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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Tralla

  1. I like the broken meter of the lines... it really adds a feeling of desperation, disturbance, or extreme emotional stress to the poem. Instead of repeating Lies all lies in the last stanza, why not put something like, "All lies"? You have fragments of the saying elsewhere, so it would fit well, and still reinforce the message. It would sound even more like a broken person's teary jumbled rantings. =) I like it!
  2. Thank you, guys! (I've never had anything called bloody brilliant before... Rune, you're a doll!) Alaeha - chromo means colourful, and some means body, so achromo some, non-colourful body... heh. heh heh. Bad, I know. =P
  3. Tralla appears, in her (un)usual in-and-out way, at a table in one ignored corner, head propped in hand. "Quest... Quill... Quill Quest..." she murmurs thoughtfully, tapping her chin with one finger. Her other hand drummed against the tabletop, long, carefully filed nails making a rhythmic clacking sound. "Hmm... Decisions... ... ... Blarg." Rising, she sighs and hitches a suddenly-there backpack back onto her shoulders. "Congratulations to all promoted, and keep it up to those who weren't. Your turn will come." With tha, she is gone again, table, backpack and all.
  4. ...nifty. I like the play of passive versus aggressive imagery. They're well contrasted, here. Good job lumpy. =)
  5. achromo some i'm the girl you never see please don't stand so close to me i'll infect your mind with gray and ruin your chromatic day. you never see me standing there watching from the shadows there the vibrant hues fall from your lips the colours sear my fingertips unseen, too, your elimination from the silent desaturation of mine eyes watching from the shadows gray.
  6. For some reason, this always gave me comfort when I was discontent with who I was. I don't know why, I don't think it's particularly inspirational, it just did. Aspiring I am in the shadows Cast by masters, grand. I am but a blade of grass, A pebble in the sand. A wave upon the ocean, And echo down the hill; Today, just a sliver Of the dream I will fulfill. - Anonymous From Margaret Atwood, the absolutely best phrase, "You are innocent as a bathtub full of bullets." from Backdrop Addresses Cowboy, a fantastic poem if you ever get the chance to read it. From ee cummings, the poem love is more thicker than forget, which taught me, no matter how good you think you are, there's always someone out there that can mess with your head. =D The works of Robert Frost, which seem so beautifully and refreshingly simple, but which are merely a "momentary stay against confusion." ... They're addictive, I tell you, addictive. Especially Acquainted With the Night and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. And, finally, a quote written into a journal, bestowed upon me by those I love. It is still, after all this time, my favourite. "When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly." - Barbara J. Winter
  7. *hugtackles Vlad* awww love you too hunnie! Great to have you around! You've added your own special brand of charm to the pen, and it's great having you here. Seriously, though... to add my own somewhat-less-inspirational philosophy to the pot... Above all other things, above all the people, and all the goals, and everything else in my life, this is what truly kept me alive: No matter how far you fall, and how bad things get, and how little you think of yourself or your life, and even if you start to doubt this, it's proven itself to me, time and again - Things WILL get better, if you can just wait it out, and... keep wishing for something better. AP-E, Vlad. You're a star, so keep at it.
  8. o.o Uhhh... we tend not to abuse anyone here, verbally or no, but welcome anyway. =D
  9. As is the person above me. =P
  10. I'm well prepared for this exam!
  11. The person above me needs to prevent his dreams from expiring, or find someone good to blame it upon. Either option will do.
  12. The person above me joins in on little dances.
  13. Haha... those are my family's famous last words, Nightshade... Trust me, gender with rodents rarely works out the way you expect it too. O.o One of our boy gerbils had babies... then one of the babies had babies... then one of THOSE babies had babies. And then we gave the lot of them to the petstore. They were nasty anyway. =D
  14. "I'll be right back."
  15. The person above me makes my name into a song in greetings, or at least a trill, no matter what I insist... O.o
  16. Happy Birthday! *does a little birthday dance and sings* "Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and crappy cake the fact that you were able to make the trip around the sun... *gasp* And the whole clan gathers round and gifts and laughter do abound and we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song..." (Anyone who knows this song will understand why I don't finish it here. )
  17. The person above me keeps being mistaken in my head for being Canadian... O.o I dunno why, one of the mysteries of the universe I guess.
  18. Need I restate that the person above me makes the best damn games around? Psst... call him Zoolie-coo... he loves it.
  19. Are you sure the power is off? Don't unplug it; it will just take a moment to fix. I wonder where the mother bear is. What happens if you touch these two wires tog-- Let it down slowly. He's probably just hibernating.
  20. Gee, that's odd.
  21. The person above me had to overdevelop her sense of refinement to counterbalance the other crew she hung out with in Archmage. =P *winds a ribbon into a fluffy thing and slaps in on her forehead with a scrap of scotch tape*
  22. The person above me would do the Polite Bard proud for politeness, cleverness, and general likability factor.... They make good games, too.
  23. The person above me has the kind of beautiful personality that shines, even on anonymous boards to those who really know very little about her.
  24. The person above me writes amazing poetry that leads one into a hazy, dreamlike state similar to the person above me's name...
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