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Everything posted by Yui-chan
~Brief Description~ This character was created specifically (and exclusively) for the campaign setting of Lymnor's Wake. Summarily, Lelianye Ghen is a half-elven human from Antaea who serves in the Confederate military as an infiltrator and espionage expert. Her weapons specialty is in small arms (daggers and thrown knives). Though historically a witty and charming person, she has recently undergone an experience that leaves her prone to being more withdrawn from reality and utterly mute. Sections: Physical Description Personality History Relationships Abilities Items Other
I'm with you and Peredhil; that's definitely a sentiment I share. Thanks for putting it so well! Yours, ~Yui PS: Oh, and welcome back, of course. Daily, monthly or yearly, we're glad to have you.
Yui slips in silently, fading free from the shadows over Wyvern's scaled shoulder. "That looks like it might almost make a dent in what you owe Gyrfalcon for the Conservatory Incident, Wyvie," she remarks, patting his scarlet back with ill-concealed evil glee. "Only a few more million to go!" Wyvern, torn from his drool-slick contemplation of the massive bag of geld, stiffens spasmodically and turns a wounded look to his blonde friend. "You could've given me at least a few more minutes to enjoy it, you know..." he sniffles, swiping a careful claw across each eye for effect. In response, the little lady grins. "Maybe so. Regardless, I have a little something for you. I hope you like it..." The box she brings out from behind her back is short and fat, made from wooden slats with packing straw sticking out through a few of the wider gaps. The lid is fastened with a simple bronze latch, and while Wyvern works it open, she adds, "I have a friend who's an alchemist, and when she told me about these, I knew you'd find them useful." When the latch clicks open and the almost-dragon swings the lid up, he finds ten gleaming vials staring up at him, each stoppered with an engraved cork and filled to the top with a brilliant, emerald liquid. The sheer shinyness is impressive, and Wyv shoots a panicked glance around to make sure Rydia isn't nearby before looking back to Yui-chan. "What are they?" "Swiftness Potions," the Huntress answers. "Each drink will grant you about ten seconds of amazing speed to help you evade the bill-collectors and various other sundries you seem to come afoul of on a daily basis. Just make sure you don't drink it more often than about once every five minutes. Too much of it in your system could do very unpleasant things to you..." As the possible utilities of such a potion spawn dastardly ideas in his reptilian brain, Wyvern smiles brightly and peers at the glimmering vials. That expression is familiar enough to them all that Yui just shakes her head in wry amusement and gives her friend a quick hug. "Enjoy. Happy birthday, Wyvie-kun."
Hmm. I haven't figured out Black's, yet, but I think Ayshela's been touched by a night mist and Tzim's rocking out with her floor mop. Am I close? Ayshela, I think you should feel free to write entries in this ad infintum, then come back in three years and add a few more. It's just to stretch your writing braincells, so there's no limit to how many times you might find it inspiring. Facilitating, ~Yui
Little Words written 11 March, 2005 Little words like dream-wet drops, they trickle from my brain, a tidal wave that never stops just washing me insane. In twos and threes and thousand streams they ravage mental shores, erode their way through Id extremes and Ego's steel-clad doors. Like liquid mice, they seep throughout this complex of my mind, dragging in what I toss out and stealing what they find until I'm left all drowned and blue, just floating in the bay of little words that ring too true and have too much to say.
(With appropriate nods to Salinye, whose social mind dreamed up the first of these exercises, I thought it might be fun to continue the Pen tradition of Creative Writing Exercises. Please enjoy.) Creative Writing Exercise #7 - Look at that! In no more than 500 words, give a detailed impression of some object... - but don't tell us what it is! Use imagery and character interaction to draw a picture clear enough that your fellow Pennites can guess your object without naming it or describing its physical appearance.
