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Everything posted by Tasslehoff
The person above me, well he just moved into his own place
I hope there is an after life, cause I want to be re-incarnated as a Yea, that would be lovely...
OOC: Thanks Rune After heading off down the roads back towards his house, Ryan slowly wonders how the night went by so quickly. He could barely remember any of the races, the cars or any of the pretty faces that where always out there on Saturday Nights. Still pondering who this old man was and why he knew em, Ryan turned off of I-5 and onto Interstate 44 East, smashing the gas petal and racing off towards his exit.. As Ryan pulled off at Shasta View, he heard the distant ring of his phone.. After pulling off a local gastation, Ryan picks up his phone, flips it open and answers.. " Hello ? " answers Ryan " Hey. What you doing? " ask the femine voice on the other phone " Nothing much. On my way home, Just got back from some race, you? Why you up so late? " " Umm. Well I was wondering if we could me up? I really need to talk with you.. Its important.. Its about.. Well I will tell you when you get here. " " Yea Sure.. Where you want to me at? The Sacramento Park? Sounds good. Be there soon.. " says Ryan as he hangs up the phone. After starting his truck once more, Ryan puts it into drive, flips a U-turn and pull sback onto the highway at full speed, heading towards the Park.. With the windows down, his newest CD blaring, Ryan cruises at 70 MPH wondering what lays ahead of him tonight..
The Kender once again climbs upon the wooden stool and stands infront of the The Pen and other audiences to reciet a few words that where just scribbled down on a napkin. After wiping several beads of sweat of the little forehead the kender starts to speak As I waste away my time, Visions of you come and go, Never Knew love to be such a crime, All your games and lies; Just a petty little show, I can see thru the curtains of your secrets now, No longer need to hide from you, No more playing dead; I wont just bow down.. The Kender slowly stops reading, flips the page over, and then back over... After a "hmpff" he flips the page upside down, and then back rightside up.. " Erm.. Eh.. Well thats all. I cant find my other pages.. I dont know what happened.. I lost them.. Too much stuff in my pouches maybe.. I think I need to go to the bank.. " Then out of the blue, while continuosly mumbling he kender sits down on the floor, empties out all his pouches and searches for the rest... OOC: To Be Continued Later.. Comments are ok.
Very Well Done My Fellow Writer. I hate finding old memories.
Yes Wyvern deserves a lot of credit. What a great lizard with an imagination!
Thanks Cyril.. UmMm. I dont have a time frame yet, cause I need to still find a company, but maybe like, by the end of Febuary? That would be great, yes. The end of the month.. ON feedback, yea sure. It you would love to say something, that would be grea,t I mean, even if its a : what crappy work I dont mind. I need to know the truth, cause I dont really wanna go with my hopes all up and get thrashed, ya know? But erm.. Just tell me what ya think and maybe a poem/song or two you like the best. =)
Posa giù oltre a Lei, Girare guardare dentro i Suoi occhi, Emozioni mescolate; Non intelligente quello che dovrei fare, Baciare il lato del Suo collo; Profumo dolce, Arresto guardare nella Sua anima. Vista che potrebbe sbagliare, L'essenza trascina mi più vicino, Armato ha avvolguto intorno il Suo corpo, Baciare i Suoi labbra offre in pagamento d'un debito, Arresto guardare nella Sua anima, Vista che potrebbe sbagliare, Voglia fermare; Avere bisogno di continuare, Meravigliare quello che dovrei dire, Vista che ha posato giù su cima di me, Baciare il lato del mio collo, Spedire freddi sul mio spina dorsale, Cercare di resistere a; Avere bisogno di fermare, Guardare nella Sua anima, Vista quello forse questo è giusto, Mi inclino in baciare di nuovo; Stoping sotto la luce mezzanotte Esattore i nostri sensi; Nostro piccolo segreto, :: fa tacere:: non lascia loro conosce:: fa tacere:: WoW. It feels good working with some Italian. Now I dont remember all the rules and accents, so I probably butchured it, so please forgive me. Laying down besides you, Turning to look in your eyes, Mixed emotions; Not knowing what I should do, Kissing the side of your neck; Sweet scent, Stopping to look into your soul. Seeing that it might be wrong, The essence draggin me closer, Arms wrapped around your body, Kissing your lips tender, Stopping to look into your soul, Seeing that it might be wrong, Wanting to stop; Needing to continue, Wondering what I should say, Seeing you lay down on top of me, Kissing the side of my neck, Sending chills up my spine, Trying to resist; Needing to stop, Looking into your soul, Seeing that maybe this is right, I lean in to kiss again; Stoping under the midnight light Collecting our senses; Our lil' secret, ::hush:: dont let them know ::hush::
WoW Yabden, I didnt know you where a poet. VERY GOOD!
