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Everything posted by Zadown
LOADING PLEASE WAIT... slash metal bends to stronger will life gushes away in a fountain of red soon nothing between me and death hate father answers to my call folding warrior rises again with fury another second bought for us all more another one joins the fray cutting past the barrier of steel seeking the source of life blood my own screams pierce me earth climbs up for an embrace armor hammers the fallen pain vision cloudy crimson link to god broken somebody dies up rise bleeding hasty prayer delays death
Moon rises over the desolate land, small crimson crescent hanging high in the sky, in the middle of stars. No clouds and thin air make the heavenly lights shine clearly and unwaveringly - in the resulting soft light, the paths are easy to navigate, and the small troop of knights and men-at-arms have no trouble keeping up a good speed. In the eyes of most of them shines a spark of doubt and where they pass the sour smell of fear lingers for a fleeting moment. Night might not be totally dark, but it still does not belong to humans. We should already be at the tower, by Marcha's balls! These accursed foothills are perfect for ambush... Bain von Rayleh fingers the hilt of his bastard sword but shows no other signs of nervousness. He is a young man, clad mostly in mail, a tabard showing a red tear on grey over his breastplate, face still free of cares and woes. Ahead, the path slithers between boulders and small bushes and he and his troop march forward, always forward with a weary step. Until finally the path turns sharply yet again, and before them rises the tower, a dark shadow against the soft light of the stars, shadow full of small points of light. Nobody says anything out loud (the few cheerful murmurs are obscured by the noises of armor and horses), but the troop straightens up, men-at-arms and knights grinning (every one of them sharing the same kind of grin, noble or freeborn) in relief at the promises of beer, safety, hot food and rest the tower offers. They stop for a moment, and Bain finally breaks the silence with his loud, commander's voice: "Ha! I said we'd get here today, didn't I, my men! Now act like soldiers when we march, will you?" He slaps the shoulder of the nearest knight and smiles. "Let's go get some beer!" Men cheer and speak loudly, night around them forgotten, and follow their commander who marches on with renewed vigor.
Hell! That was my last bottle! A dark room. Before a scruffy magician in dirty robes, a broken bottle of Chamanian red bleeds it's last drops to the wooden floor. The room smells sour, the scent of newly worked wood vanishing beneath the rank stink of unwashed human and the smell of red wine. The magician clumsily moves forward a few steps, then curses again, this time aloud, and fumbles for a lantern. After a few tries, he manages to light it and squints at the bottle again, in the hopes that it isn't broken, that it just was some bad vision as often before. Not this time, he is too sober for visions: the bottle stays broken. The light shows something else, though. It illuminates cruelly the dark red glistening scars on the left side of the mage's face. They reach from his throat over his cheek and to the left eye (which is milky and obviously blind) so deep red they still look like open wounds, still after over 15 years. Erian Yamordo coughs, then spits on the floor. He opens his right hand as to grasp air, muttering and coughing, and his heavy staff appears in his outstreched hand. The mage shudders and starts to walk ponderously towards the door, managing to kick two empty bottles on the way out.
The sun sinks behind the highest peaks of the Black Mountains, the teeth of the world eating the light away. Long evening shadows creep across the foothills, devour rocks and small stunted brushes, fade out the outlines of meandering paths. They race on, running past a skull-on-a-spear stuck in the ground, hiding the glint of a rusting arrowhead here, touching a rotting bone there - minor signs of an everlasting war, humans against the orcs. Then they find a wall, jump over it and creep up a tower, inch by inch. At the top-most room of that tower, still bathing in the red hues of an evening sun, stands an Aefian knight. His armor doesn't shine in the light, being carefully painted over with grey, but his posture is as good as any of the southern knights in court, and his eyes show resolve. He has blond, short hair, strong jaw set in wide, not ugly nor handsome face. He is clad in mail and plate (and the way he stands shows he is used to wearing armor), over his chest a tabard showing the coat of arms of the Knighthood of Muted Laughter: a single red tear on grey background. Andraw Iachamadon, the commander of the watchtower, surveys the rocky wasteland before him and shrugs slightly. He lets his gaze fall from orc lands closer, to the wall surrounding the tower, wooden barracks and other buildings inside it, the few soldiers and scouts moving around doing various tasks. He notes the scarcity of them and thinks of the capital city far away in south, of the money used there for amusement, building, culture. Briefly a thought of writing a letter crosses his mind, then he abandons it, knows he already has pushed the limits. He hears a crash from the room below. Knowing what it probably was, he ignores it, turns away from the darkening landscape and sits down heavily on his chair. Before him the table is littered with parchments and scrolls, on the right side his gauntlets lie on it, on the left side an unlit lantern and a quill next to an inkwell. His kind of battlefield, now. He starts to work. Shadows creep higher and light fades even in the commander's room. A few candles and lanterns are lit in the deepening gloom, dotting the tower with small pinpoints of light. In the darkness beyond, something grins and scurries away.
