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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Oo neat stuff.
  2. The person above me likes to change his signature alot, which makes it always interesting to search out and read the comments simply for the signature.
  3. Good luck on your application! ^__^ - and welcome to the pen.
  4. comment on a good poem: free comment on a clever sig: free confusion from 2 different app posts: priceless hehe, great poem, classic signature. Good luck in your application!
  5. Rune runs into the room to congrat'u'late Hopper on their acceptance. She hands the wolf a gift with a huge grin on her face. "Here you go, its a gumi bear.." Rune pauses for a moment as though she has lost something. "What is it?" Hopper inquires, thinking the demoness is a rather confusing child. "hmmm" she says to herself, before dropping to the floor and searching around. A few moments later she stands back up and exclaims "ah ha! Here it is. Darn 'M's, always falling off." She presents Hopper with the appropriate gummi bear and waves as she heads out of the room.
  6. hehe people like my game. *twirls* Thank you guys ^__^
  7. I hope no one minds the change in graphic. Its really easy to change back if anyone would like for it to go away.
  8. The person above me chortles when he laughes.
  9. You can modify your title in your "My Controls" in the upper right hand corner of the screen me thinks. Click My Controls Click Edit Profile info on the left hand side. Fill in :Custom member title: Glad you like the game ^__^
  10. Rune bounces excitedly when she recieves a large boring brown package via the post. Unwrapping the butcher paper carefully she removes one perfect Rune sized red crayon. Holding it gingerly in her right hand she looks around for something to color. Her eye notices the sign right outside the main entrance to the keep. Pulling over a discarded wiggly cabbage crate she climbs on top (it was rathering tiring I tell you) and scribbles her name and a short note on the sign. Climbing back down she surveys her work proudly. ooc: Please put all comments related to this post in the appropriate comment post. This story will be continued over time.
  11. This is a game, but it is also a way to really get to know the people in the community. The concept is simple, you post a fact about the person who posted before you. For example: If Peredhil posted something, then I could post "The persom above me is a half elf." or something of that nature. After awhile it gets harder and you really have to get to know people to figure out things about them you havent posted before. Thought I'd see if anyone was interested in playing. To answer this question It can be either. Really depends on if the person has allowed their real life persona to shine through at all. Just be sure not to cross the comfortability border..dont tell their secrets on accident.
  12. Rays so smooth, like hot tea in a tea cup, I would prolly remove the second tea, cause its repeated so close together. How free this site is, nothing to pay. site? like web site? or sight? Beautiful poem overall Doom, Your talent shines through much like the rays you describe.
  13. hehe, I was doing great until I hit the word pus..and that just conjured up an image that was just all around yucky. But after I got over that yucky image I reread it and it was good. *chuckles* Although I imagine men, covered in hair..turning into blobs and sliming their way around while girlies run around shouting cooties, but thats just me.
  14. A poetic look at the confusion between two people who are unsure of their feelings towards one another. Great job, Its beautiful in that it pinpoints a very hurtful situation that most people will go through at least once in their lives. You might try adding line breaks to inturupt the blocky-ness feeling that it appears to have..but thats just a personal note. You may prefer it to stay in its current layout. Thank you for sharing!
  15. Accepting what one feels fate to be is often a mistake..as fate does not confirm what she has in store for those who believe in her. Instead she chooses to play the shadow and operate from the dark to twist and change one's life based on her master plan. Great poem, the structure is alittle on the shaky side in my opinion. Mainly with how it flows from time to time. But I dont think it really affects the poem too much in general. You might try storing it and coming back at a later date after its had time to fade from memory and re-read it. That might give you a chance to restructure it if you feel it does not sound right.
  16. Oo, good ending line. "You're the victim, unless it's you who kills." Does a great job tying it all together. Good use of an obscure subject as well. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Great job capturing the era. If it isnt normally your style, you did a great job adapting. Thanks for sharing.
  18. You can also view the photo here if Cyril's host gives you any problems. Amazing dedication Ozymandias. Truely amazing.
  19. Life is like a gummi bear...all squishy and slimy but oh so tasty..
  20. yay! I made it! Wheres the Gummis!
  21. From Seasame Street: I'm an aardvark, and I'm proud! I'm an aardvark, and I'm happy! I'm an aardvark, If I try to be specific And a little scientific, I am feeling quite terrific! I'm an aardvark, fierce and free! I'm an aardvark, standing bravely! I'm an aardvark, And I'm tough and smart and strong And always right, And that's the way I'll always be ... Until I meet another aardvark Who's bigger than me!
  22. Thank you Cyril, for posting! ^__^
  23. or..you coulda been the missing part of the donut.. or even a biznatch. <_<
  24. There are huggles..but no embraces in the land of doubles. There are kisses, but no lips! in the land of doubles.. There are wiggles..but not wormies in the land of doubles There are pools and puddles in the land of doubles, but no lakes or rivers.
  25. bah! bah I say!
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