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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. beautiful!
  2. You guys are all amazing. @___@
  3. Congrats
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Want to hug you closely, Never knowing what to say. Want to give you hope, And try and understand your pain.
  6. Creativity in school is often limited by how open the teacher is to individualism. Teachers get caught up in what is right and what is wrong that they can often forget what something may be instead of what they were taught it is. The worst part is that the teacher remains unaffected, but that the students walk away carrying the burden of what was labeled a mistake when in truth it should have been praised as creativity. This happens a lot even in higher levels of education as well. An 11th grade English teacher asks you to write a poem about yourself. I do not see how it is possible for a teacher to put a numerical grade on a poem, when poems can be interpreted in so many different ways. None of which are incorrect. On the other hand it should be noted that there are teachers who are the opposite and do everything possible to help their students grow instead of just advance to the next level. I really like the structure and how it is repeated up to the end. The imagery is intense and it is very easy to feel the emotion in the classroom throughout each season. It’s wonderful as all your stuff is. Thank you for sharing.
  7. *huggles Vincent's kneecap* *leaves gooey gummi handprints as a reminder*
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Rune runs into the room with a giant red crayon in her hand. She holds it up to Illianna so that she can see. The look on the child’s face appears to be stern and very serious. “This crayon.” She starts. “This crayon made me write.” She bites her lip and looks frustrated, waiting for a response. ---------------------- In all seriousness though, I am not sure what first got me started. Ironically the first thing I have ever written outside of a school assignment was for the pen. I remember reading everyone’s work and being really motivated to contribute in some way to the vast literary archives of this keep. I wanted my own paw print on the wall so that future generations would perhaps stumble on my signature and read my posts. Rune also makes me write. What started out as a neat name..and then turned into a demon, and then turned into a 3 foot tall demon who cannot spell is a mystery. I think it is because I never had a chance to be a child, and Rune allows me to view the world through a child’s eyes. She does not have to worry about sentence structure or knowing what a megaphone (metaphor) is. She simply says what she feels without concern that others will think she is silly for not understanding. It really makes it easy to write most of the time and removes the chore aspect from the entire thing.
  10. This is one of my favorite topics so Im going to bump it. There are a ton of new people at the pen who might enjoy replying to it.
  11. What are you opinions on being taught to write? Not in the technical sense, Anyone can learn grammer and spelling, but do you think it is possible to teach someone to really write well? Is it vital to writing to have a certain love for it in order for it to be really great? Or can any regular person who does not care or even dislikes writing be taught to write a wonderful story or poem? Opinions!
  12. *huggles Hopper* You dont have to be creative to remain a part of our lives! You can join me in the p-nut gallery.
  13. Rune stumbles into Wyvern’s office carrying a giant crate of gummis shaped strangely like dragons (well almost dragons, they sort of resemble mutated birds). “Wyvern, This box came for you. Something about a bees nest deal?” She trips slightly and the box falls to the floor. The thin crate breaks into pieces and several of the gummis go cascading under the desk and bookshelves nearby. “Meep” She squeaks, and tries to catch as many as possible, but the rather large ratio of gummi in the candy compared to other ingredients cause them to bounce around the room spastically. “Oh no!” she furrows just as a large handful goes flying upward and into the ceiling fan overhead. Noticing Illianna she scrambles to hide behind her. The Guest at the keep looks at her awkwardly. “Sorry!” Rune says. “but you never know what will happen when the gummi’s hit the fan!” ----------------- Edit: Welcome to the pen Illianna!
  14. Happy Birthday!! *huggles*
  15. hehe, that is so wrong. You had me going! I seriously thought it was really a zombie. Poor zombie man, poor dead guy poor lady with the brick in her hand!
  16. Rune


    Zadown you will never cease to amaze me. @__@
  17. Dear Journal. Tuesday was plagued with emotional disarray. After a long and emotional night the gates to hell were lifted and he uttered the very words I had longed to hear for the last year. But those words were not as sweet to my ears as I had imagined them to be. The sun did not shine into the room in joyous rapture as was dreamed. Birds did not sing, flowers did not bloom, the only thing that penetrated that very moment was the sound of a sigh coming from his lips. He exclaimed in all his glory that he did indeed have a problem. “I’m sorry” was all I could say, although inside I was angry at him for just now realizing the reason behind the torment I had been put through for so long. He turned his back to me and sighed once more. I cried but he did not notice. I touched his arm and he flinched and pulled away. The world spun around me as my vision blurred from the tears that were now streaming down my face. I collapsed into the soft pillow and buried my face hoping that it would all resolve itself by the time I needed to lift my head to take another breath. But it did not, and today I sit here dealing with the emotional aftermath of his proclamation. Having done this similar exercise a few weeks earlier I realized that leaving him alone would just wield the same bad behavior that he was attempting to overcome. As long as he had a vehicle and the bank card he would find a way to purchase the liquid needed to fuel his addiction. Even to the point of buying it and then consuming it so quickly that he made himself ill just to hide it from me. I had to miss work, and I knew I would pay the price for missing the time by deducting from an emotional balance that I did not have. Having done that in the past, and attempting suicide as the alternate bankruptcy to an emotional bank overdrawn I knew that it would be horrible attempting to recover. But I had no choice. My supervisor was somewhat understanding. His on the other hand was none too pleased. His primary doctor was called and after meeting with him he was given contact information for a mental health physician. Someone who could talk him through this or provide him with the chemical means to overcome his addiction. But the number remains discarded in the kitchen drawer and although he has managed to survive for the last 5 days or so without the substance I wonder if it will last.
  18. Congrats Canid. And Python is by far the most uber wicked of them all. I have their songs on CD and a full collection of their skits as well. Holy Grail still makes me giggle when I think about it.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. That was very beautiful.
  21. Rune giggles and runs around the collection of knees that have gathered into the room. Can't catch me! ^__^
  22. \o.O/ O.O)~ <--- Mouse hehe, Yui, you are too awesome. ^__^
  23. for a few minutes, but ill be back soon!
  24. Welcome Home!
  25. Congrats!! ^__^
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