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Everything posted by Yui-chan
Sunlight streams through the huge windows on the east wall of the Cabaret room, its rays illuminating the dance of the dust in the still, quiet air as they rush towards the marble-tiled floor. One almost expects to hear a splash where they meet the hard stone, turning to flow like a luscent river over the bleeding patterns of white, grey, and black that adorn the Cabaret room floor. Across the space the lightbeam spreads, unstoppable, inexorable... until it is swallowed by a fold of ebony fabric. Yui sits alone in the Cabaret room on this quiet afternoon, oblivious to the death of the sunray as she stares at the door to the Dreamer's sanctum. Images, thoughts, feelings... all that she experienced in that brief moment when their minds touched has played and replayed, demanding attention and resolution that she cannot provide. She had ignored it, at first, telling herself and others that it was simply curiosity, that it would fade with time, yet the passage of the weeks had done no more than deepen her distraction. The Dreamer's reality will not leave her alone, binding her through her curiosity as well as something ... deeper, a sense of familiarity-of-experience that she cannot explain. Finally, worried by her continued withdrawal, Aegon had brought her back to the Pen's halls so that he might speak with Peredhil and the others to get the details of the event that she was reluctant to give. She'd tried to tell him it was unnecessary, that she just needed more time to assimilate it all, but the words had gotten lost in one of the Dreamer's fascinating rays of light, swallowed by the gaping maw of a crucified corpse. At the distant glaze in her eyes, her love had wasted no time in the journey, and he, Peredhil, Jakob, Ozymandias, and Gyrfalcon were all shut in the Conservatory, discussing... Thus, she came to be alone while they held their little meeting, wandering idly through the hall until she found that her feet had brought her here, to a door that should not exist... He can answer my questions... The Huntress sits in the comfortable, wooden chair, oblivious to anything but the simple grain of that door. ... so simple to just walk over and open it... get him to tell me what it all means. Before she has even realized she is moving, she stands before the door, her hand on the cold brass of the handle. She pauses in the act of turning it, glancing back down the hallway towards where she knows the others sit talking... I'll be out before they're done. It's okay... ... and with the bravery of the obsessed, Yui-chan turns back to the Dreamer's door and slowly opens it, stepping inside...
Healing wounds of the pastÂ
Yui-chan replied to Peredhil's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Yui grins and laughs softly. "Does anyone else notice the symptoms of cyber-withdrawal in our poor, recreated friend, here?" -
What at first appeared to be a shadow in the corner shifts slightly, letting out a soft sound that could only be a soft yawn. With more shifting and the rusting of paper, the figure changes shape as the frame beneath the soft black fabric rises from her seat. As Foe Calibur looks on in curiosity, the rather small form turns, and he finds himself blinking as the torchlight reaches into the darkness of the cowl and illuminates fair skin, warm, grey-green eyes, and a soft smile. Yui-chan tucks the last bits of parchment back into her pocket, moving her enchanted Quill to follow as she takes the few steps over to the stranger's table. Once there, she bows slightly and lowers the cowl to let her golden-blonde hair tumble free. "Good day, sirrah. Welcome to the Cabaret room of the Pen. My name is Yui-chan, one of the many aspiring Quill-bearers you will find roaming this place. And you?"
The travel of Peredhil's eyes as they drift over the room, taking in the details of the carnage left in the wake of the demons' presence, was stopped by a subtle ripple in the air. Frowning and bracing himself for the trouble he feared, he gazed at the point in space until, a second later, a shadow with a golden halo popped into existence... Blinking in surprise, Yui gazed at the blank wall of the Conservatory for a few heartbeats before she turned her head, looking around in confusion. It took about ten seconds before the realization made it past the muddle of thoughts and impressions and questions that the short jaunt into the Dreamer's mind had left her with. I'm back in the Conservatory. The Huntress slowly turned, then, barely seeing the room around her as her thoughts stayed fixed on the experience she had just had, playing and replaying the images, sounds and feelings she had found in the Dreamer's mind. Another moment passed before her distraction-glazed green eyes fixed on the double doors that lead to the complex's main hallway with a semblance of recognition. Weariness swept over her, and her feet began to move almost without conscious thought... As Peredhil, Jakob, and the others watched in wonder, the young woman began to cross the room with the strange detachment of a sleepwalker, oblivious to the mages around...
