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Here's a little math to get your brain sparking: 2 x candles = 43 43 + fire = 102 x waxdrops (102 + deepbreath)/frosting = yummycake + yummycake = 2yummycake 2yummycake = party^2 + (loot!/friends) loot! + love = happybirthday Now, if we combine and simplify... 2 x candles + fire = 102 x waxdrops 102 = (2candles + fire)/waxdrops ((2candles + fire)/waxdrops + deepbreath)/frosting = 2yummycake ((2candles + fire)/waxdrops + deepbreath)/frosting = party^2 + (loot!/friends) friends * ((((2candles + fire)/waxdrops + deepbreath)/frosting) - party^2) = loot! Thus... happybirthday = friends * ((((2candles + fire)/waxdrops + deepbreath)/frosting) - party^2) + love From this series, we can draw a few conclusions: 1) Clearly, yummycakes are inversely proportional to frosting. As frosting increases, we see that yummycakes decreases, thereby learning that the yummiest cakes are those with less frosting. Of course, frosting must not be zero, or the cake will blow up. 2) Parties are also inversely proportional to the square of the frosting. (Given that cake yumminess and parties both have this dependence on low frosting, one might conjecture that frosting is a lesser form of evil, albeit a necessary one in small amounts.) 3) Loot is directly proportional to the number of friends you have, suggesting that as you increase your friends to infinity you can increase your loot to infinity. It is therefor theoretically possible to get everything for your birthday! 4) Love is an unmodified additive to the ultimate happy birthday, giving it the most direct influence over the end equation. Therefore, love is the key variable in a happy birthday. ... which means both of you should be quite safe. Congratulations if you followed that. You haven't missed much if you gave up halfway through, though. The gyst is: Happy birthday to Kasmandre and Griever! Gone loony, ~Yui
Drummondo, I think this is lovely and elegant... yet the meaning is escaping me. Don't take that too heavily; I'm kind of poetry-inhibited most of the time and have a hard time finding the deeper message. This is about ... talking without listening? Or perhaps about the disappointing result of furthering a first impression? In need of edumacation, ~Yui
Yes! Detritus. Thanks for reminding me. I know Snoop still hangs out on AIM almost constantly (like he always has), though I haven't really spoken to him much in the past few years. I don't get on there except once every other Harvest Moon on a Leap Year, these days. I haven't heard anything of DarkDove, though. We really never knew each other very well or spoke very much. So, you've been sucked back into the miasma that is Archmage-Reincarnation? Do you need me to throw you a life preserver? Older'n'Dirt, ~Yui
Nineteen Ways to say 'Happy Birthday' (a blatant ripoff of Ayshela's comment ) 1) Happy Birthday! 2) Go, Mira; it's your birthday. We're gonna party like it's your birthday. Gonna sip Bacard--... er... orange juice, cuz you're underage. 3) Bonne anniversaire! 4) Yoz! Hpy birfday, dewd! 5) Salutations on this anniversary of the day of your birthing, my good lad. 6) It's da bday! R0x0rz! 7) You're gettin' da loo-ooot. You're gettin' da loo-ooot. *dances around* ... Okay, skip to 19. 19) Here now is a Pentastic Poet whose birthday has come, don'chu know it. He wanted a scene upon hitting nineteen, so he'll light up a cake and then blow it! Enjoy the day, Mira. Not very clever, ~Yui
Welcome to the Pen, Heretic. I'll just echo the others and say that we're glad to have you. It sounds like you've already had your glance around, but in case you missed them, I'll point out the Walls of the Pen and FAQ links at the top left of the page as great places to get started, information-wise. The Codex and Lists forum has some historical information in it as well as a list of some of our favorite pieces of writing on this site if you're looking for more to read. Then again, most likely, you've already seen all of them. If you have any questions or are curious about anything, you could probably send a PM to just about any member here (myself included, certainly) or feel free to just ask them here in your thread. I hope we'll get plenty of chances to know you. I also hope you'll really enjoy yourself here in the Pen. Yours, ~Yui {Edit: Oops. That'll teach me to scan the thread instead of reading it. I see Ayshela beat me to the punch in pointing out the FAQ section. *shakes a fist* You may have won the battle, Ayshela, but you shall not win the waaaaaaaaaaaaar! }
Ah! I most definitely remember you, oh winged one. I am relatively certain that I still have some writing I weasled out of you sitting in a place of reverence on my computer. (I have quite the eclectic collection of Word Documents with others' stories in them from back in the AIM days. ) What's just eating away at me, though, is that I can't remember what I always called you. Your Archmage name before the winged globe was ... was... It was a word I'd always kind of liked... started with ... D? G? I can remember your AIM screenname, but when we first met, you used ... a.... different Archmage name... C'mon, help me out here. PM me, if you want to keep your dirty secrets safe! Anyway, it's great to see you're still around and kicking. I hope you like it enough around here to stay and amuse us with your globular ways. Yours, ~Yui-chan of Terra Lost Once and Always a Creation of the Hall of Justice