Imagine a world. Shaped like a disc with big islands swimming in the ocean, small sun soaring close over it and creating little rainbows in the endless huge waterfall surrounding the world, water falling down down down to the red gloom far below the disc. At this height all the islands look the same, green splashes against blue background, boring. So you look below the world, expecting to see elephants or at least the turtle, but not all worlds shaped like this are the same. Instead, a flare of yellow-white fire reaches up and your mind's eye flinches back. Below the roaring sound of flames a cackling noise surfaces, and a swarm of little demons fly past. You retreat, even though the demons can't see you, and the world gets smaller and smaller in your eyes (and it never was that big in the first place), until you go through a wall and all you can see is white marble. Imagine a house of gods. All white and shining, guards in pearlescent armor standing still in corners (eyes shining with the old memories of the heroic souls trapped inside those shimmering helms), tranquil soft music floating from afar. Stairs, corridoors, hallways, empty and huge and echoing, the marble they are made of slightly translucent. You float up and up through the abandoned spaces, towards the slight noise you can barely hear. Finally, you go through a pair of enormous double doors, and the low murmur of voices rises to babble of discussions. Before you opens a huge room, filled with gods talking, arguing, raging and observing: G’lky’Chee speaking with Black Yainian, the first the demon king of Hell and fire, the second a twisted alien figure; Uuwell the mistress of seas rising her voice at Mannah, queen of earth; and in the corner of the hall stands the Lady, smiling faintly to some private joke. They fill the room with their presence, each a powerful, captivating figure ... but still, what draws your eyes is what lies in the middle of the room. It is the world, in perfect detail. Upon it's exquisite surface you can see small figurines, game chips and a pair of big dice. And as you look closer, you can see a figurine of a tower standing in the northern parts of Aef, right next to the mountains. Now, imagine a tower...
And there I will leave him, mesmerized by the myriad dancing patterns that tell stories of the Grail. He is close, always so tantalizingly close ... and then a new question, new uncertainity rises from the spiralling chaos of symbols, and a new one, and a new one... because this is the Vault, and the Grail is a real one. But all guardians are not big beasts with huge yellow teeth. Against angels and demons he had his deep fury to survive, impossible to repress - against dreams and visions he was weak, and he was proud, too mighty to back down from a challenge like this. So, sometimes even the immortal fail; fail, or die, or are forgotten. Perhaps his name was an omen, or perhaps he will rise some day and look around with a knowing smile and a pair of dark deep blue eyes, having finally deciphered the undecipherable secret of the Runestaff. Who knows? The End
Some written for me, some for others .. some good, some bad, some used, some never flew: Gates open up everywhere in your kingdom. Your troops run to defend your kingdom, and the deafening noise of war starts. Clashes of steel, screams of anguish, deep reverberating booms of distant spellfire - the music of destruction drowns you at first, then fades to the background as you turn your attention on your enemy. The battle rages on... ...and in the middle of it all, you see a single zombie walking through the melee, it's decaying limbs twitching, it's head rolling around. Not paying any notice to the chaos around it, it stops, crouches and with jerky motions takes a armful of your land. There is beauty in small things. ************************************* An eerie chant sneaks into your kingdom, both haunting and beautiful. All, living and dead, hear it and turn their head towards the sound. It is the Chant of the Earth, and you can feel your land shaking and trembling as it tries to shake itself free from your control. As you see the singers, an army of creatures of both light and darkness, you order your own army to attack. They hesistate, then attack. ************************************* A herald approaches. He stops some distance away and unfurls a message scroll. After looking at you, he clears his throat and starts to speak in a loud voice: "This message has been sent to notify you that I, Zadown Thamorglorn of the Legion, Knight of the Order of the Ancient Circle and a Lord by birthright, have noticed your attack on our member xxxx xxxxxxxxx at zzzzzzzzz, and I have decided to be the Retaliator in this incident. The Legion always counters - may the best mage win!" At the exact moment he finishes speaking, you hear the horns of warning from your border. The battle starts... ************************************* There she goes. And I know I'm going to lose her. Archangels, those brilliant children of light, always make the front line of my battles. Other mages say that it is not wise, that other creatures would often serve better, but I don't care. And so they carry my banner, the huge green flag with the symbolic hermit's staff and a white rose entwined on it. I choose the most beautiful of the angels, the prettiest white star, to be my standard bearer. She never survives. Thus, I always lose, in a way. Let's see if I win some, too. The noise is deafening. Deep booming of the spellfire, shrill inhuman screams of the rippers as they die and kill, loud chanting of the liches and vampires and fhoosh and zing of sprites flying faster than eyes can follow; all those weave a pattern of sounds that is too changing and vivid to just fade to background. Then one voice drowns them all - the ROAR of enraged dragon. One of your babies has just been wounded. I grin inside my visored helmet. ************************************* You sit in your favourite chair and browse half-heartedly through some spellbook bound in deep green leather. Green spells aren't really your main arsenal, but as a master of phantasmal magicks no speciality is useless to you. Then the alarm bells start to sound - and you go through amazement, shock, denial and anger in two seconds. Someone has the guts to attack you, lord of elemental powers, master of mental magics, archscryer and lord over both divine and dead!? Shaking your head in disbelief, you run outside, quickly donning your Official Blue Robes ™ on your way. From the tower of your central fortress you see your adversary - another blue. "Oh, well, that explains it..." you have time to think just before you start to shout commands to your units. ************************************* [A section of outer perimeter wall. A GUARD leans on his halberd and dozes. The night