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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Rune hugs Tasslehoff in a warm embrace. Amazing poems as always Tassie. You show the strength of your heart in your writing.
  2. I live with an alcoholic. I am hurt by an alcoholic. I bleed because of an alcoholic. I cried because of this poem. Thank you for sharing Justin.
  3. Reminds me of when your trying to create, but just cant seem to find the energy or make the commitment to do so. Its a sort of nagging feeling that something needs to pour from your heart, but you cant find an outlet. Great poem, Thank you for sharing.
  4. I like having it titled Beast, instead of Dragon. Gives more freedom to the reader to imagine the creature as they read the poem. Plus it does not lock it into a certain culture, afterall Chinese dragons are very different than typical fantasy style dragons.
  5. Rune


    Thanks for the nice comments guys. I appreciate it.
  6. Welcome!
  7. Ooo, very very good. Well met Alaeha! I am so very glad you have found your way to the pen. Good luck on your app!
  8. OOC: How long before you think you'll post it?
  9. aww, thats really cute! But this might be something thats a bit more well placed in a private message.
  10. Rune


    and yes i know the moon does appear during the day.. its symbolic >___>
  11. A very simple title. (Written on Feb 20, at 7:40 AM) The sun breaks the night the moon cries as it licks it's mortal wounds decending into the light it disappears as the sun overpowers its feeble aura. The solar king reigns until it too has tired from it's duties decending to it's resting place as the foolish moon takes the stage. Reborn the moon dances amid the cloudy subjects of the sky kingdom the star children cheer on the jester in it's light they twinkle with mischief. But the sun breaks the night after its long and peaceful slumber and the children are reformed as they fade from normal view. And the solar king reigns from a heavenly throne on high until another day. Another cycle in it's life.
  12. “A grammer beast!” Rune thought to herself. “I wonder if they all have such interesting knobby knees.” She contemplated the thought as Peredhil lead her down the hallway back towards Josh. “And where did Pere come from? Did he go through the invisible wall too?” She thought it best to investigate, that information might come in handy later. “Pere?” She asked, still walking but now looking up towards him. “Yes?” He responded, acknowledging her question. “How did you find me? I mean, wasn’t there a wall there? Or maybe there wasn’t and I just thought there was, after all I was sliding when I hit, er, when I went through the wall.” She chewed on her finger after that last question, unsure of herself. Peredhil chortled. “That was a metaphor.” He said, matter of factly. “Oh.” Rune said. They continued to walk while her brain poured through it’s storage to attempt to locate an entry for megafore. “Whats a megafore?” She said. Peredhil chuckled. “Metaphor, it means ‘A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage”’ “Oh.” Rune nodded. “I don’t get it.” She continued to nod. “Well, that wall wasn’t really there. You just thought it was. Most of the walls at the keep are just megafores, er metaphors. There are no physical boundaries here, just whatever boundaries an artist places on themselves. “ By this time they had reached Josh who was studying the staircase Peredhil had fallen down earlier. “I think we should start here, since you felt dizzy further up this way. I would assume that sense you are so in tuned with the spiritual realm that whatever made you dizzy is much more powerful and therefore was a slight sense of overload, if that makes sense.” Peredhil nodded sagely, Rune nodded because Peredhil was nodding but really had no idea what was going on. The two men began to climb the staircase when Rune remembered Tasslehoff was still missing. “What about Tassie?” she piped up. “He went missing, I was trying to find him.” “I am sure he will turn up later.” Josh said, “We really must get going.” “I am sure he is safe inside the keep.” Peredhil added. Rune nodded. Seemed she was doing a lot of agreeing as of late, and followed the two men up the staircase. She had to stretch to make it up one step, so it was a rather exhausting climb.
