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Everything posted by jonathan_wolfe
Dear me, I appreciate those who came out to say so. I apologize for my lack of responsiveness, my life is quite busy lately. Again thank you!
We are leaving this godforsaken place! On to New Things and New Paradigms Colour the streets with humanity. This changes everything. Movement, pale light of the near-spring. Angel in the moonlight Devil in the sunshine Tastes like bacon, I'm so confused.
...two very angry men, one is tall, wearing a waistcoat, top hat and pocket watch, the other, stout, smoking a giant cigar and balding on top, wearing a grey pinstripe suit. The tall man screams "ZANOO!" while pointing at them, while the short man cuffs the other on the side of the ear and urges them onward with his own broad hand motions and shouts in a deep, throaty voice, "OONAZ ka FON!" and smiles at them, eyes twinkling...
Sign me up
One must take an analytical approach to this burning question and perform scientific analysis to determine, who truely is superior. Hmm... well since we cannot ask a Ninja and a Pirate to fight to the death for us, we can consider the next best alternative, a video game simulation! Cheeky I know, but hear me out Soul Calibur 2, features two very paragons of both Pirates and Ninjas, Cervantes the dual wielding undead pirate, and Taki, the er.. vicious and unitard wearing ninja... Both are very capable characters in their own right, and I purpose that someone experiment and pit the AI against itself in this game to scientifically determine who the superior archetype is Any takers?
There is much disorder under the heavens and his pulse is normal -Doonesbury
I don't want to prove overkill or anything but I could produce, if you really wanted it, a map of flora and tempature of a world along with the geography of it I would love to get my mind off Thalos for a bit to map something new, please email, IM or PM me
Jonathan Wolfe's Poetry Postings
jonathan_wolfe replied to jonathan_wolfe's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Footsteps Little dancing flute in the darkness, wings in the snowy inky night trudging slowly, inspired to move along, one step more. stop in the snow, look up at the sky... there they are off in the distance, marching slowly, lighting you can see them all in the momentary light. left right, again and again walk towards them, slumping through the blizzard curiosity of destination sneaking, inquiring pixie light, again dancing through the sky, glorious apparition. soldier, gleaming in the soft light, truding in the snow holding lantern high, left right, again and again great, and wonderous things marching up the mountain snow piled high the lantern grows brighter we climb higher the valley below in voided silence, the light illuminates. great soldiers and throngs of people, and wonderous beasts all climbing the mountain. we've been slow to build, but now strong the storm grows stronger, blustering and billowing... hats and things take flight back into the formless dark the pixie is here again, warm bathing light inspired to move on again, long marching columns and we come to the top and there is a great valley and the column, stretches far and far... into the night... pixie light dancing along in the winter night. stand proud and come into the valley, the cold and the snow will not make us waver a great trek, a proud march, old and young. the road is still long, but we've gone so far truding in the snow into the valley fighting back the dark, endless columns, creatures big and small BLINDING LIGHT star, rising... the vallley is cast into daylight proud shooting star twinkling in the blue sky awe, dazzle, fear and might broad and strong streak our destination laid clear, we are victorious the trek will soon be complete running down the mountain, into thin air. . -
I hate to disappoint Mr. Zool, but I drank my drink when I was 19, I didn't get drunk though. Isn't it great to be Canadian? :woot: Thanks again Wyv, Zool
Jon rises from the pile, taking a great gasping breath and flopping onto the floor "Thank you all, no need to smother me to death! And no Gyr, once you hit 19 in BC, you get to smoke, vote, drink, gamble and go to strip clubs.. Do we know how to party or what? And Valdar, the room is now clean, thank you " Jon smiles and drinks mocktails the rest of the evening, doling out pints to the Little People, who rejoice.
Celes turned 29 yesterday without so much of a how-do-you-do Happy Birthday Celes, sorry everyone forgot! :wizzie:
Happy Birthday O'Peredhil
I will be attempting to digitally record the show tonight and soon afterwards encode it to mp3, the two hours should filter out at about 56 megs all said and done Here's hoping it works!
