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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tyrion

  1. *cries* I don't want to be 18! Anyway...No beer for you young lady.
  2. No way, I love my clothes! To give you an idea, I sleep fully dressed.
  3. I don't know if it really qualifies as a fear but I guess I'd really hate it if I didn't find something I like and that suits me (career-wise). That's the best answer I could find after I saw that losing my internet connection wasn't allowed. Because I just moved in my dorm room and I have no connection until Sept 1st, which really sucks. Luckily I'm home for the weekend and September begins Monday.
  4. Economics? Law? Why waste your time with those? Science is where it's at!
  5. Welcome back Immortalis! So where are you now and why have you been gone so long?
  6. Hehehe, I like Kiki DeBucket, but you probably won't pick that.
  7. French words don't sound good for names...I'll pass. I can't help you with the wits either.
  8. "... and you just like that he was a vegetarian anyway" That reminds me of an e-mail someone sent me, I'll make a seperate thread of it, since we're clearly going off topic here.
  9. Hitler wasn't insane, he just had weird ideals. Other than that, the man is a genius. Put murder and war aside and he's a much more respectable individual than any other leader.
  10. Hmmm... Mine would probably be instrumental, composed by John Williams. It would be called either "Is that all?" or "I can't think of anything."
  11. I use any pencil I find, one pencil lasts over a semester. I once went over a week (including two math tests and one physics test) without sharpening the only pencil I use.
  12. I think that means since each guy got a dollar back, it's like they each paid 9 dollars. The two dollars that are added should be sustracted. That way 9 * 3 = 27, 27 - 2 = 25 and that is how much the pizza cost without the delivery guy keeping his tip. If you add up all the money, $25 are paid for the pizza, each of the 3 guys has 1 dollar, and the delivery guy has 2. 25 + 3 + 2 = 30. (I realize it's been explained before, I just felt like it.)
  13. My mama always said fear was like box of chocolates... or did she?
  14. Whoa, it's Doc! Haven't seen you in a looooooooooong time!
  15. Of course there is no information on how Wiggly Cabbages taste, my guesses are: a) Noone managed to keep the will to eat one after a whole patch has messed with their minds. If anyone ever did manage it he/she must have been brainwashed by the rest of the patch.
  16. Well Pered the total pop is 105 000, so the female pop should be around 52 500 logically.
  17. No you must be thinking of me.
  18. The person above me used to own the Decanter of Endless Booze.
  19. OOC: I write this with Gwai's approval. The Beginning: Although the Wiggly Cabbages themselves were not able to inform us of the way they were created, a mage posessing knowledge of a story that dates back hundreds of years was willing to share it with anyone who could prove his(her) friendship with the sentient plants. This man, known by the name Sorinath, has learned this tale from his teacher, who was himself an apprentice from the Order started by Slessar in an age long forgotten. This is how Sorinath translates what he knows of the creation of the Wiggly Cabbages: "Like every afternoon, Slessar was testing his young student Tarshina's mastery of basic spells. 'You can start today by showing me how well you can cast the Slow spell,' he said. 'Try is on that passing peasant.' 'I don't know,' replied the student. 'I've been very hesitant to test spells on people ever since the orangutan incident.' 'An incident like that would not have happened if you had stopped using contractions of words like I suggested so long ago. Wizards who use them have a tendency to do so in their spells as well, and that changes the results dramatically,' explained Slessar. 'Forgive me, I will try to stop.' The event known as the orangutan incident had happened the week before. It is believed that while performing the routine demonstration of making a man fly, Tarshina mispronounced some words of the ancient language of wizards and instead of saying 'Wings you have not, but once this spell is complete, take a deep breath and flying you shall be.' she said 'Wings you need not, as once this spell is complete, your hair will turn red and an orangutan that will make thee.' Being the language of the wise, this form of expression is very concise and a minor difference in one word can change the meaning of all the others in the sentence. After Slessar helped his student regain confidence, she agreed to cast 'Slow' on a nearby peasant. The spell was successful, and the poor worker continued chopping wood at a greatly reduced pace. 'Well done,' said the teacher encouragingly. It wasn't until later that day, as Tarshina was casting her last spell, that Wiggly Cabbages were created. There are a few different stories of how this happened. The first one suggests that it happened while she was trying to make the village idiot a smarter person. The latter, who shall remain nameless, had just caused the destruction of a statue in the town square, and was being yelled at by the villagers. Seeing this, Tarshina felt pity for the poor man and attempted to make him more intelligent. 'Useless and despised you shall be no more, because with this enchantment, your intelligence will soar' were the words that she aimed at the man, but as she did so, a young boy threw vegetables at the idiot, and the spell never reached its target. This event would explain why the Wiggly Cabbages are so wise, and it is believed that this newly acquired intelligence could have led them to try to expose more of their foliage to sunlight, creating an oscillating motion. The second story would have happened as Tarshina saw a lonely and sad gardener at work and tried to cheer him up. This story also involves the village idiot, who was up in a tree shaking branches to get apples to fall to the ground. One of these would apparently have distracted the young wizard as she aimed her spell, making it hit a group of cabbages near the gardener. The spell also seemed to have been mispronounced: 'No more sorrow, let mirth take control of you, giggle and feel alive' were the intended words, but what was said was actually more like 'Do not be passive, do not let the earth control you, wiggle and be alive.' Of course many more hypothesises were emitted by mages who refused to believe those two possibilities, but I do not have time to get into details right now."
  20. There are Moos, but no cows in the land of the doubles. There is food but no meat in the land of the doubles. There are bullies but no meanies in the land of the doubles.
  21. I'm here. Maybe won't post a lot, but I'll be reading. And I'm gonna let lumpen decide what I am. Make sure it's creative.
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