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Everything posted by Falcon2001
Cioden saw the deathblow that took Arioch, and a thousand things ran through his head. He did not mourn his passing, for he knew that down in the depths of hell his spirit still lived, albeit weakened and susceptible to attacks from other demons, but he did live. He did mourn the loss of Arioch's body, for it was one of his favorites and Arioch had admired it greatly, but it was still replacable. What he did regret most of all was the loss of a capable general. Thinking, however, proved difficult, and he was jostled back into a painful sleep full of dreams of silver amulets with a picture inside... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew's shield dissolved as he floated awake. He awoke completely refreshed and ready to fight, but when he looked toward the battlefield, he saw that the battle was soon to be ended. The mighty siege engines were either destroyed or incapacitated, and the forces were tired from the fight. Both sides were retreating to their camps, and even Alexander and Marionus' figures were hesitating, as if wondering whether another charge would be useful. Right then his concentration was broken by a sound of horses moving fast toward him. Turning around and trying to bring a spell to motion, he saw their cargo, and it died on his lips. Cioden lay across the saddle of one of the demonic steeds like a sack of grain, but Matthew had never seen a sack of grain with three broken limbs and that many cuts and open wounds. What wasn't bleeding was only that way because of the fire searing the wounds shut. He stared in astonishment for a few seconds, then ran up and examined him. "Damn it, I need to bring this man to the main camp!" Suprisingly enough, the shadow-knight that was riding the horse Cioden was on swung down from the saddle and walked over to one of his fallen comrade's horses. Wasting no time, Matthew got himself situated in the saddle and then bucked the strange horse into a gallop, straight toward the main camp. The shadows formed a protective cicle 'round the two, and they all rode hard for the camp, and a healer.
*Falcon bows* Thank you very much Bhurin! I hold you in very high regard and your praise means a lot to me. For music-wise, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of newer rock music, like Staind. For a feel of what the song kinda goes like, listen to For You by Staind, they fit together well. Someday I hope to record the guitar part and me singing and make an mp3 that I could share. Also, I was just about to tell you that your sig pic was outdated due to upgrades...but once again, you're ahead of me! Thanks again, all! Cioden Darkeye Quill-Bearer - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
William walked around worriedly, wondering whether or not he was going to have to buy new equipment. Pacing back and forth, he almost didn't notice Bhurin walk into the dining hall until the winged one was directly behind him. "Will?" Will let out a shriek and tried to draw his daggers, but he only managed to get them both stuck in the scabbards behind his back under the robes. Giving a mighty heave, he tripped himself and fell over, where he looked up to see Bhurin. "Oh, Bhurin. Hello." Will managed to get himself to a standing position. "Silly me, with all this tension, I totally forgot that my extra pair of daggers, the ones I'm wearing, have a catch you need to release...ahh, how can I help you?" "Well," Bhurin started, but he was cut off when he brought out the string. "MY STRING!!!" Will snatched it out of Bhurin's hand and peered at it. "This is off of my Ibanez electric, the black one. I always remember a string." He looked up at Bhurin with burning eyes. "Where did you find this? "Uhm...It was on the ground outside, I saw it flash..." Will was ecstatic. "Yes! Now I can deduce the identity of the thief! Go around and have everyone meet me in the garden, in the grove in the middle. I'll be waiting there..." He started to walk off, then turned back. "By any chance, did you find my G-string?" OOC: Yes, it was a bad pun. No, I don't regret it. Mwahahahahaha!