Roley was enjoying a sunday stroll in the battlefield, he sat down to enjoy a good stiff Sake and some sushi he brought along on the trip, plopping his armoured butt down on the wrecked hull of some giant robot or another, he pulled his drink and sushi from his rucksack and proceded to pour himself a drink Little did he know of the sunday stroll ruining Mechzilla and the ever belligerent Ninja Mecha Bunny leaping directly at him, gopherchuks a vicous blur in each hand, Mechzilla steaming and snorting close behind He sighs and puts down his bottle of Sake and looks around, flexing his suit's powerful muscle fibers to wrench an armoured sheet from his makeshit seat and whirls around, hucking it like a frisbee at the Mecha Ninja Bunny, "I'll give YOU a WARCRY you over-zealous tail-sucker" He roared, watching the sheet richochet off the nose of the robotic bunny-ninja, who prompty cried out, wilhelm style of course. Roley, noting the sudden and violent defeat of the doomed mecha-ninja-bunny, he sat back down to get back to his drink. Much to the indignant snorts of Mechzilla. "What... you want some metal wreckage goodness too? Bring it on" And Roley leapt to his feet, running full tilt at the rather large japanese monster icon....
Finished mine for Yui last night, it is in the Banquet Hall ^^
Jonathan glances out from his spot secluded in the shadows, looking up and down the hallway, his ears splayed wide, his eyes searching for any sign, any hint of a certain Aegon as he gently leads another dark figure by the hand, the pair of them melding to the shadows like their natural habitat. “Nobody told me you there was a special someone in your world Yui.” She just smiles at him as he leads her across the bright hallway, seeking the darkness of the next room “I mean it’s really awkward, I have to take you out, show you a good time… and ensure your closest and dearest companion doesn’t get word of this? ‘Tis a fine challenge” Jonathan rambles on. Yui’s face changes its expression from neutral to amused; it’s all he can do to make out her eyes in the twilight. Jonathan crosses the room and gently pulls up on the latch of the window facing out into an inner garden of the Pen Keep, taking Yui’s hand once again and gliding them both down a semi-solid stairway, oozing darkness from their feet as they descend to the grasses of the moonlit sanctuary. “And so on these grounds, do I fulfill my duties to the auction and entertain Milady Yui to the best of my abilities.” He turns to her and bows, letting the shadows draw from his figure, leaving the fox in his drab monk-like garb, his braided bangs glinting in the moonlight. Yui takes a seat on a bench next to a very old rose hedge as Jonathan moves to the middle of the clearing, standing in front of a statue, “I had to consider the format of this nighttime interlude, for I lack the panache and wit of the more charismatic denizens of the mighty Pen. So I decided to fall back upon what I know best.” He clears his throat and begins to speak, Before, in the light Gleaming glowing towers of old Gilded skyline, sun cast orange upon The cobblestones, the columns and minarets. The highest tower. The finest and grandest abode, the great hall of the emperor hearth, home, fortress, sanctuary an emperor is never absolute, never safe, a tower a mile high cannot protect him or his riches outside, the sun sets gleaming gold and brass minarets pale, moonlit, stark and unforgiving rich light within. upon the walls a presence seeks the emperor. defying the draw of the ground far below shadow glides upon the ornate and Byzantine structure watching with calculating and brooding thoughts, upon the light within a window draws the darkness in, a shadow betraying the warmth of the oil lamps and the hearth of the fireplace unaware silence broken by the burning fireplace path of the shadow. The flickering fire, a feasting king. teeth upon cooked flesh and bone, the squelching of consumption, contented chortling. flash of a finely polished blade, the loudest silence steel upon raw flesh and bone, the snick snick of assassination, scared choking the rise and fall of his chalice upon the floor red wine coursing through the grout red blood coursing down his neck everything goes dark and light the bards shall write of this the shadow retreats claiming a victory none shall know hands upon the stark stone lights of life and slumber below into the darkness the darkness flows the cogs and wheels of the empire turn a wheel has been usurped, to be replaced anew what shall the new wheel do? the shadow is heartless those who had heart died long ago can the shadow and light be in the same soul? perhaps the king was good long live the king. After, in the dark. --- Jonathan looks down from his gaze upon the stars and looks upon Yui, “And I am done. Hopefully Aegon has not caught wind of this midnight in repose. For now, I bid you good night, and good tidings.” He takes her hand and gently kisses it with the flourish of a French monarch and silently slides into the garden, embracing the moonlight shadows to leave Yui in the embrace of the silent gardens.
