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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Valdar and Astralis

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Everything posted by Valdar and Astralis

  1. I checked it today, and there was more or less no traffic at all since the link was removed. The shoutbox was NOT deactivated, just slightly loneley It can be found HERE Bookmark ahoy!
  2. Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading.Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading.Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading.Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading.Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading.Caryon Artificer, Emissary of Yawgmoth, requests a fortune reading. "WILL SOMEONE SHUT THAT THING UP???" Kenami's ears pivoted voilently in alarm as her form faded to near transparency before regaining some sembelance of solidness. Satisfied that her body would remain firmly in this plane and not ripped back to her hidey hole on Norrath, she strode to a convinently placed trophy cabinet and sliced a hole in the glass with one ear and a nail-screeching scratch. "sorry. . ." she muttered. Reaching into the cabinet, she selected the largest trophy in easy reach, and. . . "It's a TALKING CLOCKWORK, WOW!" Astralis exclaimed in absolute delight, fingers already fumbling for his collapsed toolbox. "Get out of my way, you Cazic cursed gnome, that thing's getting on my. . ." "Calm DOWN, you two, or we'll ALL be distrupted and lose our place in line." "Yaaay!! Looklook!" A fifth voice interjected. "I found it first!" Minta sqealed in joy. "But I. . ." Astralis tried to add. The two gnomes immedetly set apon the device. . . Valdar handed Kenami a set of earplugs. "Why are we here anyway? there are plenty of Oracles on Norrath. Granted the Diaku's are war-torn and Miraguel is slightly mad, he can't be much worse than this one. And I could ask the diviners in Neriak too." Kenami earsignaled. "Remember, you're no longer of Norrath, Kenami-much greater forces are at work in the void. If any can tell us where the dreamer is, she will. . .but we shall see." He replied in the same manner. Kenami sighed, nodding her ears and pulled a bloodstained cloak about cold chain while the clockwork device droned on. . . Caryon Artificer, gnomie power, tick, Caryon Artificer, gnomie power. . .
  3. I awoke with a scream of pain. No gentle arms this time, to ease me from a mother's womb. Rather, a cold pain in my chest, followed by a bone numbing jolt of naked skin against stone. Kneeling in a back alley, under the rainfall of a nameless city, I vommited into the river of mud bitterly. I was naked, as I knew I would be somehow. The new memory runes etched in my flesh burned painfully, providing heat, and feeding several centuries of learning into a raw, throbbing body--and that was what counted, after all. More than the wholeness of physique or materiel possesions that I now lacked. No more timeless months, even years sometimes wandering in blissful amnesia, waiting for a chance trigger to tip the scales of forgetfulness. No, this time they should have killed me outright. Humiliation is at an end before it even began, and before they realise it. This time, vengance will be swift.
  4. Oh my, blink and I get bumped \*o_o*/ (Blushing ears) I didn't even check this thread for a few days, not thinking I'd be involved (exept to congratulate everyone who did) Congratulations all ye promotees!
  5. Well, I like em, and my Australian copy didn't have any errors. . .I think. Could be the 4 AM factor comming in though. 17 hours starting 12.30PM, what a blast. I think one appealing thing about the book series is the flashbacks to OLD Enid Blyton (spelling?) books, nameley the Famous Five, Secret Seven (Was this EB?), and a few other classic teenage-investigator series. I really loved those books, and would devour them as fast as I could unearth them.
  6. Uh, Friday 27th. . .my bad. Blame it on timezones! PS: Re: titles, whatever fits
  7. Entries completed so far ........................................Quincunx ...........................Zadown.................Valdar ...............Gyrfalcon..................................Peredhil ............Katzaniel........................................Elwen ............Yui-Chan...........................................Wyvern #2 #3 ....................Salinye...................................Gwai ...............................Vlad...................Psimon ..........................................Tralla Due to some requests on both parts, I think it would be a better idea to have staggered submissions. Some people have finished their work weeks ago, and some (myself sadly included) aren't quite done yet. I should kick myself, I realized too late that the date for submission would be just after my exam and I'd have bareley any time to work on it. Anyway, instead of having a submission date, we'll have a submission period. Unless there is some sort of strong disapproval, that is. You may begin to post your writing exchanges in whatever forum the work belongs to (Assembley room-stories, Banquet Hall-Poems) beginning the 29th of June That's this friday! The submission period will strech up to the middle-end of July. If your work is a write-exchange, please format your topics to be: Writing Exchange: Subject Name, Title Look forward to the reading!
  8. Good thing I've not gone to get my copy yet. . .will probably do that on friday. I _HOPE_ it's fixed then. Heck, I hope they have copies in stock.