Good gravy, I forgot to update my sig! Well, here it is... Also, thank you all for your comments. This, in my opinion, is one of my better ones, as I can actually put it to music, most of my stuff just goes along to some unknown beat from inside my head that I can't put to music...oh well, I'm getting better! Thanks again, to everyone! Cioden Darkeye Quill-Bearer - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
A question, a query from one who lived without the love and the life that you bathe in daily What does it feel like To look all around and see life liberty and the laughing masses I've never seen them my eyes are wide open like storms out at sea on a howling cold day My eyes they will see you my eyes they will see truth but first I must turn and then throw it away Lightning sparks And lies they crumble Under the gaze of the truthseeker's glare Transfixed like a beetle you twist underneath the piercing gaze while I look upon with Eyes of thunder You lie and you cheat them The girls that you pretend to love just so that you can throw them away Well life has it's sorrows and you have met the man who keeps all those sorrows and gives them away I see through your ego Your image, your mojo And stripped you down to exactly where you lay Naked before me your mind is wide open so scream all you want for you won't make a sound Thunder calls And your lies will crumble When you meet my gaze and succumb to my will Lies Will not stand forever Your little games are going to be ruined by the man with Eyes of thunder (Bridge) So what is your problem? And why won't she leave you? Does she enjoy all the pain that you bring? How do you keep up with all of your choices I can't understand how you keep living this way (Whispered) But I've seen way too much and she's crying in the dark and your lies are falling down now and you turn and run away (much louder) But I will keep chasing you For ever and ever until you will be paid for the fruit that you sowed Seeds of lies, chaos discord and treachery finally you will be brought to the light (Screaming) AND I CAN'T STAND TO SEE HER CRYING WHILE YOU SMILE AND GO YOUR WAY YOU'RE USING HER AND I CAN'T STOP MYSELF FROM FEELING THIS WAY So gaze into the storm And see the col eye lightning and thunder and truth and honor and feel the terror that comes your way you can't escape truth for truth is eternal And your lies netted you justice this day The storm rolls in And lies flee before it swept away by the cloudy gaze Lightning strikes closer and closer better watch out for it's coming your way Eyes of Thunder Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
Cioden staggered to his feet, the void the only thing keeping him up. Hellfire and acid coursed through his veins with every step, and for every wound he bled from, there was another wound blackened and charred by the flame. His clothes were burnt, and his left arm appeared to be broken in three places. Turning, he gazed black eyes on the distant hilltop, but that damned lady mage and her master were gone. The enemies were slowly closing in, and he was NOT in any position to retaliate. Growling ferally, he called upon the void to give him more power and called Arioch to him with his magic, then fell to the ground, even the void failing to keep him upright. Arioch, to me; haste! Arioch heard his friend's voice in his mind and wheeled about immediately, following the mental call. A enemy soldier got in the way, barring his path. Arioch swung his battle-ax almost negligently, and the man's head rolled to the ground. "Break the attack, to me!" Reining in his steed, he swung his axe in a large circle, clearing him a space around to look. Seeing where Cioden lay unprotected. "Charge for that ridge! Let nothing stay our pace!" The shadow knights set their swords back in their sheaths and drew their longbows. A company of Hand soldiers attempted to intercept them, but silent as a owl's wing in the dead of night, twenty-five black shafts buried themselves in twenty-five hearts. Reloading faster than the eye could follow, they let loose again at approaching cavalry, killing anything they saw. Soon Arioch could see Cioden's near-dead body twitching on the ground. Riding hard, he swept forward in a mad dash and leaned off his horse. Grabbing Cioden's tattered robes in a huge gauntleted fist, he threw him up behind him on the demonhorse and wheeled quickly. "Head for the outskirts! Protect Cioden at all costs!" The shadows formed a black ring around them, riding forward silently back through the forces toward the stand of trees that they had come from.