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... The news! Announcements: Quill Quests >> Cryptomancer, Mynx, Gryphon and Dragonqueen are all in the process of doing their Quill Quests. Good luck! Pen radio?! >> Our resident DJ E.Literate is hosting an extra-special radio show, this Thursday (14 April) from 8-10pm, EST. Not only is he sharing the mic with a special guest-cohost, Zariah, but they're going to be asking for participation from your favorite community and mine... us! "Pen Positive" promises to be a ton of fun. Details are at the end of the "Any Given Moment" thread. Don't miss it! Attention needed: 1) It's not too late to get involved in the last of the recent QuillQuestly goodness. (You missed the first and second ones!) Gryphon is still accepting applicants to get a nice gift from his Quill Quest. Hurry! These don't stay open long. - Too late. *cry* Good luck to Gryphon as he works on these! 1.5 However, YanYan's doing a Poker Tournament for his Quill Quest and you're not too late for that. Come one, come all. 2) It's "Opinions Wanted" time in The Pen Recommends thread. Should works that were not written for the Pen be in our Recommends list? 3) Discussions are taking place in the Minstrel Hall about ways to make the Pen more newcomer-friendly. Members, please share any ideas you have. Sundries: -- Have you gotten rid of your Weenie Award, yet? -- Have you finished your entry for Valdar's The Mighty Pen, Second Writing Exchange Project?? -- Have you found anything to add to The Pen Recommends? Herding Cats, ~Yui Key: Green = open to public. Orange = limited to Initiates or higher. Red = full members only. Like... totally! {Edited to reflect expired and new data.}
Whee! I've called in to Wyvern's show, and I have to say that I didn't even die of nervousness. ;;; It's a ton of fun to say 'hi' on the show and chat it up with the old Wyv-ster (and guest co-host. Yay!), so I'd encourage anyone to give 'em a ring. Once again, again, that number is (202) 994-9749. Or, if you're the shy and silent type, you can always just send them supportive AIM messages at the screenname RGWradio. And don't forget that, no matter where you are, you can stream the show by going to http://www.gwradio.com/ and clicking on ol' Georgie Washington's head. If you have the means to record it, by the way, we'd love to keep a copy of the show for posterity. I mean, the Pen should have a recording of "Pen Positive", right? PM Wyvern if you'd be so kind as to help make sure it doesn't get missed. Thanks for thinking of us, Wyvie! ~Yui
I'm glad things came together, Falcon. And the site looks good, too! Just horde some of this newfound income for the next dry spell, would you? Threats of losing your presence here are not good for my health. ~Yui
Hehe. It's my pleasure to confound you, however momentarily. Thanks for the feedback, Ozy. Working on another... no, really... , ~Yui
{EDIT: April Fool's day having passed, we now return you to your regularly scheduled Pen site. If you missed the window of opportunity, you can still see the joke here. Anyone who went to http://www.themightypen.net in the course of April Fool's saw that page instead of the Portal they were used to. I hope it was worth a laugh, or at least a smile. } Happy April Fool's Day! :woot: Tricky-tricky, ~Yui
Yui-chan scoops up a random kitten minion as she passes through the Cabaret Room door, her quiet steps slow enough to settle the surprised furball into the crook of her arm and entice it into happy purrs by the time she's within a few steps of the feathered birthday boy. Seeing his current preoccupation with the rest of the adorable tormentors, she grins and tugs at her cloak, pulling it around to form a makeshift basket. One by one, the wriggling kittens find themselves transferred from a gryphon's sleek fur and feathers to a bed of black fabric until poor Gryphon is free enough to at least sit up and bat in good-natured annoyance at the stragglers still clinging to his wings. The Huntress smiles, watching a particularly rambunctious caramel tiger gnaw ineffectively on one of his pinions. "I think, as minions go, these may be some of the most enjoyable I've had to deal with," she says with a wink, gently tumbling a little climber back into the 'pocket' of her extended cloak, "though I have to admit that cuteness is a potent and unexpected weapon. Give me just a moment..." As Gryphon watches, puzzled, she turns and hunches her shoulders, leaning over the passel of collected kittens until they are bounded by the confines of her own shadow, their little eyes reflective as they blink up at her curiously. With a thought and a mischievous grin, the entire