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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. Oh Pretty, how pretty, very Pretty. Is Pretty. Yes Pretty you are, and how. Oh Lovely, so Lovely, quite Lovley. My Lovely You are my Lovely now. Ah Ha, Ah Ha, Hahahaha. Mine all mine, Now.
  2. Lol I liked it. Fever dreams can be cool. I once remember being told 'Yes Oliver we both have the glowing purple weazel tail of shame'
  3. Nyyark enters the dwarf filled room and searches the crowd for Initiate Vincent Silver. Despite his careful examination he is unable to locate the new initiate Turning to his side he kneels, lowering his head about three feet, so that it may be level with the large dark bird beside him "Crow," Nyyark says with a peculiar look on his face, "I had thought I heard you say that Vincent was promoted. Now perhaps I getting a little lazy in my crow-speak, but was that not what you informed me of?" "Caw Kaa CaCaw" replies the large female crow, named Crow of-course. "Why didn't you say he'd left? How long ago had he been promoted?" was the interrogation that Nyyark spits. "Ka" says Crow, with the tone inflection to mean that he'd left before the decision had been made. Nyyark rubs his chin, and scratches the cheek under his eyepatch. Then, after a few moments of this pondering, his right fist meets his left hand in a glorious slam of enlightenment. "He must have figured he still hadn't grown enough to be accepted, hurry Crow, we have to catch him before he leaves all-together!" Nyyark exclaims, and rushes out of the room. Crow looks to the room's occupants and gives a Caw that could only be asking for sympathy. As Crow is leaving she hears "You know what I'd like to do to that Crow, I'd- SHUT UP Sleazy". Puffing and almost out of breath, Nyyark sees Vincent about to step through the Pen's Main Gate Of Passing In And Out Of The Keep Dynamic Pause Forever! "Vincent, Nooooooo" shouts Nyyark Vincent stops and looks over his shoulder. He doesn't look so good. His face has been taken over by work bristles and his eyes have white streaks in the red mass of sleeplessness. It is obvious Vincent has spent one too many a night trying grow and learn so he could enter the Pen. "What do you want Crow-Boy" Vincent askes groggily. Ooo! -3 to Nyyark's Cool-Factor "You were Accepted into the Pen!" Nyyark cries out for all to hear. "What?" asks Vincent. Vincent pinches himself then suddenly a change occurs. A sparkly blue flash reminiscent of the little men who live in Crest toothpaste tubes runs up Vincent's body. He is now no longer the tired, bloodshot, unsheared visitor, but the mighty straight backed initiate. A joyous hug passes between the the two, and a "hmmKaw" comes from behind. Nyyark turns to see Crow standing there. "Hi Crow, Vincent this is Crow, she is my best friend. Crow this is Vincent, he is a new initiate." introduces Nyyark. "Charmed" and "Caw" pass between a hand and wing, united by the common bond of the Pen "Now Vincent," says Nyyark, "I can tell you what I came here too. I really liked your poem. I could truly tell you have grown since your first attempt at entry" says Nyyark They both flinch at sleazy's laugh coming from across the keep "I must say your poetry is similar to many of the masters that came before you, such as Poe. I think a thanks to Wyvern would be in order, by making you work until this wonderful new aspect of yourself could be revealed. congratulations, and good luck at the Pen. Later." Nyyark finished. Cool-Factor restored Nyyark and Crow head off for Nythtrydal, which is now roosted at the Pen. Edited by: Nyyark at: 3/26/02 7:16:14 am
  4. No actually, using C coding decreases your cool factor It means your smart and probably nerdy. Being Nerdy gives you a cool factor of 2, and even if you manage to bring it up to 5, you still don't get the untouchable to projectiles skill. As it is My Pirateness gives me a - 1 one, modified by an additional one - for being presented in Basic code format. In C my modifier would have bee a - 2, leaving me one less than I had. In some cases with a -3 to my coolfactor. Now this is minute compared to the -6 modifier for being one of the only elves at the Pen, and the -4 for easily sunburning, but It is still sufficient to upset my coolfactor balance. I need this balance to retain any Coolness at all while still being "Crow-boy". For some reason that modifies my coolfactor by a -3 around everyone but Crows, Goths, an I.
  5. My Eye! Nyyark puts on an eye patch Oh well it wasn't a total loss. I look like a pirate and can say I lost it in the elf and vampire coolness war. NyyarkCoolFactor = NyyarkCoolFactor + 1 No say that humans aren't the best. They have cool eye-patch Pirates!
  6. We Stink. Well YOU suck!
  7. That should transfer the cool factor to me and not the other way around, right Falcon?
  8. Nyyark sharpens the tip of his wooden hockey stick to a fine point
  9. Then write meaning into it. Look at Animal Farm, that had meaning. I find nonsense plots the best for meaning, because they are pure of anything else that may inhibit communication. Edited by: Nyyark at: 3/19/02 5:46:05 pm
  10. Set to Maxwell's Silver hammer by the Beatles. (it can be downloaded at: tonycap12.tripod.com/beat...3_page.htm Strawberry short Cake, Mmm wouldn't that be great, Right about dinner time. Being a stupid sissy elf, is such a Crime Lock him up, Keep him there, That will teach, that Gwaihir, That Humans rule. Some cheese cake would be nice too-oo-oo-oo. Oh I like Chocolate Cake, I'll eat it anytime. Yum Yum Cocolate covered cake, And lemon pie, I wish thats would grow old, Cause' then they would die!
