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Everything posted by Tasslehoff
I have to decline this offer, as Im already a member of a different guild. Thanks for the offer though!
How on earth did we forget?
Tasslehoff replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
..Rune.. I miss that cute little deamon.. - sigh - BUT! Happy Birthday The Mighty Pen! -
:wizzie: Happy Birthday Cyril! :wizzie:
So after another hard day of wandering around the halls of the pen, doing what he does best; which of course is collecting random things people dropped, Tasslehoff was about his open the door to his sancuary, but happened to knowtice a bunch of papers plastered on the upper parts of his door. Well who would and go, put something for me to read, infact a bunch of something for me to read, and put them so high Muttering a few other words while Tas tried to figure out what was going on. Luckily enough, Wren happened to just walk by his door. Excuse me! Wrenny! Yes down here! Oh thank you, could you please tell what someone wanted me to know? Wren looked down at the kender with a look of confusion at the kender. What was that again Pointing at the the papers, Tasslehoff starts to explain about Uncle Trapsinger, when Wren kindly reminds him to stay on topic. Finally about 25 minutes later, Tasslehoff finished both his story, and what he was trying to explain. ...and thats why I cant read what I need to know Chuckling quite a bit, and finally understanding Wren elaborates that Wyvern is having a big party and that he needs to bring a gift, a pair of Un-Ordinary Underwear Thanks Wren. Your the best, and nice hair! Hopefully it doesnt get messed up or anything! With that being said Tasslehoff opened his door, and ran in, trying to find a pair of underwear and then to be on his way. Chuckling once more Wren continues on to the party. ---- About 2 hours later, Tasslehoff finally emerges from his room and starts skipping down the hall and out to the party. Seeing the long line the kender decides he best not wait for he best not want to be late. Raistlin always said being later wasnt being good. Forgeting that there was an *entrance fee* Tasslehoff almsot slipped by Melba, well because he was small and see was busy with Carrots and Cakes. Nice Try Little One! Wheres the fee grumbled Melba, already was to tired and to annoyed anymore to care Oh yes! The fee almost forget! Well here are a pair of boxers exclaims Tasslehoffs as he tries to continue on in. What makes these so un-ordinary. They dont even look like they fit you! Grumbled Melba. Stopping shortly Tas says Well, ofcourse they dont, I just found,them, and thats why they are un-ordinary for me, cause they arent mine Glaring up at Melba for just a moment long the kender ran off into the party to see who he could meet. Melba, not wanting to try and catch the little one, realizing, that infact it was Tasslehoff, the notorious kender, she continued reading until she heard a faint cry that sounded something like: ...Has anyone seen my boxers! They were stolen right off me! Anyone?..
Id have to vote for the ninja, but ofcourse, I third Gyrfalcons thought: GO PENGUINS!!!
Tattered. Just finished one poem, looked down but two or three poems and here was another.. Your words are so strong. So amplified. They create an image of your pain, so real, so emotional. ( I do hope all is well ). There is a certain line I wanted to comment on: In my recent few years, Ive let my eyes venture away from the path. I believe that sometimes, you have to keep them on the path, so you dont venture to far, but also, at times, you just got blink. Let go.. Trust life & your god, for your beliefs in *him* will set you straight on the rightous path sooner or later. All are just trials for some grand scheme.
Tattered.. Very very strong poem you have written. I've known of a few times I wished there was a time machine at my disposle, but now, down the road, Im glad I didnt go back, and repeat the hardships. Im still very amazed at your writing, even to this day. I shall keep an eye out for your post an try my hardest to comment.
Happy Birthday Tasslehoff - AngelXIIX!!!
Tasslehoff replied to Zariah's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I know I know. You are thinkin.. WOW! This post is so old. Well I just happened to find while stumbling around trying to find some old post by myself, but I just wanted to say thanks for all that wished me a Happy Birthday. Sorry I missed it! -
Sorry to hear you couldnt make it through Basic Training. Though tough at the time, I now look back and realize, it could have been so much easier. * Continues Serving his 6 yrs * Good Luck Silly Civilian.
Good Poem Loki. Its very descriptive. I really like the part: ...Made me think his fingers all turned into little bugs or something..
To All & Everyone Of The Pen, I know its been hard, I know its been ruff, but I promise to keep returning all your belonging even though you are the ones to loose them, but on to what I meant to say. Thank you for all the support on my writing, not many people believe and kender can do much more then steal and babble, which isnt true, cause of coarse we would never steal! There have been certain people that have helped me want to stay and keep writing, even though time and attitude get the best of me, but there are too many to post. But I think the biggest thanks would have to go out to; is Wyvern! Thanks for always making me want to write, learn how to RP better. You are a great Almost Dragon! Merry Christmas !
I like Mike & Ikes. They even add'd strawberry. Gotta love those little candys.. mmmm
I was in character, was I not? Im sorry it seems dull and bland, but this vacation has takin the imagination outta my hand. Do not worry, do not pout, for I promise, soon it shall be back.
