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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Rune

  1. You are such a good writer. Im glad to see you posting. *huggles*
  2. Amazing..as always Cyril *hugs* For those of you interested in seeing the development of the poem, please visit this link. Be aware that you must be a member of the pen to view this topic.
  3. *giggles* that was too good.
  4. Ooo Visual stuff i always my favorite! I always like when people use font, size, and formatting to emphasize parts of their poems and work. It adds alot for me, since i am a visual person. This is great work! Thank you so much for sharing.
  5. Often poems written in the heat of the moment are most powerful. You do a great job of conveying the feeling of raw intense frustration. Great job.
  6. Rune


    You have a very unique style Vlad. I agree with Zariah's comment regarding the alternating emotional feel to each line. Good job, Thank you for sharing.
  7. Hope to see you soon!
  8. So sad at first...but A good ending. Very emotional poem, and written well. Thank you for sharing.
  9. If people want to do this, there will be weeks when there are only one entry/publication (if no contest) and there might be weeks where there are 10. Nothing wrong with fewer, No one should ever be forced to write.
  10. The general timeline of the contest would be as such: Monday - Posted new thread, subject: Weekly Contest - Subject Sunday - Lock Thread Monday - Post new thread, subject: Weekly Contest - New Subject Post Poll thread (without the ability to reply, simply an anonomous poll) with each of the presenters names. Sunday - Lock new subject poll. Lock Poll thread. I can run the first one or two rounds since im familiar with the process, then someone else can pick it up and go with it if they want. Just additional ideas. Its up to you all and the elders on if its a good idea.
  11. We could leave out the vote part. Could be Weekly Theme - Subject
  12. I thought this might be kinda neat for those of you that frequent the board. Basically a new topic will be started with the title "Weekly Contest - Subject" where Subject is one word. People then respond with either an original poem, original short story, or even original paragraph about the subject. At the end of the week a poll is put up with each of the submissions and people can vote on which they liked the best. The following week another contest starts and so on and so on. Just thought it might be kinda neat. We do this currently with drawings and visual art and its a huge success. Example: Weekly Contest - Tree You could write one about a tree, about nature, about how you are a tree, about how trees taste good, about how there is a lack of trees in the world..etc Weekly Contest - War You could write about war, about peace, about warhammer 5000, about warwick davis.. so on and so on Weekly Contest - Depression Self Explanatory. So anywho, just thought it might be neat. Opinions?
  13. Rune wanders up to Tassie and hugs him around the neck. Well the best she could anyways, he is kind of short like she is. Afterwards she walks over to Brute and hugs his right kneecap. A bit of booze dribbles from the flash he is drinking onto her head. She looks up as a bit more splashes into her nose. You guys are both amazing. Hang in there.
  14. Great song. Alot of truth in those words. Thank you for sharing.
  15. Ooo that was bad Zool :x Thanks everyone!
  16. Written at midnight, on a work night..while exhausted..and upset..and ready to give up..so it might have some errors, but it wont be rewritten. Another day gone by. In our darkness moments of saddness when the world feels hollow and empty and our minds are numb from exhaustion we give up hope on tomorrow. The wind howls through the spaces cut deep in our soul from the lies and the world continues to live unaware of what has passed. My heart breaks from sadness my mind reels with anger my hands tremble with frustration my soul slips away. Unaware of consequences the thoughts of biased freedom I give up on this lifetime I will fight no more.
  17. Happy Birthday! (woo mines tomorrow, I knew i liked you for a reason ^___^ )
  18. I hope that my post did not offend. As mentioned I think the idea is grand, just suggest against it for this particular site. But ultimately it would be best to put it up for vote as alot of people are soft spoken but might be willing to vote. I worry that putting competition into a site like this might drive some away. Alot of people are intimidated when they are held to certain levels that might invoke the idea that someone is better than another. Although the pen has levels and rewards for its members they arent glorified to the point where its intimidating. But the main reason for this post to confirm what Pere said. You should never be afraid to post an idea. In response people should never be afraid to post their opinion either.
  19. Ever had a poem that everytime you read it, it just strikes that nerve and makes you feel one way or another? Or a quote, or anything? If so, post it here. Im interested in reading some. Here is mine, Im sure youve all heard it (or read it) but the very images associated with the poem bring a tear to my eye each time I read it. There is no need to go into why your post is important unless you want. In Flanders FieldsJohn McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
  20. It is possible, yes. If you all feel its a good idea it needs to be proposed to the Elders. If it is approved, i can instruct an Elder in how to change the option.
  21. Although I think the idea is wonderful and would be kind of cool, I suggest against it. The main reason is because it opens up a pocket for someones feelings to get hurt, and it makes it become a popularity contest to a degree. I would suggest making an "active writers" award or something similiar that focuses on those who actively write and perhaps show improvement. (note I did not say on number of posts, but rather on content, improvement, etc)
  22. I have read through these poems at least 10 times nowadays. I keep trying to put into words what I wanted to say, but I cant. The first one is most impressive, for some reason it really hits me hard. The rest are amazing as well. Thank you for sharing.
  23. wow, If it sounds half as good as it reads then you should record it and post it as an mp3. I'd love to hear it.
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