Gobstoppers - I don't know why but I've always had a soft spot for hard jawbreaker-like candy that you can shatter with your molars and get at the sweet/sour powdery inside if your teeth are strong enough Runts An old favorite from a 25cent vending machine at my high school, I never knew what these actually were until yesterday while on a candy run at a 7-11, I stumbled across what looked like a box full of my old favorites from years ago. Lo and behold my favorite sugary crunching candy was inside and I was in tooth-decay heaven.
Jonathan smiles at his old friend Gyrfalcon and shakes his hand, "Thanks for the ecouragement, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't hounded me every step of the way." Gyr smiles and nods in assent as they both turn to the revelry before them, and Jonathan speaks up, "And they celebrate, though the journey is far from over. A moment, a day, a lifetime of glory and achievment and friendship abound. We shall hold steadfast against the night in the company of our friends and our companions. Here's to the Pen!" Thanks again everyone, this is just a little something that raises the bar a little higher
It's alllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!
jonathan_wolfe replied to Blondemoon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
A very very long time indeed, welcome back Blondemoon -
Jonathan Wolfe's Poetry Postings
jonathan_wolfe replied to jonathan_wolfe's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Fluted Wings Dark as black Milky darkness Scintilating points of light Swing around Halo, corona, flare, prominence Light as White The black held back by the stark light Glorious ship, ship of the line lines, silver and greys, fluted wings gracing the light darkness torching the silence in a roar to never be heard proud in the humourless void proud against the scintilating points of light iconic in it's passing Swing around Milky darkness betraying dropless of oily black movement the sky scintilates no more the icon assaulted by the iconoclast fluted wings forcing back the dark embrace furnace of unthinkable destruction crying out, shattering of wings, hurt the iconoclast topples the icon all in a horrible muted... silence deafening -
The two soldiers saluted her and the group split off into three sections as she turned on heel and walked over to the Power Armour bays of the hangar, her section in tow as they walked through the wide arched bulkhead and into the brightly lit bay, suits lining the walls and also up the walls, several moving platforms sliding along the vertical surface, replacing and removing various suits, teams of mechanics and engineers servicing them on the platforms. The head engineer was standing behind a control bank, next to a work bench containing a partially disassembled Ishtar. His wrinked, narrow face belied his grin. “1st Lieutenant, good to see you and your crew back down here.” “And you Sergeant, we’ve got a new mission and it’s going to be a lively one, I trust the suits are repaired from our last excursion?” The old engineer scratched his head in thought and grinned, “Hell n’ Heaven Ma’am, they’re all set and raring to go, I even got in some time to get the worst of the paint damage off, those rebels’ll be seeing Red Dragon ensigns wherever they run!” She nodded, “We’ll need the full complement, we’re going into a hot zone, I have the weapons and ammunition requisition order” Amie slid a cartridge out of her belt which contained the manifest from the mission and placed it in his hands, “Don’t skimp on the sensor suites, they’ll be hitting us hard and fast from all directions, we need to ruin their ambushes” The Sergeant slotted the cartridge in and sent the manifest to his crew on the moving platform, looking up at them, "Saunders, Holmstrom, Prep the suits for a drop!” The figure closest to the railing facing the Sergeant saluted, “Yes, Sir!” and they turned around, the platform springing to life and sliding over to the suits the section were going to use, the mechanical clanking of munitions being