  9. *click clack* Did you call me? *click clack* What is it now? *click clack* My mind wanders *click clack* It's time for bed *click clack* GET OUT OF MY HEAD *click clack* Wait, what were we supposed to do again? Valdar very carefully removes the shiny that was tapping inceacently on another and pockets it
  10. To be a member does not imply constant writing/creative word usage. . .er, wait, what Peredhil said. Yes.
  11. Oooh lookie, everyone's faviroute puppy just got a year older. . .awwww! Sweet seventeen too! *Nimbly dances out of bite-range* Happy birthday
  12. Huzzah! I was wondering if you were ever going to pop your head in here or not!
  13. Narg big. Narg strong. Narg smart. Narg don no what pen is. Narg use charkol sticks and cave wall.
  14. Uh, think ya got the wrong room mate. *earpoints in the general direction of the Caberet room*
  15. BUMP! The ring has been formed! Enjoy!
  16. As usual, updated the first post to reflect new changes. LinkyLinky! Last chance! PS: If you are unable to email, please PM me
  17. Valdar deftly stepped aside, as another shower of arrows fell. Undaunted, the ranger reached over his shoulders for another arrow, nocking and drawing the planar infused string in mere heartbeats while his eyes narrowed in search of an open spot, any crack or new weakness in his foe's mighty armor. The warlord brought his axe down, slamming into the crowd of would-be-heroes, crushing a score and sending more flying over the mound of corpses that surrounded the black clad figure. He let fly a moment later, the black arrow spinning into the darkness to punch through the foot thick armor, yet another crack in the otherwise smooth surface of the armor. If they did not have a breech soon, this battle would be lost, he decided, taking a moment to glance around. The battlefield was a boiling mass of organised chaos. Of those who had invaded this god's domain, only half yet lived. Another flight of arrows decended, and he cussed as one glanced off a shoulderpad. Valdar quickly retaliated in turn. These archers were not half bad. A moment later, a shriek joined the caphagony of sound as the creature plummeted to the arena floor. Turning back to the matter at hand, he lowered his bow and seized up the situation. Glowing blue strands of mana floated by his face. The threads of reality here were. . .thin. Too much magic in the air. Caught in a dominating command, a massive war-bull lowered it's horns and charged into the thickness of the fray. Elsewhere, a damaged gargoyle slowly spiraled to the ground, shattered stone wings unable to keep it afloat. A dozen more decended on the crowd of casters, tearing through their ranks before the survivors scattered. Another wizard staggered up to him, before collapsing, both magic and life-force drained with an arrow protuding from his neck. The inhuman archers cackled gleefully from above. His eyes traveled to the thickest part of the battle. . . The tattered remains of the raid pushed forward doggedly, war cries issueing from parched throats as their blades rose and fell. Mighty warriors in their own rights, Assasins, Paladins and their nether brethren united for the day against a common, and worthy foe. But they were no match. Again, the great axe fell, cleaving through plate armor as though paper. A thunderous blast threw more dust into the air from beyond his field of vision, as the wizards amoungs their ranks engaged the minions of Rallos Zek. High above the battlefield, the war crows circled. . . A nearby scream caused him to turn in time to see a fellow ranger thrown into the air by a raging bull that had somehow gotten out of control. Rendering himself invisible for a moment, the disoriented bull slowed for a moment, before crashing off towards the already hard-pressed frontline even as the black armored god was illuminated by pure magic in the fog of war. The battle had indeed reached a turning point, and he decided. An unholy glow filled his eyes, as echoes from the other shards poured into his mind. . . .Must proceed. . . . . .Path to the void must be revealed. . . . . .Gateway to the Elements. . . . . .Too much magic already. . . . . .Must escape this trap. . . . . .They will not notice. . . . . .This is the gatekeeper. . . . . .Must. . .DESTROY. The shards flowed together, and the chant began. Rallos Zek, the God of War backed away from his easy fight in disbeleif as the presence exposed itself to his mind, the clatter of blades on his thick armor forgotten. The language was not native to Norrath, nor was it known to many in the multiverse. For the first time in a hundred thousand years on Norrath, a mortal adressed the gods directly, in their secret tongue of council. It spoke in ritual, and of one of the rituals most feared by immortal creatures. The sentence of banishment. "NO!!!" The god stepped over his direct opponents, crushing several even as the braver amoung their commarades clung to his armor and began to climb. But it was too late. With a cruel smirk on his face, the ranger completed the verse, and judgement. The glowing red eyes of the War god flared in the darkness of his helm, and then went out. The warlord appeared to lean forward, arm outstreched towards the singularity of power before him. . .and then the empty armor pieces crashed to the floor. Valdar stepped around the smoking gauntlets, to stand before the black helm. The stink of magic would linger for days, he decided. Not unusual, for a battle of this sort. His presence would continue undetected, for now, unless his enemies were inspected the traces more closeley. A few survivors raised a cry of joy at the unexpected victory, though most mereley collapsed in exhaustion. Already, arguments were breaking out over the looting of the god's body. The helm stared emptily back, and he shifted his preception. Who are you, to have such power over me? Do you forget me already, Rallos? my companion and I were brash, then, when we foolishly invaded this realm. YOU! I . . .We killed you! We are harder to kill than you think, oh god of war. Your trap was very clevar, I admit. But you were sloppy in not examining more closeley after you pushed us into the timestream. We lost most of our powers, then. . .powers, that you may notice, we have regained. So, will you kill me now? and attempt to assimilate my mind and soul? Become as a god? No. What would you have of me, then? I desire knowlege. . .knowlege of this clevar time-trap you have in place around this planar sphere. Give this to me, and I will grant you gentle oblivion until your powers grow strong enough to resume the mantle of godhood. And if I do not? There is no NOT, godling a new voice imposed. My student has done well, though I had to jog his memory a bit towards the end. I, who have plundered the dreams of eternity, know and mark your secrets well. My soul thirsts for god-essence again, and on god-essence shall I indulge myself should you fail. Your soul is mine, Rallos Zek the Warlord. The voice from the Void echoed through two minds. You are in my limbo now. You have fourteen Norrathian days. -End Writer Comments: I wrote this at 3 AM, finished at 4. I'm not too happy with the last bit. Long conversations seem a bad way to end a story, in my opinion. Other than that, it feels like a standard-issue actionhero story you see every-so-often. Problem is, there _is_ an underlying plot, which is the journey of Valdar back into the void. A lot of the 'big' story is not yet written, but if this is your cake, please do enjoy these occational dislocated seemingly pointless stories! Disclaimer for EQ'ers!!!: No, I have not done RZ yet. I will be, soon, however. Time will tell if we win or not. \^_^/ Ps: Any feedback welcome! PPs: Yes, he had dreamer intervention. Val is still a bit. . .er, wet behind the ears.