Archaneus, It was a purely a joke, for I too am just a helpless romantic. =S
you know, my heart feels cold, ofcourse, I do have a cold, but I mean.. Yea.. Erm. Nevermind.. lol
There is shine, but no shinys in the land of doubles
I got this poem published in a book. No clue where the damn thing is, but yea.. =- Unrelenting -= As the night falls The memories cry out Tears fall from the blue eyes Lined with detest and love The past envelops the present While the future is hindered Where to run to, where to hide Darkness everywhere, Unrelenting As the time in front slows I remember moving to fast And along came the grateful past Filtering out the bad, the disgust Emphasizing the good, those moments Yet the darkness everywhere, Surrounds me! The foolish lies that have followed The fruitless tears that lay upon my cheek The void happiness swallowed without a glance The acute darkness surrounds me UNRELENTING!
WoW. Great feelings there blondemoon. Took me a few reads to understad it.. But I got it.. The flow is kinda off-beat, not that any of mine are on beat, and so it made it difficult for me. BUT GREAT JOB!
OH OH OH!!! There are kenders and missing knick-knacks, but NO full pouches in doubles land
Ha Ha. Grandmas are crazy.. I love mine. =D
There are kenders in your home, but no missing knick-knacks in the land of doubles
Heya Falcon, Great Job. Glad to see you posting!
Erm.. Crazy stuff there kiddo.
That is too hilarious! I love that part. Just a pivot! Ha Ha. i will never look at those pivots the same now.. Awesome Writing!
Hey! That is so very good. Well done !!
Ha Ha. That was SO funny, maybe its cause I am on these Nightquill drug pills cause I got a stuffy nose and all that good stuff, but that was just hilarious.. Anywho.. Very Well Done!
What he said * points a smallish kender figer towards Zool * LoL. Welcome, Welcome to our humble aboad.. Feel free to cookies and tea as you see fit.
OOC: Ok, I am going to try this little piece, I mean, I dont know how it is going to work, so we will see. Basically, I am just going to start writing, I dont know where it will lead.. The story will be more or less real life, but the catch is that anyone here, can add in their thoughts, their own lines.. So basically, The Pen gets to decide what happens next with *my new life* Got it? Slowly opening the front door, and closing it behind him, making sure to be as quiet as possible as to not wake the parents, Ryan pulls out a set of keys, locks just one lock and continues up the driveway to his truck, which is parked on the opposite side of the street, just waiting to be drove. Slowly opening the driver side door and climbing in the truck, Ryan tries despartly to start the truck, but as usual floods the engine and therefore has to sit in the freezing cold for just a moment longer " Gosh Darn it.. Maybe on of these days I can actually get a hunk of junk that will actually work. " mumbled Ryan as he tries one more time to turn the engine over.. After a second try the motor roars to life and trys to low idle, but do the extremely cold weather, it once again dies. " Oh Crap! I am for sure going to wake the parents.. ARG! " After waiting for just one more minute Ryan turns the ignition over and starts the engine, immediatly putting it into drive and coasting at low RPMS down the street and around the corner, where he stops and warms the truck up some more, thus enabling him to drive, with out stalling the motor, again and again. " Finally. I swear, I hate this truck sometimes " jokes Ryan as he pats the dashboard. " All I can ask is that you stand by me tonight baby.. Just one more night " With a quick tap of the gas and a shift from Park to Drive, Ryan drives off into the dark night to meet with his friends at the local race spot for a night of fun, cars, woman, and well, racing. OCC: Is that an okies start?