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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Yui-chan

  1. April 18, 2006
  2. I'm really glad y'all are enjoying these. It's really interesting to me as a poetry-illiterate type of person to see what the broader community views as 'good poems'. I think I would probably have scoffed at some of these, but the group coordinator's commentary has helped me understand why they appeal to others. I'm kind of sad that Poetry Month is almost over. Anyway, on to the next! ~Yui
  3. April 17, 2006
  4. April 16, 2006
  5. April 15, 2006
  6. April 14, 2006
  7. April 13, 2006
  8. Not really, Gyr. I almost forgot... Insomnia wins the day for us all! G'night, ~Yui
  9. Thanks to Wyvern and the customer support department of our host, the problem is now resolved. It looks as though there has been some data loss, however, so if you've sent a PM in the past 24-48 hours that hasn't received a response, you might want to consider resending it. RE: Tanuchan's comment - I looked into the Archive function and tested my own PM archive to see if I could view the error you're talking about... but everything came through just fine. It's a HTML file with a CSS header, simple as that. Perhaps its your email client? The archive it produces is just an HTML file, not something coded for email, per se. It could be that your client isn't sure how to view it. Try saving the HTML file to your computer and opening it with your normal browser. If it still comes up as gobbledy-gook, we'll have to talk about more specific issues. Learning something new every day, ~Yui
  10. April 12, 2006
  11. April 11, 2006
  12. April 10, 2006. * Commentary is by the Yahoo user who created and chose these poems. I wish I could say I have some idea of who she is, but I honestly don't. Contact me if you're interested in some links that can give you more information about her or her Yahoo newsgroup.
  13. I'm a little late in getting started, but I only found this poem-a-day link yesterday. I thought that the AAA members and other poetry fans here on the site might enjoy the opportunity to read and discuss some 'professional poems' and what makes them great. If they are... Please feel free to comment and discuss in this thread. I will create a index for those who want to skip right to any given day's poem. Thank you, ~Yui-chan April 10, 2006 - A Supermarket in California, Allen Ginsberg April 11, 2006 - Anne Hathaway, Carol Ann Duffy April 12, 2006 - Late Ripeness, Czeslaw Milosz April 13, 2006 - Gamin, Frank O'Hara April 14, 2006 - Wish For a Young Wife, Theodore Roethke April 15, 2006 - There Are Two Worlds, Larry Levis April 16, 2006 - For the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu, A.M. Klein April 17, 2006 - An Offer Received In This Morning's Mail: (On misreading an ad for a set of CDs entitled "Beethoven's Complete Symphonies"), Amy Gerstler April 18, 2006 - The Old Liberators, Robert Hedin April 19, 2006 - The Chores, Frannie Lindsay April 20, 2006 - Tantalus in May, Reginald Shepherd April 21, 2006 - A Sad Child, Margaret Atwood April 22, 2006 - Wild Geese, Mary Oliver April 23, 2006 - Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note, Amiri Baraka April 24, 2006 - Autumn, Rainer Maria Rilke April 25, 2006 - The Quiet World, Jeffrey McDaniel April 26, 2006 - since feeling is first, e.e. cummings April 27, 2006 - Crusoe in England, Elizabeth Bishop April 28, 2006 - Dream Song 145, John Berryman April 29, 2006 - Fever 103º, Sylvie Plath April 30, 2006 - Preludes, T.S Eliot
  14. There once was a man-cat called Katzie who really was nobody's patsie. When pushed to the wall, (s)he would growl and would snarl, and then - chomp - you'd be left lots less fatsie. I like the idea of Pen character limericks. Consider yourselves dared! Deviously snapping up Katz' idea, ~Yui
  15. Which server do you mean? Argent Dawn, right? Clarity desired, ~Yui
  16. Spoiler Warning! I usually enjoy the comic-to-movie genre, but I have to say that Ultraviolet was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. It played like a B Hong Kong flick, rushed through some really rather pathetic attempts to reveal background and personality to us on the characters, and was rife with lines that put me in the mood for some good, Danish Havarti or some lovely English Cheddar. Mila Jovovich looked relatively good, and the special effects were neat enough, but I found the hard-as-nails killer vs. emotionally-vulnerable-woman transitions way, way too extreme to be believable. Ugh. And don't even get me started on the crying man-vampire who went from 'Don't bring your problems to me, girl' to 'OMG, I love you, don't die!!1!one!' >_ Not a fan, ~Yui
  17. Seatbelts save lives. I'm soooooooo glad you had yours on, Katz. Soooooo glad you're safe after all that. Thank you for doing what you could to protect yourself. We'd miss you horribly if you went away. Hugs, ~Yui
  18. I just thought I'd mention... My main server is Mug'thol (now that my guild chose to transfer from Archimonde). If any of you find yourself there, please be sure to let me know. My main character is Rhoelyn of . FYIing, ~Yui PS: Twice, I've seen 'Orlan' when I was playing. Both times I sent him the following message: "So, what would you say if I said 'The Pen is Mightier than the Sword' to you? :)" Seeing as neither was our Orlan, you can imagine the strange looks I got in response.