loaded and weapons being attached could be heard as the platform quickly prepped each suit for the coming fight, a second platform coming down from above and removing the suits from the wall and bringing them down to ground level, releasing them, the semi-active state keeping the suit upright but motionless as the troops approached the suits in turn and opened them up, the Sergeant walking over and helping them into the armour suits, sealing them up tight with the hiss of hermetic seals as the environmentals kicked in and the suits powered up. Amie stood in front of her suit, on the exterior you could not tell it was an officer’s suit; the only distinctive marking was that of her call sign, Phoenix, emblazoned in fading letters just above the dark faceplate of the suit. She reached down to waist of the suit and disengaged the locks on the suit, which slumped forward and began retracting armour plates all over, revealing the exo-skeletal structure underneath, seams opening in the legs, unfurling to reveal the inner cushioned layers of the suit. She depressed two tabs on the wrist of her fatigues and the clothing reverted from a loose fitting, grey camo uniform, tightening to become smoke grey and form fitting, several slots and holes forming in places where the armour would link with the uniform. Amie turned to face the bay and stepped back into the suit, sliding her arms into place and settling her feet into the armour boots, nodding to the Sergeant, who walked forward and reengaged the leg armour, triggering the suit to enclose around her. A few moments of sheer silence before the suit cycled into active mode, the fuel cell generator soaking the suit a muted thrumming sound and the darkness changed into a vibrant view of the outside world, the suit had it’s rugged 3d display engaged and the alumi-glass visor was covered by a armoured cowl, allowing her to observe her surroundings without the risk of relying on the weaker armour in the glass visor and it’s heads up display. The armour completed its sealing procedures and the sound of the re-breather kicked in, vents behind the neck slating open to draw upon the relatively pure air in the hangar, taking in and compressing air for the emergency life support system. Her display verified the suit’s airtight seal; all armour plates had slid back into place and the computer noting the addition of the forearm heavy electronic machine gun, the backup light laser on a gimbal mount on the right shoulder, on the left, 20mm targetable rockets and several fragmentation grenades. The suit declared the operational status of the suit to be “Ready for Combat” and she reached up with her hand to give the Sergeant the thumbs up, sinewy metallic muscle-like fibres in the suit mimicking her arm motions in unison. She straightens her back and takes an intentional step forward, the suit picking up on her motions as they occur, giving her unimpeded control of the 200lb suit of armour like she would regular light combat body armour, the difference being that she was carrying enough firepower as an armoured personnel carrier and stood about 7 feet tall, towering over even the Sergeant. By this time, most of her section had encased themselves in the Ishtar armour and formed up in the center of the hangar, bristling with electronic machine guns, missile banks, every seventh suit outfitted with Fire-eater mini-emachine guns and heavy arm mounted 40mm bazookas.The heads of the four, seven-man squads slid their wristblades out in their off-hand and saluted the Lieutenant, acknowledging their readiness for combat. She triggered her radio and opened up on her company wide band “Alpha and Bravo, report.” “Griggs here, we’re just about ready, one of the Haspy tanks didn’t want to take it’s ammunition, we should be good in about 2 minutes” “Jinto reporting, Sir, we are ready for transport.” She nodded unconciouslly to herself and considered her thoughts, “Jinto, Alpha section is clear to proceed Elevator TH-3, Bravo, Griggs, get that Haspetus loaded and haul over to TH-2 asap, out.”
