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Everything posted by Tasslehoff
Take 2. Struggling to stay strong by your side, These choices & rules are set in stone, I grow weaker under your dreams as Im set aside, No longer do I feel you standing by me, Fighting this all alone. As I write these words, I see another futile battle, Yet, I can not control what my heart spills, Ill give you my world to take, As I let you use it to grow stronger & stand taller For you, I'll give it all up even through the heart ache. Amazing how much you mean to me these days, I hate seeing us this way, & you seeing me crumble, I try to give you my strength even when my heart strays, I wonder who takes my place in your heart when I stumble. Short days we spend together, Bring on the long & lonely nights, When will these clouds leave & leave us in fair weather, So we can re-unite under the stars lights. I watch as you breathe in & out Laying there like an angel, Your glow puts to rest all doubts, And I clutch to you in hopes you'll be there when I wake Only For Tonight Will I Feel This Way, For Tomorrow You Will Be Gone.
Our last kiss is with me always, It’s burnt into my lips, As soft and passionate as sun rays expire, Just as a summer day sets in, before our darkest hours. Your beautiful voice is never silent, It’s forever speaking to me, Making me stronger every moment, And soothing all my fears & our doubts that hide in these dark hours. Your touch will always enshroud my skin With twice the strength I'll ever have, Support and help me through all that stands in my way, With the compasion a true friend brings during the darkest hours. While I can never repay you, For the wonder you brought to my life, I can forever be true, True to the fact I'll always be here for you, ..In Your Darkest Hours..
Are these truths getting any easier, As every moment fades away in his shadow? Take a look at what we have become, Take a look at what we have done to us now.. What was it that you really wanted, A body to fill the time & his emtpy space when all alone? If only I saw it coming, How far down will I fall, & if I never come up again? Cause I'm sick of it all... & you want everything to change, Just how deep will this actually go? Till you see through it all, Till you consume all that I have left. Would you say you were finding your way out, Is anything coming in clearer? Or am I just in the way, Still you dont see the game you play, Falling further away from my composure, I wonder if I dont come up again? Cause I'm sick of it all... I wont ever be the right answer, To help you fight his disease buried in your head? But in the end, its all the same, The circles start over again...
Well I just recently went to the Nickleback / Trapt Concert @ the Omaha Qwest Center. I was extremely excited to go as Trapt is by far one of my favorite bands. Default opened up for both bands with a decent show. I wasnt to impressed with the overall show. I think mostly it was the stage itself. There wasnt much to it & I was quite disapointed for such a big venue as the Qwest Center. The music was decent, but my friend happened to point out that the drummer was very repative. Me, not quite the advid music fan didnt udnerstand to well untill I watched him closely for a few songs & it was like he was a scratched CD. Over & Over again.. Trapt, was a great show. The energy inside the arena seemed to triple once they came on stage. They had a very good presence. The guitarist didnt move around to much, but the vocals were amazing & the drummer was exceptional. I was very pleased overall with Trapts performance. I however, did not stay for Nickleback so I cant anything about their show.. Well, just thought I'd write a small piece on what I saw.. Have a good one all.
Heres another extremely ruff piece.. I cant seem to pulls the words together. Struggling to stay by your side all the way Choices are made & rules are set Each night I lay alone, I grow weaker under your dreams No longer do I feel you standing by me Fighting myself as I write these words Another epic battle between us Ill give you my world to take As I let you use it to grow stronger & stand taller For you... I give it all, just for you. Amazing how much you mean to me these days I hate seeing us this way, & you seeing me crumble I try to give you my strength through the night But I wonder whos hope fills your beating heart in the end Short days we spend together Bring on the long & lonely nights I watch as you breathe in & out Sleeping like an angel Your glow puts to rest all doubts And I clutch to you in hopes you'll be there when I wake Only For Tonight Will I Feel This Way, For Tomorrow You Will Be Gone.
I want to txt, or send you a message.. But I know I shouldnt. Does this make me weak? Or are you just stronger? Time will tell, Even if it stands still now. I always have the wrong words. I dont deserve the perfection that lies behind your smile. I fight to survive this struggle, to only realize how weak I trully am. I was told over & over again to stay strong. Let things be & let them run their own path. Yet here we go again, down the same path. Fighting the same struggles as before. When will we learn, better yet when will we just admit. Maybe we need to let go & be what we want to be.. Just a thought.. Ill Be Waiting. Cause I cant look at your face anymore. I stayed positive in your words. I knew they werent hollow, but now the doubts clog my mind. I not him, but the reminders are all the same. You are not her, but the doubts and fears are all the same. We fight for each other, against each other. There is no chance to win. But I dont want to loose. I fight the reality these words bring upon my heart. I fear the outcome it brings upon our relationship. A part of me dies knowing I may never get another kiss. I care way too much for our own good. I wanted to run away, and I guess it would have been wise. No matter how strong I pretend to be, Im weak underneath your thumb. Invisible I will become, What you cant see cant hurt you they say.. Invisible.. Its the answer.
