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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nyyark

  1. Synchronic Blue and white The horizon before and above Behind and below. Now a golden gift Passes through the clouds Gentle as a feather Freedom in perfection Leaving all disfigurement behind Afloat in a skyscape of bliss Perfection in the mind.
  2. Hey I reread it aloud, slowly, and spellchecked it with word a number of times, but alas, there is no hope. It was indeed based on a video game, but on Dynasty Warriors 3, and I was playing as the guy in red... Saw some poor basic troop guy running from 20 guys, and felt sorry for him, so I saved him. Like always I kept making up storylines for everything and everyone, so I decided to post his.
  3. “Why me?” was where Vasco was at. He was no longer sick, for that was when reality had donned on him, and it wasn’t terror, for that had been in the town. Now it was simply “why me?” Finding some hidden store of energy within himself he added an extra burst of speed to his run. He gave a brief glance backward and swore at what he saw. It had to be at least fifteen maybe twenty men, all chasing him. Vasco tightened his grip on his sword as he nearly stumbled over a rock he was too busy looking backwards to see. He hardly even knew how to use the stupid ting, but he was sure to be worse off without it. He was also sure he heard snickering from his pursuit. Then Vasco heard something he didn’t expect, a loud thud. Unable to resist his curiosity he turned to face the crowd chasing him once again. Vasco was just in time to see the blur of a man in red doing what appeared to be a dance involving a silver streak right through the gang of soldiers pursuing him. The man skidded to a halt a pace away from Vasco, kicking up a considerable amount of dust in the process. For a split second the man looked at him with such intensity that Vasco hunched down in his light armor. Then the man simply said, “Hold, this will only take a second.” and dashed back at the stunned crowd of warriors. Vasco was dazed at what he had just seen. The man had looked no more than twenty, and had an incredibly fair complexion. He was even paler for the dark long hair that he wore loose about his head. He was obviously on Vasco’s side, but he wasn’t an Imperial, for he was wearing a long crimson robe, belted with a gold cord at the waist, and gold fabric lining the collar of the top. What was really amazing though was the fact that the robe was open at the top like a vest, and underneath, he wore what looked like a gold silk shirt. That meant he had no armor whatsoever, which even Vasco knew was unspeakable on the battlefield. The man’s sword was similar to Vasco’s, only thinner and slightly longer. It had fancy ruins running up it length too, which was completely unlike Vasco’s plain Imperial issue blade. Vasco came out of his shock in time to see the man finishing the last two of the fighters. The fighter with the spear made a thrust at the man in crimson from the side, but the guy just bent backward enough to where the curve of his back avoided the spear. He then snapped straight throwing the spear wielder off balance, and then with a blinding speed leapt and slashed across the spearman’s chest. The spearman dropped the spear, clutched at where the sword had moved, and fell over. Vasco’s savoir didn’t stop there however; he kept his stroke and body going to meet the leader of the ex-squad who had been charging the strange man in red. They clashed swords, then in a remarkable display of speed and balance; the man in red dropped to one knee and went forward, splitting the captain in two. The cloaked man wiped his blade across the fallen captain to keep it clean, then walked back over to Vasco. “Come along,” said the man, “We have work to do.” Then the man smiled. “I’ll bet it’s your first day isn’t it?”
  4. I almost did color guard. Cool poem. Man band camps gonna be fun...
  5. Yay! A RolePlayer
  6. Though the message may be old, I found this a very unique way to portay it. Please M'Lord in no means apologize. You write well and I look forward to "Legend".
  7. I think that the reason so many do not belive in true love is that love isn't 'true love' if you do it in hopes of a return. I would never speak of love as an investment. Like Zool said, if you truly love someone when they want to go, you have to let them. I requires a real sense of self, because otherwise you are confusing your boundaries with the other person. The best question I can come up with to help determine what you think of love is this: If you love someone and your love is rivaled by another do you: A) Do what you can to make you love choose you, because you love the person and want to be with them. or Try and help the person you love make the best possible decision for them, because you love the other person, and want what is best for them. The problem is selfishness will ruin both of these options. If your selfish and choose A, then you'll fight for what's best for you, and treat the person as an object. With B you would try and make the other person ditch you so you could feel sorry for yourself. If you really wanted what is best, you would do all in your power not to make the other person feel guilty, and realize that this wasn't your time. Anyway, I go through spells in which I don't belive in love, however I try hard to. I think its important to belive in things which the rational mind cannot understand.
  8. Yay Reverie! You got my intended answer. As a novice riddler I was afriad that there would be many answers, and some of those guesses worked pretty well. Still good job all who tried. The wise men phrase was meant to do that. Way to get the clue!
  9. Closer, but still not quite...
  10. Peace is for the dead Zool. Imperfections inspire, as they entertain, want makes the blood flow. Texture gives a grip. Imperfection is what makes rubies red. Imperfection lets you know what you desire. I do think its cool to quest for perfection, as long as you know your goal is in the act rather than the accomplishment. Nice poem.
  11. Not quite. (Guess as much as you want, anyone)
  12. You never fail to amaze me with your love poems. Congrats on another successful attempt at capturing something most have a hard time defining. Nyyark smiles Good Job!
  13. (Thanks Burhin, this is a great idea) When it is physical form that I take. There are but two beings I would make. Golden Main and massive Paws. Pearly Teeth in a powerful Jaw. Living pure in a noble eyes, Gives only half of my guise. The form in which I better reside Is a hound found by its master’s side. Dirty, shaggy, tired, and strained, This is how, truly, I am. I am not like a cloak, which can be worn. I tear only as my wearer lets me be torn. I am the true tax of kingdoms, The source of their power, When I am not taken, They fall the same hour. I am paid in many currencies, Including fear, blood, and gold. But I am the strongest, When Love pays my toll. The fools see only good in my being, How misguided they are in their thinking. The wise however, carefully watch what they try, For they are ever wary about where I might lie. I ask, to whom you are speaking?
  14. My My! Anyone who's post can cause this much debate over such a wide area in such a short amount of time shouldn't be allowed to escape!
  15. *stands and claps*
  16. (Conversion Confusion, this is actually the second post in this thread) Good riddle, are we supposed to post our guesses?
  17. I saw this to be a declarations of holding to standards. It seems that while something was once great, now it has fallen, but the valiant narrator will not fall without a struggle, no matter how big the opposition is, in this case the Gods themselves. I really like the idea, I think it is important to hold to your ideals no matter how the rest of the world is changing. Even if you shouldn't be able to win the fight, others may be inspired by one, and growth from there is exponential. I do disagree with this a little though, because only 'The Gods' can make the world play by their rules, thus adaptation is important too. Perhaps its best to hold to your Ideals as a structure, and then grow to the situation. Well that's what I took from this, or maybe by reading and responding gave. Its a good work in which the more its read, the more it grows.
  18. This has to be one of the best invitations to an RP thread I've seen in a long time.
  19. This is neat. I like the way it brings across its message, for thats a trial I've suffered. I look forward to seeing more of you here.
  20. Wow, This flows really well, and lyrics are meanful! I liked it alot, don't stop posting.
  21. Cool. This definatly could make a song. I wish I could here the music. do you write music to go along with you songs? Anyway... Good Job!
  22. Nyyark