She turned from the mirror, her large ears flattening against her head as one of her troop mates slammed a smaller figure into the panel of lockers on the far wall, verbally assaulting him, The smaller soldier swore and pushed back, “You damn well had better not run in front of my crosshairs when I’m laying down suppressive fire. You want to walk into a column of railer slugs, then by all means, jump in front of me again you crazy bastard.” He retorted, his thin bare tail snapping at the air. The larger man swished his tail with a quick determined stroke and shoved the shoulder of the rat, “You shoot me again Steven, and I rip off that excuse for a tail and strangle your miserable neck.” The wolf stormed out of the room, pushing others who had gathered around, out of the way, heaving the door shut, hitting the frame with a uncomfortable sound before swinging back open from the force of the slam, the rat dusting himself off and muttering, the crowd dispelling. She stood up and walked over to the rat, placing her paw on the shoulder that the wolf did not strike, “Just ignore him, the bastard gets shot to hell every mission we go out on. You protected our asses well yesterday Steve, keep up the job and we’ll all get home in one piece…. Argyle over there though with at least several slugs in his backside.” She smiles, “And if you don’t put a few in, I’ll be sure to make sure I do, at least until he learns to shut up and use cover.” “Thanks Lieutenant” Steven said, turning back to his locker, stowing the rest of his gear, strewn about from the scuffle. Amie walked back over to her own locker and glanced at the mirror once more before closing it intently. She slung her equipment bag onto her back and walked out of the locker room, turning down the hallway and making her way to the general briefing room. The briefing room, while by no means grand or impressive, was minimalist and informal. While primary military personnel often occupied isolated briefing booths with a complete audio-visual presentation, this room contained one large screen at the front and several rows of chairs, the stylistic scaled and fanged emblem for Amie’s unit, the 12th Special Shock Battalion “Red Dragons” emblazoned on the screen in the dim light of the room. A tall lion, with captain ranks on his shoulders stood on the small platform in front of the screen. “’A’-Company, 12th Battalion, take your seats.” The Captain ordered habitually. The gathered crowd of her crew mates took their seats quickly and efficiently. “First of all I’d like to commend you all on an effective mission yesterday evening. You managed to prevent the takeover of a key military structure that allows us control over most of the Lower Plate’s eastern outer rim. We will be reinforcing this position to prevent further raids, but as for now, you have another task before you.” The captain hit his remote control and the room darken, the display lighting up with a diagram of the lower plate, focusing on the southwestern inner rim, where a large outline colored in a pulsating red denoted the held territory of the largest revolutionary group, TALAR. “As it is apparent, TALAR has made serious inroads in the past six months, flowing up from underneath into what was once a safe and secure zone of control for the Regime. They have sacked our surface forces throughout the district, but remain one or two layers below the surface to protect themselves from direct upper plate bombardment.” He stood aside and hit the remote again, the diagram rotating the plate onto it’s side into a cross section, showing the red blob up against a wall and arrows flowing up and over the wall towards a blue shape defining regime controlled territory, “We managed to seal off the plate off in 95% of the underground section of the plate and we expect that a near surface and above ground assault will occur in the next 10 hours in order to overrun this “wall” and push us even further back towards the core.” The click of his remote signalled the next animation, several battalion insignias converging upon the wall, the 12th Red Dragons in the center, run up against the red blob, “Your mission is difficult but crucial, to demoralize and shatter the momentum of the TALAR forces in their forward assault. The 18th and 19th Primary Assault Battalions will hold your flanks and the 10th Artillery “Eagle Claws” will reinforce all three of you with supplies and fire support.” The group appeared unfazed, locked in focused attention at the layout as the captain continued, “’A’ company is the point in the spearhead, we will deploy on the two side streets next to 35th Radial Core Avenue, giving us the ability to crush any sortie dumb enough to travel on such an open road, and to hold off the more protected routes of assault.” The captain finished and pressed his remote one more time, “While we intend to ruin the assault of the TALAR forces, this is not a forward sortie to retake our lost ground, the wall is going to be established as our new primary defensive line, we can make it too costly enough to assault and they’ll think twice about pushing us back to the core. We embark in six hours, Company Dismissed!” The group wordlessly filed out of the briefing room and marched down to