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Everything posted by jonathan_wolfe
Glad to see the reference to Heinlein didn't go unnoticed... Beleive me, even now, after the computer having been around for, what... 50 years? It's not a replacement for many of the things in real life, it's an automation of it. Bulletin Boards used to be corkboard attached to a wall with notices placed on them. Snail mail vs. Email Graphics Tablet vs. Paintbrush So it's brilliant for replacing anything that could be representing in 2 dimensions on a screen. Namely two things, text and pictures. However, you still can't staple your garage sale advertisment to the monitor, nor can you email anything that can't be represented as 1's and 0's, Though I bet you once we perfect instantaneous matter conversion, emailing the family cat might even be possible... And yes, sorry Archaneus but the physical medium is real... and real is something this digital world ain't At least until the Matrix is built.
Hello?... Anyone?...
We will always have traditional media, don't forget that we still have a whole world full of people who just don't grok the online one. It's nice to see the lines between digital and traditional melding though, I like producing stuff on the screen that is as good if not better than my work with pencils. It's allllll good... ooh dragons, must drool!
There is a touch of something In all this darkness, that ever respendent hope Must it always pierce through the clouds of dark and despair To lift those who have fallen to their feet Yes it must It must for that is why it exists at all... And into the light they rise To bear their gift, and strike back the darkness And then the sky lifts, the lightness fades and... We are left with nothing but normal, once again... and again. Woe be those, the strikers of light and dark. For I am the bringer of the Grey. I am not judgeful, nor bent on vengance. My ever watching eyes grades both of you. You are not worthy. So I shall strike you both back again, to your respective realms, until you see fit to do battle again. One day I will laugh, and this pettiness will end. The Grey is coming and You can't stop it... It Transcends all of humanity all of transcendanty all of the galaxy. We're all right.
Gah... mmeeep er.. My apologies while I mop up the drool, that picture is simply beautiful. Archaneus is perfectly proportioned (I like those ears, rawr! ) Plus the clothing is draped perfectly, very simple but very well done. Everything about the character is... well... I can't even think of constructive criticism, it's perfect! The background also compliments the figure well, simple and effective. Though I can't make a proper opinion as my skills at landscape drawing are still in it's infantile stages.
Must........ resist........pun-ishment!!!! *sobs* (Love it... Though I'll leave the punning to you and others, my skills are definitely lacking here. How does one come up with a pun anyways?)
Please ALL members verify their email address!
jonathan_wolfe replied to Peredhil's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Bien, Mon. Peredhil! -
The sun burns azure in the sky. Moves down, then slows.... and stops. azure sun? or azure sky? It moves again, world around getting darker. sunset caused, clouds are pink, that's expected. But what isn't, is all the names. pink, red, crimson, cerise, maroon orange, rose, peach, gold, ginger twilight.... blue... Where did the Cerulean go? replaced by midnight. We're all done here. Lets move on to the next story. If there is one. First the idea has to come Hit someone with that spark. It's too late today, come back tomorrow When the sun is azure again. Aphelion.
Bravo, j'aime! It was quite fun to read it in french and try to gleam the meaning, then read the translation and comprehend the beauty of this poem to it's near fullest (If I knew my french well enough, then I'd really enjoy these works the way they were meant to be.) This is an extremely good poem, though I didn't enjoy it fully until the end, when what seemed a peaceful, slow scene twists and makes you think time has been slowed down for this moment... it gives the first section of the poem an unreal aura.... Very fine, I want to see more of your work! Bravo! ps. I'm beginning to wonder.. maybe Ii should translate my english poems into french... I mean, the people here give the time and effort for the poor anglais people that cruise these forums so they can read these poems... I'll try that next time, though I bet you my result will be laughable. ^.^ Viva la francais!
Now this gave images of life through pain, he's sacrificing himself so the world will breathe again This also reminded me of the paintings that good ol' Leonardo Da Vinci painted, the old man looked like he came right out of one of those. Very touching. Very fitting for the time of year as well.
A Kender, and a evil dark, umm.. wings.. and with the angst and the hurting... Hmm, let me try that again... A kender and a demon-lady... married. Je ne comprende pas! Oh well, maybe the optimistic properties of Pengies will wear off on her in good time. Congrats you two!
