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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Falcon2001

  1. Incidentally, I wrote this while listening to Four Tet - She Moves She, which is a track with no lyrics. Excellent beat. What would you do if tomorrow didn't rise Didn't poke it's head above the trees Would you stare in amazement, wondering why Or would you invert your gaze and try your best to flee? If your life became X instead of Y How would you cope with the pain Would you suck it all up and prepare for the best Or try it get it going again? Would you cry yourself to sleep in your cold dark room Trying your best not to freeze? Or would you ask yourself why you relied on the sun And instead change the way you look at reality Instead of a dark world a new experience An existence free of sunburn and pain A world where noon doesn't require a shade And midnight is much less extreme In short - what is existence A passing dream with a outside of pain? Or is it the beginning and end (Alpha/omega) And the reasoning behind all the pain? If I died right now would my words survive To carry on without my soul's flame Or would I wake up in a world where the sun doesn't rise Existing only to start it over again?
  2. Just figured I would drag this back to the surface. I always love rocking out to this.
  3. So blame Wyvern for this, but I've recently got this little thing stuck in my head. Bear with me. Incidentally / when you look at me I see in your eyes / what I want to see When you're laying there / right in front of me A little piece of paradise / I can't believe So please believe / this passioned plea Something inside me / burning free And certainly / we both can see The effect that your / body has on me It's just a incident / a crime of passion The terminology / of you wanting me Has got me confused / like I can't believe Lying on the bed / with your hands in mine I wonder how I never / really found the time In your eyes / I see surprise And a request that I try / to recognize I don't mean to brag / I don't mean to boast But the purring of your engines / makes me grin the most Just an incident / a crime of passion Incidentally.
  4. Hmm, Mira. You wouldn't happen to have stairs in your house, would you?
  5. NINJA!!!
  6. Define don't work, Salinye? What exactly doesn't it do?
  7. Caryon Megeta reporting for valentine's duty!
  8. I giggle with glee at the Rooms of the Mighty Pen Keep thread being used again - and also I congratulate the winners.
  9. Whew- so some people I know compiled this list of the best albums of 2004, and I have been going through and listening to them, and this is my personal opinion on the lot of them. The Arcade Fire This was number one on the list and I have to say I was severely disappointed. The music seems catchy but the lead singer thoroughly ruins whatever sort of possible attraction the music has. It's like walking along a nice flowered path when suddenly some guy walks up and stabs you in the ear repeatedly with a pencil. Not a good thing. Rating: ** (But only for the music.) The Postal Service - Give Up Wow. I REALLY like this album. From my first exposure on a mix CD my friend handed me, I've been addicted to the sound. It's incredibly good, romantic-esque music that I just love to listen to. A few samples of the lyrics - Such Great Heights - I am thinking it's a sign / that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images/ and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned // I have to speculate / that god himself did make us into corresponding / shapes like puzzle pieces from the sky Nothing Better - Tell me am I right for thinking that there could be nothing better / than making you my bride and slowly growing old together All in all, an excellent CD. Combines elements of Electronica with psuedo emo-rock stuff in an very synergistic mix that always gets to me. Rating:***** 65daysofstatic - The Fall of Math - With songs such as Install a Beak In the Heart that Clucks Time in Arabic and This Cat is a Landmine, I wasn't sure what to expect from this group. However I found a very full-natured electronic sound with multiple influences and styles over the albums. I highly recommend it. Rating:**** Air - Talkie Walkie - I must confess that I didn't listen to this one as much as I should have lately, but what little I have heard has been pretty solid electronic music along the lines of Postal Service but with less emo and more techno or jazz (odd term for it) influence. The song Mike Mills is excellent, as are most on this CD. Check them out if you're into the whole electronic scene, but get Postal Service first. Rating ***1/2 Audioslave - Audioslave - If I recall correctly, this is the musicians from Rage Against the Machine and the lead singer from Soundgarden, which is a combination that just really rocks it, grungy style. I always really liked RATM's flavor with the funkish feeling and while it definately has changed since the breakup, you can still feel the undertones in the heavy bass and drums that drive the music along. If you like grunge and RATM, then you'll probably appreciate this album as much as I do. Rating:**** Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse - Maybe it's just me and the whole musician thing, but I have a serious problem with bands that do odd things with music, like raping it. Sonic youth employs this rather grating 'hey guys let's shift the tone up half a step or something so it distorts and sounds bad 'cause it's cool okay lol' effect that really, REALLY makes my hair stand on end. I guess if it's your thing, then go for it, but listening to the CD just makes me want to smash something, although the music's not bad when they don't do weird stuff like that. Rating: *** Jet - Get Born - Damn. I don't really know what to say about this. A friend recommended this and I was like 'alright sweet, sound awesome' and MAN am I happy. This song has so many different sounding and cool songs on it I don't know where to start. Cold Hard Bitch sounds so cool and almost classic-rockish that I love it, as well as Are You Gonna Be My Girl, which sounds very old-school and bouncy. Look What You've Done Is another amazing track, and all of the rest just tie themselves together into an excellent cd. Rating: ***** More forthcoming later, I gotta go do homework.