  18. If yer email's broke, you can just PM me, Gwai-you may choose anyone you wish to write about, as long as you are willing to. \ /
  19. Bump! and new update-I realized that I neglected to insert an apply-by date. Updated now. Last day is Wednesday, with a possible extension.
  20. Thank you wyvren. Bump, and the thread is updated. . .please start emailing. Hmm, maybe I should push the slider up somewhat too. . .
  21. . . . I was planning to update this on (my) wednesday by finalising who was about to help in cycle selection (hey, gotta give em a few days. . .nevermind that I only got one helper (maybe 2)) Maybe I work slower than you, Wyvren. I'm taking my time, because I do not wish to screw this up. Taking into account some people's real life (or in my case lack thereof), I judged it safe to move on a weekly, or twice weekly basis. Also, I think part of the attractiveness of this project was being able to write about close aquaintances. Random selection will allow more people to get to know one another, but it is my beleif that one should not be forced to write without insparation. Basicly, what I am expecting people to do in MY Writing Exchange Program, is to be thinking of the people at the pen you know, and their personas. Whom do you think would inspire you to write? If you are creative enough to write about anybody, I salute you. Your creative powers far surpass mine. If you are like me, however, some characters just do-not-fit into one's writing style. In conclusion, Wyvren, if you wish to take charge of the Writing Exchange Program, please do. I will request to have this thread removed, and you may start your own, with your own rules. I am not, by nature, much of a control freak, and I do take into account ideas and suggestions that come along the way (the purpose of the last week or two) but if you please, let us have only one mastermind here. I will suspend the update till the weekend, I think. Or until we decide what to do.
  22. *bumps* updated information up top.
  23. Patch fever, rune? I'm idly ravaging the remaining stubble on my thumb waiting.
  24. Now, that is another issue. . .personae. I'll stick it up as one of the issues to be discussed and mulled over. Please, post your opinions
  25. The Inaugural, Pen is Mightier than the Sword, Writing exchange program Updated Dec 25 Email Entries are way closed! Without any further ado. . .rotating Clockwise SIZE=7]Entries completed so far[/size][/b] ........................................Quincunx ...........................Zadown.................Valdar ...............Gyrfalcon..................................Peredhil ............Katzaniel........................................Elwen ............Yui-Chan...........................................Wyvern #2 #3 ....................Salinye...................................Gwai ...............................Vlad...................Psimon ..........................................Tralla (Quincinox-Valdar-Peredhil. . .etc etc etc) Let the writing begin! Here are the guidelines: 1) Writing Type-Any. You may write a story about a person, with a person, even AS a person. It may not have to be a story, it could be a poem, or freestyle, even. This project is due to run for weeks, if not months. The aim here is to capture the essence of your victi. . .er, subject as closeley as possible. You may, and in fact, are encouraged to speak with your subjects, to clarify details and the like. 2) Organization-Circular closed. The idea behind this, is not to have a free-for-all orgy of stories flying twenty ways at once, with 40 people writing about a single person, 15 on another, and one left all alone. I propose, instead, to do it as so: .........A-->B ......../........\ .......F.........C ........\......../ .........E<--D Where one person gets to write about one other person, who will write about one other person and so on, until the first person is written about. 3) The e-mail adress for participants to email their interests to is writexchange@hotmail.com. I dont want my inbox to go bust From there, the selectors will attempt to form the ring to the best of our abilities. The Selectors are myself, and Salinye You may choose who you wish to write about, but for the sake of ease of formability, please make this list as flexible as possible. We will try to the best of our abilities to accomadate everyone. If anything arises, we will e-mail you directly. 4) The ring will be formed, to coincide with the begining of June. The submission date will be June 30th, so you will have one month to stir up something. 5) Please keep your entries to yourself until the submission date so that we wont have entries dripping all over the caberet room. . .poor Waterlily will have to clean them up, and cleaning makes it slury. Slury hentai plants aren't good, are they?
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