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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. See, that is much my porblem. i dont hum or sing when I write, so often the songs are very hard written, coarse along the edges, until I get a chance to sing it along with my friend playing the guitar.
  2. -Since I cant find the *Members Forum*.. I figured I would write it here. I was thinking about maybe, a well.. A Song Forum.. I know its poerty, but hey.. I dont know. lol What do you all thing? Anyways.. Here my post: Eyes closed; Trying to grip the ever so crushing reality, Standing as tall as my heart will let me; Right by your side as long as your heart can stand me, Trying not to falter; Trying not to show the pain existing, Wanting to run away; Lost way too many to count, Standing tall; Always here; Through the thick and thin, Heart beating so rapidly; Words from my lips faltering, Hiding myself and the pain; Keeping it hidden; Deep within my skin, Being there for you; Many steps back; A few forward; But still there by your side The constant anger and jealousy, Creeping through my veins, Causing the damage; Ever so great The thing we shared, All shattered by the one lil' kiss Standing here face to face; Mono e mono, Just wanting to be that someone, The one who you look up too Running away at an uncontrollable pace; A pace I don't see, Sparks are flying; Happiness everywhere, Yet off you run; Too far away to stop it; Cursing the emotions, Seeing the truth; Don't understand and not wanting too, MAKE ME UNDERSTAND IT! Is there something more; a hidden lock; a passage unseen, Was I handed it all or given nothing at all The constant anger and jealousy, Creeping through my veins, Causing the damage; Ever so great The thing we shared, All shattered by the one lil' kiss Standing here face to face; Mono e mono, Just wanting to be that someone, The one who you look up too Running away at an uncontrollable pace; A pace I don see, The Memories though up, All but false advertisement, Waiting to be pushed out, Seeing it come, Clinging to what lil I can; What lil you left; What lil I see, Standing you up; That I did; Giving you the life and trust you needed, All the sacrifices and praises; No regrets nor false promises, The constant anger and jealousy, Creeping through my veins, Causing the damage; Ever so great The thing we shared, All shattered by the one lil' kiss Standing here face to face; Mono e mono, Just wanting to be that someone, The one who you look up too Running away at an uncontrollable pace; A pace I don't see, The mere 5 minutes I see of you, I cant argue, Still being with you, Its a gift I still treasure, Still learning on the outside; Still burning inside Burning, Burning for what was once... Standing here face to face, mono e mono Running away at an uncontrollable pace, A pace I don't see.....
  3. Oh krud. I missed it! What is it? I dont understand.. Oh crap!
  4. I am Tasslehoff, and well my rank. I am a Kender.. =D
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