  10. Yea, and verily, someone did reincarnate this topic. LO! For he returns, the lord of the morning, coming once more to ramble about his favorite music. Yeah, this is sort of a placeholder so I remember to post in here when I'm done cleaning.
  11. Because I'm lame
  12. "It's okay charlie! I know you were dead, but I'm pretty sure I didn't kill you." "I am the Belt Troll of the United Parcel Service!" More come forth every day. I'm just nuts like that.
  13. I wasn't complaining, just figured it'd be easier here
  14. Alright, here's where you can talk about Shame Road, either comments to me on writing or talking/arguing about what it's all about. I'm not enlightening you guys until it's done.
  15. Quick note - I will not be answering any questions about the story - you'll have to figure it out yourself. On top of that - you can go HERE: The discussion/comments thread. To talk about the story or give me suggestions. I <3 the critic's corner and nobody uses it.
  16. Red leapt into the air, landing on his hands. From this vantage point, he looked at the other incarnations with a wry grin on his face. By this time his body had fully formed, and from where he was standing, it was magnificent. Red hair sprouted from a tanned head with glaring red eyes and a perfectly sculpted body. Blood ran over form, dripping to the ground and disappearing seconds later. So what should we do? This kid's obviously too broken up over something to look after himself, and we all know that we're more powerful than we seem. Blue sniffed, pushing her glasses back up her nose. I would have assumed you already knew WHAT caused the shock that eventually led to our manifestation in our current forms. She brushed something unseen off of her long white coat and continued. Jeral has gone through several severe crisis situations in his life - nothing singularly destructive but over time, they have built up to create a very palpable force that dictates his current behavior and overrides his natural-born societal tendencies. Green threw her slender hands up in the air. Well, what does it all mean? Unlike you, the rest of us have more important things to do than stick our nose in books all day. Must I remind you that I've never actually read a book, just as you've never actually been with a man and Red over there has never acted on any of his homicidal impulses. In fact, she said, looking over at the miserable little pile of flesh that was Yellow, He's the only one that's really come close to fulfilling his incarnation outside of Jeral. Damnit, Blue. We're all nothing but figments of a kid's imagination. Anything he's ever dreamed, we have done. Ever person he ever wished he could kill, I have. Ever girl he ever wanted to fuck, Green has. Ever thing he ever coveted, Yellow has already been there and done that - and every book he's ever read, you have read as well. Regardless, what has happened is that he is unable to act out these dreams because he is deeply, violently ashamed of himself, for all the wrong reasons. He believes he is ugly, so he never tries to approach women. He believes he is weak, so he never acts out when people try to oppress him. He believes he is stupid, so he never tries to use the intellect he has. And through it all, he believes he can never achieve enough to have the things he wants, so he doesn't try. Yellow is by far the strongest of all of us, because it is through us that he was incarnated. Red shrugged. Just more intellectual bullshit. I think in the end, it's up to us to take care of this kid. We'll have to do a lot more than watch - I think it's time that we started to teach this kid how to really live.