Yui stands still, for a moment, after the Dreamer's request, simply regarding him thoughtfully as she seeks a plan of action. Well, now you've done it. Some strange intuition babbled nonsense in your ear, and you go off and get yourself taken to a different plane of existence with no thought of what to do to fulfill your promises. Foolish, Yui. Now, what? Dreamer's eyes roll lazily from the upset purple-veined yellow to a serene sky-blue and then to a curious teal as his erstwhile guide hesitates, thinking. After a few heartbeats, however, she nods solemnly and begins to speak. "Very well, Dreamer. Allow me to introduce myself to you properly." Yui bows slightly before him, the length of her ebon cloak flowing around her form. " Watasi wa Temae Yui desu. Hasimemasita," she speaks in a sharp, yet graceful language, giving the formal introduction for her kingdom before reverting to the standard tongue of Terra. "I would be honored if you would call me Yui-chan, as befits my chosen role in existence. "I am a creation of the world called Terra, that which you and I recently occupied. It is a plane of rich magic and violent war, built on struggle and victory at the cost of others, yet still possessed of many beings of both light and neutrality. Though some fight for gain, others fight to protect their ideals, their friends, their homes... This is my world, the knowledge of which will help to bind you and stabilize you to its infinite strength." Pausing, Yui searches the Planeswalker's face for a reaction, hoping she has chosen the right means of helping him. What she sees brings a slight smile to her face, as she watches the shifting hues of his eyes slow and the slight glaze of mad confusion ease from his features. After a moment, he waves her on, intoning a curt "Continue." With a nod, the Huntress resumes giving the rational information that she hopes can ease the emotional chaos within the Dreamer. "The place in which you found yourself, where the demons you summoned were left..." She bites back a shudder inspired by the finger of dread that slides itself along her spine at the thought of the demons and what harm they could have caused by now, forcing herself to continue with barely a pause. "... is the complex of a group known as the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, a gathering of mages and nonmages gifted in the weaving of words. Those you saw... the old man in white, Jakob; the half-elf who harmed himself trying to probe your powers, Peredhil; the old King who called his blade against you, Ozymandias... use their powers of language to inspire and challenge others, seeking and drawing out their true potential. Sadly, they saw the threat your confusion and dismay represented to the people they cared about in that room and our reality... I hope you can understand their reaction to you and your demons. Th--" At that moment, Yui's words are interrupted by a thunderous sound ringing through the tiny plane with such volume that she is forced to her knees by the pain, despite the hands that she has desperately slapped over her ears. The Dreamer listens with mild annoyance as words slam through the air, driven by an indomitable will. "WHERE ARE YOU, PLANESWALKER? I, TOO, HAVE TRAVELED THE BOUNDARIES OF OUR REALITY AND BEYOND. I KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED, AND WHAT IT HAS DONE TO YOU. HEAR ME AND FACE ME, MAD ONE! FOR I CHALLENGE YOU, AND I SHALL QUELL THE CHAOS THAT EATS AT YOUR SOUL OR KILL YOU TRYING. YOU WILL REAP NO MORE DESTRUCTION IN THIS REALM OR ANY OTHER. YOUR KING COMMANDS IT!" When silence once more descends, he looks down at the woman, watching as her pain-tight expression slowly relaxes. As she regains her feet, he considers the challenge, and Yui can see it in his features. His eyes being their shifting again, edging towards a red that bodes ill for Terra as he begins the thought of returning to the source of the loud challenge. Acting a bit rashly, driven by the fear that he would return in anger and harm whomever he found, the little woman blurts out "Dreamer, wait!" Moving with the speed of desperation, she snaps her hand out, grasping his wrist intently, though not tight enough to be threatening. "Please look at Terra's reality through my eyes, once. Use your powers. I won't resist you... Clear the rest of the cobwebs by bypassing the inefficient words and look into what I know..." ... Editted because the Back button just returned me to a blank screen. Edited by: Yui Temae at: 8/2/01 3:39:19 am
Yui notes over the shoulder of the planeswalker as the demons wander towards the bar, worry gnawing at her, still her attention must stay focused. She fixes her grey-green eyes on the panic-stricken rainbow that is the Dreamer's and continues. The demons were her original worry, yet what she sees in the infinite depths of his eyes instantly displaces them. The struggle there speaks of titanic clashes and terrible potential. In a heartbeat, she changes all that she would have said. "You are in conflict. Awakening can be ... confusing and upsetting. Please, I would like to help you, if you will let me. I can help ... anchor you, clarify... give you a solid ground to stand on. I am a dream firmly bound to this place, and I offer you a bit of strength to ... stabilize you here." As she speaks, she raises her hand, offering her palm to the dreamer. All the while, she wonders where her words have come from, and why such seeming nonsense should make such perfect sense to him. She has never been a planeswalker that she can recall, yet some ephemeral nothing in the back of her being whispers to her that he needs a starting point, something to clasp as he recalls the wandering parts of himself. Her eyes fixed on his, the Huntress does nothing but breathe in quiet rhythm, awaiting his reaction.