Isn't Excedrin headache medicine? lol Great poem... l-o-l l--O--l l-l--O--l-l fleet of laughing fighters, enjoy! Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
William looked around, but (due to the fact they spent most of their time alone) he was in nothing more than a robe and underclothes. Hunting a thief took more...impressive clothing. Waving a hand, he quickly summoned a typical outfit. Black pants fit loosely and were tied off at the ankles and waist with silver cord. A black shirt provided warmth, and had the falcon and eye symbol of his embroidered in silver over his heart. He put on his bluescale cape over that and looped a long leather strap, about nine feet long, around his waist several times, serving as a belt. His sword rested loosely in his bluescale scabbard, and when he drew it out an inch, it fell back into place with a satisfying click. Turning, he grabbed his leather boots and pulled them on. Looking up at the mirror, he smiled slightly and brushed an errant lock of hair out his face. He smiled, but his eyes were cold and his manner was severe. Finally he picked up two dragonhide gloves. Each finger ended in a claw, and the scales were a shimmering shade of blue. Pulling them on, he flexed his fingers a few times, then remembered something. Turning toward Andrea's closet, he muttered something and the tossed some powder at it. Nothing happened, but Will seemed satisfied. Walking out the door and into the kitchen, he watched Andrea run around in her underclothes searching for clothing. Laughing silently to himself, he grabbed an apple and walked out of the kitchen. Before he walked out the door, he turned. "Andrea, love?" "Yes, dear?" she replied, sounding slightly exasperated. "I'm going to go out and look for that thief...meet me in the library when you get dressed, okay?" "Sure, Will." He walked out the door and broke into chuckles. That enchantment he laid on her closet would last at least five hours, plenty of time. His smile slipped into something more sinister then. But when he got his hands on the thief, he and Andrea were going to have a very fun time of it.
Tralla, you have to understand that 'guys like that' happen to have their quirks...Gyr, I hope that bite's healing nicely. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
William tore off his headphones and looked around in horror. Not only were his guitars gone, but so was his weaponry collection, and that picture of him and Andrea. He whirled around to find Andrea staring at him puzzledly. "Will, whatever is the...oh my god! The music! Our picture!" She was absolutely livid. "Someone. Is. Going. To. PAY!" she screamed, her features absolutely red. "Did I ever tell you you're cute when you're angry, dear?" said Will. Andrea smiled.
Lost and found When I first met you I thought that I knew All the things about life But you showed me How I want to be And that's a life with you And I'm lost in your smile I found myself in your love I never thought I'd feel this way Until you came along that day Well life is cruel But you're a jewel Perfect in every way I'm so depressed And life's a mess But you're a shining star Well I'm lost in the darkness But I found myself in your eyes I never thought I'd ever be So alive and full and free So I love you dear And I know you hear My voice calling out So never forget And please don't regret The love that I have for you I was lost in the hatred But you rescued me from the lies I never thought that I would say I love you to you, girl Yeah, I never thought in my wildest dreams, that I would ever see the day That I would have the nerve to say I love you Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen President of the Peredhil Fan Club Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
Cioden smiled slyly as he felt his energy being multiplied by the demonic lifeforce he was storing up. Blood stained his robes, matting them close to his body, and it dried on his face, caking off in flakes when he laughed. His enemies were dispersing in place of human opponents, but Cioden ran them down, digging claws into their backs and draining them dry. He had no use for human soul-stuff, for it was not powerful enough. Finally he could not drain anymore, and his amulet glowed with a bright green sickly light, like that of a swamp illuminated by the strange things that live there. He laughed then, but it was not the laugh of the sane. The bloodlust, passed down through his father's line from Darkeye to Darkeye, was consuming him, and his only thought was for more souls. He pulled off the amulet then, and held it toward the sky. "Souls for my master! Souls for the void! Aid me, oh great void! Send your magic forth like a scythe through these forces, and reap richly the rewards!" with that, he flung the amulet skyward. There was a sudden blast of cold, and a rip appeared in