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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. I think there is a post eating monster somewhere... I could have sworn (oops, not pose to swear) I thought for sure I had replied to this thread at one point. I even remember what I said (I think.. or maybe not). Musta been a dream or something crazy-like. I am not really sure where Rune came from. Oddly enough I was sitting at the pen one day trying to figure out what name I wanted to register when the name Rune came out of nowhere. I never really had to figure out how the name fit with the character. It was almost as if she walked in and introduced herself at that exact moment and everything afterwards just fit together. That may also be the reason why it is so hard to write nowadays. It may sound silly but it's almost as though Rune was actually doing the writing. I told someone once she was my inner child. A child that had been surpressed due to years of abuse in the real world. Perhaps that is true.. and like all children she simply grew up. (edit - gogo grammar ghost)
  2. I liked the movie but really you could put a paper towel roll in front of me and I would like it. heh. If I had to point out bad things I would say the acting by Anakin's character could have been better. There just doesnt seem to be much emotion in that fellows face. On the other hand some people in real life just dont show much emotion so perhaps thats just how Anakin is. There were a lot more good things than bad though. To avoid spoilers I wont go into them but I think overall the movie was a great experience and a fitting end to the first 3. Its hard to look at all 6 as a whole for me only because of the difference in technology used to make them. I will be sad that my kids might not get the pitting feeling in their tummys when they first hear "Luke.. I am your father" like I did. I think I will keep them under rocks and show them the movies in the order I saw them.
  3. yayayayyayayayay! You are back! I missed you! *takes out a jar and begins collecting the huggles* Ooo a collection! *trips and spills open the jar getting smothered with pent up huggles* Aiiiyeeeeeee~
  4. o.O wow.. I knew my ears were burning but I never expected my name to be mentioned in so many posts in such a short amount of time. *scribbles the number 2 on the wall near the main door to the cabaret room* Can't wait till next year! 3 is the squiggliest of all numbers! Happy birthday! and many heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped to lay a single brick in the mighty walls of this sacred place.
  5. It's a bit late but many happy birthday wishes for you Cyril!
  6. eep, I didnt build the pen! >< Nuuu *shakes off the compliments* I hope everyone has kept safe, it's nice to see so many familiar faces and also all the new ones.
  7. *knee hugs to everyone*
  8. *holds up a little hand smudged with ink* They tried to take my fingerprints but I wouldn't let em! what can I say? nothing gets between a demon and an urge to watch Beauty and the Beast. o.O
  9. Aww. no one on my server ; ; We could be friends and mogmail tho
  10. hehe I play ^^ Been playing since October of last year. What server are you on?
  11. This is none of my buisness but with a title like that who could resist! I actually found that to be quite a professional and courteous warning. Seems as though the officer in question actually cares about the offender which is something you don't find every day. As someone who over reacts quite a bit myself, it seems to just be a bad case of bruised feelings. I wish you well and hope that the future is bright,
  12. *giggles*
  13. Wow, Why so much explanation for replies? o__O I always thought the pen was a place where you could say what was on your mind without fear of others taking it the wrong way. Did people suddenly lose their sense of understanding since I have been gone? I would not change anything. Everything in my past has lead me to where I am today. It has made me who I am, put me in this place, moved me forward. I am content knowing that I am alive and well. Changing something might prove fatal by putting me in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are things I would like to change but I guess in truth there is no real reason to go back in time to change them. Nothing is stopping me from going to college, getting my black belt, learning to swim.. well nothing except the walls i've built in my mind. Sadly those walls are a bit harder to overcome than physical walls since it requires more than simply walking around until you find the gate... but that is a different post. *waddles off*
  14. I just wanted to apologize that the guild idea seems to have caused so much harm to the pen. I never really imagined the suggestion would become such a turning point for so many negative feelings... and so many obvious changes. *bows courtesy to the lore master* Please forgive and do not give up hope.
  15. It's alittle late but I have a habit of making... fashionable entrances. ^^;; Happy Birthday
  16. o___o w-o-w That was amazing.
  17. I always thought this would be a neat exercise. My apologies if it has already been done before and I missed it. General concept is that a picture is posted and people respond with a 1-2 paragraph story about the picture. It's mostly just for fun and can be kinda goofy or serious if anyone is interested. Just take a look at this picture and see what you can come up with. If someone wants, another picture can be posted for a similiar exercise. All credit goes to Antipixel which I highly suggest you visit. The young girl waited silently below the tree of orange. The sunlight bathed the bench as her hand caressed the cold stone below. She shivered slightly as time crawled past. She doubted her reason for waiting and clinched her fist slightly. Anxious thoughts turned into silent rage. Where is he? She wondered. The leaves from the tree overhead created shadows that danced across her face. Amid the cloudy spots of black her expression changed to mimic her fleeting mood. Happiness turned to anxious concern then back to a smile then followed by a frown. Finally he came and she bounded forth from her resting place to find herself in his arms. All of her concerns and uncertainly floated upwards, seeping through the leaves above and towards the sky. The leaves rustled slightly in the uprising before settling back to sleep clinging to the tree of orange and waiting for the next breath of life to sit beneath it’s branches.
  18. I think I'll go for a walk! I feel... happpppy! *clang* Bring out ya dead!
  19. Ooo, Congratulations. (´・ω・`)
  20. Thats a good song. ~_^ Heard it this morning on the way in.
  21. Oops, your right! I had them backwards.
  22. I respect anyone who can put the word lemmings in a poem and do it so.. budda'tastically. Good job
  23. Wonder if I can claim a "poet status" on my health insurance. ^^
  24. Happy Birthday Elwen
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