  11. (Conversion Confusion, this is actually the first post in this thread) A falling star like a tear, Above carnage without peer. But does the ant cry, can she cry. No, she can work and she can die. The bodies of brethren and those of the foe. A feast for the victors, on those they used to know. Oh for little purpose did they perish. A crust of sandwich and some lettuce. But does the ant cry, can she cry. No, she can work and she can die. A world so big, with so much to see, But the worker hasn't the hope or curiosity. Genetically unsound to give to a worker, that which is the Queen's Because the worker might realize she's satisfied and stop slaving. Slave away little sacrifice Genetics your life's price. Serve your Mother with all possible haste, And if you fall your brother will take your place. But does the ant cry, can she cry. No, she can work and she can die. Edited by: Nyyark at: 3/15/02 5:46:56 am
  12. He puts up with us long past the point that I would (like this thread...)
  13. You'd better resist, Or else I'd write one for elves, then you'd be sorry.
  14. I'll never eat again...
  15. He realized the mistake he made Fifty years to the day, How he could have forgotten so long, The crow could not say. He took wing in all haste So his mistake could be made right, The landscape disappeared beneath him, As he flew with all his might. He landed on a power line Above Grandma's bedroom window, Curious eyes peeped inside, And saw her rotted head on her pillow. There was a nice girl with a ladle Pouring an appetizing soup in Granny lips. No longer able to contain himself He went straight in quick quick. He entered the room shoving aside The girl filling up his plate. And on a feast of Granny Hawk His hunger he did sate.
  16. I know what to do, A Haiku with flamingo, That will keep you here! [image]http://members.shaw.ca/vjaimeson/nyyark.jpg
  17. The Haikus die down, And now nyyark looks quite sad, More Haikus or else!
  18. That was a 7th grade spelling word for me. bleck Edited by: Nyyark at: 3/9/02 9:32:41 am
  19. YES! thats what I felt so often. Your work is right. It fits. I'm sorry, I had hoped I was alone. Edited by: Nyyark at: 3/5/02 3:13:31 pm
  20. blinks
  21. First syllables five, Quickly followed by seven, Then again comes five. [image]http://members.shaw.ca/vjaimeson/nyyark.jpg
  22. " Where is Crow when I need her" thinks Nyyark. He begins looking around the party crowd, and the falling pollen. Nyyark sincerely hopes no one has allergies. Failing to find her, Nyyark moves around the dancing Parasol, and finds a crow. "Excuse me do you kno-, hey haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" he asks. The crow wrapped in black cloth blinks. *THUD* Through a haze of pain Nyyark wakes up to the harsh white glare of his laundry room's light. As his vision clears he is able to make out two dark ninja-like figures as they leap away. Nyyark blinks twice and ignores the headache pounding from the back of his head. The room is bare, except for his Washtub, cloth-lines, and some rope. He checks his limbs, and finds that both arms and legs are bound. He looks again at the pile of rope, hoping to find what it was cut with. The rope has a beak sticking out of it, as well as two closed "Crow!" he exclaims. A muffled Caw comes from the ropes. Thinking quickly, Nyyark rolls so that his stomach is on the ground. Carefully he squirms so that the dagger in his crow-cloak falls out. He then rolls again to trim the rope binding his hands. "Oww!" he exclaims, as the blade cuts through the last of the ropes, and the back of his hand. Quickly he finishes freeing his legs, and then turns to Crow. He cuts her ropes more carefully, not slicing a feather. "CawKa" says Crow, with murder in her eyes. "Now Crow, not all the Dojo Ninja Dance Club Members are bad, at least they weren't at one point" Sooths Nyyark. Crow's Murder-Eyes soften, but not extremely "Kaaw" She says. "Yeah, we'll get them Crow, we'll get HIM"
  23. Really well done, I'll bet your teacher loves you. Edited by: Nyyark at: 2/22/02 12:03:47 pm
  24. TimeShift posted, Nyyark posted, In Nyyark's room a confused Sudo-Nyyark pockets the note and dagger. He has a black long haired wig and a black cloth pulled over his face. ' I went to all that work,' thinks The Ninja, ' and this guy just walks in the front door.' He steps out side the hall to find all the bouncer crows out cold. ' Perfect.' he thinks. Meanwhile... As Nyyark finishes the Macarena, he looks around to see who came to his party. Scattered about the room are his usual crow pals, and in the corner... TimeShift, the renown artist. Nyyark hopes to get a few of tonight's pictures. Other than TimeShift though, the party is bare. Nyyark begins to look dejected, but then a noise comes from the entrance hall. A chicken rubber flops into the dance room, while it writhing to the beat of the music. Following it is a swarm of gnats, which Crow eyes with hunger. Then a small cat comes, and following it is a tiger. A bear leaps in after, and then a snake. Finally a dragon comes in, with a hoard of animals under its wings. They scatter about the dance room. Nyyark's jaw drops, but then closes. This must be the author with so many incarnations that he is now known only collectively as Zoo. Nyyark head to make conversation, but the shadowy figures in the door catch his attention. Strutting in the door is Orklan, the pig nosed 4'6 sexy sexy Ork. He had his arm wrapped around Himfemme, who is quiet naked. As the couple near, Nyyark quickly quits staring. Himfemme wasn't a naked woman, he was wearing a flesh colored leotard with all the right curves for a woman. "Hoth it going Nyyark, looking good *snort snort*" shouts Orklan. Himfemme laughs a deep throaty laugh. "Umm Ok, yo-you too Orklan" replies Nyyark. A parasol hops its way over to Nyyark, saving Nyyark from this conversation. "Excuse me, is this Nyyark's party?" asks the polite Parasol. "Yes, I'm Nyyark." Responds Nyyark "Do mind if I hang quietly on your coat rack?" asks Parasol. "Not at all" says Nyyark "Thank you," says Parasol.
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