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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tasslehoff

  1. WoW Falcon.. That was very good indeed. Bravo job!
  2. -= Life's End =- As the tears fall from my eyes All I can do is die Put the knife to my wrist Think once again of that G' Night Kiss As I think of the past I see the stupid mistakes But how can I change these high stakes For now my coffin is closed and sealed
  3. Interesting concept Jeff. Often I have looked out the window wondering who I am, or where I am going.. Its most likely during a lightning, cause I think those are awesome, but back on track.. Great job man
  4. damn that was good Jeff. Way to go.. I like that one! My favorite too
  5. Very well written Yabden.. =)
  6. * gently and politly pokes Rune * we are Quill Bearers.. YEA! Thank You guys.. Hopefully I can do well on my "quest"
  7. My first ever attempt at a bit of *poetry* =- Self-Glory -= A World, Self centered, self indulged, the meaning? A meaning of hell's dreams come true, the love gone, the faith disappeared what's left? The bubbles popped, the wealth disappeared, The lives end, All to lead you to hell, Where there is only one thing different, Is that the people above have no meaning for You are enslaved, F :censored : G enslaved with hells most selfish The people with lives they have ended. The people like me!
  8. lol. That was so funny. Makes me think of my grandpa!
  9. The Pen is VERY open minded. =)
  10. =- Silent -= As I starred into your eyes I promised the world, I promised that we wouldn't become futile lies Now I sit all alone, Silent Listening to the world cry As they bring up those false lies All I wished for was the truth All I needed was for our love to live Yet the flowers wilted, Dreams Stopped And soon following my heart stopped beating And suddenly there was... Silence! I wrote this SO long ago.
  11. Vlad.. I lost my sense of thought cause I got wrapped up in a conversation with Gyrfalcon, so if this doesnt make sense.. BLAME HIM! -Anywho. What i was going to mention was that I hate the fact of not knowing which way my life is going and not havning control.. I like to think I determine my fate, and well hope that I do. But, i like what you where doing with the poem. I dont know if it was meant this way but. I see a little *theme* or kinda well numeric order.. 2-3-3-4-3-3-2.. Anywho. i think thats pretty cool. It flows well and I think it adds more to the poem! WAIT! EDIT! I just knowticed, the opening stanza and closing stanza both have 3 lines with four words.. Is that meant to be Vlad?
  12. HmM. Interesting little poem there Shade.. I like it.. But like Vlad hinted, I think it needs more, maybe add a bit more body, get the reader pulled in some more and trapped in the nightmare.. or.. just leave it.. =)
  13. Reliving They told me there was no way, It just wasnt going to be happening, Told me straight up it couldnt be done, Just another damned battle that couldnt be won, They throw me excuses; one right after another, You know what I am talking about, But you ignore it; Too stubborn; Too good for it all, Trying to break through the walls, Forcing my way in; Making a lil' room to breathe, Pushing me out again; Slap in the damned face, Down the steps I fall; Thrown back into my place, Back to the hell; The hell I want out of, Asking for your help; But your too damned stubborn; Too damned good for me.
  14. *w00t* GO WYVERN!
  15. Yo yo Yo, fo shizzo, that was tighite my home g dog. Keep it real yo.. peace *special handshake*
  16. Sure -Undecent- is word.. I just made it up. lol.. Yea, I guess I meant indecent love.. and no. I dont cut myself.. It was just a relief of anger and depression.. thanks for your concern though. =)
  17. -= Lifeless Love =- As I starred into your eyes, I believed in you and me, I handed you my heart, But all you do is hand me lies in return, There was no goddamn truth in our story together Stabbed me in my back you did, Not knowing what to do, I sat down with a picture of you, Letting the knife slide across my veins, The blood flowing to the ground, Not thinking, Just *relieving* my pain, I crumble to the cold marble floor, My eyes wandered towards the picture of you, But all I could see was the enveloping darkness, The light is gone forever, I passed away, Down to the depths of the damned hell I fell, Looks as if I wont live another damned day, But I don't see the pain in your eyes, I don't see the tears as you cry.. But of-course, They say I am dead. Sometimes life is crap.
  18. I kinda like what few people are doing. So I think I will start putting all my poems into one thread.. Some of these poems may push the limits, or some might be bit strong.. Just a fair warning..Its you have any comments you could put em here, or in the Critics Corner [ I think thats right? ] But anywho.. Heres 1. Indecent Love If you stepped into my head, Saw the ensuing insanity, Would you still love me? If I jumped off the bridge, Played the game; Took another step, Would you follow me? If you woke up in my bed, Two souls a touching Would you still hold me? If I just walked away, Scared of life and the paths we run, Would you come and find me another day? If I made you ever so mad, Imitating the way you walk; the way you talk, Would you see the mistake and forgive me? ..Or.. Is this the last time? Will you no longer stand by me side? Just throwing everything aside; Right back into my face, Falling towards the ground; Spinning at an ever so unforgiving pace, With all the rest; It doesnt matter; You've lost all that grace, I dont understand; What turned you this way; I lost you someplace...
  19. That was very beautifull Yui.. Great work there!
  20. *taps Rune on the shoulder* ?
  21. Can we write about penguins?
  22. Thanks Brute.. Thanks.. lol
  23. WoW Cyril. Thats so good. You are such an amazing poet.. Bravo man! Bravo!
  24. Thanks guys.. Appreciate the kind words.. To tell you the truth I dont know what to say. I feel so lost.. its crazy. But I guess. One of these days. I will pull myself out
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