is quiet.] <Guard> ZZzzZzZzZZzzZzZzZ [Nothing happens for a long time. Then, an ARCHANGEL appears in the distance and flies closer.] <Guard> ZZzzZzZzZZzzZzZzZ <Archangel> Oh, thy servant of evil! Taste my holy steel, ye heathen! [Rises her holy sword.] <Guard> ZzZz.. eh? Umm? [Wakes up.] <Archangel> DIE! [Kills the still sleepy Guard with her sword.] <Guard> Gck! [Dies.] [The curtain closes. Behind it, SOUNDS OF BATTLE can be heard.] ************************************* You stand in your highest tower and gaze into the night, half just idling your time away, half seeking insight in all the small matters of taking care of a kingdom that trouble you. Dawn comes, and you turn your contemplating gaze upon it, still deep in your own thoughts. And so you don't notice for a while what's wrong - the brillian white sphere in the sky is not the Sun, it is a host of angels coming right at your kingdom! As you order the bells of alarm to be sounded, the opposing army changes it shape to a wedge and charges. ************************************* In a white room filled with ambient light, two players sit opposite each other, a table between them. The other is white as the room, an angelic creature who glows softly; the other a cadaverous creature of black and decay. The angel speaks first, it's voice augmented by notes of heavenly music: - White Demigod from Z14 to F23. The black creature is silent for a while, then it answers with dry, dead whisper: - Black Prophet from G23 to F23; I resist thy attempt to Rise the Demigod. The angel sighs and nods slightly to it's opponent. - If that is what you wish. White Archmage from B21 to D21; I challenge thy Black Archmage there. With that, it smiles. ************************************* There is some noise outside your fortress and you decide to go to have a look. After a while, you spot the source of this disturbances - a single angel pulling a cart and wielding a big bell. It walks closer, then when it is still 100 yards away it shakes it's bell making an awful clanging noise and shouts: "Bring out yer dead!". You grin in anticipation, thinking all the things you can do to a single angel, and wait. It walks fearlessly right next to you and stops. Then it looks at you with it's big blue eyes, sounds it's bell right next to your left ear making you cringe and shouts: "Bring it!" at your face. Before you have time to act, it whacks you over the head with the bell and grins as the rest of the army it belongs to rise from hiding from behind the nearest hill. ************************************* An army of white-clad creatures runs over the border of your kingdom. As you start to organize a counterattack, one of them walks quite calmly over to you and hands over some papers. You are stunned by the show of such stupid courage and just take them as he starts to speak in his angelic voice: "Greetings, m'lord. We are the White Rose Detoxication team, and we've heard you have some blood-soaked land here in your kingdom. Please do not interfere as we take some samples. Thank you, sir." He walks away. After a while, you regain your senses and attack. ************************************* They attacked, wave after wave after wave; radiant white haloes, wings of the color of the snow, eyes blue as ice, and they unmade your undead armies - and they sang as they did it, chanting a song of protection, a song of blessing: Your hand protects us From even greater evil Your hand covers our eyes Glides over the black sky Your hand plays the stars In their imagined orbits Your hand in reality Fascinates our dream to come back And your dark troops were unable to contain them. ************************************* You see the familiar sight: a flight of dragons heading towards your kingdom followed by supporting ground troops as the clanging noises of your alarm bells arouse your defenders from rest. Normally, you would just sigh, take your blade and go to lead your troops, but this time the dragonfear grips you, holds you down like a giant hand, and you can just stare at the leading dragon and it's rider: A white dragon with a saint raiding on it, whirling a cleric's mace around ... shifts to a black dragon whipped to greater speed by a devil .. and then to the familiar fiery red with an ordinary looking mage holding a broadsword. Then the fear looses it's grip on you and you rush to the battle... ************************************* The Sun is eclipsed and a darkness falls. That is the first and last sign that something is wrong; then wide streams of fire strike from above as the dragons start their bombardment. Amidst the chaos of fire and death you scream your defenders to look out for support troops, but after a while you realize that there aren't any - this is a battle fought in the skies above... ************************************* "'Twas a dark and silent night, yes it was. I was a young guard then, and I patrolled the walls of my Lord without a pause, proud of my new duty. Ah, and the sky was full of stars, not like these nights nowadays ... well, there I was, looking at those stars, when I noticed that some of them were disappearing. I first thought I was dreaming, but it was too cold and real for that, out there, so I went and sounded the alarm bells without asking my sergeant first .. and a good thing that I did - some of those holes in the sky were starting to look awfully lot like dragons, and some like chimeiras, and as the guards poured out to the walls it started: fire and magick struck our troops from above, and the night was painted red by flames and blood...." ************************************* You wake up to the noise of three different alarm bells. That startles you at once from deep sleep to full alertness, since you only have one bell. You rush to window and look out, and your keen senses tell you that something is wrong, very wrong - shadows and lights dance across the kingdom, making some places look like gloomy and evil and some others white and clean. It looks like three waves are sweeping through your country; darkness shows you visions of your lands as they would be if stained by evil, light paints beautiful pictures of good and pure land and in between a wave of normality and mundanity travels. Then the enemy attacks, their leader riding a dragon which is white, black and red at the same time, and you stop wondering. ************************************* As you await the enemy, you remember the cause of this all... ... the charge you commanded, rush of wind and sunlight gleaming in the blades and claws of your troops ... ... the chaos and the noise as the armies crashed into each other, the first sprays of red blood on white snow ... ... the dead and the dying, terrible sounds of the wounded ... ... you shake your head to clear it, to return to this day and moment, and as you do it you