    A Cry

    Nice message. I strongly aling with the aspect that beckons us to grow beyond what are conditions provide, and love any way. Good Job =)
  23. Repentance There is light in my eyes, And it’s entered my head, It’s brought back to life, What I thought was dead. You were right without logic, For it declared you wrong You’re right with your heart You were right all along With a cold metal heart In watched ships with holes sink With my cold metal heart I did nothing but think Why save what was falling More efficient to create anew Why help what was failing Safer to give up than groom. But you knew all along But you knew I was wrong With darkness inside And a cold metallic hide I was wrong. Now I see the truth in the sky And I see the ants on the vines Now I see the Why And I see the rhymes The cause was lost like me But to both you held true Like me it's now saved And it’s all thanks to you. I shunned the dark horse When I placed my bets But who rides the pale horse None other than Death So please take my hand And we'll both walk in step Our cause the most failing of all No longer practically kept
  24. Stumbled on my path again, On The Path. Again. So difficult to walk All alone ahead and behind. A glance to the side And I'll go blind. For a week. I won't speak For I'm weak. Afraid to fall, Afraid to crawl, Afraid to take A step at all. How is it That can it be When natural existence Worships the cruel angle And what I know Helps him go. How can I be When all I can see And All I know Treading down paths leading down Down in the ground He has all my cards, I'm the one out of suit. Forgetting them isn't an option And I'm too afraid to try and lose I just stumbled on the path again. I long to be in his hand. I wish to be where my friends are Where they all understand Instead I stay and fall Stay and fail Sit and wail This is my success This is my best And I know it will happen If I keep goin' straight I'll stumble on the path again
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