I see how the word headstrong does stand out, but I happening to be listening to Trapt at the point of that piece & well.. Headstrong.. It just kind of stuck.. As for the capitalization there is no meaning. Its just a small anal quirk I have of mine when writing small notes, etc...
This is a quick, forced rhyming poem I wrote for a friend+ ( I put the plus cause we are more than friends, but just friends right now due to life. Get it, no? Niether do I! ) I was thinking about adding to it.. Seems so ruff and so forced.. I titled it 10,000 Miles Apart, cause currently, I am 10,000 miles apart, forward deployed. The Longer I Stay Here, The More I Miss You, You Are Worth More Than They Let You Know, Soon I Will Be Right There, Together We Will Fight Through, Dont Fear These Words For They Arent Hollow, Just Take My Hand & Follow, I Will Not Lead You Into The Wrong, Keep Your Head Up & Stay Headstrong
Seen. Through these dilluted eyes. Felt. Through the broken heart. Agreed. Only cause I told you I care and want to help. Irony. Very much so. Falling. Farther and father down this hole. Holding. Each other, when do we hit bottom? Pace. Going to fast, not under control! Pain. Will it be felt, how bad? Can we survive? Climb. When do we get back to the top? Interesting. How Im not supposed to help. Idle. Its how Im supposed to be. Amazing. The answers in Lincoln*. Honestly. Should I have thought otherwise? Answers. Somewhere in the middle, will we meet? Quiet. Killing me slowly. Silence. Once again, its all thats left between us. *FootNote Kinda Thing. -- Lincoln, captial of Nebraska. Hard to explain why its imortant to this *poem*..
BPO. You have an amazing talent to string together words. Im so caught up in everything your right. Its all just amazing. Keep writing, I love to read it.
Thanks Sabre.. Long time no hear. I see what you are getting at Budda.. Interesting approach. Ive been looking into it and cant find something that I feel flows.. *leaking roof* just doesnt seem like it has enough strength.. You know? Any other ideas though? We are thinkin vivid!!
I have talked to you about your new man It makes you sound pretty happy It feels like someone just slapped me in the face My stomach is turned into knots I say he doesn't have what we had And it makes me kind of mad That I lost my one true love There is no need for a jacket or umbrella I can see the storm coming in quick I'm going outside into the rain because I can't handle this pain For 2 1/2 years we made it work And now its all gone, leaving tears on my face. Im writing this one last letter To let you know how I feel Before I do my best to keep it all together And keep my broken heart concealed. I will be on the other side Patiently waiting for the storm to clear Watching over you as best I can We went from lovers to friends We'll go from friends to lovers So, if he makes you smile There is nothing for me to do but accept it & respect it I'm saying my last goodbye in hopes it will sink in And let you think about it Then I'll just leave you alone and let our frienship be And be a man about this situation. *just fixed a few small errors I saw*
An Open Letter to Whoever is in Charge
Tasslehoff replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Falcon. I can tell you from experience what works on one girl wont work on another, or what works on one girl wont work 2.5 yrs later. Just have to go with the flow of life and do what you want, not what other expect of you. Good Luck with your ventures. Tass. The Kender -
I'd give up anything just to have you here right now, to take back those stupid careless words I said; The ones I'll regret for life, and make things right between us once again. I need you to know and to understand, that what came out of my mouth when I was upset does not reflect the truth, or the way I feel about you, about US. The reality is, you mean the world to me; nothing can take that away, You are the kind of person; An Angel one might say, That I've always hoped for, looked for, and dreamed about every night in my life.... The very person I want love for eternity |and beyond.| That's why I have made a vow to you and myslef, to quit the bad habits,Throwing the alcohol down the drain Not to be a careless fool, Throwing my life down the drain Who spouts of things he does not mean, Things that cause hurt and anger; Cause I need your laughter It raises my spirits and makes me feel on top of the world. I hope that you will find it in your heart, to forgive me once again for the retarded things Ive done this time, or atleast give me that one more chance that I need to prove to you.. A chance to make things right again, undo all the hurt I might have caused you, I will all devote my time, my energy, and myself to showing you who I am, every second of every day, showing you how I really feel, and how far I will go to win back your love. I know I can do better, be a better person, become the man you deserve.. All I need is that one chance to prove it, I need that look in your eyes, The one that makes me who I am, and do what I never thought possible, So please say you'll give me that chance to be the man I once was, The man I can only be with your love.. Blue - Revised or New Line Feels more like a letter, not quite a poem anymore, but I feel better about it, explains the details, hopefully shows a bit more emotion, but not too much that one thinks the writer is too weak. Tas- Back in The States
...exactly that moment a young kender walked into the middle of the *rule-book* spounting, holding what else, but a few weines. ( ) " Raistlin wouldnt like you shouting all these spells. Infact doesnt this Vodka Egg, or whatchever ya may call it belong to you. I found it. Would you like it back. I must be on my way " With that said he tosses to mole egg back at its tosser. and heads off into the sunset
Good to hear from you all, especially you Brute. Been a long time!