see the first ranks of the enemy: they are the ghosts from your memories, those killed by you and your army - insubstantial spectres carrying their fatal wounds with pride, their eyes burning with last, cold anger. The past, coming to haunt you. ************************************* Two armies stand in a frozen field, staring each other over the white trampled snow. The other army blends in the white snow, shiny white over shiny white; angels, knights and other warriors of the faith waiting with icy resolve - the other stands out as black on white, an army with no steaming breaths, army of the dead. The tension in the air seems tanglible. Then the general of the white army shouts a single holy word, wrecking chaos and destruction on the opposite side, and using that shout as their battle cry, the white army attacks: "Elbereth! For the honor of the lady! Elentári!" ************************************* You are at your desk, reading the usual reports of you kingdom, when a page enters carrying a scroll. - Uh, sire, this is the Sage's weather forecast; he said it is urgent. - Very well, then. You can read it to me while I concentrate on these reports. Page clears his throat and starts to read: "There are to be expected heavy Dragon Clouds coming in over the border, unleashing Rains of Fire and accompanied by Thunder and Lightning..." At that moment, you start to hear the booming sounds of a battle from outside. ************************************* The flames dance, as they do every night. They weave and jump, red, orange, yellow and white, and your guards watch, mesmerized, lacking anything better to do. But this time, the flames dance the dance of warning - they feel their brethen near, the creatures of elemental fire: Salamanders and Red Dragons, Hell Hounds and others... but no-one understands them. Not until it is too late. ************************************* from the darkness to the light fire illuminating all with hellish hue a battle in the night your kingdom's time is due ************************************* Fire rages across the battlefield and heat twists the air to new shapes; all is illuminated by white lances of plasma-hot dragonfire, sun is obscured by black ash clouds. This hell used to be your kingdom, but now it is transformed to a fresco of blood and flames - and the transformer is a mere boy, riding the largest of the invading dragons as well as any Dragon Knight you've ever seen. You wipe sweat off your forehead and rejoin the fray to keep the invader away. Another day, another battle. You cleave through the rank and file of enemy to engage the attacking archmage in a duel, as is customary to do. Blood colors your armor and the roars and bellows of summoned creatures almost make you deaf, but you carry on, unwavering. And finally face your enemy who drops from the back of his great dragon to meet you. You have time for one confusing thought " ... A MERE BOY?! ... ", then your young adversary draws his broadsword with one fluid motion and slashes at you, forcing you to hastily parry and take a step back. And the battle rages on. ************************************* Your army is dying by the minute. Reign of chaos is absolute here now; winged attackers against your defenders, claw versus sword, fire igniting warriors there, slippery blood pooling here. You have time only for shards of thoughts as you combat for survival against the enemy. "... Why did I ..." You dodge a jet of flame barely. " ... ever attack ..." A pegasus kicks your rised shield and you grit your teeth against the pain. " ... a Legionnaire!" ************************************* A legion of angels, bearing the symbols of the White Rose and singing a song of revenge and bloodshed, descend upon your kingdom as a white storm. Eye for an eye, land for land. ************************************* A cold and silent night, snow falling slowly over a peaceful landscape. Everything has been painted white by nature. The guards stomp their feet and breath out clouds of steam, trying to keep warm in the freezing weather. Candles and lanterns are the only bright stars in sight, and the falling snow makes it difficult to see far. White upon white, angels glide in, unseen, unheard. And then red upon white as the retaliation starts. ************************************* You lean on your staff and watch as the mages of the Council of Terra dispell their protective enchantments and teleport away, one by one. The border is again open and you peer beyond it, not yet really waiting anybody to attack... ...but they are there. Flags bearing the symbol of the White Rose rise defiantly from the invading army as they appear and rush once again against the perimeter walls. Another day, another battle. ************************************* A moment of rest, that is all you want. Your troops are in disarray, battered and beaten, your fortress damaged and broken, and you are so tired, oh so tired. Just a moment, to charge and resummon, to rebuild and to regain the balance... You blink; a second or half an hour, you are not sure. But you do recognize the sound you hear - it is the alarm bells clanging at the border. The Legion visits you yet again. ************************************* You stare numbly at your armor, drenched in blood. Most of it not your own, no; you are more tired than injured. You drift off to half-sleep... ...only to wake up to the alarm bells. The Legion of the White Rose is back. You start to rise... ...only to wake up to the alarm bells. This time you are really awake and they are really here. You lurch to defend your kingdom once again. ************************************* In the middle of the night, a new dawn illuminates the horizont. It is the reddish hue of burning and far-away death, the mark of pillagers and marauders. Against it, the army is silhuetted a fleeting moment, and your guards see myriad different forms flying, lurching and running toward your kingdom. They sound the alarm, and the battle begins... An oppressive feeling has plaqued you for the last few hours. And yet there should be no reason for it - everything seems to be in order, the kingdom ticking away, gathering you mana and geld like a well-oiled waterclock. Still ... like there were some kind of feather-light brushes on your mind, a distant touch you can't quite identify. You concentrate, determined to penetrate the veil of this mystery, and suddenly you see it all - infiltration of your defences, a light enchantment of drowsiness on you - a sneak attack! You rush out of your room shouting, and soon the sound of battle can be heard from everywhere. A scrying mirror dims somewhere, far away, and a mage smiles. ************************************* Time passes. And then, it begins; first as a flicker in the air over a marketplace, as a stiffness of the joints of a merchant, as