mass sinks into the darkness as if into oil, slowly disappearing from sight as the chorus of complaining meows fades into silence. Yui straightens, then, shaking out her cloak and leaning down to claim one of the few stragglers still harassing Gryphon to fill the now-empty spot in the crook of her arm. "Now, then... I believe I heard that it's your birthday," the little woman intones, reaching into the inner pocket of her cloak. "I do not know you as well as I would like to, but I have something that I hope will appeal to you. It's ... in here somewhere..." She trails off, biting her lip as she rummages around. "Um, Yui?" Gryphon asks hesitantly, teasing one of the minions with the tip of his tail. "You didn't do anything... unpleasant to Mynx' kittens, did you?" The human blinks at the question, pausing in her rummaging to glance up at the birthday boy. "Oh! Of course not!" she says with a guileless look, that mischievous grin once again lighting her face. "I just sent them somewhere where I know they'll have a ton of fun playing." Given her expression, Gryphon is suddenly unsure he wants to know, but he asks the question anyway. "And where's that?" "Ozymandias' office," Yui responds, her eyes gleaming with pure devilment. It's gone so quickly that for a moment the half-lion wonders if he imagined it, but before he can make a determination, she continues on, changing the subject. "Right, then. Happy birthday, Gryphon. I hope you enjoy your day and the company you have in it. This is just a little token of my good wishes for the next year of your life." So saying, the blonde bows politely and pulls a flat, wooden box out of her cloak to hand to him. Carefully lifting off the lid with his talons, he finds himself staring down at the reflective sheen of a small, crystalline disc that's been embedded into a wooden plaque. While the disc is smooth and flawlessly flat, the plaque is carved with a graceful pattern of whorls and arcs that frames the crystal appealingly. As Gryphon examines the details of these patterns, Yui chimes in quietly, "It's a view portal that I'm told is created from a piece of planar crystal. I'm not sure I believe that, but it works as a window into other places, regardless. When you touch it, it will show you a random moment of time from somewhere in the multiverse. I thought it might be useful to you as inspiration or just entertainment." Backing away to let the next Pennite have their turn, the little woman smiles and bows her head. "Happy birthday, Gryphon. And many more to come..." ________ Elsewhere... A dozen very happy kittens cover the surface of Ozymandias' desk, their 'mew's and 'yowl's mixing with the rustle of paper and the slow plip, plip of a puddle of black ink languorously dripping itself down to the tan-stone floor. What once were carefully organized piles of business records are now scattered decorations for the otherwise-austere office, their clean text and clear figures smudged with kitty footprints and pin-sized chew marks. The quill that used to sit neatly in its holder is now the central object in a rather raucous game of four-way tug-of-war, and in general, a good time is being had by all. ... except one. Ozymandias sits at his desk chair with chin in fist, glaring doom upon the oblivious heads of all those little Mynx-minions while he studiously tries to ignore the pathetic yowling of the little calico that somehow got herself stranded on top of his bald head. At this point, he's already determined that fighting the deceptive devils just makes a bigger mess, so he resigns himself to seething in anger and waiting for them to wear themselves out. Kittens can't last that long, can they? "Of course they can," the Loremaster grumbles to himself, shifting to grab the tail of a pot-bellied little grey that is trying to climb into one of his voluminous sleeves. "They're Mynx', after all." Ignoring its indignant protestations, he sighs and plunks it up on his head next to the calico, figuring that's where they'll get into the least trouble. As time passes with no sign of imminent exhaustion, Ozy growls and promises, "A certain shadow Elder is going to pay for this... Oh, she'll pay..." :woot: PS: Ozy, the gauntlet is thrown. I dare you to get me back. >:}
This is amusing if you want to know more about the meaning and origins of those names: http://babynames.com/ Yeah, ~Yui
Suggesting a name for your daughter is way too heavy for me! http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I'm sure you'll come up with something beautiful that's just suited to the new little mind growing up inside you. You don't need us for that. With hope, ~Yui
*shudder* You guys don't pull any punches, do you? http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif It's already shaping up to be a powerful read, so keep it up! Thanks, ~Yui
I think if I throw Yui-chan into the mix, she might represent a challenge to you because of how little interaction we've had. (Sadly!) Sooo... She's yours if you want her. Evahl! ~Yui
