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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. Rune, How am I ever supposed to post now.. The work you put up is amazing.
  2. I suppose you are right Arch.. I suppose that is why.
  3. The Kender slowly walks up to his loving girlfriend as she tries on some new levis " Babe.. You look fat in those.. Yea.. Both your hips and your a s " A few seconds later, Tasslehoff wonders why he is floating towards bright white pearly gates. Then he remembers his famous last words..
  4. Rune your graffiti post was abosolutlty (sp? lol ) hilarious. I loved it!! I was laughing pretty damm hard, after all the confusion.
  5. Rune, that poem is absolutly great! you are a stud![ in a female demoness way ] Keep up the good work!
  6. WoW. What to say after such masterfull words of revery.. Rune, I am not a master poet, nor am I all that amazing [as viewed in my own eyes], but I want to say you are a wonderful writer. Your imagination.. Well its insanse. The ideas you constantly come up with. your constand post, with thoughts and ideas and RP. Its all so amazing.. And now you have moved into poetry? WoW. You are taking writing by storm. for your first poem, its absolutly amazing.. the detail.. the imagination, the wording. its all crazy.. you are SO cute.. lol.. Wait.. HmM. That wasnt supposed to be there.. ;P GO RUNE is all I have to say!
  7. the person above me almost left, but cause we are family, is still here today,g racing us with post. =D
  8. Hidden Questions dont turn away from me now listen to these whispers flowing from my lips to your ears cant you see what lies between us the past buried 6ft underground - I just wanted to love you.. cant you see what is meant to be why do you run and hide, fight the destiny the stubborniss lies in your soul- nothing to gain from fighting these words written by the hands of pain you will see one of these days opening your eyes, letting the light in - I just wanted to love you, unconditionally true why do you run and hide, fight the destiny the stubborniss lies with in your depths along with your lies and immaturity all mixed in with falsified purity cant you see our iner-twined destiny- breaking the glass as my whispers heighten to screams screams of painfull memories re-lived throught your blood stained words just wanting to love you cant you see, I just wanted to love, cant you see... I dont know why.. But I love that peom, but I hate it at the same time..
  9. I love you <_
  10. * the kender wanders up to find a neatly written note tacked to his door. Upon reaching upon [on his tippy-toes mind you] Tasslehoff is finally able to grag the note and take it off the door. Opening the door and entering into his room , he sits down and starts his responce * My Dear Friend Cyril I appreciate all the help you have given me and all your words that have been all so generous and thruthfull to your thinking. Now I will do my best to answer your question and in an attempt, explain my *style*, as per questioned in question number 2 [got that? lol]. Question #1 Given that you have posted a couple pieces both here and on your website, and have used different formatting options in the two places, are you perhaps a little too indifferent to the way you present your text to the eye of your readers? The formatting on my wsebsite was done by a friend of mine. I asked him to format them all to the middle, cause at the time, it was the easiet and quickest way to get them up, and readable. I do agree, that not all poems should be centered, and hopefully, one of these days, I will learn a bit of HTML and format them to look their best and flow the easiest. Question #2 Do you have a reason for the way you decide to start and stop a line of verse? Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont. It all depends I guess. Like, my poem: Pouring Hope I repeat a few lines.. I use it as a reminder of what is going throught the writers mind, and it helps further produce a bigger, better image, cause you have to think about it again and again. But other times, I just write as the words come outta my mind, no format, no reason, I just write em down as they come. Question #3 Are you attentive enough to spelling, grammar and punctuation? Unfortunatly. I am horrible at spelling, I have been meaning to go back and correct it all for SO many days.. I will do that one day.. lol.. Just keep harping on me about it.. Well I hope I answered those well, but I must be off. Big math test tomorrow. Thanks again Cyril, and have a good day my friend.. A Kenderish Tasslehoff
  11. Man, someone took a Kenders favortie last words, well most renound that is.. " opps "
  12. Vlad, you do amazing work as a poet, keep it up. =)
  13. No work needed. Very well done
  14. Cyril. Thank You Very Much. I also hope other post theirs thoughts opinions. It is very daunting [i believe thats the word to use] that you are the only one that has responded [besides Rev]. I guess everyone is just way too busy. once again, thank you Cyril
  15. Awesoem Cyril. That is great news
  16. *claps* Very Well Done *claps*
  17. I know its not supposed to be funny, but Revery.. You crack me up..
  18. The person above me I have never met.
  19. HA HA HA.. But it add tension and nervousness.. =P
  20. Depression.. its not.. its not quick.. its not played on a board game.. Its sucks..
  21. very well written justin. I have occaisionally drinked, did this weekend, but I tell you what, after one crazy night, I have yet wanted to really ever drink a lot.. Alcohol, a drug, kills, but sometimes its just sounds too good to resist, but I look up to you for being able to resist it so well.. You are a brave and bold man in this world for not drinking.
  22. Slowly the kender rises after searching through ALL his pouches.. After putting just about everything back in, except a few lost items Gyrfalcon and Peredhil and Wyvern claimed as there own, the kender picks up a piece of paper with some scribbling on it, mixed in with the occasional tear drops " Um. Well. I didnt find the rest of the other one. Maybe I never wrote it like I thought I did. Who knows. Being a kender is hard work, and you occasionally loose stuff, its a crazy job.. Well anyways.. I will read what I found, well actually. I just wrote it as I was searching through my pouches.. A picture from the past lead the way... " Its been two long months Havent seen your face or heard your voice, Slowly weeding you out of my system, Cant believe it ended this way, All alone these days; But its ok, Standing on my own two feet again, No longer tied down by your imature games, Watching the past float away to the sky, Another memory bursting into flames, Putting you behind me, Its my turn to say "Good-Bye" .....Good-Bye..... With that said the kender slowly exits the stage, as Ryan enters OOC: This is the *real* me speaking. Well. Yea.. There you have it.. Um. Also on this scroll, is another small poem.. I hope maybe I could share it with you guys? I havent shown this to my mom yet, but I will. One day. Its kind of a poem about her, the most important person in my life [ I hate picking favorites ] . This poem is about the struggle she faces everyday with her MS and just tells her that I will be there best as I can.. A Fight.. A Struggle.. No one understands her pain; No one can see her tears, Denial.. Confussion.. No one knows what she is dealing with; No one wants to believe the truth, Depression.. Self Hatred.. No one knows of the fight within; No one cares to choose sides to help ..But none of that matters.. ..This battle will be won.. ..No chance of loosing here.. ..For by your side I will be.. ..From start to finish.. ..There I will be by your side.. After wiping away the occasional tear, and finally choking out the final words, Ryan exits the stage and takes his place by his mother The titles of the poems are : 1) Flames of the Past 2) M.S. - Her Fight.. Her Disease-
  23. Very Wise Words Peredhil
  24. I know nothing. Very Good Poem.
  25. Grabbing a small stool to stand on, the kender reaches up and press' the power on his DVD player.. After thinking about Silver's song for just a second longer, the kender winces and press' the open button and the proceeds to fall off as the tray smacks him in the forehead, sending him to ground.. After scurrying back a bit, the kender waits patiently, for Jesus to come from within the DvD player.. After a second or two of nothing, the kender sighs, hops back on the stool, places : The Fast and The Furious in the DvD player, press' play, grabs some popcorn and sits down to watch the most awesomest movie OOC: Very Funny
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