a slowed yawn of the guard. It creeps and sneaks in, walks quietly past the border, knocks silently on your barriers. Finally, it fills your whole kingdom. And then, when the spell is ready, the troops charge... ************************************* A winter morning dawns in your kingdom. Rime-covered trees stand as vague and silent silhuettes in the chill mist. Weak, pale sun doesn't even try to warm anything - it just climbs ponderously over the horizont and lets all the ice and snow reflect it's meager rays, lighting up the country indirectly. Everything has an enchanted look; forests and farmlands are an icy wonderland. And everywhere the rare winter mist sneaks and stalks, obscuring vision. Figures move in there, reduced to shadowy shapes by the low visibility, but as your troops patrol the kingdom tirelessly, nobody wonders that. Then they emerge from the cold embrace of the mist, bearing the regalia of another mage, and the beauty of the morning makes way to the violence of the day. ************************************* In the middle of a word to be written, a thought to be spoken, you feel it: a great disturbance in the fabric of time, as though somewhere, someplace, a thousand clocks just ... stopped. Time scretches... ....yyoooouuuu bbblllliiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnkkk... ... and a strange small blue creature with wide grin appears. You have time to shout a single shout of warning before the combat erupts throughout your kingdom: "NU!" ************************************* You knew this day would come, but still you curse inwardly when the first ritual arrow of the siege whistles through the air and lands on the stone floor of your fort. It is the day when you either pay the price of attacking the Legion of the White Rose with blood or with land. ************************************* White Rose regalia marred with blood... You shake off your exhaustion and stop staring at the dead soldier lying broken in front of you, only to have a vivid sense of deja vu - you remember another dead soldier on another day. Again focusing your mind on the present situation, you look around and see the chaos of a battle in it's peak intensity, bodies sprawled all around you, formations broken, walking wounded studying their injuries with incomprehension. You see the price of attacking the Legion of the White Rose. ************************************* Wind carries a noise from afar - a roaring noise of strange music, cacophonic but at the same time strangely enticing. It grows louder, and you travel to your kingdom's walls to face the source of it, be it a threat or a simple strange anomaly. What you see is an army of dragons and other creatures of fire surrouding their archmage: clad in deep red robe, skin as black as void, he conjures the sounds you heard from his lute, creating the impression of many players at once. As you look from the walls, the music reaches it's crescendo and the sonic blast cracks your wall in half. With shouts "For the Legion!", the army rushes through the gap. ************************************* An army marches against your walls, singing while they assault your kingdom. Lances of fire hit your troops from above as the dragons start their assault... "Thunder and lightning the gods take revenge..." ...you miss a part of their song while you plow through the enemy's zombies, who seem to be wearing metal armor, making combat against them difficult... "...Ripping and tearing..." ...a roaring fireball makes you duck for cover and the whirlwind created by the wings of the dragons drowns again part of the music, but then it returns... "...Protecting what we are Joining together to take on the world..." You shout your own battlecry to drown the noise of the song and charge forward to save what remains to be saved.
Time passed. Of course it meant little to the ageless and immortal planewalker, but still, it was currency and now time's golden sand flowed through his slack and unresisting fingers like a flooding river. He had walked deeper to the plane after he had met the crow, yes ... and there had been the usual difficulties, traps and tricks, things that thought they could stop him. A story, perhaps. It all seemed without consequence now - memories faded and burnt away by the brilliant light of ... what he was studying. The Dreamer sat on a round stone, a few of them clustered near each other, a tree giving shelter from sun (if there'd been a sun here), soft green grass as background. Just the kind of place you would like to sit, if you'd be dead or thinking or trying to look wise. Around the spot, somewhere, were the vague borders of the glade. And in front of him shone the Runestaff - also known as the Sangraal and the Holy Grail. It was of course not the genuine one. This was the place of dreams, visions and nightmares, not a vault. Everything was here in some form or the other, the essence masked by the thousand faces of personal perception, and so nothing seen here was of any value. A book found in here might be the dream of somebody who had never read it - gibberish, or even worse, nearly correctly but fatally flawed text. Memories interlaced with symbols, symbols distorted by different cultural backgrounds, cultures mixed together by the timelessness of the realm. Only a deluded fool could try to make any sense out of it. Or somebody truly touched by Chaos. So, time passed ... and the Dreamer dreamt of the Grail.
Suddenly right in front of Daryl and Prospero, in the spot where the tracks disappeared, a shimmering gate opened and the Dreamer walked out. Oblivious to his surroundings as usual he sidestepped back to Astral ... and left the magnificent, shiny flickering unreal gate there. The furry pair looked at each other and jumped in.
Well they are lying, I believe 40ish words will do. Red sky, like a bleeding wound on fire. Dry, dying earth reaching upwards with rusty metallic fingers; towers made of cables and rust and old hopes. Red land, red sky - a post-apocalyptic mockery of the sea meeting the sky in the horizont. Oppressive heat hangs above the desert. Nothing moves. Man-made rainbow hangs in the air, painted on the lazy dust. Solemn shapes in the darkness between - an altar, benches, candelabra. Walls climb up and are lost from sight, reach so close to heaven that people are forced to avert their eyes. In the walls and pillars the spirit of the makers, immortal. Tiny bridge between two huge red bricks, like a toy about to be crushed. Water trickles far beneath, swirls and does little whirlpools, looks like it could use a few ducks. On the bridge, a worker in blue-grey overalls stares down. Time dies, minute per paid minute. Yah, well .. perhaps these have slightly less detail than pictures, but they convey the unseen parts of a landscape better. Anybody else want to try?
