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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Thank you Justin!
  2. Um, 5 min poem. Posted here instead of the WW because I have no plans of rewriting. staring out at the bleak black night unable to sleep, will this storm ever end? cursing the flashes, a magestic sight bite in the air, howling winds the rain pelts the walk, the plants all drowned motionless I stare, facination in me what was that noise? I can feel my heart pound as the wind carries bloody, natural debris I reach out to God, will he hear my prayers? please keep me safe, alive and well. but the fury of the storm is uncompared as nature's beasts prove, they too are frail On a side note, bloody, natural debris does not mean blood as in human blood. Its a description of the debris meaning of the flesh and blood of the trees and plants from which the debris came from. No body parts flyin around..just leaves and bark and stuff.
  3. Er, Im not a guitarist but Im sure it sounds wonderful.
  4. Rune


    I agree, Infinity rocks past is a strong statement. It holds it own well in this poem. Took me a couple of reads to really understand the meaning. Not sure if i have it, but I think I do. I connected in a way that's kind of hard to explain. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Its amazing that often the smallest packages can contain the strongest messages. Great poem, Thank you for sharing.
  6. I tend to look at people differently, so it was a bit hard for me to connect but overall it seems like a great write. Thank you for sharing.
  7. Interesting that the first two create an illusion of war from the winning side's point of view, then the last tears apart that illusion when it reveals that in truth the one reading the poem is the one on the losing end.
  8. Ooo interesting outlook on life. Good question in there as well. Great job Nightshade. Thank you for sharing.
  9. I already spoke with Rival about this via AIM. But I'll echo my comments here for public record. I think the contrast is what really makes it interesting. A sonnet devoted to something other than love. Good job. *huggles*
  10. Welcome welcome! Rune wanders up and hands you a couple of gummi bears. Granted she been carrying them around for awhile so they are semi melted and slightly less gummi than they were a few hours ago but tasty none the less.
  11. *huggles crowgirl* *giggles at Gryfalcon* and Vincent, that was just too funny. ^__^ Thanks for the great comments everyone.
  12. Very true, when we think we are the ones in control..often we find out we are simply following. Great poem, short and expressive.
  13. Do any of you have some sort of mental picture of your character that you've managed to get out on paper? or a character that their image is sort of mirrored from? Rune's image is mirrored from Raven from d101, but ive expanded on her persona a bit to give her a different personality. Figured I would try and produce what I considered an older, more mature version of her, as it plays out in her life story later on. If anyone else has an image and wants to share, feel free to reply. Some may prefer to keep it a secret, letting their descriptive images form a picture of the char in the readers mind. Others like to use images to help enhance their descriptions. Just a matter of preference. Anywho, here is concept art. This was drawn in Photoshop with a mouse, so there are some erorrs but none the less it seems to project her as I saw. Since Rune is a part of me, this image reflects how I feel at the moment and it provides a bit of foreshadowing on events to come. .
  14. aww, only one? Well feel free to pick one, Ill write a novel. Rune is a demon. She has crooked horns and is missing her tail. She is also the only demon of her race that has the mental capacity and physical stature of a child. Demons of her gene are born adults because someone creates them with significant power for a purpose. They have no life cycle that creates change, although they can be altered based on events. Their appearance is based on their creation purpose. For an example, a servant demon that was created for battle would be large, bulky, and menacing. While a servant demon that was created for household work in a prominent castle would be slender, elegant, and attractive. Their personalities are entirely their own. Their bodies are crafted, but their minds are unique. In return an evil overlord could create a servant demon for battle that happens to faint at the sight of blood. It’s really a gamble when making a demon. Since demons of her gene are created from magic, they lack the ability to control it. There are legends that a wizard attempted to teach his servant demon a simple cleaning spell, and the outcome was a poof and a missing demon. It seems that the use of magic overloads their systems or perhaps just throws their entire plane of existence out of whack resulting in a form of death to the creatures. Rune, on the other hand, can use magic and most others are still quite perplexed as to why. Studies have been done to ensure that she was crafted and is of the same race and all proved they were true. Her childish antics and inability to be useful to a normal person who would own a servant demon has caused her to be sold from one person to another as a sort of novelty item. Rune uses magic by scribing words into the air in her native language. Since she has the personality of a child most of the time the words are spelled incorrectly and result in an undesirable effect. Rumors that she was a source of evil associated the symbols with the runes that local pagans were using for worshipping purposes. She can also speak telepathically and often her intellect increases when needed but can only be spoken telepathically. For example when asked to solve a complex word puzzle, Rune would have no idea but if she concentrates often her abilities are increased and she can answer via the telepathic channel but cannot speak the answer. This ability has lead some to believe that she is actually more powerful than she appears although it has not been proven. She is 3 foot tall. She wears her hair in two short pigtails that stick out on either side of her head behind her horns. She calls them nubbins, as they aren’t quite long enough for pigtails, and look more like nubs than anything. Her pants are too big and she trips on them often. She doesn’t wear shoes because her feet are so small. She watches where she walks so that she doesn’t squish the buggies. She is an optimist and ignores the fact that she is different from the others of her race. Due to her age, she speaks her mind and does not pay attention to society’s standards. She is likely to tell someone how great he or she is to his or her face, because she sees no reason to hide the truth. On the flip side her outspokenness has gotten her into trouble when the truth isn’t quite as pretty.
  15. hehe when I first read it I thought Ooo a race, then I thought Ooo a fight as I continued, then when I hit the tickle part I bout fell out of my chair. Very well done.
  16. Very nice Tassle. As always a wonderful poem. Think that should be: you will see one of these days
  17. Neat take on a sort of gothic suicide.
  18. Interesting subject, sort of fantasy related in a way but also very modernistic. Think knifes shoulds be knives, unless Im wrong.
  19. Its really good. If you want suggestions for changes though you might want to post it in the Writers Workshop. But I think its great as it is.
  20. Rune


    I like the visual art as well as the words. I see poems as being artistic to the eye as well as the mind, if presented correctly. Thank you for sharing.
  21. Hmm, i read that and saw great saddness, for although you love her and the image of her.. you cannot be happy with her. It would similiar to someone falling in love with a music star but being unhappy with the lack of privacy..if that makes sense. Perhaps I read it wrong, but none the less it was a well written and heartfelt poem.
  22. Up until this point I thought you ment school and the cold steel being the notebook binder. ^__^ *chuckles* Great poem, Thank you for sharing.
  23. Short and sweet. I like it alot. Good luck on your app! oh wait, im slow responding, Congrats on your app! ^__^
  24. Beautifully written and presented. Thank you for sharing.
  25. hehe, too cute. I have better luck with Dad than Mom. "Daddy... can I have some money, please?" *looks innocent* "Sure, here you go." "Mom, need money" *looks grumpy* "Get a job!" *chuckles*
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