Thanks for you kind and meaningful words. As I read over your post and then follow over my * work * I understand what you mean. It needs more depth and more feeling to trully dictate to its readers the true feelings the writer ( myself ) is feelin at that moment in time. I think I will work more on this when I get a chance.. Thanks Wyvern. Always an inspiration.
Its Always Raining Designs! lol... ok. So that doesnt help, but it does fit the Seattle part.
Makes me want to cry actually. Crazy how so many words, can create such harsh memories and sad feelings with-in ones soul. Great Job Cyril.
Hey All. Been quite a while. Just wanted to shout a hello let you all know Im alive.. Right now I am currently in Okinawa, Japan, about to get Typhooned.. Been crazy lately, lifes throwing curveballs left and right. 2yr G/f just left and went home ( most likely permanetly ) and other such things like this deployment. Many might have knowticed my *poem* over in the Banquet Area, guess Im starting to get that itch again, we will see. Well gotta go.. Talk to you all later. Tass - Japan
Tasslehoff - Cause of a most awesome series of books and AngelXIIX cause thats where I started on the Archmage circuit.. Dont know why the name or how, but thats what it was... If I could have a name now it would be: Penguin Master ...
Patriotism.. It is one of those things, like Cough Medicine, that taken in Small Doses is good, but too much and it can be bad. There is nothing wrong with having some Patriotism, but when it gets to the extremist point of view, then thats when one should start to question themselves. And example, Suicide bombers. That in itself I dont find as Patriotism no more, that is wrong in my eyes.. Tass from Japan
I'd give up almost anything I could, to take back those careless words I said and make things right between us once again. I just want you to know that what came out of my mouth when I was upset does not reflect the truth, or the way I feel about you, about US. The reality is, you mean the world to me. You are the kind of person; I've always hoped for, looked for and dreamed about every night.... The very person I want love for eternity. Thats why I have made a vow to you and myslef, to quit the bad habits, and not act like that anymore... Not to be a careless fool, who spouts of things he does not mean, Things that cause hurt and anger. I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me, once again, or atleast give me that one more chance.. A chance to make things right again, undo all the hurt I might have caused you, and devote my time, my energy , and myself to showing you who I am, how I really feel, and how far I will go to win back your love. I know I can do better, be the kind of person you deserve.. All I need is that one chance to prove it, Please say you'll give me that chance.. Not a poem persay, but poetry in the way it express' the feelings I feel. <Coming straight out of Okinawa Japan>
Its always a good thing to vent, always seemed to help me out. Getting all of it off your chest, so you can breathe a bit. College is ruff, I only have 1 year of its experience before I enlisted, but I do understand what your saying. Take Care Mynx. I do have to agree with what I read above ( forgot name ) but maybe a fresh start in a different Martial Art would be good. Take Care.!
Once again, Tasslehoff was wandering thru the halls of the pen ( go figure. a kender..wandering.. ) when he happened to knowtice smudged hand prints everywhere he went. The funny thing is they were about 3 or 4 feet above the ground.. Thinking for quite a bit, the thought finally hit em! " My favorite little demonette!! " shouted Tas as he up and ran down to the Cabaret Room as fast as he could. After politly for WrenWind to finish her hug, he hug-tackled Rune into a big pile of red crayons. " How Ive missed your cute little precense!! "