#26 The Mortal Sin written 22 March, 2005 That moment poised with knife above flesh was when it hit me. As if God Himself had thrown the realization straight down from Heaven, it struck the top of my head and sliced its way straight through to my feet. If I made that cut, I would burn. Horribly and eternally, I would feel the fires of Hell melting my spectral flesh and boiling the blood that didn't actually flow through my soul's form. Satan would take his torturous hand to my essence, summoning forth the kind of pain that is as far beyond worldly comprehension as God's Great Plan is beyond the ken of an infant earthworm. He'd violate me in ways too terrifying and impossible for mortal minds to comprehend and then turn me over to his minions to be thus defiled again and again, over and over in more and more depraved ways through the end of time and beyond. No question. No doubt. In that tiny little moment, it stood before me as a certainty more firm than the rising sun or the slow spiral of the universe towards destruction. ... and that's why I smiled as I drew the blade across my silly, soft flesh. That's why I laughed as the blood welled out from the cut. It was about damn time. I mean, the 70s had been a ton of fun, with all the hippies and their drugs and "free love" infidelities to encourage, but the assignment sure went downhill from there. Cultists in the 80s. School shootings in the 90s. Petroleum wars and lots of delicious prejudice and fear in the 2000s... Sure, they were good for business, but they just didn't have that good old individual interaction, that satisfaction of tarnishing the bright metal, one piece at a time. I slumped down in the tub with a sigh of anticipation, feeling the weight of too much mortality. Yeah, it was about time for me to move on in my career, and I was looking forward to going home. It'd been too long since I got some pampering, Ninth Circle style...
Continuing onward from the first Freewrites thread, this thread starts at #26 and will continue through 50. Let's hope I can manage to write more reliably, this time, and not take so long to get through another 25 of these supposedly-simple exercises. Crossing Fingers, ~Yui
~Other~ (Items of Note) 1) It's worth reiterating that, while Lelianye's official records indicate her halfelven blood and her superior officers are aware of it, she doesn't reveal that fact to her peers and friends. Thus, please assume that characters who are not superiors in her immediate chain of command would believe her to be a full-blooded human. 2) Despite her silence, she's secretly fascinated with the elven part of her heritage, and she's studied it quietly over the years. She has an inherent affinity for nature, a near-flawless sense of direction, and a distaste for technology. She also decided to adopt the elven philosophy of judging on "individual worth", though as of yet, she has not come in to any situation in which that conflicts with her duties or loyalties. 3) For the fun of it, the intended pronunciation of that name is Lay-lee-AHN-yuh G-en. You can pronounce it however you want, though.
~Items~ Lelianye's inventory traditionally varies widely depending on the mission. The mainstays, however, are a pair of small daggers that she can wear sheathed at her belt or concealed on her back (beneath a cloak) or thighs (beneath a robe or dress) and a notepad and charcoal stick for communicating. For the sake of the current mission in Flight of the Zephyr, one can safely assume that she carries one set of clothing designed to be an effective disquise in the Rebel camp for herself as well as a few individual accessories and items that could be used in a pinch to help disguise others. (Limit: 3. Details to be negotiated as necessary. ) She also carries one vial of a clear-liquid poison and another of a dissolving sleep powder, both in a protective leather compartment in her pack. The poison is designed for ingestion in either food or drink and cannot be used in conjunction with the set of five throwing knives that reside in their own folding leather holder nearby.
~Abilities~ Small and relatively weak, Lelianye is nevertheless mainly a melee fighter, possessed of lightning-fast speed and reflexes. Naturally, she uses light weapons such as daggers and the occassional throwing knife to eliminate opponents, having been trained exhaustively in their use since entering the Academy. Her training has also taught her how to take hits in such a way as to minimize damage, but she is simply not built to take significant blows, making her quick evasion techniques her primary defense mechanism. She's fast and darty and extremely hard to hit in battle. As a consequence of her speed and stature, the Army chose to train her as an infiltrator, grounding her firmly in stealth, lockpicking, disguise and silent-killing arts. She's adept at pickpocketing both in the form of stealing items and planting items, and she's been known to practice it constantly, often 'borrowing' belongings from friends until they notice the absence or practicing 'grab-and-return' drills when walking through city crowds.
