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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. lmao @ Falcon. Oh goodness!
  2. First off, Doom. SHH! lol. Secondly Deg, your work is good. Very good. I wouldnt say it if I didnt mean it.
  3. * slowly rises from seat and then shouts * "OH NO! We have a romantic!!! " Upon hearing such harsh words the entire room clears out OOC: Ha Ha.. Just kidding. Very well done Doom. Very Good.
  4. wandering through Wyverns office's like a normal kender usually does, in secret and well, just being a kender, after JUST looking at some maps, which kenders do like to, he knowtices a piece of paper with quite funny writing on it " WoW. What funny writing that is " and with that said the Kender, whos name is Tasslehoff by the way. Further intrigued the writer continues to read, but has quite difficult problems do to the funny letters.. " ... eb dlouc eltsihw s'evitomocol ehT . ecafrus s'retaw eht fo ffo detcelfer nus eht sa sdlog dna seulb deniwtretni fo pordkcab a gnitsac , gnittes tcefrep erutcip eht demarf naeco eht sa sseltimil dna tsav deraeppa edos rehto ehT . ees dluoc eye eht sa fas sa rof srewolf fo lluf dleif a saw ereht edis eno nO . flah ni edisyrtuoc eht ecils ot deraeppa ckart ehT " OCC: Holy Crap.. That took a long time.. " Wait a minute " mumbles the kender after a few seconds..." No wonder this silly document is in a different language, even though its not, the writer wrote it upside down.. Silly them. I will just fix it for em, and be on my way " Once again, Tasslehoff strikes geniousness and turns the paper around 180 degrees. " There. PERFECT! " Off Wanders the happy kender, some how, meeting new people and picking up more and more knick-knacks. About 15 minutes later Wyvern enters into his office after struggling with the door for what had to been hours.. Wyvern slowly sits at his desk while mumbling words of returns and reciets and glancing at the door occaisonally..
  5. OCC: I have to be TOP 10!! as all the members around the pen gather to listen to stories, poems and play in RP alike, a short little kender hops onto a stool and starts to speak some words As I walk thru the fields Where time has stopped The memories fall down I see you walk bye, I don't know what to do All I can do is breakdown and cry I fall down, crumbling to the ground I can't think, it's raining in my head I don't know what to do All I wish is to be dead But it doesn't matter I wake up and you have disappeare bows and shuffles out the door to eat and hit the books
  6. WoW. That was a great story.. Lies and Sacrafices always tend to make me intrigued.. When it comes to stories.. I like the italicized lines inbetween, add'd great depth and structure!
  7. Very niffty! lol @ Gyr.. LEave em be.. =P
  8. Rune, so have such great skills at knowticing such little stuff. Bravo job reverie on such little time.
  9. Another very good piece my friend. Keep up this great work.. Its really awesome. You got killer talent..
  10. I have a F100.. But ofcourse, mine is from '68.. So yea, but Erm.. I get 11 miles to the gallon. Ha Ha. I am SO broke. =X
  11. * as Rune continues to talk with Peredhil in here trance, still trying to get the lefts into right , and the right lefts Josh had a brief encounter with a little kender fella who happened to be wandering where he most likely shouldnt have been...as usual* " Well Hello Good Day! " Tasslehoff mutters as he continues on pouches bouncing and slowly putting a small crystal ball into another one. Knowticing such an important item missing, right away of course, Josh immediatly turns to the kender and shouts: " Theif!! Theif! Give me back my ball! " Hearing such a ruckuss in the backround was causing a slight disturbance in Rune's Force, and hence she yells " Hey Josh, you want to find this bird thingy, or not! SHUUSH! " With that said, Rune continues with the directions to where ever they lead. " WHAT? Oh fine. I will take care of him myself " mumbles Josh. Just as the kender rounds a corner he feels his feet stop moving, adn he slowly turns around ( not on his own mind you ) and starts floating back to where he was before. " Hey! Wait.. Feet, listen here " yells the kender as he stares at his feet, " I dont want to go there, we have to go that way! Flint is that away.. HEY! Stop.. Arg. I hate when they do this.. It always seems to happen around a wizard or something.. Darn them sometimes.. Hey speaking of wizards and such, I wonder where Raistlin is.. HEY FEET! You listening, come on.. stop with the games. I want to see Raistlin, Flint can wait.. " After a short minute the Kender stops struggling and finally knowtices he is floating face to face with a really scary ugly guy.. " Excuse me mister.. Could you tell my feet to let me do the thinking? " OCC: How was that? =X
  12. WoW Thats about all I can say.. No not about the peom! I didnt expect such a large responce from it.. But I like it.. I think.. LoL.. Thanks Guys.. Now that I read it again, it is pretty cools. lol~!!
  13. I dont know quite what to say. Its hard to say much, for I dont get the imagery. What is this about exactly my friend?