  17. I wrote this maybe two or three years ago, and every christmas season I dig it up and repost it, because I'm a complete egotistical bastard and I must inflict this upon your poor souls every single year, around this hallowed time. And so, without further ado, please enjoy. PS - Cioden is pronounced See-Yo-Den. Just figured I'd clue you all in there in case you didn't know. Twas the night before christmas and all through the hall Not a creature was stirring, be they large or they small Some crosses were hung by the mantle with care In hopes that Cioden wouldn't stop there. Falcon was nestled all snug in his bed Whilst visions of Ibanez danced in his head And with me in my white cloak On the couch in the back Just settlin' down for a long winter's nap When from the roof there arose such a splatter I leapt from my couch to see what was the matter Away to my sheathed sword I tore like a flash Took it out of the sheath and then cut the gold sash The moon on the top of the new-summoned snow Gave the shinyness of noonday to the objects below (Falcon wanted some sugar, so he cast quite the spell But he misread khazak, though it ended up well) When what to my icy blue eyes should appear But a huge freaking sleigh and eight giant demon steer With a creepy-looking driver, like a black-feathered wren I knew in a moment it had to be Cioden A bit slower than canaries his coursers came And he whistled, and cursed, and called plenty of names. "Now Smasher! Now Crasher! Now Flatfoot and Nixon! On Meteo, on Stupid! On Fondle and Kitchen!" As dry leaves before an Aero 3 fly When he met with an obstacle, blew it into the sky! So up to the tower-top the coursers they flew With the sleigh full of nasties, and Cioden too. And then, in an hour, I heard on the roof The growling and pawing of each cloven hoof As I drew back my bow I turned quickly 'round Down the chimney St. Cioden came with a sound He was dressed all in leather from his head to his foot And his clothing was covered in blood and in soot A bundle of spells he had slung on his back And something was oozing right out of the sack His hair was all slicked back with the blood of a demon And he looked like a used-car salesman peddling a lemon His eyes - how they glinted! His dimples - nonexistant! His cheeks were like caverns, his nose an iced tint! His grim little mouth was tied down like a bow And the beard on his chin was the color of crow A silvered dagger he held tight in his teeth And the odor of madness followed him in a wreath He had a thin face and absolutely no belly Covered by a shirt that was just a tad smelly He was gruesome and cruel, a right nutty old elf And I fired when I saw him, in spite of myself A wink of his eye and a twist of his head He avoided the arrow, sent to make him quite dead He spoke not a word, but went right to work And emptied all the stockings, he was such a jerk And laying his middle finger aside of his nose He cast fire3 and on the updraft he rose He fell in his sleigh and gave his team quite a whistle And away they all flew as he flayed them with thistles But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he flew out of sight "I'll get you Azunost, some other night!" Quicker than lightning I threw the stockings out the window And ducked as they exploded in a moonlit twinkle I fixed some hot cocoa and woke up Falcon Who downed the whole mug before I was done Telling him 'bout the big scare we had had His eyes widened "Wow, Cioden's sure bad." I grinned rather slyly and gave him a wink "He's not the only one who can raise a stink" I sat back in my seat with a satisfied grin And scratched idly at the stubble grown on my chin. From far away there came a muffled thud Like Flare being cast in a puddle of mud I smiled benignly and looked at the switch in my hand And thought of the scheme I had carefully planned Involving a Holy Bomb, three ducks and a tin can A whole roll of duct-tape and a good dental plan Now Cioden was routed and Falcon asleep I could settle down once more to the peaceful deep. But I thought to myself 'ere I turned out the light "Merry christmas to all, and to all a good night." Edited - whee, finally fixed it up a little after like 3 years.
  18. Title "Hello?" Jeral awoke with a start, looking around sheepishly. His teacher was staring at him, along with the rest of the class. A quick glance around proved his inital thoughts - he had fallen asleep in Ms. Carmichael's class again. "Mr. Jones, what exactly is your problem. Do you not get enough sleep at home or something? I have a hard time believing that someone as intelligent as you could possibly Stupid bitch. Jeral really should stop paying attention to her. Blah blah blah, pay attention in class, study hard, you're so smart. One of these days you need to haul off and slap that whore. keep sleeping through all of my classes like you do" Her voice was stern and the look in her eyes made Jeral look away, embarassed. "I'm sorry, Ms. Carmichael. I'll stay awake from now on." He said, looking at the ground. Ooh, his teacher's quite the little minx. If she wasn't so uptight like some people I know... I'd advise you to shut up, immediately. Or you'll what? Lecture me to death? Leave the poor boy in my extremely capable hands and I'll start making up for all the torment and misery this poor boy's been through - just as soon as I find a capable partner. That's all you ever think about isn't it, Green? Animal lust and seduction. Of course, my dear. That's what I am. He stayed awake through class, listening mindlessly to her lecture on the history of telecommunications. Through the entire thing, he found his mind wandering around, and he almost slumped forward again before catching himself. I'm such a loser. Damnit. he thought to himself, quickly pulling out a sketchpad and idly doodling to pass the time. The rest of the class period skipped on by fairly quickly, and he found himself walking down to the cafeteria as he did every day, even though he had long past run out of money to spend there. He dug his hands into his black jeans and headed down the stairs. On his way down, he bumped into a pair of people, reeling back from the shock. He went to head on his way, mumbling a quick "Sorry." but one of them grabbed his arm, jerking him around. "Watch where you're going, dickhead. I don't have time for stupid little faggots like you." Seriously though, this is the part where you smile and drive your hand into his chest, searching for organs to rip out. Jeral smiled faintly and walked off, but as he turned to leave, he was momentarily paralyzed by a girl coming up the stairs. Long black hair and emerald eyes caught him in a vice grip, squished him flat and left him standing there watching her walk off. Rowr, what a body. I'd love to let my fingers do the walking around that map. I would have figured you'd be more into men, Green. So you're a lesbian now? I prefer the term open-minded. You're such a slut. What a stupid statement. Of course I am. Hmm, that girl...I want that girl. Jeral must have that girl. So there you are, Yellow. I thought I told you to leave! You don't order us around, with your big muscles. Someday I'll have those too. You disgust me.