the barracks, the images of the strategic and tactical plans reflecting in their minds, the relief of finishing one fight was replaced with the nervous anticipation of the coming battle. The mouse piped up again, rubbing his hands together, “Gonna get us some hands on some TALAR bastards eh? I hope they let us drag out some big guns like a Sovereign or a Mjolnir tank, I ain’t fighting those guys without some protection.” Amie glanced over at him, “The Sovereigns will be sitting ducks without some light infantry to flush out ambushes and tank-killers. We’ll need some light hovertanks to hold the strength of our forward assault when they try to jump us.” A voice from behind piped up, “I’d rather be sitting behind the armoured skirt of a Mjol’ tank, makes those railguns feel a little less deadly” “The 10th Artillery will be using the Mjolnir tanks and will be supporting our rear, our job is to root out and destroy anyone and anything around the new defensive line, we need to sacrifice armour to gain mobility, we’re up against a force that comes and goes like smoke through a battlefield.” “Think they’ll stick us bunch in the tanks or make us hoof it?” The mouse asked. “The Tanks have better command and control capabilities, but we're going to need mobility, I forsee a mix of tank platoon and Ishtar armour” The mouse grinned as the group approached the large Hangar blast doors and waited for them to slide open before they walked through the airlock like corridor, through another set of doors and out into the hangar, filled with vehicles, suits, mecha and the occasional aircraft, some laid out on raised platforms for repair and reloading, others being put through test runs, the chatter of tank mechanics and other engineers filled the air, mingling with power tools and the curious sound of a heavy power armour suit with it’s shoes blown off, the normally rubbery dulled sound a resounding clang clang on the hangar floor. Amie pulled out a set of glasses and turned them on, bringing up her personal tactical display, which automatically connected to the base network and requested orders from Central Command, receiving in return a more detailed tactical layout of the upcoming battle, listing required vehicles, ordinance, as well as estimated casualties and major strategic points to be kept in mind in order to ensure the success of the mission. She turned to her group, nodding to the two other Lieutenants in the fold to come forward, “Let’s form up and get our equipment ready. Our Company will be riding in Hermes Hover-tanks and groups of Hephaestus Main Tanks to ensure we don’t get outgunned on the field.” She glanced at the Lieutenant on the right, “Griggs, you will head Beta Platoon, taking the 34th Radial Core Ave, we’re going to spearhead them with the Hermes to draw them out of hiding then drive them off with the Hephaestus tanks, Alpha and Beta will be running mixed platoons,” She glances to the left, “Jinto, you’re Alpha and you will do the same on 36th Rad. Move to the center to pincer any large troop groups and move away to find cover and to draw them out to us. I will be leading the Gamma platoon who will move along the rooftops in Ishtar power armour, you call on us if the infantry starts crawling out of the cementwork, they won’t be heavily armed but they will have Railguns and tank killers set up.” Amie paused, the two Lieutenants nodding assent and awaited her final words, “And the opposition?” Griggs questioned. “If you encounter any formal resistance it will definitely be TALAR regulars. The last skirmish we had showed that they’re fielding a lot more Tritons and Charons, if you see any Foxbats or Zweihanders, you are to report the position to 10th Eagle Claws so they can assist you, Dismissed.”
Jonathan Wolfe's Poetry Postings
jonathan_wolfe replied to jonathan_wolfe's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Head Down Head in the hole rusted walls, ancient geometry the one you serve the who controls he has your soul head in this hole polished floor blinding light, seek that darkness run from the one in control he'll get what he deserves his head in the hole. beyond the ruined geometry rock of old lair of the aberants deep dank dark doomed hole but he's no longer in control -
Utopia's Twilight Feedback
jonathan_wolfe replied to jonathan_wolfe's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
Thanks for the feedback Wyvern, the first part of the story was written quite some time ago and I've always felt it was a bit rough around the edges, you've put some clarity on some of the things I've wanted to fix! I'll post more of the story as time goes on. -
