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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Thats about all I can do.. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif
  2. That was very well written Falcon.. WoW. I mean, the poem really speaks to me, for I myself am a firm hater of love. lol.
  3. Ill look into a few of these topics soon . =)
  4. I hope Vlad doesnt mind me putting my two-cence in here.. But, I have to agree with him. BPO, your an amazing writer with much talent! Hope to see more and If I can help anys, just tell me.
  5. As the battle rages on below the cloud cover, a soul spectator watches with increasing intrest. Sitting gently upon a soft pillow of a wandering cloud, AngelXIIX waits for the right moment to make his entrance, to try and defeat all that stand in his way. As winds slowly shifts, causing the strands of hair on this new soul, to cross his gentle face. AngelXIIX watches as the clouds part, signaling to him that it was his time to stand up and fight. Standing up upon the last remaining cloud, and letting his wings stretch, causing feathers fall like a blanket of snow, AngelXIIX summons his staff @~Fiore~@ to his side. Made of the finest Redwood, topped with an emerald in a perfect form of a hexagon with feathers of a pheonix dangling by the finest dwarven leather, AngelXIIX, jumps into the air, letting his body free-fall towards the earth. Falling for what must have been just a few seconds, the fighting crowd realizing this new oppenant as they are covered in feathers, and they hear AngelXIIX coming. As they all watch in awe as he freely spins and falls to the gorund, to just at the last moment, Open his wings wide, allowing him to land solidly on the ground, with-out a sound. After a few stares and moments of Silence, this graceful soul stretches his wings once again. After a few moments AngelXIIX starts to float about 2 inches off the ground.. Grabbing @~Fiore~@ from his side. He spins it 3 times over his head before slamming the butt end into the ground.. Slowly, but surely, the feathers, stop mid-air and turn into free-floating ice-cicles, 2 seconds before they all burst into flames causing all but AngelXIIX, himself to turn divert their eyes. As the light dims away, AngelXIIX formally introduces himself. I am AngelXIIX, guardian of the Realm of Light. Protector of all things good, pure and even Kenders.
  6. Hey buddy. Non of this stuff sucks. You are very talented writer. You capture your feelings, or the expressed feelings very well. Hope I can read more sometime man.. Bravo!
  7. Well thats good its not bloody human parts. Very nice poem Rune, it flows very well!
  8. Tasslehoff slowly wanders in behind Rune, chuckling at all the semi-melted gummi bears and greats Distarius a welcome, and wanders off to ponder his poem that Cyril keeps hassling him about..[ ]
  9. These tears flow from my eyes, They only carry saddness and depression, Bringing out a storm raging from with-in, Waking up from another falsified dream session, Thoughts of you brigning upon me another idea of sin.. Lately, Days come and go, Like the moon and stars, Here one minute, gone the next, So often you seem to cross into my mind, Again causing these fultile tears to flow.. Eh?
  10. HMM.. I see ignore doesnt mean ignore anymore.. Ha Ha! Thanks guys.. this was meant to go somewhere else, but the site is fritzing so I needed a place to store it.
  11. WoW. Quite the poem. That is amazing right there. I like the sigh part. lol. Why, I dont know.. But it was awesome! GO CROWGIRL!
  12. Very well Then Ryuu, we got a deal! =D
  13. So the other day I get this email from Shelly[you all remember her], and well, I dont know why, but I open em, just to see what was inside, and plus I was bored, wanted something to do. Now I remind you I havent seen her, nor have I talked to her since December 15th or so, I cant remember exactly,but that doesnt matter, but anywho..So as I scan over this little survey thing she sent me, it comes to the part where they ask you to list some friends, and about the 5th name, a most familiar one pops up, mine.. Ryan.. and after it, in parenthesis, it says ( I think ).. I just dont get it.. According to her, we werent freinds just last month, she didnt even want me to think about her, but now she is wondering if I am still her friend. Does that make sense to everyone but me? Once again, I dont get it. i dont know how many times I can say that, but its true, I JUST DONT F***ING GET IT! -Side Note: Michele make up your mind, and then find me! I am not going out of my way - Gah! I am talking to my soul mate, so yea. I am going to go ... Bye! (okies. I just need to save this here for like one day! please just ignore it!)
  14. Breaks are okies. Help re-furbish the mind! HeH. Reminds me of those Furby things.. Never had one, but where actually kinda cool, except they never shut up.. HmmMm.. Ciao My Lady!
  15. Sure Kokuryuu , you can call me Tass, I dont mind, I mean, I mostly refer to myself as the kender anywho. lol Tasslehoff is a long word!
  16. Once again, what very very great wonderful work! amazing..
  17. the game we play, provides us with the strength, to test our own sanity, can you keep up with me now, Im finally ahead of your plan, completely done with you, no more tricks; no more lies, seeing the truth among a few, sadness escapes me; no more watery eyes, there is a new me in this new world, with new hope and regenerated wings I fly, exploring all that is new I know its not great, and it doesnt flow well, but its a start, needed to write it donw atleast, before I lost the paper.
  18. That was absolutly just amazing! I see so much talent in your writitng. The words captured my mind so easily and just kept it there[though thats not hard to do with a kender].. I hope to read more.. Thanks for posting! GO HUSKIES! Alaeha showed this too me.. TOO FUNNY! The Rednecks Version
  19. Well, for me.. Just imagine a penguin and it wont look anything like me!! =P
  20. Damn spelling monster. He always finds me and torments me!
  21. oOoOo PENGUINS!! :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
  22. Interesting format There Seii, and like the Arch [cant remember how to spell it] said, Welcome to the Pen. We all fit in, dont worry.
  23. ~Running Rememberance~ I never asked you to give it all up, Leaving everything blowing in the wind, Out of your sight I am, like the crumbled paper note of our love, Never asking for your sympathy, never wanting you to feel sorry for me, I just wanted you by my side; Whispering, Whispering; Everything will be alright..alright.. All I needed was the truth, Not the delivered lies... -Chorus- I stand here face to face, With the troubles of the past, Someone I thought I knew, One who loved to laugh, Knew how to smile making my day, Laid down the yellow brick path, But you veered off the path, Outta my life. -Chorus-So I needed all of the thruth, Why is it such a big deal, Knowing I would do the same for you, I wonder why the hell are you hiding, Running away I wonder if its me, Is it my fault, Did I cause all of my own pain, Wishing there was something I could do.. Hoping; Wishing; Dreaming.. They are all the same to me, Nothing to change your mind, Darkness swallowing me whole, Depression once again filling up my once vibrant mind. -Chorus- I stand here face to face, With the troubles of the past, Someone I thought I knew, One who loved to laugh, Knew how to smile making my day, Laid down the yellow brick path, But you veered off the path, Outta my life. -Chorus-What can I do; Is there anything I can say, Life has no more meaning to my eyes, You threw the paper out the window, Dont you see that the story of you an me, It could be real, bet he real fantasy deal, But your too dammned afraid to admit it, All that wasted time not even worth a dime, But what could I ever say to your heart so thick I am slowly but surely floating away, Out of Sight, Out of your mind I fly.
  24. Words escape my lips as I try to speak.. Very Good!
  25. A many of topic here in the pens mighty keeps, is books.. Books of love and romance, books of hate and jealousy, books of heros and kenders, books of this and that, so I decided to make a post where people can suggest books for others to read, and icnlude a bit of an exerpt and explain it non the less. My Suggestion: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy ; By Tim Burton its a book of many randoms writings, heres one called: Jimmy the Hideous Penguin Boy "My Name is Jimmy, but my friends call me the hideous penguin boy" LMAO! I love this book. READ ~!~!
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