A strange high-pitched scraping noise is heard
Yui-chan replied to The Death of Rats's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
With rumors of falling walls and buried Pennites echoing through the Keep, Yui-chan rushes into the Cabaret room, broom in hand and Platinum Hand of Healing ready and waiting on the tip of her tongue. She stops in the doorway, watching a section of unsupported ceiling crack and sag, and glances down at the understated implement in her hand. Shaking her head, she mutters, "I think this calls for a bigger broom. ... and maybe some spectral rat traps." -
That's wonderful, Sali-chan. Keep taking care of yourself and her. All the Best, ~Yui
It was times like these in college that inspired me to create what has since become something of a structure-bracing moto for my life: "I can survive anything... for a while." So, I say you stick with it for as long as you can handle it. In my experience, though it sometimes seems like it's going to stretch on too far, the end of the trouble always comes long before you've reached your breaking point. I'm sure you'll find that, too. Good luck and take care. We're always here for venting or rant-receival. Yours, ~Yui
I hope you had a birthday as monumental as your imaginary belly. Happy birthday, HappyBuddha. Sincerely, ~Yui (and Aegon)
By request and because some of us aren't aware of the rich zaniness and unabashed creativity that goes on in the Shoutbox, I am adding these little diddies to my list of poetry. I encourage everyone to pop into the Shoutbox and add their moments and thoughts to the mix. 9 Dec 03:33pm | Yui: Once upon a workday dreary, while I stressed out, weak and weary, 9 Dec 03:35pm | Yui: Over many a rough and thunderous visage of old, crusty men... 9 Dec 03:36pm | Yui: While I sat there, nearly cracking, suddenly there came a smacking 9 Dec 03:37pm | Yui: As of me ungently whacking, whacking on my desk again. 9 Dec 03:41pm | Yui: "'Tis some pent-up rage," I muttered, "acting on my desk again - 9 Dec 03:43pm | Yui: - Only this and not my pen." 9 Dec 03:44pm | Yui: X_X 9 Dec 10:55pm | Finnius: Edgar Allan Yui! 9 Dec 10:55pm | Finnius: Er... or is it Allen? I can never remember... 9 Dec 11:29pm | Zadown: EAY's a scary writer .. I remember the palpable feeling of dread EAY's works woke up in me when I was younger 10 Dec 09:08am | Appy: Wish he would've been compulsive reading material at school, maybe i'd have some stories then, that I could read now 10 Dec 10:16am | EAYui: It's 'Allan', Finnster. 10 Dec 10:18am | EAYui: http://www.poedecoder.com/Qrisse/ 10 Dec 10:18am | EAYui: Quoth the Yui, "Google! Score!" 10 Dec 10:19am | EAYui: See the website with the Poe - 10 Dec 10:19am | EAYui: Eerie Poe! 10 Dec 10:20am | EAYui: What a world of shadow life his writing strives to show! 10 Dec 10:20am | EAYui: How he scribbles, scribbles, scribbles 10 Dec 10:20am | EAYui: In the icy air of night! 10 Dec 10:21am | EAYui: Normal words all decked in quibbles 10 Dec 10:22am | EAYui: and in heart-constricting fibbles 10 Dec 10:22am | EAYui: bring us disturbing delight! 10 Dec 10:23am | EAYui: 10 Dec 01:42pm | Peredhil: Join the Conga Line!!! 10 Dec 07:01pm | Peredhil: dut-dut-dut-dut. dut. KICK! 10 Dec 08:45pm | Tzimfemme: Oh no, not the drunken paladins again. . . 12 Dec 12:31am | Katzaniel: * Carefully rereads the Raven * Oh, what masterful rhymes... I hope that serves your needs, Katz. Yours, ~Yui
Congratulations, Zariah, both on your promotion and on your lovely Valentine's Day Ball Quill Quest. I think I can safely say that all of the Tower is pleased to see your excellent work rewarded. Thanks, ~Yui
I think speaking about hippos and elephants in Japan might be even more useful than asking to have the axe removed from your head in Finland. Maybe. Anoo.... Peredhil no nihongo wa anmari hentai desu, nee. Doko ni kimasita ka? Madoka-san ni? (Um... Peredhil's Japanese is a little bit strange. Where did it come from? Madoka?) And since we're at risk of derailing this noble and wonderful thread... Re-congratumalatations to the promotees! Again! Watch-dogging, ~Yui {edit: ... ni? ... e? ... which one was which, again? Crap. Sorry if I've gotten it wrong. }
Congratulations, all! ... and I'm glad this thread wasn't Russian spam, like I thought it might be at first. So, Ozy, what does the title say? >:} Yours, ~Yui
He'd use the walker more, except that his MUCH older spouse is always hogging it. It's hard to afford two walkers on today's Social Security check! Happy birthday, bumbleboy. Love, ~Yui (the spouse )
Gyrfalcon, the official Google spokesperson, strikes a pose next to the squiggly blue 'g' while thousands of camera bulbs reflect blindingly off the sheen of his pearly white teeth. In the hubbub of near-desperate journalists, one bold man manages to get the photogenic Ranger's attention long enough to shove his mic forward and shout out, "Gyr! Is there anything you can't learn from Google.com? Anything at all?" The crowd falls silent as the half-elf tilts his head, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. At length, he nods slightly to himself and leans in to the mic. "Well, there is one mystery that's beyond even Google, the source of all knowledge." Through the collective gasp that follows, he continues with a grave face. "Only the most perplexing enigmas in all the multiversum are beyond the reach of my dear friend, Google, and I dare say, they may be beyond the comprehension of anything that exists today." "W-what would that be?" the reporter asks hesitantly, his wide-eyed gaze trapped by the doom in the Ranger's expression. "... women." When the dust and panic clear a moment later, Gyrfalcon stands solemnly beside the squiggly blue 'g', amidst a sea of fainted men and smug-looking women.
Hello, all! It's time to refresh the old news list. Enjoy. Attention needed: 1) Our crow-friendly Zariah is right in the middle of her Quill Quest, The Mighty Pen's Valentine's Day Ball. Feel free to join the roleplayed event! 2) Dragonqueen is also working on her Quill Quest. If you want your character immortalized in poetry, offer him/her/it up for her use. Sundries: -- Have you gotten rid of your Weenie Award, yet? -- Have you finished your entry for Valdar's The Mighty Pen, Second Writing Exchange Project?? -- Have you found anything to add to The Pen Recommends? 'Nuff said. ~Yui Key: Green = open to public. Orange = limited to Initiates or higher. Red = full members only. K-THNX-BAI!