Thanks for the feedback, I read it over and agree "We must..." was cut a bit short. Working on verbally review these poems is something I need to learn as I place these down in bursts of ideas while listening to music, the end result can be either perfect, or hellish. This is inspired by the music of Warcraft 3... I feel a little shameful, taking a song I heard and converting it into a poem.... what's your guy's take on it? This is also my first attempt at a long poem, turning it into a ballad or a saga (Actually if I was to do that, I'd try another idea) would present an interesting and long challenge. Waiting for your further opinions.. -Jon'
Summit & Fall The journey long and slow, mournful we walk down the country road It feels like the end, maybe it is End always means beginning. Maybe this is just passing in time We've lost some, but we find the new and embrace it, grasping it before we've lost all hope Now we are whole. Our determination steels, our hopes rise Now we know where we are going. But we are daunted by hardship again and again So we must be stronger. The tension, muscles and sweat, movement marching... running The charge, a sea of people... blades and armor The eye of the storm. The pursuit of victory. The grand achivement, returning home, victory at a cost The cost is worth it, the populace is safe. But there are black linings to this silver cloud. Incongruence, something isn't right. Very wrong... Betrayal, not now... it's... too late. The abidication of the king. His bloodied crown rolling on the floor. Now we have a new order. Things are changed, but we are strong... we must. The long wait is over, we have come back for our freedom We declare them evil, they to us... Whoever wins, will have their freedom nonetheless. I hope we win. Now this is the end. The crimson, the orange, yellow, rogue.... This is the end... I hope you had a good life. Sinking into the twilight.
You know what's good about this paticular one... being able to choose styles... I can't believe how full featured this one is... and ooh... everything sounds good (Except for Tolkien Orc names, "Toehater or Knifestomper anyone?" I'm bookmarking this one for obscure robot names (The biomechanical ones)
Beautiful, simply beautiful. This is pleasing to the eyes with its sinuous and simple flow. The rhyming scheme casts a enchanting tone upon the reader and the counter-points of both voices makes this an interesting poem I'm wondering if the second voice isn't just the tree itself.
It's running out of sites to surf, you get into a pattern and you have no idea how you found new places way back when. Even I don't remember how I found most of the places I visit now.
Rev' the five minute improvs are the ones I love, you have to be short and sweet and too the point. Then you look back and goes, "Hey... that's got more in it than I thought"
Okay, we should definitely see more of these... It's very different in mode from the one person shows we all put on from time to time. Give us another one! c'mon!
Speling hard... erm.. Pneumonia Unconcious (sic) Jonathan just shakes his head at himself and shrugs, walking off,"I am that is, who I am. What?"
Since I'm a fellow raw emotion, power style poet, I'd like to comment on that general style of composition It's hard... very hard because often you have to work yourself into a groove before the words flow. For example, I do my best work while listening to music, I can feel the emotions around me and from the song and reinterpret that into a free verse free for all. The trick is to avoid abstract thought, unless you're -really- good and know how to write powerfully without needed a groove. I still love this poem, mood fits since I just recently obtained a girlfriend... That's all you need to know for now.
Jonathan comes out from the ubiquitous shadows (every room has them, except for Bhurin's, damn his shiney burnished armor of insufficient darkness. ) Ooooooh. He pokes Wyvern and whispers in his ear Memmmmmber! Meeemmmmmmber!
Very touching and personal, I give it two penguins too!
Cyril, your comments were deeply appreciated, I haven't had one of my poems laid out this well since I bounced things of off Bhurin in the old days. Thank you kindly. Back to the grind. (I just had to use this. )
Now the end, string tied up music plays, credits roll camera pulls away the wide angle. fade to black roll the credits show the outtakes so happy imbued with optimism leaving, or returning the end or a new beginning cry of death and life transcendence into the bardo ascendence into heaven decension into hell where am I? home. I'm finally home.
Jonathan just shakes his head at Rune and chuckles I've been inspired by a lot of authors primarily, that and good movies Kim Stanley Robinson, The Mars Trilogy (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars) Authur C. Clarke Any damn book he's ever written Peter F. Hamilton Reality Dysfunction Robert A. Heinlein Starship Troopers (This wasn't a good book, but for being written in the 50's the tech is amazingly...well.. not campy 50'ish tech!) David Eddings The Belgariad, The Mallorean Lisanne Norman The Sholan Alliance Also movies: ALIENS Macross Plus Patalabor Blade Runner Akira The Fifth Element These are just a few of the things that I though were good ideas/looked good/enjoyed and pulled my ideas and literary and artistic style from. I highly recommend all those books!