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Everything posted by Kasmandre
Ottava rima? Me? That can't be right! Too frivolous? But tut, there's no such thing! Let others ponder thoughts of wrong and right, Or sit and think how much they love the spring; I'd rather spend my time in gleeful spite, Or maybe laugh, or maybe sit and sing. Besides, it might be fun to be inspiring - But surely it would get so very tiring. What Poetry Form Are You? Or my alternate, which seems to fit me at the moment (finals and all...) I know I should be telling you that I'm A rubai - but perhaps some other time. It sounds like work, and anyway, it's late - Unless I sleep, I'll be too tired to rhyme. Besides, there's plates to clear and cups to clink, And when that's done I have to sit and think, Since then it won't be long before I need To sleep again and eat again and drink. What Poetry Form Are You? The first rubai, I feel special...
Cabbage Patch soup, eh? Looks like something Mr. Bunny would enjoy... I really like a good meaty soup, although tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches is a great combination.
I agree that the Pen is a long-term forum and everyone shouldn't be moved up a step every two months, I think six months may be a little long, especially for the step between initiate and page. After all, that amounts to as much as six months without any say in member issues. It seems, at least to me, that becoming a page shouldn't take that long. It's really a step that takes much less time. And just because there are promotions every two months doesn't mean everyone's getting moved along each time. I've been at the Pen for almost a year now (about 10 months), and I wasn't promoted every two months, nor did I expect to be. I think that as long as the elders keep in mind the quality of posting and activity in the community that each position necessitates, there shouldn't be any problem with people moving up too quickly. And finally, when DO we get our quill quests?!?!?
Application Ex Machina
Kasmandre replied to Ethics Gradient's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Kasmandre stares for a moment at Ethics' application effort. "Now why the hell didn't I think of that!" ooc:I like! I like lots!! -
Chowder? Chowder! Say it Frenchy!!! Hee hee hee. Personally, I prefer chicken soup, or even better tomato. Ooh, or beef noodle... Crap, now I'm hungry again...
Greetings, Ethics! It's always nice to see a new face around here. Enjoy yourself and definately consider applying if you like what you see!
I get enough debate in my daily life (I live in a "political affairs" dorm, so I get to hear every radical, nutjob, and facist on campus), but I know enough to just avoid debate topics, so null vote for me.
Whohoo!! Quill-bearer!! Wheee!!! Kasmandre proceeds to dance around the room, shaking his moneymaker.
Eh, I gotta say I tend to agree. 9 years of Catholic schooling'll do that to you...
Yeah! If you think Wiggly Cabbages don't hurt people, try attacking one sometime!! Also, Gwai, I was reading your Encyclopedia and I noticed there was no information on how a Wiggly Cabbage tastes. If you need testers, I'm sure I could help.
I do most of my writing on my computer because I tend to edit as I go along and my spelling's so horrible that editing what I write out becomes an exercise in insanity. Of course, I can't carry my computer everywhere (even though it is a laptop), so I keep a small notebook in my jacket pocket in case I some up with something away from my computer. It's handy to just be able to throw out something and not worry about losing or forgeting it (I've lost more ideas than I'd care to think about because I had nowhere to write them down).
Hooray! Icarus is coming back!!
As night fell, the various members of the party set about readying camp: building a fire, hunting for food, cooking dinner. Everyone involved themselves in some aspect, except for John, who no one trusted enough to do anything, and Kasmandre, who was still off in his own world. During the meal, the only talk was John telling jokes to his one man "audience." Everyone else seemed content to watch Griever suffer. After almost everyone was done eating, Kasmandre set aside his untouched meal and cleared his throat. Seeing as he'd hardly made a sound since they left the merchant's caravan, everyone took notice. After a moment, Kasmandre began to speak. "The day after tomorrow, we'll arrive in Trelain. I don't know what we'll find when we get there, but I may have an idea. And quite frankly, I don't like that idea. Before I ask any of you to go one step further, there are a few things I need to tell you about. Sheemie, in my saddlebags, there should be a stack of four books. Could you bring them to me?" As Sheemie ran over to get the books, Kasmandre stared into the fire, composing his next thoughts. Composing himself to tell the things he had never told. The things that perhaps should never be told...
Greetings!! It's always great to get another writer in here! Can't wait to see you're work. Oh, yeah, one more thing: Beware of the Cabbages!!
Happy Birthday to both you wonderful people!! Two birthdays!! How wonderful!! Double the cake!!!!! Hooray!!!!
According to the bottom of the front page..
Kasmandre replied to lumpenproletariat's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Happy birthday! -
Sardin's arms were both far out of position to block Nightshade's swipe, which tore through his previous chest wound, opening and widening it. Blood flowed down Sardin's front, mixing with the rain that still poured down. Leaving his knives buried in Nightshade's flesh, Sardin turned and fled, attempting to gain a little time or at the least, to get out of this rain.
Hm, interesting. It'd be interesting to see implemented. My worry is that doing one every month may not be quite feasible (I don't know how full the Elders' schedules are). But still, its always fun to see something new.
Please ALL members verify their email address!
Kasmandre replied to Peredhil's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Ditto. -
Kasmandre raises a glass to BPO's speech. "Well said, I think you articulated just what is so special about the Pen. And don't worry about the rambling, after all, Lord I was born a ramblin' man!" The crowd groans at the bad joke.
Welcome! Ohio goziemas! Beinvenido! Hiya! I'll be the what-ever-it-is-now to welcome you in. We are a pretty eclectic group, in terms of ages, temprements, interests, just about anything. Hope you enjoy yourself.
Great idea, we need a way to get more people interested in the Conservatory. Compared to the other rooms, its a tad dead in there. I'd be glad to help if we get it underway.
At hearing Hopper's comment, Kasmandre looks up from his rack of red-hot poking irons. "We're not? I mean, of course we're not! Right. I was just, um, dusting off my torture collection." Seriously, though, take as much time as you need to rest and recharge. We all need to take a step back sometimes. Whenever you're ready to return, your seat will still be waiting.
Hmm, seeing as we're trying to avoid controversy, I won't make any of the sexist jokes that slip out in real life. I guess its not fair to use them here anyway as the women here can't readily smack me upside the head. So, in the sake of seriousness and education, I'll answer this with my more serious idea on the subject. Basically, during the '70s and the "new" women's movement, the focus was not on getting women tangible things like jobs or the vote. The prevailing issue was the way women are perceived by society. Many saw the use of masculine pronouns where neutral concepts were meant to be a manifestation (there's that word again) of society's masculine leanings. To combat this, many used the feminine pronoun in its place or otherwise removed the masculine part (womyn being a popular example). Also, the word history can basically be seperated to say "his story", implying that history is the "story of man." Walker's reversal of this term brings to light that history is the story of women too. The extremness of the change might simply be the fact that "themstory" or "itstory" sounds stupid and isn't eye catching enough. I could probably ramble about this for pages at a time (that's all college gets you, in my opinion), but I'll stop here, because I think I've made my point. Hope this helps.
The person above me can write some simply hilarious "stupid guy" scenes. And I'm pretty sure he spelled that word right.