the fabric of reality, swallowing up the silver pendant. For a few seconds, there was nothing, then suddenly Cioden starting rising up in the air, bent almost double and spasming like a fish out of water. The void reformed around him, slipping over him like water, flowing into him and causing the spasms to become worse.Finally the void dissapeared, and Cioden fell to the ground, where he lay weakly. A Gorag saw him and rushed towards him, seeing an easy meal. Cioden lay there, his hand twitching slightly. The daemon loped faster, closer and closer... Cioden drew himself to his knees weakly. Closer and closer, it's fangs sharp and ready for blood. Cioden stopped, then opened his eyes. No longer were they pure silver, but rather silver with an oily taint that flowed over it, black and depthless. The gorag roared and leapt at him, All of it's claws extended and mouth open. Cioden smiled. Right before the demon hit him, he rose and, in one fluid motion, stepped over one step and ripped out the demon's throat. Dark blood stained the ground where the Gorag lay, not yet assured of it's own mortality, but still flopping vainly around. Cioden placed one foot on it's rough back and pressed, snapping the spine in six places. The demon stopped moving. Cioden looked around, and the void looked around too, from within him. 'We must kill that sorcerer' they said in unison, his voice no longer entirely his own. Raising a hand, he pointed at where the sorcerer and his female protector stood. A black beam, like a ray of anti-light, leapt from his outstretched palm and sped toward the two mages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arioch's forces were getting a little bogged down by the Gorags, until the creatures turned tail and left. Arioch looked around, sensing a trap, but saw it happening everywhere. Looking to his left, he saw Alexander's Cavalry carving a path through the now-human attackers. Arioch admired Alexander. For a mortal, he was one of the most powerful beings he had come across. But he was still mortal. To his right, He saw Gyrfalcon's unit going into battle. Suddenly he saw a detachment of soldiers break off from the main army and head for Gyr's left flank. Arioch reined in his steed and turned. "Charge!" They hurled, a silent shadowy army, straight at the approaching enemy force.
Shower Like Sun's first rays on a frigid winter day The water, warm and wet, from my faucet Helps me greet the day with life I revel in the first freezing splash and thrill in the heat of the full blast My skin is washed clean by the falling rain And I feel a new man While I sing along in my deep voice to the music that I play with my stereo Sometimes rock, sometimes not But always adding to the spell that my morning ritual throws over me like a blanket thrown over a freezing man or a cup of water to a thirsty man I love my shower for what it does to me Revives me Resets me Restarts me Yes, I'm back, and now I guess I'll start writing again. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
Matthew stood up slowly, his head aching horribly. Looking around, he felt a voice in his head, and saw waves of zombies arise. Rising to his feet, he brought out a small bottle and took a large drought. The magical elixir reviving him, he grimaced. 'So they want to play hardball, eh?' he thought, rolling up his sleeves. 'Fine then, see this!' Casting out his hands, he uttered a single word, which seemed to race across the battlefield in an invisible wave. Where it touched zombies, they disintegrated, but about 1/4 survived the Holy Word. Drained severely by the spell, he lay back against a tree and, after activating a magical shield, fell asleep. (EDITED for reality, before he didn't get drained at all)
Matthew suddenly jumped as the sound of the two forces colliding reached him. "Cioden, the battle has been joined! Will we wait?" Cioden smiled at him. "Don't worry, we will be there soon." Turning back to the path, he kept walking at a brisk pace. Soon they came to a large clearing devoid of stones or grass. Raising his fist, Cioden made a gutteral cry. Matthew took a step backwards as the wave of fear hit him, muffled as it was by the amulet. The figures that rode out of the trees were not human, and neither were their mounts. The figures were hellspawned, beings of shadow and darkness. Evil they were not, but power emanated from them in waves. They were all similar save one, each one riding high in the saddle with featureless faces above detail-less bodies covered in plain glittering black field armor. The only thing that wasn't pure shadow was the eyes, silver like the moon. In their left hands, they carried huge zweihander swords that they carried easily one handedly, in their right they held black maces. On their back hung huge horn-bows and at their side hung two quivers of black-fletched arrows. Their