Yui watches the explosion of chaos with wide eyes, cursing silently that the planeswalker has already passed the bound from distance to interferance. She did not know what power could stop him/it, but certainly no Terran magic and not even superhuman strength could do so. This was a planeswalker, a being so close to a god as to be almost indistiguishable. A dreamer whose whim could create or destroy any reality. Some distant part of her memory whispered of the glorific omnipotence of being a planeswalker, almost as if she had felt it herself, but she shrugged it away, refusing to acknowledge the confusion that it engendered. Instead, her mind worked furiously at how to stop the chain of events that could destroy everything... There can be no fighting his power or his body. All that is left is to appeal to his mind... Peredhil is still weak; both of the old men have failed; and two demons stand in the center of a number of people whom I would rather see alive. I've got to do something... With that thought, determination narrowed her surprise-widened eyes, and the young woman stepped free of the Shadow-link and into the bright light of the room. In the same moment, the dancing goddess, Kali, disappeared from the Cabaret room, leaving only some odd artifact around the planeswalker's neck. Bravely, yet quaking on the inside, Yui strode across the room, past Jakob, only to stop before the furious face of the planeswalker. Facing him calmly, arms at the side and defenses lowered, she spoke in an even voice. "Dreamer, I beg of you to stop this..." She hesitates to see if he will even give her the chance to speak...
Yui watched from the isolation of the shadows, a concerned frown on her face. A planeswalker was a dangerous, unpredictable addition to the Pen, and she could not help but feel a hint of anger at the being called Zadown as she gazed at Peredhil's crumpled form. Be rational, Yui. Peredhil's condition is not Zadown's fault, but his own for his stubborn attempt to follow a demi-god through the boundaries. Still, she could not shake a sense of ... familiar foreboding when she thought of the mysterious being's raw, reality-warping powers. The Huntress had only to look at the efforts of the bouncer and the guinea pig in one corner of the room to be reminded of what this planeswalker could so callously do. I think this one bears watching... provided he stays within this plane so that I can follow him. I'm unsure of what I could do, but I cannot let him wander around unchecked and cause some harm, intentional or otherwise. Edited by: Yui Temae at: 7/25/01 6:55:10 pm
A shadow shifts slightly in the corner, the only sign of a petite, human Huntress who would rather remain quiet as she looks around this new compound...
Wyvern00 Elder of Initiates Posts: 13 (6/13/01 4:22:55 pm) Reply Re: @-/--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Lyricaly rich living... Spiritualy fit, eating healthy Coming clean, never filthy In God's eyes I'm wealthy." (Quote from Yui Temae's song on Wyvern's upcoming 'Chronicles of Terra' LP ) Will I accept Yui Temae's application? Does Misha flame newbies? Of course! Without any second thoughts... I'm glad you decided to join us despite your hatred of the EZboard community. I'll e-mail you the member password... Although there's not much going on in the member section, at the moment (we're getting there...) ------------------------------ Almost a Dragon... "I'll put it in lamer terms: If you came to learn how to make fire, COME I'LL MAKE YOU BURN!" -Big Pun, R.I.P Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze
Yui Temae Visitor Posts: 2 (6/13/01 8:26:19 am) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Wyvern sits in his office, surrounded by the piles of applications and works both finished and unfinished, the sun stands in golden glory outside of the high windows, shining its light through the inaffective barrier of the glass. The midday meal just over, he has settled himself down with resignation to more drudgery and paperwork, the necessary evil of the effort to expand the Pen is Mightier than the Sword. With a wry smirk, he wonders why he volunteered to be the Elder of Initiates, again. An hour passes before he raises his draconic eyes from the text flowing across a particularly long piece of parchment, turning them towards the windows to watch for a moment as the sun slowly begins to slip from its proud perch at the top of the sky. Weary, he sets the sheet down and scrubs the back of his hand over his forehead, wincing inwardly at the signs of a fledgling headache testing its wings within his skull. Confident in his solitude, he leans back in his chair and lets his mind wander for a few minutes, watching a lark winging its way through the clouds with half an eye as he brainstorms more geld-making schemes. Thus, when an unheralded voice breaks the silence and sanctity of his thoughts, his jerk of surprise sends his chair toppling to the side, and only the quick grip of his hands against the strong oak of his desk saves him from an embarassing tumble to the rug-covered floor. "So very high, the ambitions unmet," ... gasping in both shock and the aftermath of the adrenaline through his blood, Wyvern searches for the source of the voice that echoes through the spacious room... "and higher still, the goals that I've set!" ... his eyes alight on the shadow that writhes with movement in the corner of the room, and he sags with relief at the familiar figure that slowly takes form from the darkness. "Yet here I stand, one more for the list, My face full of heart, my hand a tight fist." Pulling the cowl of her ebon cloak down from around her face, Yui-chan graces her friend Wyvern with a bright smile and a slight bow, continuing her recitation. "Not fancy, nor skilled, surrounded by betters, Yet still must I craft and weave songs with my letters." The new white trim on her flowing cape catches his eye, sparkling slightly from the green scrollwork that wends its way down the length. "For I find it as needed as deep breaths of air, That one who might follow may appreciate my care," She slowly wanders over to stand before his desk, stopping there to finish her words, her eyes locked on his. "Or learn what to do, or what not, as you may. And so I must ask, shall I go? May I stay?" Temae Yui smiles brightly and watches Wyvern for a reaction...