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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. I dont know of this Doctor, but he sounds fun and interesting!
  2. Ill so miss you buddy ol' pal!
  3. Happy Birthday man!
  4. Rune. I dont know what to say exactly, except we at the pen love you, and I myself am grateful that you have graced my life.
  5. I wrote this after a friend of mine said that I liked my ex girlfriend still. It got my brain stirring and wondering if I like her, or its just I care for her and dont want to admit loosing here, that I hide behind the fact of *liking* her.. Here is goes. Constant And once again its happened to me, Not quite whole; You shatter my image, Down I fall into the darkness; Same old never ending journey, I dont understand why I cant see, These constant hopes, These constant wishes, They are all but factors in my own doom, Dreams of your loving hugs and kiss' , Now turned to nightmares; Same old never ending journey, You haunt my ever waking moments, You haunt my ever sleeping dreams, Never again shall it all be the same; In this same old never ending journey.
  6. Thats very touching there! No sound in the brutal l'hiver ( Isnt that supposed to be Shiver? ) VERY WELL DONE
  7. This is a more of a rant or rave it seems. But it still gets my point across. The Miserable Me Cant think straight; Thoughts thudering in my head, Once again doing wrong; Causing pain, Pain; Pain ever growing in my heart; Stabbing my heart; Wishing death upon me, I see the mistakes; Steps retreating; Never gaining, What the hell does one do; Cant just disapear, Cant; Wont; Its not possible; In probable; I am too scared! No ones here; No one to call; No shoulder to lean on; To cry on; Once again abandoned My cursed f g mistakes; The only blame, ..Me.. Not you.. Me.. Not him.. Me.. Not her.. Me.. Me.. Me.. *Had to edit the bad word!!
  8. Im going to hit a writing note and just talk a bit so everyone bear with me. Ken, if I may call you that, I havent known you for the longest, or actually talked to you a lot since we have met, even before The Pen, and even when we have, it seems I am just full of smart ass comments, but low and behold, there is a softer side to me.. [What are you talking about kid? dont give in] Hey! what? who! Oh.. my consence(sp?) Oh great.. What do you want [Hey now. dont sound jealous or anything] Im not.. [Well anyways.. Hey whats with that? Come on.. Snap outta it.. Dont get all mush... Tell em a joke or something] Oh hush it! *flick* [**POOF**] Erm.. Excuse me.. Back to my story here.. Ken, I dont know EXACTLY what you are going through but I know where you are in a sense. I too have a lot going on in my life, where it seems like I cant say anything without it coming out wrong, or hurting someone. But I pulled through it somewhat and you can to kid.. Just keep your chin high and keep walkin forward man.
  9. Very Good Poem.. Well done.. Why do I feel like I have read it somewhere though? Welcome Ryan.. Welcome. Best of luck
  10. lol.. Lotsa funnies in there Rune.. *claps* thanks for cheerin my day up
  11. Interesting. I like that.. Very interesting! Simple.. Plain.. Pretty.
  12. Hey Ken.. No problem man.. And hey, if you ever need to chat, I am on MSN sometimes for more than my sparatic 5 minutes, so send me a message, and though I may be a bit clownish and un-orthidox, I do listen.. Or so my other friends say. Ciao dude!
  13. Well today was another long drawn out day of hurrying up, just to sit around and wait for even longer. Today I finished an abundance of paperwork, seems the governments likes that kind of stuff, and swore into the United States Air Force at about 1PM.. So today, I signed away 6 years of active duty and 2 years reserve to the United States. Eh, it cant be too bad. Anyways, My ship date is September 9th.. la la la.. Just though I would let everyone know, so after Sept. 9th if I do not come around for a while, dont forget me, I should be back! Anywho.. This isnt good-bye, still have a few months to torment you guys with my *writing*.. Ciao my friends!
  14. lmao.. oh.. for a second, I didnt realize that you had written your own response.. ha ha.. oh boy.. I must still be tired..