See? Bouncy chaos ensues at your mere presence. Amused, ~Yui
Hah. I have a link to the Pen or two in Elfwood, but I kind of doubt you saw my stuff. The gallery has an ancient curse on it that prevents anyone in the known world from visiting it. No, seriously... Whoever got you here and however it was done, I'm very glad that you've joined us. Thank you for adding your presence to our community, Sweetcherrie. Yours, ~Yui
I'm glad that your trip went well, Mynx, and that you arrived home safely. I'm hoping that you'll share some stories of the experience with us. Welcome back! We did miss you... There wasn't nearly enough bouncy chaos around here without you. Yours, ~Yui
Goodday, Pennites and guests. Here's a look-in-brief at some threads that might need your input or be worthy of your attention. Enjoy! Attention needed: 1) (Open to the Public) - Quillbearer Dragonqueen is hard at work on her Quill Quest and needs our help! Volunteer your character, and she'll write beautiful poetry about him/her/it. 2) (Open to the Public) - Did you volunteer to be involved in The Mighty Pen, Second Writing Exchange Project? If so, have you done your exchange, yet? 'Cuz if not, you may find a frighteningly-powerful elfling Planewalker gnawing on your leg, soon. 3) (For members) - Speaking of things you may have forgotten... Your name doesn't have 'Weenie' under it anywhere, does it? If so, you should get to work on some writing that will get rid of that degrading title! 4) (Initiates and higher) - Have you looked at the Pen Recommends list, lately? It's always open to new recommendations or seconds, so don't be afraid to go suggest your favorite works. There are three new votes (#1, #2, and #3) available for your pleasure, and we're waiting on a few author permissions, too. Why don't you go check it out? Items of Interest: 1) (Open to the Public) - Wah! The Pen site is a whopping three years old! Congratulations, us! On behalf of the entire Tower, I'd like to thank all of the members, friends and honored guests whose contributions enrich this community on a daily basis. Thank you! 2) (Open to the Public) - Did you notice? Zadown has issued you a challenge. If you're feeling up to it, take this opportunity to stretch your poetic skills ... or at least put the cheeky Finn in his place. Thanks, Z! 3) (Full members only) - The Winter Carnival may be winding down, but the Alliance of Vagabonds and Vanguards is home to the ongoing Winter Carnival Missions. Go follow along with your friends as they sally forth in Homeward Bound, Perfect Sell, Into the Dead Lands, and Lord Byron's "Wild, Feral Pilgrimmage" 4) Werewolf is on its 15th game, The Name of the Rose. Feel free to go follow the action and bite your nails over the suspense.
Fathomless eyes in a soft, wizened face blazing bright with compassionate care. Fine-fingered hand drawing pen forth from case to collect beauty caught unaware. Frond-feathered wings of invisible grey frame the form of some far-distant man whom we miss while fat life keeps him held far away, and we bless when he strides here, again. Happy birthday, Professor Cyril. Most Sincerely, ~Yui
Dearest Zadown, I'd like to write something new for you and this fascinating challenge, but for today and its decrepit lack of time, I'm forced to settle for contributing something already laid to paper. This poem that I wrote back in December definitely came right out of the pages of real-life, and I hope it'll add a little bit to the challenge until I can come up with something better. Yours in Haste, ~Yui
Pennite call for voters! The latest round of Pen Recommends voting has had a disappointing turn out, and not one of the three pieces has enough total votes to consider the Poll participation high enough for a consensus. As a result, all three will be open for another day in the hopes that they can get a few more votes. Please go take a glance at the works (links below) and register your opinion! Unfortunately, if these pieces can't get a rock-bottom minimum of nine votes, we'll have to declare their polls invalid and reshelve them on the list of successful nominees. They'll get another chance to go to poll, later, but they just can't pass with too few votes. So, get your reading glasses on and exercise your clicking finger! The Pen Recommends needs YOU. :wizzie: Vote 1. Vote 2. Vote 3. Enthusiastically, ~Yui Pennite call for voters! PS: As always, anyone who would like to have specific Pen events and threads entered into the News, please PM the information to myself or Merelas (preferably both). Thank you. {Edit: What a wonderful response! Thank you for stepping up, Pennites, and giving us one of the most highly-participated polls since the Pen Recommends began. The votes are closed, now, and as soon as I have more than five minutes of spare time, I will post the official results and start the next round. Thanks to everyone who answered the call! }
Wow. I am just full of stupid moments, this week. I would have sworn that I checked the blue skin quite thoroughly, but you're absolutely right. I get the 'Posted' link in the blue skin when I look at it today. Hmph. I may look into how to add that to the other two skins some time when I'm bored, but in the mean time, excuse me while I sit in the corner and drool on myself. Thanks, ~Yui