  13. Rune cringed as she half expected to hit the wall but didnt. Opening her eyes slowly she realized she had bumped head first into a pair of knobby knees. "Oh, im sorry" she said to the knees before realizing they may be attached to a body. "Who you be?" the knees said. "I am Rune, and I think it should be Who are you, not who you be..although im not quite sure." The knobby knees shook with anger. "How dare you correct myself!" Rune reached out to touch the closest knee, it was quite intriguing to her. "You are an interesting set of knees" she continued. "stop them!" the knees shouted to her. "them be my knees, they none of your bees knees." Rune giggled at the words. "bees knees?" she said, still moving towards the set to get a closer look. Unaware that the poor set of knees obviously had a grammer problem and some sort of accent that caused its speech to be spelled quite funny in her head. The knees moved back to reveal that they were in fact attached to a body...and even a head as it moved further back and into her line of vision. "Oh hi" she said, now adressing the head of the creature. "Who are you?" she questioned. The creature shook with anger, before dropping to the floor in a fit. Tiny tantrums sprung out of it's body and ran around Rune tickling her feet. She giggled and tried to catch one, which enraged the knees who then began to cry. Whales formed in midair, smaller than normal whales obviously. As they plopped on the ground they squished the tanturms. Rune was rather disappointed, Whales werent at all as interesting as Tantrums. "What are you doing?" Rune said, frustrated that her fun was gone. Between sniffles the knees looked up and responded "what it look like?" "Looks like your crying." Rune answered, matter of factly. "crying!" the knees shouted. "how dare me, I not crying, I whaling! Can not you tell a whale stupid gurl" Rune was not at all pleased at being referred to as stupid, so she simply waved good bye, curtsied slightly and turned to leave. Unfortunatly she bumped into a much larger pair of knees.
  14. As the tiny group of pen people sat around trying to collect their thoughts and figure out a plan Tasslehoff noticed something small down the hallway a bit. Being a curious kender he moved towards it leaving the others clueless as to his investigation. Rounding the corner in the direction he thought he had spied something he stumbled slightly. After regaining his balance he returned his gaze towards the direction of whatever had caught his eye. Hovering about 5 inches from his a nose, a tiny red ball of light flashed. He blinked, then opened his eyes as wide as possible to attempt to catch another glimpse of the object, or creature. It flashed into existence once more, only to disappear as soon as he realized it was present. Reaching out to grab the air in the general area that the flash had occurred, he was quite disappointed when he realized that he had come up empty handed. “Hmmm” he thought to himself, when suddenly the red light materialized right in front of his face. It took on the quizzical look, about as quizzical a ball of light could take on, before flashing once more then reappearing as a tiny floating penguin. ‘Oooo” Tasslehoff said, suddenly mesmerized by the spiritual sign of the great penguin god Pengorus. He followed, his nose practically touching the floating penguin as it skipped and hopped along the halls, leading him out of sight from the other pen pushers who were searching for whatever was going on within the keep. The two adults went over the facts while Rune waited impatiently. She turned to chat with Tassle about how adult like the two men were being when she realized he was gone. “Wonder where Tassie went” she thought aloud. The two men continued to talk very dramatically about the bird and the dizziness Peredhil was feeling. She barely caught wind of words such as “great power” and “paradise.” Shrugging she skipped along the hallway towards the end of the hall hopeing to catch a sight of Tasslehoff but was disappointed when he was no where to be found. Suddenly a blue light flashed in front of her eyes. “Ooooooo” she said, mesmerized by pretty things. Especially pretty blue things that twinkle. “wass dat?” she said out loud. Putting one finger in the air to poke at the light she giggled to herself when it disappeared from view on contact. It suddenly rematerialized and seeing her chance she smacked her two hands together as hard as possible to “catch” the creature. Blue dust and light scattered. Running back towards the two men with her hands held outstretched she impatiently tried to get their attention to show them the creature. When she pulled apart her hands, the creature was gone. All that remained were a few blue smudges on her hands. The two men went back to discussing important details. Rune pouted, having lost something she was sure was worth countless amounts of geld when the same blue light suddenly popped into view and took off down the hallway. She gave pursuit, leaving Peredhil and Josh behind, as fast as her little demon legs could carry her. About half way down the hall she tripped on her pant legs, which were entirely too big for her smaller than her feet, and skidded until she bumped head face into a wall. But the problem was she went through the wall, apparently it was some sort of illusion and disappeared. OOC: If anyone wants to add, feel free to do so ^__^ If not, then lets see what I can come up with.
  15. The person above me is an Initiate to the pen. (please remember to try and keep these as facts and information about the person. The purpose of the game is to learn about others, and to give people a chance to give information about themselves for fun. Saying something like "the person above me is nice" should be avoided, but something like "the person above me really likes to write about dolphins" is more factual based. I dont want to see the game run amuck, then it loses its fun.)