  19. Red laughed maniacally. We awaken - conciousness is ours. Strings of blood flowed over his majestic muscled body, as he walked around testing his new frame. Blue pushed her glasses up higher onto her nose. So we have. It seems that he has undergone quite a shock to his central nervous system. Something, it appears, has damaged his psyche. Shut up, you know-it-all. Now I can lead him to vengeance against those who have wronged him. Green laughed, stretching languidly. Her auburn hair and pouty lips were mere elements in a face and body designed for one quite readily apparent thing. The poor baby, he's been alone so long. The last thing he needs is either of you controlling his life. College is hard enough on him as it stands. You're just sore because you're such a frigid bitch. Lighten up, Blue. A fourth person hid among the shadows, peering out at the others with a carefully designed expression. In the formless, shapeless room, he still managed to hide his appearance, muttering to himself the whole time. Yellow good, yellow saves Jeral from harm. Yellow is the nice one. Yesssss. There were more of us. This is an unforeseen circumstance. Who cares? Less competition. Is that all you think about, Red? What else is there? The four continued to bicker, and the game begins, supplanted deep in the brain of a simple man who knows too little about what is really going on inside.
  20. The door was foreboding. Izabella really tried to think of it in a much more uplifting sense, but as much as she stretched her vocabulary looking for a different term, she really couldn’t find one. It was fully eight feel tall, made of either iron or steel or some such metal that was far too dark and soaked up far too much light. It was more of a square of darkness in the already dim winter’s night, and she didn’t really want to knock on it. Taking a deep breath, she looked around for another option. None presented themselves, so she knocked, timidly. The door absorbed whatever effort she had placed into it, sucking up the sound like a drain. Taken slightly aback, she rallied herself for another knock, raising her hand. “The door isn’t designed for many visitors.” a voice emanated from the dark behind her. She yelped a little in her throat and turned on the voice. A tall, handsome man stood there. She admired his features for a second before meeting his gaze to abruptly discover that his eyes not only ruined whatever attractiveness he might have had, but blazed with an inner fire that chilled her deeply. “You must be Izabella.” He took her hand in his – how warm they were – and kissed the back perfunctorily as the door swung open of it’s own accord. He took her arm in his and swept inside. “Please excuse the wait, but I was momentarily distracted by one of my many studies.” He said as they walked, his voice with all the characteristics of a block of ice that had been drizzled lightly with charm before being served. “Of course when our mutual friend Falcon had informed me that I was obliged for a dinner with you, I was mildly taken aback that he would…put me forward so readily, but after a few words with him, I think that things have been patched up.” A muffled sound came from a bag sitting in a corner, roughly the size and shape of a man, but Bella chose not to ask any questions. “So what do you do here, Cioden?” she asked, looking around at the halls they passed through. “It seems fairly bleak, doesn’t it?” he replied, gesturing around the hall they walked down. “When it’s only you and your magic, you tend to forget the niceties of social interaction. A spell book doesn’t mind the cold or require rugs or wallpaper.” He pursed his lips and stopped, looking annoyed. “And there I am, being the ungracious host. Would you care for some mulled cider?” Izabella nodded and was surprised to find a delicate crystal drinking glass full of steaming cider in her hands. She took a hesitant sip and smiled. Cioden smiled and continued the tour, leading a step ahead. “This is my ancestral tower – mine by birthright, although I didn’t know it until just a century ago. I’m the first Darkeye to inhabit these walls in over nine hundred years, due to a falling out with some Icatian invaders from the north quite a long time ago.” A slight tightening around the eyes, and it was gone as suddenly as it appeared. “They were dealt with.” Bella opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly they were in the dining room, and the scene made her pause long enough to gasp. Crystal chandeliers set with tiny dark cracks running through them and hanging from black iron reflected and absorbed the light emanating from hundreds of tiny candles situated all over the room. The table was set with simple fare, but even the untrained eye could tell that the simple stew and bread had been expertly