  19. Oh, happy birthday! I'm so glad you told us. The forum software is definitely not smart enough to warn us when you're a leap-year baby, and I would hate to miss the event. Have a wonderful birthday, Anneal. I hope your family surprises you... All the best, ~Yui
  20. Thanks, Wyvie. You've reminded me of another thing I'd meant to say. I will be posting up the setting descriptions for Twoskies in the Portal room here at the Pen, so maybe it'll inspire someone to spawn a new story or two in the future. Ideas never die. Yep, ~Yui
  21. Friends, As of yesterday, the World of Two Skies is officially closed. For those of you that aren't familiar with the site, it was a roleplaying and writing environment that some Pen members helped me create about 6 years ago, and it has been home to a number of fun adventures and interesting characters since then. Unfortunately, as we've all grown up and moved along in our lives, it has slowly become less and less relevant to who we've become, and after some discussions, the members have agreed that it's time for it to be left behind entirely. I'm pretty sure that everyone with any writing there has already either had a chance to archive their work or let me know that they will need it, but I wanted to make sure to catch everyone. If any of you had something on the closed board that you wanted to save, just let me know by PM or by email (yui-chan AT twoskies DOT net). I'm incapable of actually deleting data (), but I'd appreciate it if you let me know as soon as possible. Once I archive the database, retrieving your work becomes much more difficult. Thank you. And to those of you who were familiar with Twoskies and came along for the ride, thanks for years of fun and some really great stories. I know I'll always remember the site and our adventures there very fondly. Yours, ~Yui-chan - the ghost of the Eternal Tavern
  22. Invision Powerboard's extremely helpful support staff will be upgrading our boards to version 2.1.4 at some point in about the next three days. With the exception of a new version number at the bottom of the screen, the changes should be largely invisible to you, the users, but don't panic if you find the board closed for an hour or so while they are working. The process is not lengthy, so I would be surprised if anyone even notices the board closure. After the patch is applied, please feel free to report bugs, problems, or concerns here. *cross fingers for none of those* Thank you, ~Yui-chan (AKA Elder of Technical Support )
  23. #27 Firefly Thoughts 23 January, 2006 I feel you. There, behind my eyes. Firefly thoughts that blink on and off. Clear. Gone. Moved on. Flare again, only to disappear once more. You shy away when I try to grasp you. Flare again. Fade. Slip to the side and blink again, sickly bioluminescent. Blind me first with light, then with darkness and flit further away from my reaching hands. Until I've forgotten what it's like to hold the line. Until I've stopped caring that I can't connect. A chaos cloud of lightning bugs in the cavernous black of my mind. As time passes, I stop trying to catch you. For you are beautiful, my dancers. And I no longer remember what the whole was meant to be. Or that there should be a whole at all. Light. Dark. Shifting, lucent insights. I stare into your twinkling mass and think: It's so easy to just fall. Fall into the swirl of scattered, firefly thoughts. ... just fall away... ... and forget.
  24. Equestrian elegence endlessly exceeds every expectation.
  25. In a blur of non-color, the shadow that'd been lurking on the wall suddenly detaches itself and wraps around the succubus, resolving a moment later into a familiar form. Yui smiles brightly as she hugs Signe tight, all eloquence lost in joy for her friend. 'Congratulations' is too tame, but it's the best I can do. It couldn't have happened to a nicer, more perfect pair. With love, ~Yui
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