  16. ah no need to rewrite it, was just a comment is all. It sounds fine as it is.
  17. This is just an idea I came up with, and I am not sure if most people are interested but I thought it would be rather neat to try. I want to build a workshop. Basically, how it works.. is that you reply to this msg with a common (or not so common) literary term and then the definition of it, and an example. For example: what are the different sections (where a line break occurs) in a poem called? What is a metaphor? What does rhetorical mean? Obviously this list could go on forever, but I just wanted to try and identify some of the terms that those of us who aren’t quite as well educated in technical parts of the literary world could learn from. So a response could be: Ok so the noun example was rather basic, but it does demonstrate my point. If enough people want to contribute, I can make it into a help file that will be located in the help section for a quick and easy reference.
  18. Ack, Scary thoughts. Often we have to remind ourselves that we do put so much trust in those around us..especially while driving in a car. As for the poem/song, it is very nicely written. Its also confusing, which I like. ^__^ It works well in this case. It helps to sort of guide the reader through the writers emotions and the flow is erratic, just as I imagine the driver's thoughts to be awhile driving.
  19. Very very strong symbolism. Very sad subject. I like how you identified it as summer, so that the reader would be sure to pick up on the symbolism and the distinct comparisons to feelings and objects is also very well done. Your poem shows you skill..and you wear that skill well.
  20. If you cared enough about the person to write such a nice poem, you should share it with them. ^__^
  21. Rune walks over to Hopperwolf and looks him straight in the eye. She sniffles, slightly, before rubbing her arm across her nose. Hugging the wolf around the neck she turns to leave. Hopperwolf appears confused and wanders what made the child cry. As the tiny demon disappears from sight he can hear her voice echoing in his head. Her silhouette shows that she stops one last time to turn and glance at Hopperwolf before leaving the room completely. This poem hits close to home (for reasons I will not go into). None the less, out of all the poems I have read today, this one remains, echoed in my mind. Thank you for sharing it Hoppie, It is really a work of art.
  22. Rune chews on her fingers while listening to Blondemoon read her work. After she is done she half waddles, half skips over to her, still chewing on her fingers. Pulling the slighty slimey demon spit coated fingers from her mouth, and whiping them on her clean shirt she looks up Blondemoon and says "They would know." before walking away. Great work Blondemoon, With the publication of so many new poems lately more than likely this one was pushed to page 2 before many people got to see it. I dont think anyone was offended, its just a high traffic thing. Rhetorical is a big word! and its also a hard writing style to master. I think you did a great job, and the poem works well. Only part that seems minorly out of place is the line about my mother. or not be told until long after? all because they pissed off my mother. To me it just seems to add an unwanted feel to the seriousness of the poem. Its rather hard to explain. Thank you for sharing. ^__^
  23. Rune listens carefully to Tasslehoff as he sings his work. Singing, being metaforical, and not at all litterel, only just slightly in tune. Anyways, She listens carefully as the kender speaks his mind, and recites the work he has so carefully scribed on the piece of napkin. As he expresses his frustration at having lost the rest of the poem, she moves forward towards him as he empties out his pouches. Bending down to help him weed through the various treasures he has collected she notices some pocket lint, a piece of string, and several half eaten gummi bears. The kender sighs quietly at the loss of his precious work and Rune pats him on the back alphabetically..er apologetically. "That was such a great beginning Tassie, Im sure you will be able to find the rest. Afterall..words on paper are simply scribbles, its the words in your heart that tell the story." She pokes him in the chest right about where his heart would be to attempt to be dramatic. He smiles at her, and her bright blue eyes lock on his as though she is trying to convince him she is really telling the truth and not just trying to make him feel better. "You can even borrow my crayon if you think it will help you scribble them again.." She holds out the -larger than her- crayon towards him.
  24. owie...
  25. oh my goodness *pulls a peredhil and chortles* I thought it was rather funny. Granted im not religious and that could be why. For some reason I just imaged this poor image of jesus with his face all smushed against the dvd player glass part. But I digress, Funny song Vince Thanks for sharing.
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