prepared. Cioden drew back a chair for Bella, then seated himself across from her. “Please, eat. The food is rather simple, I know, but I’m not a master of the culinary arts, just the arcane.” He chucked wryly to himself and started to eat. Bella hesitantly tried a spoonful of soup and found it delicious. Digging in with a renewed vigor, she suddenly remembered that it had been quite a few hours since her last meal. Over the meal, Cioden continued to expound on the surrounding wildlife, elucidating an extremely detailed knowledge of his environs. Bella listened politely, her plate long since finished. Shortly Cioden’s diatribe finished and he grinned wryly. “Excuse me long-windedness. It’s not often that I get the chance to dine with someone willing to listen to me.” Bella laughed and nodded. “I as well.” She replied, a question rising in her mind. “You wouldn’t happen to have any sort of love interest, would you?” She asked slightly flirtatiously, batting her eyelashes at him. Cioden’s wry gaze suddenly hardened quicker than a newt in a cockatrice nest. The fire returned to his eyes, and Bella realized that she was alone in the tower of an extremely unbalanced and powerful magus, and that there might not be a way out. Cioden stood and turned away from her, his voice cold. “I’ll pretend that we didn’t broach that particular subject this eve. If you’ll excuse me, however, I have several important experiments to attend to. Bella leapt up to apologize or demand an explanation for his odd behavior - in the end it didn’t matter. As she stood there was a great gust as though she was caught in a hurricane and the tower dissolved into shards of darkness. When the breeze subsided she found herself alone in a field stripped bare of life. Turning about, she recognized it as the location where Cioden’s tower had been mere moments before. Confused and hurt by his sudden change of heart, she whistled for her horse and sighed. Men were all the same. Nothing but trouble. As she rode away, she thought she felt an ethereal gaze glaring at her from behind, but she refused to look behind her. Alright, I know it's late and all, but I don't plan on participating in the winter festival anyway (too busy) and regardless, she said she didn't care about it anymore, but here it is regardless. If I played your character badly, Bella, I apologize. If the length offends (or lack thereof) I also apologize.
  21. I'm standing in a darkroom Trying to develop my whole life The pictures come out blurry A scarlet wrist - an immaculate knife The photos I once took are No longer the mem'ries I once had I cannot remember the Sorrows and the pains that made me sad (chorus) And so I touch my face to the window Hoping, crying I let the tears run down the glass Shattered memories I once had Your face was once so lovely I cannot retrieve the dream you were The ink runs down the paper Washing away the whispers I once heard My tears fall down upon the Pictures gathered, filled with muddy dreams A million faces, gestures, Words and phrases - things I once had seen And so I touch my face to the window Hoping, crying I let the tears run down the glass Shattered memories I once had. I'm crying in a darkroom Losing bits and pieces of my life I watch my friends and family Fade away, I lost myself this night I need a guitar, and a microphone...NOW.
  22. So I just got bored the other week and started bouncing an idea around in my head, especially after looking at all of my poetry. I figure if anyone ever asks about anything I've written, I may as well have the cream of the crop available, and on top of that I want to throw it all together on a webpage somewhere - Falcon's greatest hits, sort of. What I'm asking you good folks, is which of my poems you really enjoyed, or thought was well done, or poetic, or really conveyed the socio-economist feeling that marxist philosophy is all about, or whatever. For quick reference, (Edit: This link doesn't work, stupid search feature.) should be all of my poetry in the Banquet Hall, and THIS LITTLE WONDER should be the link to my way old stuff in the library. In case there's something in between or something you remember seeing but can't find, try www.silvertrip.cjb.net if it's still up. Thanks in advance to all those who participate. Ninja edit - suggesting multiple poems is allowed and recommended. Edit - holy cow that's 120+ poems right there. when did I write all that?
  23. ~Characters~ Falcon Cioden Darkeye William Azunost
  24. This is a Semi-Placeholder, so I can put links here in a few minutes.
  25. Congratulations, Salinye! I'm really happy for you, and I'll keep you in my prayers. In other news, children are bad news, they grow up to be people, and we all know how much we all dislike people
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