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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Yui-chan

  1. The only way to be completely safe is to make sure you have a backup of your work, but that's more a general comment than a specific one about board upgrades. Whenever we're talking about computers, there is risk. It's a pretty standard upgrade, though, so the odds of any problems or data loss are extremely low. Whether you want to take extra steps to safeguard your work or not just depends on your level of comfort. Yup, ~Yui
  2. Hello, Pennites. Sometime in the next few days, Invision will be doing us the favor of upgrading our software (from v2.1.4 to v2.1.7). Beyond the simple fact that upgrades are usually a Good Thing, it is my fervent hope that this upgrade will help quell the rash of recent ... um... 'advertisement specialists' that have been visiting us to leave their gems of wisdom. If we get a more precise estimate of when the upgrade will be, I'll be sure to let you all know. Otherwise, please expect some downtime while the technician is making his changes. Thank you, ~Yui Edit: Whoa. They're fast, these days. The Board upgrade is complete with barely a sign to be seen. DEATH TO SPAMMERS!!!
  3. *cocks a thumb at Zool in her best Fonzie impersonation* Yeah. What he said. *slicks back her hair and gives a thumbs-up* Crazy, ~Yui
  4. Yes, if people want it. No objections, here. Seems as good as any... Paragon of Brevity, ~Yui
  5. Gwaihir. Zariah. Stoomp. Gyr. Patrick, Gryphon, Finnius, Annael, Peredhil, Mynx, Ayshela, Appy, Wyvern, even Zadown! ... not to mention Orlan himself. Yui-chan starts out in shock and quickly progresses to simply overwhelmed, smiling and shaking hands and returning hugs in an utter daze. It's no small bit of news, nothing less than a monumental honor, and for the Elder of Shadows, accepting and admitting worthiness to herself are not insignificant efforts. Yet the Pen doesn't give her much room for doubt. With so many friends crowding around, their proud smiles and heartfelt praise ringing in her ears, she can't do anything less than bask in the glow of their regard and try not to blush at all the attention and kindness. Better than a Bardship is the incontrovertible proof that these people she loves truly love her in return. "Thank you all," Yui says when the hubbub has finally eased. "I can't tell you how much this honor means to me, nor how much I appreciate everyone's good will and warmth. I will do my best to stay always worthy of the title of Bard and your regard." When she follows the words with a low, long bow, she gives every appearance of simply being her usual humble self, but the truth is that she stares at the floor so long because she needs a few moments to hide the grateful tears in her eyes. Most sincerely, ~Yui
  6. Electroshock (Owwie! @_@)
  7. I hope you don't mind an outside contribution. When he told the villagers that he'd lived over 10,000 years, he saw their widened eyes search his unlined face for signs of senescence that didn't exist. After all, he was immortal. Adjective: When the Deevolver ray struck poor Ralph, he cringed, feeling his advanced, human brain begin a retrograde slide towards its simian roots.* (* Using the 2. movement opposite to normal or intended motion; inverse; reverse definition.) Intransitive verb: When Dirk gave the nose of the sled a shove it slipped free of the clinging snow easily, retrograding down the hill to the fear-laced delight of its passengers.** (Using the 5. to move backwards definition.)
  8. Sorry, I'm playing a little catchup, and I thought this might be an important English grammar concept to understand. I'm sure you've noticed by now how many of your word definitions are labeled as either transitive or intransitive verbs. The distinction is a very fine one, but often critical to proper usage. (I admit that I had to look it up. I couldn't remember the details of the two terms, either. Mr. Lowe from 8th grade would be so ashamed of me. ) From "The Guide to Grammar and Style" by Jack Lynch: From what I can see, your usages of the various transitive and intranstive verbs have been correct, Sweet. I just thought it would serve you well to understand the difference. Best regards, ~Yui
  9. Well, that's the end of National Poetry Month. If anyone is interested, I can go back and post the ones from the beginning of the month that I missed. Would you like to see those? Thanks, ~Yui
  10. 30 April, 2006
  11. 29 April, 2006
  12. 28 April, 2006
  13. 27 April, 2006
  14. Opine is a verb, so it is something you can DO, not something you can HAVE. Zepheri, in your example, you've used it as a noun. You would want to trade 'opine', the verb, for 'opinion', the noun. Basically, I always remember opine as being the act of having or sharing an opinion. "I wish to opine on this subject." "When given the opportunity, he has a reputation for opining ad nauseum. That's why people try to avoid asking him for his opinion." Sweetcherrie's usage is correct. I often say the same thing to myself. Keep the words coming. This is a really good exercise. We used to do this sort of thing in grade school, and I learned so much vocabulary this way! Good work, ~Yui
  15. 26 April, 2006
  16. 25 April, 2006
  17. Er... make that four: 4) After you post or edit a post, the 'redirection screen table' is still in default colors, too. Again, ~Yui
  18. It looks great, guys. The Pen feels more like home in Mighty Pen tan. Three things for you to look at: 1) The background for the Fast Reply table is stark white default. It would probably fit in better in our pale tan. 2) The Board Message screen still has some default blue and default white areas. If you want to see it, just hit the 'View New Topics' button twice in fast proximity. That should give you a spamming error... Like it does to me when I'm bored. 3) There are still some subtle missing icons. For example, look between the Edit and Quote buttons on the top right of this post. That +/- symbol is the placeholder for an icon. Similarly, when you hit the Edit button itself, the Full vs. Quick choices are supposed to have little arrows beside them... or something. I forget what those icons are, actually. Sorry. ;;;; The recolored icons on the rest of the board look really great, Patrick. Thanks for taking the time to do this! Yours, ~Yui Edit: Oh, I see what's going on. With regards to icons, you should take a glance back at the default blue skin again. The buttons are pretty different in the new boards, so the Quote vs. MultiQuote (or + Quote) vs. Reply stuff is a little switched around. You can see the little arrows on the Edit button that way, too.
  19. 24 April, 2006
  20. Hey, guys. Thanks for helping to put things back together. What is the name of the skin you fine-tuned? I'm having a bit of trouble, but I want to make sure I'm looking at the right skin before I mention specifics. Thanks, ~Yui
  21. April 23, 2006
  22. April 22, 2006
  23. I'm glad everyone is finding these worth reading. Here's the catch-up group from the weekend... April 21, 2006
  24. April 20, 2006
  25. April 19, 2005
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