mounts were no better, twisted malformations of horses with twin spiraling horns growing from their heads. The breath reeked of brimstone, and the eyes were the color of blood. Their hooves were wickedly curved, and speckles of dried blood coated them. There was one different though, who was a full half-foot taller than the others, who were just shorter than Cioden. He wore a helm with two wings, and his eyes burned crimson out of the depths of the visor, not silver. He had no bow or mace, just a single huge axe that looked to be just about as large as Matthew himself. This one rode up to Cioden and saluted gravely, then spoke in a gravely tone that was barely human. "Sir Cioden, we are ready to fight, and hunger for the blood of these pathetic creatures." Cioden smiled then, a wicked smile that sent chills up and down Matthew's back. "I expected no less from a Death Knight of Hell, Arioch. I am glad that you remembered your debt to me and offered to lead my Shadow Knights into battle." Matthew recoiled slightly at the mention of Arioch, Lord of the Death Knights. Crimson eyes swung around to view the elf. "What is this creature, Cioden? An offering to me?" Cioden laughed. "No, he's my new apprentice, Matthew, in time he may even become worthy of your help." The eyes glinted and the creature let out a rumble that Matthew assumed was a laugh. "Mwahaha! Good, Cioden." "Well, Arioch, battle has been joined. It is time for you to reap some souls with that axe of yours. Come, into battle!" All twenty-five shadows and their demon leader spurred their mounts on. Like a dark wind, they moved forward silently. Behind them, Cioden waved his hands. Matthew felt magic take a hold on him, filling him with energy. "It's a haste spell. You'll need it on the battlefield, but it'll wear off quickly." After that they both took off at a run towards the sounds of fighting. The haste spell had them running at about three times faster than normal, and Matthew reveled in the feeling of speed. Soon they passed out of the forest and suddenly they were mere feet from the battle. Cioden leapt into the air and swept his arms out, twisting his wrists as he did. Foot long shining claws, three on each hand, whistled out of his sleeves and into his hands. Landing in between two Gorags, he spun quickly, decapitating both of them. Turning, he buried his right claw in another of this hideous monsters and focused energy into it. The monster exploded in a cloud of blood and viscera. Matthew, on the other hand, was having slightly more trouble taking care of the enemies. Three Gorags had him backed up. Suddenly he dropped and cut the legs off one and kicked out, tripping another. The last one he decapitated with a quick blow before burying his sword in the two others.
Cioden smiled wanly down at the young elf. "You...you wish to be my apprentice?" after a few seconds, a nod was made by the nervous elf. Cioden looked him over. "Hmm...good. Well, at least you have the physical capacity for it. I hope that sword of yours is of any use on the battlefield?" the inflection at the end turned it to a question. Mathew nodded vigorously. "Y-yes sir, I mean mage, I mean...uh..." Cioden cut him off. "From now on I am either master or shalafi, or even Cioden. I do not take offense to people using my name." "V-very good...uh...Cioden. I have trained for well over ten years and have mastered many forms of battle with the sabre." Cioden looked at him again, this time more appraisingly. "There's more to you than meets the eye, boy. Much more. But in any case, you will need a few things...let's see here..." He waved a pale hand, and a bracelet and a knife appeared in the air in front of Mathew. "This is a rather crude copy of my own bracelet, but it will serve it's purpose: to keep the fear from my forces from overriding your mind." The bracelet was a good half-foot long and had runes etched on it in spiraling curves. "If you direct spells into it, you may transfer the energy more directly to your weapon than a normal enchantment spell, and it goes for all weapons you pick up too." He handed his apprentice the knife then, long and slim and sharp as a razor. "This too, is yours now. It belonged to me for a long time and now I have much better. It's only enchantment is the ability to return to your hand after being thrown, so throw as often as you want. Now, what studies have you pursued in the arcane arts?" Mathew stuttered for a few seconds, then coughed. "Well, I know almost all the basic attack and defense spells, along with all of the Death and Illusion summoning spells...I also know many other minor cantrips that I can't see as coming in too useful in the battle." Cioden laughed. "Everything is useful, student. Everything. Time will tell." Then, he strode off to where his forces were waiting in the woods outside to prepare for the battle.