Silver. Glossy corridors, one like the previous, polished laminated ceramic walls colored in monochrome and gleaming metallic hues. People walked up and down these pristine halls, most dressed in tip-top military uniforms, mimicking the walls around them with grey and black cloth and polished silver trim. Murmured whispers and the clap clap of boots as everyone moves on their way from office to conference room to staging area, always the lull of conversation can be heard, from hushed whispers to shouting debates from within closed doors. A hushed whisper covered the real noise of an elevator coming to a stop, the door rattling open to disgorge several officers, nearly identical in uniform and in look, all being of mongoose origin with their narrow pointed snouts and rough glaring expressions as they made their way down the central corridor, at their head an even more finely dressed and decorated officer, bearing the royal blues and golds of high rank accenting the rest of the silver and greys on his on dress uniform. Moving further down the hall, the walls themselves began to take on the blues and gold as well, angular and sharp gold accents gleaming in the muted overhead lighting, the continuous clump clump of the boots. Finally a larger door in front of the group brings their march to a stop, two fully armoured troops moving aside and saluting as the doors slid open and allowed the group passage into the room ahead, The doors closing and muted tones of conversation rose again to meet the halls. It was a large, dimly lit room, soft white brilliant panel lighting at the large round table provided local illumination. The lower ranking soldiers accompanying the officer earlier remained against the wall, standing at ease while he stepped forward, stopping beside an empty chair, placing his hands on the polished surface and looking around, surveying the many faces at the table. The man at the head of the table seemed to lack illumination, his black fur glittering faintly in the pale glow, his grey and blue uniform nearly identical to the original officer’s with the exception of ornate shoulder trim and the unique badge of a commander in chief or Overgeneral. The colonel saluted his superior officer smartly, echoed by the lower ranked aides behind him. The Overgeneral, Gregory Brandt returned the salute with a simple measured movement and nodded for him to sit down, the colonel slipping into his seat and the aides take position nearby, pulling out their datapads and working in harried silence, bringing up images and recorded video on their displays, testing them on the big display behind Brandt. The Overgeneral looked around the table and nodded, looking right at the Colonel, remaining with his hands on the desk as he spoke, “Let this meeting begin, Tuesday, NorthSun 6th, 2983.” The general glanced down at the colonel, his eyes narrowing, “General Barbus here tells me that a lower plate base under your jurisdictional command was raided just this morning, care to tell us more about it Colonel?” The mongoose adjusted the cap on his head and raised his head up, “Sir, at 6:48am one soldier equipped with power armour confronted the guards at the forward entrance of Ouestul Garrison Base. We believe he used an array of armour soaking nerve staplers to render out troops unconscious as he assaulted our base.” General Barbus flicked his tail flippantly and tilted his head, his hand stroking his chin thoughtfully, “One man through the forward entrance of a fully complemented garrison, rises question to the competence of your troops.” The Colonel gave the general a glaring sideways glance and continued, “This soldier had very advanced technology at his disposal. Several thousand rounds of ammunition were expended and at least one propelled munitions device, he is shown intentionally walking into open fire with no ill effect. This man is someone the Special Forces should have had their eyes on; he is a severe threat and cannot be handled by infantry.” Brandt leaned forward, suddenly a lot more interested in the conversation, “Did you just say he was struck by a tank-killer and he was unfazed by this attack?” The Colonel nodded, “Yes, not only that but he was constantly hurling insults and sometimes encouragement to our troops. If you ask me we have a nutcase in a old suit dredged up from the bowels of the lower plate somewhere.” Brandt spoke up, “This is not even to mention that this maniac’s purpose was simply to divert the base while a second group infiltrated the facility and sequestered four fuel cell prototypes just delivered from Korelev’s R&D lab. I don’t care if it was a whole battalion attacking the base, losing those cells will hurt our relationship with Korelev severely. Your exemplary record is the only thing keeping you from immediate dismissal Colonel Reeves.” Brandt silenced, every head turned to the Colonel. “Sir, I believe it’s time we brought this to the attention of Faction 7, this activity warrants the involvement of an organization that has been vital in eliminating key threats to the Regime in the past.” Brandt rubbed the fur on his chin and nodded, “I’m not sure why we haven’t involved them months ago, the Lower Plate is beginning to rumble again, let’s try to not have another Kismet on our hands, those... incidents tends to make the Boss very, very angry.” The Colonel nodded and motioned to his aides, “We shall move this incident into Faction 7’s jurisdiction and I shall keep you updated as the situation unfolds. I will get to the bottom of this Sir” The OverGeneral nodded and cleared his throat gruffly, “For the sake of your career, you had better. I expect a full and comprehensive summary of the situation by next Wednesday.” “Yes Sir” The Colonel saluted the council of generals and turned, marching out of the room with his cadre of officers in tow.