The small little kender wanders his way through the festive carnival one booth at a time. After passing Wyvies Tent, for even kenders know the truth about Almost Dragonic items and spells, Tasslehoff happens to knowtice a small booth. " A kissing booth " shouts the kender over-joyed. Rushing his way to the front of the line, o' so politly bumping people out of line. Upon reaching a the front and his topknot settling back down, he happens to knowtice but 2 people, embraced in what appears to be a magical kiss. " Well I'll be. I sure wouldnt want one of those! " mutters Tasslehoff in utter disggust. And with that said, he wanders off once again, pockets full to the brim, and nothing but a smile all the way.
Back in Kendermore, Christmas is a really big deal. I remember one year my Uncle Trapsinger walked up and down the streets handin out these gifts he had found on his travels. He was a great Kender, my Uncle Trapsinger was. He always new what to do, and where to be, but rememberin that one year made me start a tradition of my own. See Every Christmas Eve, I walk house to house in Kendermore, of the ones I can find ofcourse, and I hand out gifts of my travelings with my friends. This year I remember handed out a pouch full of geld on it that read * Almost Dragonic *.Yep Yep. I found that one whilst fightin this over-grown lizard you see. And well kenders, we dont need no geld. We always seem to end up with too much. Lucky we must be.
Reverie. - Ol' Friend. I found this post, sitting all alone, edited once or twice, so I thought Id give you my input. I really like the flow of this poem. Its short, but its strong. It makes me imagine, a story, based on a small kid, who gets his town killed, yet he survives, to grow up into a hero of the land, finding revenge.. I find the first stanza very strong, and it throws me forward into the poem. Made me want to read the rest, which I think is very important in a poem. Good writing Rev. Your awesome. As always
Hearing the sound from behind the door, the small kender rushes in the room to see everyone joining in the line for the conga. Its rythem takes over the small kenders body and hops in the line finding all kinds of new nick-knacks during the song. Dut-dut-dut-dut. Dut. KICK.
Im very sorry to hear that news Salinye. Like everyone else has said, just keep your hopes up and I wish the best of luck to you. The Kender
One after another the little penguin flapped his soft fuzzy wings trying to catch just a bit of the icy winter breeze that blew across his icicle coverd nose. * Come on . Just a little bit more * He said to himself as he felt himself getting higher and higher. * Yes . Yes. I AM DOING IT! * Shouted the Penguin at the top of his exhausted lungs, but jjust as he gets his little orange feet off the ground, he looses his concentration due to an over-powering smell and falls down, back to the cold. Slowly rising Opus shouts a few minor curses b ut again inhales what seems to be cherries and cinnamin. Slowly breathing in he gradually lets the smells warm up his body before he waddles off to the sweet smell of cherries and fresh cinnamin. * It must be done * Opus points out to himself. Without another word the penguin dashes off through the snow and wind towards his home for some yummy pie.
I like the poem you have written Loki. Its short, but tells the reader exactly all that needs to be said. I especially like the beggining. Its different but its good.. also.. Next time please be nice to my Trained Elephants.
This looks like fun. Too bad Ive been gone for long and missed such an auction. I bet a date with a kender would be a glorious and funny story
I definitely have had the same kind of past two weeks, Not as BAD but.. So.. I get a ticket the night of Thanksgiving driving down to the inlaws for turkey dinner.. There goes 200 dollars.... Well then I get a bill from the hospital physician saying I owe them money.. Funny. I thought Military had 100 % Medical.. Wait. When your own base's ER is closed and you have to go into town.. Then you must pay.. =| So then Wednesday Night my g.fs car goes to crap.. Well. I go to fix it on Saturday. Took longer then I thought, so she misses work.. and what happens. I think I fixed it till the clutch goes completely out in an intersection at rush hour.. Not too bad. Ill just get out and push it right? Nope. Its stuck in gear. So after fighting with it, I get neutral and push it outta the way just to have to towed by a friend to a shop cause I tried 4 different Tow Companies, they dont answer or well 1 hung up on me.. Then a cop stops by, well he just leaves and no one comes back.. So yay! Now we are down to no car, she has work and class tomorrow morning and it looks like cabs for all!
The nerves before a show are always killer like that. I remember my first play, I was afraid I would forget all my lines, but it was weird, I remembered everyone elses too.. Good times.. Nice poem Peredhil
Moving is such an akward situation. Its almost frightful but then at the same time exciting.. I like the peom very much my old friend. Reminds me off when I packed up my stuff, leaving for the service. never wanted to pack up some many memories just to collect dust
Open your eyes; Take in the warmth, Today is your day; Ill do anything for you, Hold you tight; Day in and Day out, Baby, all thru the night I will hold you tight No need to rush this; Takin things slow, I aint gonna run away, Concentratin' on you, Baby, day in and day out, all thru the night!