Some day the factories will wake up. It’ll start slowly, ponderously (they are big animals, after all, and they’ve slept a long time) - a slight tremor, a minute change in the pitch of the normal background noise, a slight increase in humidity. The workers inside will feel a wave of eerie nervousness sweeping over them, but they are sensible people, and so they do not mention it to each other, but they will see it in their co-worker’s eyes and wonder. Animals have already all fled flying, crawling and running away in the cover of darkness without anybody noticing it. New tremors will come, and moisture will cling to the walls, making them slippery, slimy, shiny. The outer skin of the factory-beasts will shake off some of it’s sharpness, it’ll lose the straight lines and 90-degree corners, it’ll stretch and reshape, wobble and move. Very, very slowly at first. The workers might see the changes then, but they are dreaming factory Dreams already. Their eyes will glaze over, and they will fall silent more and more, leave out the coffee breaks ("I think I really need to do this now" first, and then just silence and a few nods, until even the nods are forgotten and all communication is lost, unneeded) and after a while it'll be hard to see where the factory ends and worker begins, both ticking away at the same speed in the biomechanical landscapes robbed from Giger, black and blue and red and white veins throbbing in dark walls that ooze tar-like substances that seems to half-shine in the light of the few surviving lamps, rust and blood and rust mingling together, machines groaning and moaning and roaring... Edited by: Zadown at: 8/5/02 12:33:52 pm
Chaos. The Dreamer smiled and swam through the insane storm of colors, smells and feelings with the ease of one marked for Chaos himself. The moment lasted only for a blink of an eye, and some part of his mind laughed. It was a welcoming “Hi!” to him, even though it had probably meant to be the first line of defence, the kingdom of dreams defending itself with the shards of countless daydreams and nightmares. He emerged from the planar border, floating slowly downwards and landed softly on a rich green grass. Mist hung all around him, dull grey curtain softening everything, obscuring the view behind him as a obvious end of this world. In front of him stood a gate, an imposing and massive construct of metal, stone and wood, and the Dreamer suddenly felt very naked without his blade. His eyes were the color of the faded yellow of rotting fallen leaves. Obviously he knows I’m here. Or his kingdom always presents those who enter with the Gate... it’s been a long time since I last visited. With a tiny shrug, he walked to the gate and knocked. The twin doors swung inward making the mist swirl around. Behind them was a road leading to the depths of the mist, a lone sign-post pointing forward: ‘ tHe dReAmINg’ scratched or burned to it with bold letters. On the sign-post sat a crow staring at the planewalker with intelligent eyes. "We 'eard you might be comin'. I hope fer yer's sake ya arn't 'ere to kill me boss, eh? Crroaak!" The creature’s voice was harsh and loud and the crow hopped first left, then right when it spoke. It’s glinting dark eyes never moved from the planewalker. “I do not consider your master to be a god, little one, so he is safe from me. In any case I’m just passing through ... your lord does allow visitors, does he not?” The yellow ignited in the planewalker’s eyes, turned into brilliant sparks and then vanished in the darkening grey. Soon his eyes were almost as black as the crow’s. “There be visitors an’ visitors.” The crow flapped it’s wings, tilted it’s head left and right. “But naw, pass on; harm nothin’, bring nothin’, take nothin’. See an’ learn, so the rules go. An’ don’t you glare on me, sirrah; them rules’ arn’t mine.” With a last loud “Crrooaaak!” it jumped to flight and flew away and was swallowed by mist. The Dreamer stood and watched the spot it had vanished at. Your master might be safe from me, but if I ever catch you on the Lost Paths, little one...
His deep, dark blue eyes opened. A nearly invisible smile appeared on his scarred face. Ah. Standing up quickly from his meditative position, he started to walk briskly along the stone pier. His long legs sped him quickly forward despite his robes, and he showed no signs of slowing down when he approached the end of the pier, shaped like a sharp spike pointing to the depths of the Void. When he stepped off the pier and on the begining of the Lost Paths, his smile widened and he started running, robes fluttering around his thin pale body, and he vanished into the darkness between worlds in the blink of an eye. This, more than any stronghold was his home. He was free. Soon, far too soon for his own taste, he was floating before a pearly white sphere. The run, however short, had restored much of his spirits and the Godslayer stood straight, looking younger than he had done when he had left the Pen Keep. The Dreamer looked around and let his sixth senses, magic detection spells and weak psionic powers scan the nearby Void. Nothing. He alone shone in the night, his power unchallenged here, on his side of the border. Satisfied, he turned his attention to the crystal barrier in front of him as he contemplated what lay on the other side. A whispered word almost brought Pain, his ghostly no-dachi, to his hand, but he stopped midway through, then shrugged to himself, shook the red hues out of his eyes. Can’t cut the knowledge out of them. Not here. The planewalker proceeded to strenghten his defenses, examined the multi-dimensional shapes of the enchantments, sigils and wards that were his true clothes, protection as cruicial as furs and wool were against winter’s chill for mortals. Déjá vu painted a sickeningly similiar picture inside his head: a younger planewalker, not called The Dreamer, going through the same checks before entering the domain of a god of dreams. An insolent, cocky smile he’d had, he remembered. A lost thing, that smile. Let’s hope I’ve learned something. Or that my powers have grown to surpass my stupidity. No choises in either case... With a resigned sigh he let himself sink through the border between the Void and a plane of dreams.
The Dreamer shivered. Even the familiarity of his surroundings could not banish the feeling of being ... shattered, of being torn to pieces that were now hastily and haphazardly sewn together. He glanced at his hands, as if there was a possibility they too were shattered, as if they might've been cracked and broken like some old clay jug, like his spirit had been... instead the hands were scarred but whole. Intact, like his core was, now. I hope this was the lesser evil. A few more scars would've been better than this one, a scar inside me... He looked around. The Astral Harbour was mostly as he had left it, a jutting stone pier connecting the Pen Keep to the Lost Paths, runes shimmering in the stark darkness of nothing, portals hanging everywhere, windows to dozens and dozens of world. A few of the windows had winked out, a rune or two was missing.. ..somebody has stolen some things from me .. I'll have to find the thieves and deal with them, when I have time.. ..but the defenses around the stronghold were intact, the perfect shapes of the warding magic still powerful, still deadly. The planewalker drew a deep, unnecessary breath and sunk back into meditation, struggling to keep the inner balance between chaos and law in control. And trying to catch an old plan. Now, I figured out long ago how to do this .. the knowledge should still be there, deep inside me; before the shattering, before the awakening and the battle. Time to dive.
