a great idea, but I don’t have one. Minta has the area pretty well cleaned out.” They looked at each other and both sighed. The Fall Ball had seemed like a perfect opportunity. With the entire rookery of Pen people in one place, maybe Zariah wouldn’t notice his total lack of social skills. He was still amazed that no one at the Pen realized he didn’t quite fit in. Or maybe they were just really really tolerant. He hoped Zariah was as tolerant as she was beautiful. As though his thoughts had summoned her, Zariah appeared, walking through the Courtyard, gazing avidly at a book, reading as she walked. Wow, Nyyark thought, she’s gorgeous. Her dark brown hair was wrapped up into a bun. The sun sparkled off of her olive skinned forehead. Eyes wondering further down, Nyyark took in the tight fitting green tunic and all that it concealed. Even further down was a pair of beige pants, finally ending in dainty little feet encased in cute feminine sandals. “Yip!” squeaked Nyyark as a sharp peck from Crow brought him back to reality. Zariah stopped walking and lowered her book in surprise. A smile lit her face as she looked around. Nyyark almost melted. “Oh hello Crow! I’m surprised to find you here. What a coincidence.” Zariah said happily. “Kaw Ahh ahCaKaw,” Replied crow, “Kaah Caw cawAhh Nyyark” “Nyyark,” Zariah said turning to him, “I am Zariah, Lady of the Crows.” Her warm brown eyes melted both Nyyark’s heart and tongue. “Anyway Crow, I really would like spend some time talking with you. I am very interested hearing about the local crow community.” “Uh hi, I’m Nyyark,” He stammered, “and even though we just, err I mean threads of fate or, uh what I mean to say is that although I’ve never seen you before I’d really really like it if you’d come to the Ball tonight” “Pardon?” asked Zariah. “The Fall Ball…tonight…” Nyyark said in a small, desperate voice. “I do not really see how a dance is an opportune situation to spend time with Crow, and I don’t really like crowds.” Zariah responded, then after a thoughtful pause said, “But I have been meaning to meet some of the other members of this establishment. Alright Crow, I’ll meet you tonight at the Fall Ball. Will you be coming Nyyark?” “Really, you’ll go? Okay, see you there.” With that Nyyark leap into the air and let out an exuberant “YES!” before dashing off to get ready. “I do think he is rather excitable” Zariah told Crow. “Kaw” she agreed sadly. Earlier that evening… “You’re sure you don’t have any black hair dye?” Nyyark asked the Pen’s shop keep. “Well sir, no one around here seems to have much need of it. Odd as it sounds, those colors are all natural. Now, I’ll tell you what, you can put in an order for it and I’ll have it delivered in two to three days time.” “But I need it tonight!” Nyyark tried to explain. “I’m very sorry sir, there’s nothing I can do.” “Alright,” Nyyark said more to himself than anyone else, “I’ll just get some from the nearest city myself.” Nyyark and Crow left the shop to head back to their flying keep. “Alright Crow, I need to change my contacts and get ready, then I need to go find some hair dye, these roots are awful. You get ready and wait for me, but if it’s been a while and I’m not back, I need you to go to the Ball and keep Zariah there.” Nyyark explained. Crow just shook her head in resignation. Back in his room Nyyark surveyed his handy work. His new contacts made his brown eyes silver rather than the grey of his normal contacts. A nice touch for a formal occasion if he did say so himself. In the way of attire he wore tightly fitting black pair of pants, and a black V-neck shirt loose only in the sleeves. Yes, everything was perfect except those blasted roots. His natural brown was very apparent in his long black hair. Nyyark sighed and went to look for Crow. He found her sitting on the obsidian perch in her room with her feathers glossed to a very shiny black. “Okay, I’m off to find the hair dye. It’d be nice if you waited, but make sure that Zariah stays at the party. If she asks where I am tell her an urgent matter came up. Oh, when I get there I might try for a little alone time with Zariah, you’ll help me with that right?” Crow just looked at him and gave a non-committal Caw. Nyyark turned and left, unsure how exactly he was going to get his hair dye. He began walking to the gate of the keep. At least up to there he knew he was going in the right direction. Rounding one of the twists of the Pen’s corridor Nyyark spotted Elrohir. He had always been very polite, and would be the perfect person to help with directions. “Excuse me Elrohir? Can you help me get to the nearest large city?” Nyyark asked. “Oh yeah sure.” Elrohir responded. He ran is finger through the air which unzipped behind it. Through the opening Nyyark could see buildings. “Hey that’s really cool, thanks a lot.” Nyyark said as he stepped through it. “No problem” Elrohir said as he closed the portal.
  25. I would force everyone to think and never forget that they did.
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