  14. Archaneus, Its very well done, short but to the point, how about: Ignorance Walks
  15. Alright, Doom. Here you go.. Here is my poem ; Explicit First Love. This was written after a wonderful night with my girlfriend, we spent all night laying in each others arms, just talking and goofin off, no frustrations from the outer world or anything, just the two of us, making a night to remember. Too bad it had to end, and our relationship too.. Once again, this is a MATURE subject.. So if you are asily offended by such stuff, please dont read any further. -- Explicit First Love -- Today I knew for the first time, Understood this craving inside me, Discovered this ache for you, Was more than I'd assumed, And I looked into your eyes as our words encircled one another, I quivered at your touch, When I knew for the first time, I wanted you to kiss me, Satin lips on every part of my skin, Glancing all my secret places, Tongue dancing on my flesh, When I knew for the first time, Eager hands exploring my body, New territory, When I knew for the first time, I wanted you to love me, To stay with me every night; Hold me close, To feel your chest rise and fall as you sleep under my cheek, And wake up with your eyes meeting mine, A smile slowly creeps onto our faces.. Never having to ask, just knowing how you feel By looking into your eyes and sighing in unison Today I knew for the first time I wanted to love you
  16. Very Well Done Doom, Very Well Done. Most Excellent Story You Got There! Bravo!
  17. As the sun rises over the horizon it peaks thru the dew covered window shining upon your sweet sleeping face quietly, trying not to awake you slowly brushing aside your bangs revealing such tenders lips, that I slightly kiss, after a quick shuffle out the door, I wisper: YES! FOOTBALL DAY!! Turning on the TV, giving a mighty HOORAY! Grabbing the chips, cupping the bowl of salsa, hopping onto the couch I go, OH CRAP! I woke the wife.. Now I am in trouble, off to mow the lawn I go! Ha Ha. I wrote that in class. No wonder I dont understand the assignment
  18. Explicit Love! I dont know if they are ready for such writing. I will think about. I dont quite know they would handle the topic of sex.
  19. I kinda just started writing on our IRC channel. I was bored. Depressed, so I just kept going.. 21:31] *** StkBadCom is now known as SemiStick [21:31] * SemiStick semiwaves [21:31] I can slowly feel my self slippin away [21:31] Fighting the words that are so often revived in my head [21:32] * Canid nods and notes she won't actually stay... must get sleep - just had tea at the wrong time... [21:32] Running from the images that make life so miserable [21:32] Yeah, I'll take apetit for 600 [21:32] actually, I should head up now. [21:32] Goodnight all. [21:32] *** Canid has quit IRC (Quit (I am not insane..... the world is!)) [21:32] Will there ever be any healing on my behalf [21:32] Just trying to shut you out [21:33] It seems so real, this struggle I go through each day and night [21:33] I just want to give up, stop this endless fight [21:33] I am all out of sanity, my strength is gone [21:33] you have won again, as you always do [21:33] *** lumpen has joined #thepen [21:33] *** Q sets mode: +o lumpen [21:34] I beg you please, just let me be! So yea.. Thats it.. Nothing to great, just some ramblings. OK! Here is more. This is later, so bear with me! [23:13] me run off to write a song about Gyrfalcon [23:13] Oh he is the most awesome falcon [23:13] I wonder if he is a military chaplain? [23:14] he likes to color with his big crayons [23:14] lol [23:14] he sure isnt your ordinary houseman [23:14] [23:14] he always runs around rappin on your noggin [23:15] dont forget he smells like rotten bananas [23:15] * Gyrfalcon smirks [23:15] * Gyrfalcon stops smirking [23:15] dont forget he has a covered wagon [23:15] Well ofocurse its wooden [23:15] You like Gyr? [23:15] [cancel the banana thing] [23:16] lol [23:16] GRRR [23:16] * Gyrfalcon resumes his smirk [23:16] * lumpen wonders what drugs kender has taken :| OKI! I was the italicized writing DoomGaze is the bold Gyrfalcon is the underlined And Lumpen is the underlined and italized
  20. Very Well Done. I was quite Suprised to find such a ending.
  21. Oh God Reverie. You remind me of my father! Ha Ha. He tends to do that same thing!
  22. * applauds * Maybe its a different view, different thought pattern, but I didnt find that at all morbid. I seemed more or less a happy poem on a sad subject.
  23. LoL, a poem about writers block, I have trully seen everything now!
  24. Sabre, you r0x0r, so knock it off!
  25. I have always been there for you You know this to be true I always opened my heart; gave you the warmth, I will not let this go to waste; Let you wander away, Never forgeting what there was for us; What there could have been.. What was once there is now gone, F ck the cursed dreams that follow me around, Pictures of you dancing in front of my eyes, Teasing me ever so much; When will I just say good-bye, All these dammned feelings making me faint, Is all this pain worth it? Will there be a gain? What must I do; What must I say to be with you, Hurting so bad; Is it really so worth it to be sad? You left me here; No where to go;, So happy with out you, But then why this feeling of blue, Emotions of pain and despair; Sanity about to unglue.. Hoping some day my words seep in, Understanding my every push and shove, When will you see the differences can be settled, This love has me ever so disabled, Cant take a step forward; stuck in the past.. The memories.. The memories.. Played thru my mind; With lil contrast, Reality from lies.
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