The planewalker nods slowly at Yui Temae's words, closing his eyes. When they open again, they have faded to dull grey. "There is a word we use for an entity who is not suspicious but still travels the paths between and beyond. It's 'dead', m'lady." He smiles, this time a smile free of malevolence or madness. "I am glad to see my suspicions were not correct. As for relaxing here, I'm afraid I have more journeys to embark upon before I can rest ... unless those journeys send me to yet further ones, always forward. I have meddled with bigger forces, and they are usually not .. very ... patient ...." The Dreamer's voice fades out and he lets his senses wander, staring straight through Yui, seeing, hearing and tasting the nearby Void, attention wavering between his body and the surrouding Paths. Fascinated, Yui Temae examines the scarred features of the ageless creature before her, just as the Dreamer's attention refocuses itself back to his immendiate surroundings. For a short moment, the planewalker and the huntress look each other in the eye - both feel unsettled, and turn their gaze slightly away. Without any further words, the planewalker coughs softly, opens the door with a slight gesture and steps inside his Astral Harbour.
The scowl melts and a devilish grin lights the Dreamer's face up - the transformation is not altogether pleasant, and somehow the planewalker looks even more menancing, as if happy about some misfortune or doom. His eyes adopt a brilliant shiny yellow hue, burning with gleeful malice, and he nods slightly to Yui as a baron would greet his knights. His voice, very polite, very mocking, is clear and deep: "The Huntress." Yui does a slight bow in response, as one would bow to her equal, and replies (managing to keep her steady despite her conflicting emotions): "The Dreamer." Laughter dances in the planewalker's eyes as he continues, obviously deeply amused by something. Even laughing he relaxes into a wary stance giving out the impression of something that considers itself superior but still does not wish to underestimate any threat. "Well met, shadow-walker .. you have something to discuss with me or you standing on my way to my fortress? Surely confronting me like this would be foolish move from Law - even they would have trouble infusing your soul with enough power." The Dreamer tilts his head slightly to one side and waits for an explanation.
Perhaps some newer members would read the old Dreamer stories, but they are scattered here and there and everywhere? Or, if that is just false hope, I'll make these links (in the right order for the Dreamer himself, but not necessarily for the others, too) for myself to track the twisting and turning path of the overpowerful godslayer. The entrance of the confused planewalker, still chaos and raw emotions after his deep and long slumber: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...ID=2.topic The Dreamer, now named, retreats from the turmoil he caused and seeks council: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...ID=3.topic Meditating upon the information he receives, he also pulls forth old memories and starts to recover: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=16.topic Blocked from his fortress, he decides to reside at the Pen Keep for a while .. and meets Yui again, telling her a story: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=18.topic After restoring himself to state of some stability, he meets his apprentice (even though the actual meeting is a tale not yet told) .. and gets into trouble because of his pupil: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=30.topic Hunted, at the Border of known worlds, he makes a decision: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=46.topic Without direction, without wisdom, he seeks both and tries to scry the future: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...D=58.topic Set to definite path once again, he walks towards wisdom, limited and still hunted: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...ID=5.topic This spot is missing a tale ... After being chased away from the road he chose, he nevertheless returns to as close to his old glory as he can get: pub79.ezboard.com/fthemig...=172.topic
True to his habit of chaotic emotions, after the Dreamer reads the note his eyes flicker and fade out to deepest black. He crushes the note and annihilates it with a spell at the same time, making the bar tremble slightly from the echoing BOOM of the explosion. He blows the fine dust off his right hand, frowning, almost sneering, and looks again somewhere beyond this room. Below revery's table, the discs slide to new position, making a slight whispery sound. They form a series of runes, a prophecy that tells the future of the whole nearby Void and all the worlds in it... The Dreamer makes another small motion, similiar to the one that triggered his first spell of destruction. Somewhere already very far away, a frightened lizardman jumps five feet into air as the note he is carrying detonates, causing minor burns and momentary deafness but no permanent damage. The colorful discs whisper across the floor again, telling the tale of Wyvern's next moneymaking scheme in astonishing detail, from the suprising and ambitious start to the usual embarassing defeat ... Tasting the feel of his old magicks, the Dreamer stands in the middle of the bar and starts to repair the damaged tapestry of his threads of power, adding his servants and castles to himself with invisible bonds. With rising anger, he notices many of the links are gone, lost to either rebellious servants or the unrelenting hand of the Law, and deep within him a new fire is kindled. Fiery embers of red appear in the deep pits of his eyes and the power of the Godslayer flows through the Pen Keep, telling everybody that the planewalker is back: thoughts materialize to form flickering visions next to writers, memories manifest in real sounds and smells, spells and enchantments swirl and waver and go awry as the storm of power passes them. Finally at the bar the surge of raw mana roars around the planewalker as a visible gale, bathing him in an otherworldly glamour ... until he absorbs it and devours it, sagging slightly to look like merely an ageless scarred man in old dirty robes. He sighs deeply and glances at the painting of Zool with pale grey eyes. "I guess I'm back, then. Even if that means fighting the storm instead of letting it blow past me..." With that last cryptic comment, he lowers his eyes and wanders off to find his door's new location, his feet crunching on the scattered colorful discs.
In a far corner of the Pen Keep, a dusty door resides. It used to be nearer the center of things, on the wall of the corridoors everybody used, but as weeks and then more weeks passed, it ... drifted, one might say. Below the dust a sharp eye might see the runes, dim and still, dead and silent; runes of warding and protection, of warning and shielding. It used to be an important door. Now it looks like a way to some forgotten storage room... and now, the runes carving themselves again with faint fire, the dust burning off, it wakes again. A loud cough right inside the door shakes the rest of the dust off, and the door opens slowly, with an omnious creak. Through steps a man, age vague, skin marked with hideous scars criss-crossing everywhere, eyes flickering with a rainbow of different colors. Even though it is still impossible to tell how old he is, he looks a lot more tired, more ravaged by age than the last time he walked through these halls. His shoulders are hunched as if some heavy weight was on them and the eyes cycle through the more sombre colors of palette. The Dreamer looks around not seeing much and walks to the bar, focused on some deep musing of his own, ignoring everybody he meets on the way. Once he gets the glass of archangel blood he orders, he rises it saluting the whole room with it and only then a part of him seems to really be here and now, seeing and sensing what is around him. "Hail and well met, strangers and old aquintances alike. I offer a toast to the Pen and my regrets that I haven't been able to spend time here. Other matters have had my undivided attention..." The Dreamer's voice fades and around him appear ghostly visions: a high elf elementalist conjuring forth a fire elemental to battle a huge kodiak, a dark elf priestess turning undead warriors in a dark dungeon, a huge bipedal cat running over grass at the speed of wind .. the visions flicker and fade. "... I do try to restore my place here, if possible, but I can make no promises. So, tell me what has passed since I've been away?" An uncharateristic warmth appears in his voice and manners and he turns his attention to the others present.
