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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Welcome back!
  2. Ooo this thread is corrupted! Look! Minta snuck in and posted before you even posted *gasp* Musta been a problem with the parser
  3. *huggles some passing knees*
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. I was trying to come up with something intelligent to say in response but Im not good at saying smart things so ill just say I liked it. The first section is really powerful and I think it sums up how alot of people feel about recent situations. I wish you would write more. I really enjoy them when you post them.
  6. What did the ghost say to the bee? . . . . . . BOOOOO BEE!
  7. yay! new knees to huggle. *huggles the new knees*
  8. Many grats!
  9. To live one's life in fear of what other's think is to live a short and uneventful life. To live one's life full of respect for ones self is to a live a life that when reflected upon feels like an eternity and each moment remembered warmly. I am not sure why anyone would think you had lied and if they did I think they should be more concerned as to why because they are your friends. Lying is not always a horrible thing in my opinion. A lot of times it is simply a call for help when nothing else seems possible to the person telling the falsity. When I find that someone has lied my first emotional response is more of “whats wrong, are YOU ok?” rather than “I dislike you for lying to ME.” But I am a bit strange in that regard. I feel humans are not perfect and do sometimes need to take the easy way out to survive. It’s up to those that love them to forgive them and offer them the chance to express the truth openly and then praise them for their bravery and strength. Often things need to be dealt with immediately and we are not prepared to handle them. As a result a lie is the only logical emotion response to the attack, in my opinion. I am glad you are back and if it makes you feel better I have no clue why anyone would be upset at you. Since I have no clue then its likely most people have no clue (I am a nosey demon, I can tell you what -all- the buttons are saying about the zippers.) so you have nothing to fear. The pen isn’t a place for attacks and rumors. It’s a place free from those bonds where you can create and express yourself freely. I am glad you found your way back. Welcome Home.
  10. Nothing in GA. We are safe and sound.
  11. Happy birthday!! *hugs*
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. ah okie. Well it should be back then.
  16. er, wasnt it called something other than the shoutbox?
  17. *sighs* i still need to fix it.
  18. Rune


    *cheers* That was wonderful!
  19. Happy Birthday! Im alittle late but it took me awhile to run over here with my short stubby legs.
  20. wow I was quoted! and I didnt even realize it.
  21. Did you write that? It's wonderful. If not, we might need to move it to the library.
  22. Very nice free form. Great mental images and rapid change in scenary. It's clean cut and to the point. Thank you for sharing.
  23. Welcome to the pen! I'm alittle late, but it's been messy around here. *points at the dust*
  24. Welcome to the pen T)emon13laT)e. Good luck on your application. Can't wait to read more.
  25. Your poem is so very impressive. It's almost symbolic of a certain outlook on life for children who grow up and have siblings. At first they are the object of attention but as they grow older and mature into what they feel they should be, their parents may lose interest and seek to bring a new life into the family. The new life takes the place of the old, although the old remains and is still considered a part of the family. And in the end the older child cannot help but care for the younger, even though resentment lines their heart at times. Welcome to the pen Neko! I look forward to hearing many more of your works. Please be sure to check out the other areas of the keep and be sure to leave your footprints everywhere you go.
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