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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. This sort of reminds me of the tales of the native americans. Only I think I like your's better.
  2. Interesting, I do like it. Did you intend them to symbolize just the temptation of the flesh, or did the hit on other things as well? I wasn't really sure. (I feel like I'm cheating being able to ask the author) I thought your use of imagry was really good. Are you thinking of becoming a proffesional poet? I thought I understood that from some of your other posts.
  3. Cool, I really like this. It reminds me of the way my English teacher just taught the class to write an essay. Its neat to see it applied to poetry as well.
  4. Standing in the sands, Wind sculpted sculptures, Sun scored imagery. Friendships made in pain, Relieving treaty, Carved by reality, The hard times are what make us real. Our obstacles are our boundaries. Are we but stones in the sand?
  5. Crow glares evilly at Wyvern behind his back, then she waddles off. An hour later.... "Mr. Wyvern how can you explain-" a reporter is cut off. "Let me just say," Wyvern says coolly, "that I can hardly be blamed If I pick up money I find just sitting around, not being mine." "But the Bank Officials say the safe was locked and-" the reporter is cut off yet again. "Wyvern, Wyvern!" shouts Nyyark. "What is it sla- er I mean Nyyark?" replies Wyvern. "Great news!" jubilates Nyyark. "Yes?" asks Wyvern impatiently. "We have received our first non-monetary donation! Crow just brought it in from the post office" Nyyark reveals. "I don't see why that's so great..." mumbles Wyvern. "It says," Nyyark continues without pause, "For all you help with the children, as well as your aches and pains. This will cure high blood pressure as well as headaches. Just dump over deserving Wyvern and watch the magic happen." "Well I do have a headache with all these reporters, why not give it a shot, I mean it is free." says Wyvern. "Okay!" cheers Nyyark. Nyyark unscrews the lid to the giant jar hes holding, and tips it over Wyvern's scal "Ah!" scream both Nyyark and Wyvern, "Leeches!" Nyyark scrambles to pluck all of the leeches from the panicked Wyvern, while Crow Caws and chuckles in the distance. As Nyyark finishes, Wyvern glares at him. "YOU'RE FIRED!" he roars. "but, but..." says Nyyark weakly. "and you won't be getting your 2 cents either" says Wyvern coldly. Nyyark walks off with shoulders slumped. As he leaves the reporters hear him mumbling "I needed the money two. Caw-Caw's operation won't come cheap."
  6. "All of us true geniuses know of-course, that it was the egg that preceded the chicken" -James from Pokemon
  7. How much does this statment agree with your personality? Pac-Man is the key to sea-floor spreading.
  8. You do realize of course the people this thread is really intended for won't get any of your joke unless you explain them. =)
  9. Nyyark


    You see, I don't drink coffee, and I learned a lesson!
  10. Nyyark


    grin I don't drink coffee, but if I did I would have learned a valuable lesson today.
  11. You know, I'm liking all your stuff.
  12. Cool, I really like it. "The wood of the last stubborn seat That refuses to renounce its throne Has become the holy site Of some termites." particularly delights me. Well done
  13. This is why the Elves faded away from the old world, they couldn't understand buisness.
  14. I have foreseen a problem to which I've foreseen a soloution. The Pen is Mightier then the Sword(or PIMS for the duration of this post) was origionally and Archmage(or AM) guild. As a consequence, PIMS began with a primarily AM culture. Thus AM was ingrained into PIMS. Now that a period of time has passed, PIMS has grown with new non-AM oriented Members. These members are most likely thrown off by AM references. Even worse, the old members posting quantity has died down, and when one wants to post more, any AM reference will make that member quite avoided by the newer members. So as a soloution I propose a contest of sorts. Would the old AM players please post what AM was about, what acronyms and nick names there were (from UBB to nix, which incidentally, I found out just the day what nix stood for), as well as certain must know names. In the end, PIMS should have a nice compellation, with a Table of Contents, perhaps an index too. This could be posted in the Walls of PIMS by the Elder of lists. Is this reasonable? (I can't help only having played AM for 2 weeks ) please put any suggestions in the critics corner, so the thread doesn't get to cluttered. Only post acctual information here. Thank you.
  15. Odd, this poem was able to illustrait a large difference between Wyvern and myself. He took your poem to refer to the state of the environment, where as I took it to refer to the state of the human spirit. It's getting close to end game now, We came but an hour past. started me of on this idea, as most spiritual beliefs have some sort of ending or another. I am a christian, and thus tailored your poem to fit my personal choice of reality. I really found this poem echoing many of my thoughts of late, and how humanity has weakened its morality in response to the growing culture of technology. I took the pollution to be refering to the pollution of the minds, and decency of Mankind in general. This went well in my mind with your last line. I say Great Poem, two very important messages, both urgent, were drawn from the same set of words. Both of these messages were conveyed well. Good Job!
  16. I guess you just don't remember telling me.
  17. Bel is forgetful because of the little gremlins, from the land of silver and other third best things, which toxified the carbonation in his third coke on the 31st of May, in 1983. This resulted in his falling asleep at the wheel, thus he drove down a dark and windy road, into a gloomy unmapped forest, while not so silently slumbering away. Down this twisty and shaded path, he hit a tree. The tree was the very Tree that Olco, the bringer of dumplings, had cursed all those years ago. Hitting the Tree resulted in its curse being lifted and thus Tree reverted to tree. "Capital T is no fun for me" rung in Bel's ears as he was flung from the car. Luckily he landed on the last Female Dodo, and thus broke his fall, as well as the Dodo's neck. He awoke on his makeshift feather mattress to be assaulted by its former owner's ghost. "Pay your rent it cried" and then sped of to the nether world. Seeing that he was stranded Bel set up camp. He made a bed of leaves from the fallen solar panels of the trees. Then using the support structures he started a fire. That was his first mistake. Attracted by the light, and the dead Dodo, a bat-daemon arrived. After losing a game of riddles, the winged monster agreed to take Bel to the nearest civilization. Unfortunately the civilization was non-compatible with Bel, and after many crazy adventures (and the rest of the mistakes) Bel wound up at the Pen is Mightier than the Sword. On his way in, he passed by a cloud of forgetfulness, and the rest is history.
  18. I love this. I have always wondered why there was a lack of non-fantasy at The Pen. I could probably tell some riviting stories of my escapades in Dynasty Warriors 3, or Everequest, but I don't think they would strike anyone as interesting...
  19. How long can a nest stay stable without the crow to repair it?
  20. Grate!
  21. "But I have so much to say, and not enough people to say it to" - My retort to myself for complaining that I talk to myself too much.
  22. LOL! I don't eat mustard on my sandwiches, I dislike her taste.
  23. Ketchup, He is a mighy Fighter. Red like the War God, Red Like a lover. Butter, She is a Maiden so Fair. With white creamy skin, Without Compare. They Lie, On two different slices They are divided, By Poultry and Produce. But nothing, Shall stand in their way, Lovers at bay, Will not stay away. So now, They shall meet. In a flash of white, They finally greet. FI-NAL-LY GREEEEEEET
  24. YES!
  25. Nyyak with sweaty palms looks around hesatanly. "I'm not so sure guys." He says to the small dark figures perched on his shoulders. "Aww come on, do it, be a Crow" they Caw. Slowly, he approaches Vulture Girl. "You know Vulture Girl, I'm often called Crow boy," He says really fast, "and I was wondering if you like to have dinner at my place". He almost turns around, but then realizes he should wait for the 'No'.
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