Cioden smiled, but his silver eyes flicked momentarily with annoyance. "My forces are not mindless drones, Alexander," he said, dropping the honorific, "They can think faster on their feet than a cornered demon, and have at least twice the ferocity of the aforementioned monster, but I assure you that the only bodies left by them will be the force opposing you." He started pacing a little. "You may be wondering why I came to help you...and don't fool yourself, it's not for that warm fuzzy feeling of helping out the right side. For all I care, you could rape virgins and sacrifice small children, but what counts is a small portion of land that lies directly in their path of conquest. This land has been owned by my bloodline for quite a few centuries, and I'm not about to lose it to some haughty moron with a taste for power." He stopped pacing then, and turned. "My demands are thus: you leave my land completely alone and give me complete freedom for however long you rule; in addition to this, I may have my pick of bright young men or women to train as mages on my land, free of charge to their familes; thirdly, I will need an immediate apprentice, preferably fairly young, for the upcoming battle to help me. Those are my terms and if you do not agree..." He trailed off into silence, but the silver eyes gleamed in the torchlight with unspoken promises.
Cioden smiled wanly, his mind bringing up the details of Midicus from his storehouse of knowledge. His silver eyes glinting in the torchlight, he twisted his wrists and the blades folded together and slid up his sleeves. "Thank you, M'lord, for your understanding. I was simply making sure that I was joining the right side...Gyrfalcon here has senses far beyond that of a mere mortal, I believe, or he would not have seen me." At that exact moment a small shadow, flat and flickering with little wings, detached itself from the shadow behind Cioden and flitted up to hover next to his ear. Cioden listened intently for a few seconds, then replied in a strange rustling language. The shadow twisted up and dissapeared. Turning back to those assembled, he spoke. "I will be able to help you by giving you my elite core of shadowmen, but be warned, they strike fear into the hearts of men, and cause most animals to flee. I can cast a temporary spell to protect your forces, but I can't promise to keep it going in the heat of battle." He sneered slightly at Midicus. "Even though my concentration is vastly superior to some mages." Before anyone could reply, he laughed harshly. "I will lead them personally into battle, then, as they also tend to destroy anything in sight if not properly controlled." He leved silver eyes on the large armored commander. "So m'lord, do we have a deal?"
Gyrfalcon stepped forward, then suddenly drew his sword, it's length shining in the torchlight. All the men gatherered around the table gasped collectively, and several stood. "Forgive me, my lord," said Gyrfalcon, and flung the sword at the head of his commander. The blade flew straight and true...landing with a clink in a shadow two inches from Alexander's face. "Clink?" asked Alexander. Turning to look, the sword point dissapeared into the shadow as if it was cut off half way through, then it slowly came back out, finally revealing it's blade trapped in between two steel katar. Behind the wristblades, silver eyes glistened. "Not bad, warrior, but I wasn't out to kill your precious commander." the voice sounded like a distant drum, low and melodious. Gyrfalcon's mind raced as he tried to place it, that strange voice. "Allow me to introduce myself, Gyrfalcon, since you seem to be at a loss." The figure stepped out of the shadow. Silver eyes, like pools of mercury, glistened under thin dark brows. His hair was shorter and laid to either side of his face, framing it. The skin was like bone, the lips, like ruby. He was cleanshaven but for a small black beard that ran along the edge of his face, meeting in a goatee. He smiled, a cold smile that shone like moonlight. "I am here to offer my assistance as a battlemage, and also as a military and magic advisor. My name is Cioden Darkeye, and if you know who I am, you would be happy to meet me." He ran a hand through his hair reflexively, then chuckled. "Gyrfalcon here can attest to my battle prowess, as well."