~Relationships~ Jadros Sryn : An immediate commander and friend, Jaros is a man she looks up to as a father-figure and an able soldier. They have known each other for about two years, since her transfer to his unit in the 3rd Division. Father (Dylon Ghen): An openly warm and caring man, Leli's father was always the person she could go to for comfort and pampering. Despite occassional moments of awkwardness around his half-blooded daughter, he adored her to within an inch of his life and might have hopelessly spoiled her if not for his wife's balancing influence. He wanted Leli to stay in the village and marry so strongly that they had a terrible falling-out when she announced her intention to join the Confederacy. They have since mended that rift, however the damage was such that she no longer considers him someone she can go to with her problems. Functional Mother (Petrishana Ghen): Despite the fact that Leli was not Petrishana's child, the woman treated her well and learned to love her. A gruff-but-kind-hearted person, she served as a balance to Dylon's doting and taught the girl to be self-sufficient as well as disciplined. Lelianye's relationship with her is such that she would be glad to go to her for advice but not likely to seek emotional support or show too much of her weaker side. She has great respect for her mother's capabilities and looks up to her as a model of the woman she would like to be. Birth Mother (Unknown): Only Dylon knows what Lelianye's biological mother looked like, and that's the extent of the knowledge any of them has about her. No one has sought her out, and she has not sought out any of the Ghens since Lelianye's conception. Younger brother (Lihan Ghen): The age gap between Lelianye and her closest brother, Lihan, is just barely wide enough to avoid suspicion, thus they grew up together as playmates and co-conspirators as well as brother and sister. He has always been trouble, a font of bad ideas born from good (or at least mischievous) intentions, and his poor judgement is partially responsible for Leli's fast reflexes and agility. There were times when a fleet foot or fast dodge was the only way to avoid whatever hornet's nest he managed to stir up. Lihan's not the person to go to for advice, but he and Leli understand each other very well and can talk about nearly anything... or could, rather, when she was actually talking. Youngest brother (Alon Ghen): Leli's not much for the 'oldest sibling' routine, leaving that to her upright and responsible youngest brother, Alon. The irony is not lost on anyone... Two years younger than Lihan, he already has a reputation as a more-than-capable cobbler and stands quite comfortably in line to inheret his father's business. He's often curious about a 'wider life' such as Lelianye's but will take no action to pursue one for himself, content instead to continue learning his trade and searching for a wife while trying to keep his older siblings in line as best he can. Friends (in general): Making 'friend' status in Leli's book is relatively easy, and once you do, you enjoy the charm and kindness that made her popular in proportion to just how much of a 'friend' you are. She won't protect friends against the flesh-wounds of life, but if serious trouble comes up, she'll be the tigress at your back. She learned to let people make their own little mistakes from Lihan. Enemies (in general): Most of the time, Lelianye is just a cold soldier. Given that she's not fanatical about the 'evils of magic', she doesn't take any great pleasure in the killing and deception of Rebel forces, but she also doesn't balk at the need to eliminate threats and reduce enemy capabilities. She's very rational about the death-dealing part of her role as a member of the Confederacy. When it comes to personal enemies (e.g. people who she just can't get along with), she generally just avoids contact. Before her disappearance, she had been known to have a scathing wit nearly as sharp as her daggers that she turned on the people who deserved it, but now she will tend to clam up and detach when confronted... or so it seems, thus far.
~History~ Raised in a small village near the Forest of Anarash, Lelianye is the daughter of an undistinguished cobbler and a mysterious elven woman, the product of very deliberate seduction. Why the woman chose the cobbler to father her child is as much a mystery as why, eight months later, she returned to leave the baby on his doorstep with seeming certainty that he and his human wife would raise her well. Nevertheless, that was what they did, bringing her up with her human half-brothers in a loving environment that was tempered by the harshness of small village life and the shortfalls brought on by war. Though she and her entire family are aware of her mixed heritage, it is a fact that is kept largely secret from their everyday acquaintances to avoid any prejudices. Her birth-mother has not been seen since she was delivered and has had no part in her life. At age 17, when she was expected to either work in the cobbling trade beside her father or marry to be under the support of another man, Leli found herself extremely frustrated by her options, being unsatisfied with a simple trasdesman's life and utterly unwilling to shackle herself to any of the available marriage options. After considering other paths, she chose to join the Confederate Army, finding the stability and security of military life appealing as well as being attracted by the chance to learn a specialized skill and see more of the world. Though she had seen death and knew herself capable of dealing it when necessary, she had no first-hand experience with the horrors of magic to help drive her choice. However, Leli had heard enough tales and bought enough of the propaganda to find that she could give her loyalty to the Confederate cause. She might not be as steadfast as some in her conviction about the evils they are fighting, but she devotes herself to the Confederacy by conscious choice. In her five years as a soldier, she has made her way into the 3rd Division, where she serves in the same unit as Jadros Sryn, one of his direct subordinates. The two of them are good friends, and she looks up to him not only as a superior officer but as a knowledgeable warrior and almost-fatherly figure. Reciprocally, Jadros respects her abilities and tends to be protective of her in subtle ways, especially since her return from parts unknown. Until recently, her skills and her friendly connections had kept her safe through many successful missions. Six months ago, however, she disappeared while on a solo mission to a rebel encampment north of Salinsway. She was missing for four months with no clue as to her whereabouts and was assumed killed in action until the day she showed up, half-starved and ragged, outside her commander's tent at their winter camp in Valensia. Despite exhaustive examinations and interrogations, no one has any clue as to where she was or what she went through during her absence, and she hasn't spoken a word since she returned. (See Personality section for behavioral changes.) Though illiterate, she communicates through hand-gestures and hasty drawings on the notepad she carries with her, yet she still refuses (or is unable) to communicate where she was or what happened during her absence. This has lead to a lot of mistrust and suspicion in parts of the Confederacy, though those who knew her before steadfastly defend her against any accusations of desertion or double-dealing. Whatever her experience, there has been no evidence of any impairment to her ability to carry out her duties in the past two months, and she continues to be a valuable (if quieter) member of her unit.
~Personality~ Lelianye was always the 'unit sweetheart', the soldier whose wit, charm, and ready smile made her popular with both male and female peers. Given that she is easy on the eye, surprisingly capable and talented, and friendly and caring towards the other members of her unit, she was the one everyone loves and no one hates, always willing to joke around or give advice or dish out gentle repremand as needed to friends and acquaintances. At the same time, she was the kind of person who has no qualms about treating enemies or lesser adversaries with the ... lack of compassion they deserve, though she always fell short of being capable of cruelty for cruelty's sake. She was able to qualify her reactions based on the emotional investiture with the individual, allowing her to kill or maim easily on the battlefield and in pursuit of her missions and then turn around and be tenderness itself to a teammate who needed it. This capability made her not only a popular soldier but also a more-than-capable one. It's not surprising, then, that she earned (and still enjoys) the fierce devotion and loyalty of her entire unit, both superiors and subordinates. However, since her recent disappearance (see the History section below), her outgoing nature has changed drastically and can be rather erratic. Where before she was boisterous and at-ease with her fellow soldiers, now she is completely mute, unable (or unwilling, perhaps) to speak a word to anyone. Her kind and caring nature is still present, as is her ready smile, but now she is far more guarded and less comfortable among people - even friends! - withdrawing deeply into her thoughts at strange moments and studiously avoiding any physical contact that she hasn't initiated herself. Her friends and acquaintances within her unit are adjusting to her new demeanor, however they have noted that it is sometimes impossible to predict or determine the reasons for her actions and reactions.
~Physical Description~ Standing at only about 5'2" tall and 95 pounds, Lelianye is a thin, fragile-looking woman who is comely enough to be called 'pretty', but not an eye-catching beauty. In fact, she takes great pains to make sure that nothing about her is eye-catching, dyeing her normal, stark, pale-blonde hair to any shade more typical, ranging from dull, mousey browns to deep blacks depending on her mission and region. Her eyes are a simple, pale blue and her skin is very middle-complected, neither fair nor sun-dark. Lelianye's elven heritage shows only very weakly in her features, giving her a fine bone structure and high cheekbones as well as the overly-youthful look of many elves. Her ears are rounded in the human way and the slight slant to her eyes merely serves to make her look slightly more Eastern than she is. In the right clothing, she can pass for a child with her smooth skin and small stature, but she is actually about 22 years old.