A ghostly apparition of the Dreamer walks through the Halls of the Pen, translucent and weak ... and those that see him rub their eyes and wonder if they saw anything the moment he passes out of view.
Something is not right... The Dreamer listened with small part of his attention what the mortals were talking about, but most of it was directed inwards .. and that way, to the intricate patters of nearby Void. Things were moving at the edge of his second vision, shadowy formless flickers, still faraway but inching closer. The seekers are here. Even the little noise I've made has been too much, and if I stay here, on this plane, they will get me .. time to move on, back to the open Lost Paths. I was so close... He sighed, almost inaudibly, and turned away from the mortals talking about some trivial matter. With a small sidestep to the Astral the Dreamer vanished.
When Zakuro left, Khimeira had been on the move for several minutes, having faded out from the tent right after his role was known to him. After him sped his own men, a trail to the black comet: scarred mercenaries, rangers fallen to the lure of money, luck-seekers from far away and a precious few real soldiers who wanted to serve the Traitor. They were the hidden arrowhead of the invasion, a barb that would strike flesh and twist in the wound without warning, telling their presence only by the pain they brought. So they want a field battle? Against the Knights of Confederacy? Ha! I want no part of that half-witted idea... The band of thirty or so dark scouts sped through the forest, giving a wide berth to the field. They ran on without a word, only a hand signal now and then broke the isolation of thoughts each and every one of them had. An enemy scout barely slowed them down, dying with a soft sigh when an arrow penetrated his throat. Khimeira felt a stab of cold penetrate his chest. The first of my countrymen ... this is how it starts, and have to have the stomach to endure this bitter game to the end, as per my last promise to a dying man. I am an arrow of Fate - may he fire me true. As a pack of wolves Khimeira's band of killers ran between the trees, faded to the color of the trees. Soon.
From the shadows a man clad in simple ranger's clothes took up Ghorn's invitation. He had a shortbow slung on his shoulder and a longsword in a scabbard at his belt, on his face a sneering smile that proclaimed himself superior to everybody else here. "You boast freely ... do not underestimate those 'confederate dogs', warriors of the Hand. I've seen the borderlands from both sides, seen the castles and the hardened men that will rise their spears against us. I am Khimeira, formely of the Antaean Confederacy ... and I pledge my ancestor's sword to the service of the Hand, as I have done for years." Something flickered in Khimeira's eyes, something showing a very different emotion than his sneering smile, and he walked away from the middle of the tent without making any noise. I never thought it'd come to this... with heavy heart I rise my dishonored sword against the Confederacy.
*Enter little-known human, stage left*
Zadown replied to a topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
The Dreamer sidestepped into the middle of the bar when Tzimfemme is carrying corpses. The bar remained half-full of the dead bodies, mercenaries staring at the floor with dimmed eyes, laying in pools of their own blood. The planewalker looked around with dark eyes, threads of red and yellow swimming in the blackness. He seemed annoyed and tense when he turned to look at Tzimfemme. "I will take care of the rest of the bodies. Please stand back for your own safety." The words were spoken tonelessly, tossed to the general direction of the listeners while he turned to face the corpses. Without waiting for an answer, the Dreamer raised his hands up to the air and uttered the first words of a grand spell. Air around his hands flared green. A chorus of whispering voices started singing along with the planewalker's spell. The Dreamer spoke rapidly, pronouncing every syllable of the incantation clearly but quickly, condensing the lengthy litany to a few dozen seconds. He let the final word roll out of his lips and for a moment everything was silent. Then, the green light flared again and dissipated, and the rest of the corpses rose slowly and ponderously, grasping their weapons and looking around them with dead bewilderment. The Dreamer muttered mostly to himself: "... I need a few more guardians there ..." He sniffed the air, then shrugged and created a portal with a small motion of his right hand. The newly created zombies lurched mindlessly towards the portal, disappearing through it one by one, the planewalker watching from a distance, looking contemplative. His eyes were pale grey when he finally stepped through the portal himself. Edited by: Zadown at: 1/6/02 2:01:26 pm -
"I request acceptance..."
Zadown replied to Justin Silverblade's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
"Hahahaha!" An eerie laugh echoed through Wyvern's office, without any visible source. It was deep and loud, sounding strangely familiar but neither Wyvern nor Jechum could quite remember where they had heard it before or to whom that errant laugh belong to. Then the Dreamer unfaded into existence right in the middle of the office. "Heheh heeh hee!" The scarred man, clothed only in old and torn robes, doubled over, laughing. He continued and continued, making those stuck to the roof get more and more irritated. Wyvern and Jechum, knowing the Dreamer slightly better than the newcomer Justin just endured it, trying to wriggle free, but Justin called out: "Hey you down there! Could you please stop that and give us a hand!?" The Dreamer stood up, still chuckling, and waved his hand, making the tar disintegrate around the three stuck persons, who promptly fell on the floor.