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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About colemanite_flakes

  • Birthday 04/22/1986

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    Roxy Wolfe
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  1. LMFAO about the puppy.
  2. I am so frustrated I have tears in my eyes. This fucking keyboard won’t even type right. This feeling in my stomach goes straight to the core. I’m so primordial I need to lash at something more. This hate I feel can’t be controlled, I am at the very threshold My muscles are twitching and little things make me scream “I want bring this world to its god damned knees!” You tell me that my pain, it’s all in my head. Then why the hell do I puke every time I get out of bed? And lay in the shower, wish I could be devoured By the hot water that is my only relief. I get the feeling I’m to be making my goodbyes I’ve “lost so much weight” is the outcry I’m so fed up with this life that I lead I can’t do this much longer I must concede My sickness inside me, my monster within Is going to kill me in the end, much to my chagrin. Pretty soon I am sure that it will all fade to black And then well see if my soul’s back on track.
  3. Rain hits the windshield, droplets turning into little rivers Hot breath fogs the back hatch and I draw crude figures Of you and me and the drinks we once shared As the second hand ticks my pulse stabs along I wonder if tonight you'll even appear. I can still smell your soft cologne I can still taste my poisoned words I can still feel your lips I can see you in your window as my breath sucks back into my chest. Thoughts and gasoline are thick in the air Lost in memory as I start to despair I love you I swear so you better beware All I'd do is rip out your heart once again I decide to never let you know I was there
  4. As Colemanite rubbed the Almost Dragonic Brand Troll Knuckle Desanitizer™ on her hands she wondered briefly if it was safe for human use. Afterall, there was an odd tingling sensation under the beds of her fingernails. As if it were no more than an afterthought Coley let out a resolved little grunt and rubbed the sanitizer all over her face as well.Wyvern, still holding the Acceptance Brandishing Iron, looked a little suprised about this last action. "What? Colemanite started "Those were my bro's. Of COURSE I'm going to sanitize my face." Colemanite surveyed the room quickly for somewhere to sit and decided on the charred remains of.... something. Or rather it used to be something, now nothing, but that was besides the point. "Really?" Colemanite yelped enthusiastically "We get a brand? Ah, but WHERE indeed?" Much to Wyvern's surprise Colemanite began pushing up her sleeves revealing her already colorful flesh. "The ONE benefit of being pasty; ink holds well." There were colorful purple and green swirls filled with different charms covering her arms. Everything had exuberant color and expert lines. As Colemanite surveyed her artwork she said with resolve "There's only ONE place left for this brand to go..." her eyes flashed comically at Wyvern as she pulled her shirt over her head. She pulled her long red hair into a pony tail in the back exposing a darling pink, not punk rock in anyway, bra. "Chest Piece." she smiled. "Now let's do this before I lose my nerve! Do you have something I can bite down on?" Colemanite put her arms behind her back and squeezed her eyes tightly shut prepared to feel her flesh be seared. One eye popped open and looked a Wyvern. "By the way.... nice tail."
  5. ..... Sock Puppetry? Ingenius!
  6. Not sure if this one counts but: Recockulous - Just like Ridiculous only MORE so.... replace the dic with a cock and there you go. I.E. "Man, that chronic was recockulous."
  7. Chillax VERB - A mixture between chill and relax Can be used to tell someone to calm down. I.E. "Dude, chillax, it's not THAT bad." or I am chillaxing right now.
  8. Colemanite stumbled into the burnt smelling recruiting office carrying a mangled looking HUGE cardboard box. She looked a little worse for the wear... beads of sweat on her upper lip and red hair all disheveled. She took a few steps towards Wyvern when she began to tip a little to the left and ended up crashing to the floor, the box having been too much for her small frame, it's contents spilling all over the place including onto Colemanite. "Here!" she puffed as she disgustedly and hurriedly removed a magazine from touching her face "I went ALLLLLLLL the way home and took these from my brother. His wife was pretty mad about it at Christmas so I figured that I could have them for getting accepted into here. There's like a 100 lbs of smut in here.... I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING to your liking. Alot of..... ummmm...... different looking things in here." Judging by the mess spilled all over the floor it appeared there was EVERYTHING from human to dragons (or something almost like that) and other somewhat unidentifiable yet recognizable entities in the magazines. "I think there is even some vintage stuff that was passed on from my father...." her voice trailed off a bit murmuring something about a wookie. Colemanite hopped to her feet and looked around at the people still in the room "Anyone have any hand sanitizer?" Then looking directly at Wyvern she said "Can I PLEASE be accepted now?"

  10. I am a viciously sadistic cruel girl Singing sickly sweet symphonies to the heart strings Entrancing you into my web of lies and spells I’ll always be at your side and I like cooking for you. And you nod your head right along without missing a beat. Agree with me and spew similar sentiments And the truth is for a while we both actually believe. Until the lies begin to fester; dusty cobwebs thick in the air I’m obviously not nearly as perfect as you initially believed Though I’ll admit you weren’t very hard to deceive Only because your own web was so very close to mine That I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of love’s lies. The doors you held open, the flowers you gave I almost felt bad, and almost felt shame My fake laughter and cheerful cleaning all for loves sake But your lies are worse in a terrifying way. This was supposed to be my game, when did you learn the rules? There wasn’t supposed to be two playing; that not how it goes Now we are locked in this suicide pact, however it’s More like two pointed guns with their hammers drawn back I wouldn’t really kill me but I’m not sure about you I think I might already be dead, there is nothing we can do Admit we’re nothing more than liars and fakes? Not likely since fake is all we’ll both ever have.
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