Stretching luxuriously, Elric rose from his bed inside his rather small shack in one of the trees outside the Pen Keep and stood; a cracking sound arose and suddenly he was thigh-deep up to wood with one leg and it was dangling through the new hole in the floor. Cursing himself for buying that cheap lumber Elric pulled himself up until he was clear of the hole, then slowly crawled over to the more recently installed flooring and stood up cautiously. When he didn't fall to the ground below, he sighed relievedly and began to sing a woodsong to regrow the splintered hole in the bottom of his newly aquired residence. As the deep tones of the song penetrated the wood, it slowly started turning from a dark purplish color to a healthy light green, and grew back together. A few minutes later, one could not have told that the incident had happened aside from the torn pants that Elric was quickly changing out of. After changing into the darker wood tones he normally chose, Elric opened his front door and stepped out...onto thin air. He let out a sort of half strangled yelp as he was flung by gravity to the ground, which half-absorbed him, being swampy. He sat there for a minute, mentally checking that this was NOT a bad dream, and then rolled over onto his back calmly, placidly wiped the mud away from his mouth, and started to quite uncalmly scream insults, threats and curses at the sky until his anger had been half-way appeased. Standing up, he cast a heating spell on himself, heating his clothes until the wet was dried and most of the mud flaked off. Now dry but a little dusty, he glared around for something to vent his rage on. Seeing a large toad nearby, he reasoned that the toad must have moved his tree and focused his mind on it. After staring at the frog for a few seconds, he opened his mouth and emitted an ominous minor E. The frog, it's natural frequency matched exactly, popped like a hotdog left in the oven too long, splattering his insides all over the rock. Smiling grimly, Elric looked around for something else, and spotted a door. "Scry Industries? Aye, I'd say that they deserve some shattering too!" Opening his mouth again, he let out the shriek of the banshee. The door exploded inward, allowing the now thouroughly warmed up demi-myth to walk through the opening and further into Scry Industries...
A good poem, I am a fan of freeform, and this is a very good example. I like the style and the sentence quality, keep it up!
I had a good idea: let's have a Winter Poem thing, not a contest because those have prizes, but I'd like to see some work from everyone! As long as it's about snow or ice or the moon or christmas or winter stuff it's fine! Happy poem and sad poems and angry poems and gentle poems all are welcome! Here's mine: Wet Lake Midnight Beneath a full moon, pale as milk and bones I sit on the dock of Wet Lake and gaze out upon the frozen water Happiness fills me as I watch the moon High and round and full Cast shadows over the mist rising from Wet Lake Happiness, to me right then Is a beautiful friend beside me and the moon above and the sea in front, the forest behind and the dock beneath (For without the dock, it 'twould not be quite as happy) C'mon people, let's see some poems!
I and all the things that shaped me
Falcon2001 replied to Falcon2001's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Fulfilment A warm blanket spreading throughout me Chasing away the cold shadows And leaving me with a sense of feeling happy and safe in myself Duty Like the concrete of the skyscrapers binds me to life with honor and justice in my self-appointed task, Defender Protector Helper Anger Righteous fury of the gods Flares up like brushfire burning through me in holy rage Leaving me alert energized and deep inside happy Even more to come later... Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta -
A single shining sun A little fragment of god that flaked off of his magnificence and fell to the earth, where it began to beat in the breast of a newborn babe Giving it life from god above Let's call him Will! They said and bundled me up and my dad took me places and my mom was nice but nobody knew what to do when my father was taken by 39 police on Christmas Eve so long long long ago This Is the story of what I Am And what I will Be And what I Was And all that is to follow Hatred like the tired street-sweeper with children to feed and a wife that nags all night long laid a path for the wars to come within my soul Loneliness Surrounded my heart, an army of warriors with toothy grins of icicles and spears of solid ice They warred long and hard but the fort did fall and Pity Their captain did take the throne Self-Esteem (Or lack thereof) Froze my heart in a block like a glacier Colder than the winter's heart and as pitiless as an axe Pain Took the frozen crumpled heart and slowly with cunning spells and wards transformed it into stone Less feeling than a block of granite, Harder than I could dare to be Love Slowly melted away the icy frost And chipped away the stony cover Took the pain and dissolved it in peace Took the hate and crumpled it up and threw it away Happiness Took the place of hate pity sadness loneliness and filled up the corners of my heart that were few and far between. TO BE CONTINUED IN A FEW HOURS Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
Heh, good for you, Andrea! Post here and you'll have poets beating a path to your door...of course, you could always say something wrong and have them simply beat your door! Ozy - Great stuff, man! I liked the first ones, as I love humorous poetry and have almost no talent at writing it...keep it up. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta