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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. insanity spelled backwards is Ytinasni..and if that means anything at all to you.. then well.. you are just strange. *giggles* but Id love to read more.
  2. Rune dances and hums to a beat in her head. I'd have to agree with Gyrfalcon. The only part that doesnt seem to fit into a song are the lines that contain 3 parts. When just singing the song to a random tune it seems like it would be hard to ramble through those lines. None the less the piece in general is astounding.
  3. hehe, that was too good. On a side note, for some reason I imagine purple fuzzies to look just like the dustbunnies from My Neighbor Totoro. And for those of you that dont know what that is, just ignore me..Im wierd.
  4. Rune nods to indicate approval.. Granted she is pretty darn short and you may not have noticed her nodding.
  5. Kipi! Its wonderful! I can't wait to read more.
  6. Tis good, tis very good.
  7. *is having EQ withdrawls* hehe, I really like this one. I reread it a couple of times and it can be inturpreted in so many different ways. Its kind of funny when read in one mindset, then sad in another.
  8. Sometimes its really easy to put alot of punch into a short verse and its very effective. Other times it can leave the reader lost (in my opinion) because they have to fill in the blanks to the point where they are controlling the poem. This one works short and powerful. It creates an image clearly where I can fill in the blanks with that image as a guideline. As for not knowing what you throw on paper, I think your poems are great. The more practice you put into them the more they will improve over time based on your confidence. Its sort of similiar to learning to draw a circle. Your first circle and your 2000th circle might look the same, but in your mind the final one is much more perfect because you are concious of the time and effort you put into it. Your confidence will shine through in your writing.. be proud of yourself.
  9. Rune boggles for a moment, and then rereads the poem a few times to attempt to get a feel for it. Its a great poem, and I think I understand the meaning. Only thing I would suggest is perhaps adding a bit more to it, to give it a fuller feel. There are parts where my head gets alittle lost trying to figure out what you mean. Other than that (in my opinion), its a great poem. Can't wait to read more.
  10. Amazing, if that is unpolished I couldnt even imagine what you would considered polished. I cant wait to read more!
  11. Its like a song, it flows beautifully.
  12. kipi! Rune exclaims, interesting journey.. tis very good. Rune props herself up waiting for another piece from jonathan.
  13. heh, there are probably alot of people lie'ing bed wishing they had the courage to replace the one lie'ing beside them. Great piece of writing, lordsmeagol, please post more.
  14. I've been sitting on this poem for a few days. For the life of me I cannot come up with what I want to say. It's so dark.. and yet feels very very true. The imagery hits you like a ton of bricks which to me makes the poem very effective. Tis good, lordsmeagol, tis very very good.
  15. Rune puts on some reading glasses and opens a very large and intellectual looking book. The book, being at least twice her size, sits akwardly on her lap. She opens her mouth in an attempt to form some very interesting and intelligent sounding comments. Well the.. er.. Ok the difference between.. um, Ok well... I really liked it! Post more post more, She chants.
  16. I can identify, a bit.. with that writing. There are parts there that really hit close to home. I am glad you decided to post it and I'd love to see more. And I'd have to agree with Gyrfalcon, Im not sure which to take pity on.
  17. Rune stares wide eyed at Yui-chan as the shadow addresses her directly and with respect. Unfamiliar with being treated in such a manner she almost appears to be frozen from the impact of the kind words. Once Yui finishes and bows, Rune does the same and quietly whispers “Dômo arigatô gozaimasu” in response to Yui’s kindness. She then watches with added interest as the scene between the overgrown lizard and the disgruntled rapper plays out. As Wyvern rushes out through the door she closes her eyes and whispers a word of thanks to him as well. From the distance she can make out the confused look on his face as her thoughts invade his mind briefly to convey her gratitude. She then turns to Vlad and Zadown and also thanks them for their response to her speech. This community is very powerful because you each stand behind one another and offer support. Her voice can barely be heard over the loud rumble coming from the main area of the room as the crowd begins talking among themselves once more. A single stone can be cast beyond reach by the weakest man, but when added to others it can become strong enough to defend a castle. I am not sure that I will ever get to be a part of all this.. you see I am very different. She looks downward as though criticizing her very existence. But none the less I will do my best to try. Rune pauses for a moment as though she has had a sudden revelation. Hey, I wondered why that moving crate was so heavy..
  18. Rune walks up the stage in the large and grand Cabaret room. She attempts to climb the stairs, but being little more than 3 foot tall she trips a few times. Finally making it up she walks over to the stand which holds the microphone. The room is full of activity and her actions are barely noticed. Realizing that the stand is made for people of a more normal human height she mumbles. Pulling a large moving crate over she climbs up on top of it to attempt to reach the device. Panting and covered in dust she is finally able to see the crowd from the stand. Excuse... Excuse me. She squeaks. Um, Can I have your attention for a moment? Her voice cracks as the nervous jitters in her tummy cause her to break out in a sweat. Does anyone remember what it was like to be new? Or to be unsure of your abilities? or to simply want to be accepted? She slowly gains more confidence as she notices the crowd is paying attention. I keep reading poems, and stories..and I want to comment but its so hard to do. I am not a technical writer, I dont know the terms for poems and literary techniques and for what might not be correct or what may be.. I just know what i think sounds great and I know what its like to post a piece of work and to wait patiently for someone to respond. She pauses, unsure of their reaction to what she has said. I also know what its like to post something and wait and check back daily just to never see a response..or to just see 1 or 2 and nothing more. My own mind fills in the blanks with things like "oi, it must have been really bad" or "wow, i guess not many liked it." Her voice trails off slightly with that last sentance as the crowd begins to stir slightly. So, uh, So I am gonna make a point to respond to every single topic I read.. but I want to -apologize- now because if I post "wow, that was great!" or "please post more" its not because im posting simply for the post count, but because I really wanted you to know I read it and I liked it. You see, Im just not very good at coming up with things to say. She pauses for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. But out of respect for you, and for the time you took to post it..I will do my best to respond to it because I think its great. I know that most of you here are very advanced writers and may be a bit annoyed by simple comments when you are searching for more in dept critisim.. but you see im just a very small person and I dont have a lot of in dept in me. She looks downward and begins playing with a tattered string that hangs around her neck. So, umm, thats all. Rune frowns at the akward silence from the crowd and is pretty positive that she has made a fool of herself. Thank you. She finishes and then attempts to climb off the box. Now emotionally drained from the attention she tries to push the moving crate back to it's position. She is aware that the whole room is watching her ever move and a replay of what just happened floods her mind. The crate now rests in it's original position and she runs towards the curtain area of the stage attempting to escape the crowd.
  19. Rune


    Thats a great poem! I find it interesting that you were able to rhyme Peredhil
  20. Another tip as well: You can center your signature graphic/text by typing <.center> and <./center> afterwards (but without the periods)
  21. Rune stumbles in after being trampled on from the mass of people leaving the somewhat skinny gate area of the old pen keep. "Oi, ooof" she says, rubbing her rump. She picks herself up, dusts off her clothes and wanders toward the stage. She notices several other people (and.. non people) she has had the pleasure of meeting in the past but realizes it would be useless to attempt to converse in the confusion. She raises her hand and attempts to shout her name and then suddenly realizes she has no rank and quietly lowers her hand. She leaves the area quickly with a nervous skip and meanders around the eastern side of the newly built keep and its courtyards.
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