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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Kasmandre

  1. Typeo monsters, writers blacks...we're beset on all sides! Whatever will we do? Welcome home, Vincent.
  2. Happy Birthday, from the ninjas...
  3. "Is it better to try and fail, than to never try at all and spend the rest of your life wondering what would have happened if you had?" -An exerpt from "A Life Less Empty" by Ted McKeever, one of the short comics at whatisthematrix.com. It's basically about someone who chooses the blue pill. Just remember, if you take the blue pill, you have nothing, just the vague knowledge that there's something else to everything, that you're not seeing everything. Can you honestly say that that certainty wouldn't drive you mad?
  4. Kasmandre, Usagi, Katzaniel The assorted archers sat around their little fire, grumbling about their recent defeat and trying to keep from shuddering whenever the Shamin walked past. Whatever else, the old mage was not a man to be on the bad side of, and failing to retrieve those books didn't exactly endear any of them to him. All there was to do was wait until day- Then, suddenly the campfire exploded in a great flash of light and heat, temporarily blinding all those around it. When the spots cleared, it became apparent that things had just gotten worse. The great cat and the rabbit-man from the earlier fight were among them. And, worse, the Shamin seemed to be occupied in a fight with another of the fighters, the scarred one.
  5. Y'know, I'd been thinking about writing more modern/futuristic stuff for some time, but it honestly never occured to me to think about Terra and our characters in the future. An intersting idea, to say the least...
  6. Very nice, I like it. The only problem is that it might be better placed in the Banquet Room. Hopefully a helpful elder will come along and move it :hint hint: Good work though, this makes me wish I was more poetic...
  7. Happy Birthday! I had a cake to give you, but it was stolen by ninjas . Tricky guys, those ninjas... Oh well, Happy Birthday anyway!
  8. Salinye: Pride, vanity, it's all the same . And my entrant... Sloth id right a poem, but thats to hard rime and meter and stuff...to hard so ill just type sum stuff and send it off sure it might not be teh same as sumthing good but really whatcha gonna do
  9. Birthday!!! Cake!!! Party!!! Wheeeee!!!!!
  10. As the victim of nine years of Catholic education and having watched the movie Seven a bunch of times, I can say with authority that the last one is Envy, not Cowardice. Although it did take me a few minutes to figure out which one you were missing, so don't feel too bad.
  11. Fantasy is the party mask we wear, just be careful that it doesn't cover your eyes.
  12. If you didn't want me to press the big red button, you shouldn't have told me not to! I guess the big red button impulse is the same one that gives me the urge to open my car door on the highway, just for the heck of it.
  13. Happy birthday, Silexion. Here's to (at least) thrity eight more!
  14. Hmm...I think I remember there being a thread like this quite a while ago, on the Archmage boards, I think. Of course, it was a little on the absurd side. If I remember correctly, Zool stretched his name into a huge pronounciation describing his name and himself. Ah, good times... Anyway, Kasmandre is pronounced Kas-man-dre with both a's making ah sounds and the e making a long A sound. I don't think any of my other characters' names are too hard to pronounce, but if I run across one, I'll add it here.
  15. Very nice. You've really captured an underworld/criminal feel in just a few paragraphs. I can't wait for more/
  16. The last two would be ninometer and decameter, I believe. But those would be a little too long for most anything, so the point's really moot.
  17. Very nice. Sad and ghosty, too. (I have a new word! Now to go out and abuse it at all opportunities!! )
  18. Welcome, Boaz! While I don't think I've actually met you, I've heard about you from some of the older members. I hope to see you around!
  19. a mech pencil? I can just imagine it...fighting over the streets of Tokyo, blasting away with absurd amounts of weaponry, crashing into office buildings, morphing into a giant jet or bug or something... Man, I think I'm getting delerious from hunger, I should go get a burrito or something... ANyway, I've been thinking about getting a typewriter. I can type a lot faster than I can write (although I'll probably always carry around my little notebook and pen for those sudden ideas), but when I'm on my computer I tend to get distracted (I have the attention span of a ferret on sugar and my comuter has all kinds of shiny programs). I figure a typewriter would solve these problems. Of course, I have no clue where to find one that still works well; the technology revolution's pretty much run them out of business... Oh well, I guess I'll just have to stick with my PENtium.
  20. Dwarf Tossing!!!! Horray!!!!!
  21. Yes, that is my final answer (too bad this joke's about a year past being topical, oh well...). In other words, I'm sure that I want a bastard sword and I'm definately going to want the exotic weapon proficency (bs) feat to go with it. So that's one down...about twenty or so feats to go . I'm awaiting your uber-list of feats with bated breath...hmm, maybe I should brush my teeth...
  22. Sure, a bastard sword's fine.
  23. Well, I'm gonna buy that $6000 pen Zool found. A pen that expensive must have ideas just pouring out of it, right?
  24. You know, I never thought I'd see a pen that was on sale at 1500 dollars less than the original price.
  25. I'll use almost any kind of pen, and I'm pretty flexible with pencils too, but I prefer a razor-sharp pencil to a mechanical one.
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