  15. Half Breed, you know... For the sense of him being an Angel and also a Demon as you stated in the last Stanza.. Eh, all I could think of
  16. *does another jig! * HeH.. I miss being a youngin in love.. -sigh-
  17. la la la.. I have both.. AIM = LaViTzCa ( I have SO many different names. lol ) Yahoo = Bluepenguino69 ( GO PENGUINS! THEY ARE SEXY! :woot: )
  18. So long, we have fought each other, or thoughts, our feelings.. I can fight no more.. One day we are lovers, the next we are enemies.. Yesterday we where apart, Tomorrow we will be together.. Friends.. Aqauntices.. My First Love.. My only love, thank you.. You bring me life, each breath I breathe not just for you, but for me, so I can live another day to enjoy your laugh, your beauty.. Each hearthbeat isnt just for you, but so I can live another day to hug and kiss you goodnight, or to help you defeat your greatest enemy.. I dont know what else I can say, cause a million words couldnt say what I wished to put in a letter for you, but I suppose, this song, will just have to do.. '¨¨°ºo.æ.oº°¨¨ (-Angels Anthem-) ¨¨°ºo.æ.oº°¨¨' Walking down the street; The constant thoughts of seeing you, Not knowing where the path leads us; Just following the road, Not understanding these feelings; Never felt so very true, Pretty eyes alway helping through my day, No matter how slim and narrow.. ~Chrous~ Wishing I could make you belive;Wishing I could do everything right, Not knowing these answers or sollutions to such pollutions, Running blindly through the streets; Trying to find the hidden clues, Realizing the empty voids I cant feel; Feeling useless and weak, Cant give up on you; Too damn special and too damn unique ~Chrous~ Stopping under the street lamp; Seeing you from the stars above, Glowing and Shining with that ever lasting beauty, Leading me to the peace forever sought, Holding you in my arms; Trying to make it right, Stealing my heart with just one smile; Taking my breath away with each kiss, Waking up under a fading light... ~Chrous~ Wishing I could make you belive;Wishing I could do everything right, Not knowing these answers or sollutions to such pollutions, Running blindly through the streets; Trying to find the hidden clues, Realizing the empty voids I cant feel; Feeling useless and weak, Cant give up on you; Too damn special and too damn unique ~Chrous~ Wishing I could make you belive;Wishing I could do everything right, Not knowing these answers or sollutions to such pollutions, Cant give up on you; Too damn special and too damn unique.. Too unique I tell you... Too special.. To unique.. Just a simple request.. Just one.. Please come to me? I know we can be; We can be; So happy and free Just just need to take one step at a time towards me. you know what. I think I already posted this.. Oh well...
  19. AwWwWw!! How cute! *does a jig for Distarius & Ryuu*
  21. as corny as it may sound, due to the rather weird feelings of emotion I have raging with in myself, this poem made me cry.. must go get tissue.. Very well done Ryuu... So very touching.. *sniff*
  22. very strong words Canid. I like very much.. Very well done.
  23. No one comments.. Are people reading? *looks deep into audience..* Anyone home?!?!? Dreams of You & Me They say I dont understand, They say I need to stop hiding behind a blanket of the past, They say what we had just wont be, BUT they judge too fast, They dont see the images I see, I cant let go of the you, You helped me start anew; brought a new life to me, But what the hell do they care, So locked up in their own dreams, Jealous of you and me, But that is no longer needed, For I turn around and you've disapeared, So the truth; We all see Lost and Confusud, It was all a dream; You and Me
  24. -Sometimes, you just wish for a chance.. Sometimes you just hope for a chance, sometimes.. you get that chance..- '~^~ Long Days ~^~' Open up your eyes; Take in the warmth, Today is your day; I will do anything, Hold you tight; Day in and day out, Baby, all through the night, Open your eyes; Give it a chance, Dont run away in fright, I'll do my best to make everything right, No need to rush this; Takin things slow, I am not going to run away; Concentratin' on you, Baby, day in and day out; All throught the night.
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