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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Falcon2001

  1. The person above me holds the current record (in my mind at least) for the longest Sig ever back at the Archmage UBB
  2. Heh, excellent poetry there Justin. I'm kind of obsessed with the topic of sin, so the topic caught my eye.
  3. Very good, even though you ARE reading over my shoulder, so it's kind of useless to type it out but it increases the replies counter SPIFFY!
  4. Exactly, which is why you must punish them! *A tall, lanky man with his hair pulled back into a ponytail runs by whipping at a fiendishly fast dictionary* Punishment!
  5. Yay. I can post again ;; *sighs* I'm soo tired, and this poem really sucked. Oh well. c'est la vie.
  6. There is sickness but no cure in the land of the doubles There is nightfall but no daybreak in the land of the doubles *walks over and orders a glass of peppermint schnapps*
  7. It's all falling down like rain Impending doom, expanding pain I don't want to hurt again But what do I know about the rain? I see a hazy fading sense Made my last inference Time to get down off the fence But what do I know about the rain? Dripping down my flushed neck A train of emotions now a wreck Supermagik senses now on deck But what do I know about the rain? It falls and dies in a quickened heat I feel the life pulse beneath my feet I want to love and feel the beat But what do I know about the rain? I know the truth and the lies I feel the beat as it slowly dies I feel the fire inside your eyes But what do I know about the rain?
  8. I don't know what (sic) means...well...I mean, I don't know what the hell it is, but you use it to show that you spelled something wrong and don't know how to spell it right...I wonder what it means.
  9. I really hate spelling errors They are such a horrid terror I see the little (sic) And it makes me feel sick Because I hate spelling errors. Well, I'm done Well - there you have it. *abruptly walks off*
  10. Heh, amazing as usual, Cerulean.
  11. Lucky Bastard Good poem, too, btw. Excellent work. I give it two thumbs up 'cause penguins are evil.
  12. Heh - my mom ain't exactly on my list of people to talk to, but my friends are. Speaking of which, I'm no longer single! YAY! Jeez. Now I have a girlfriend again - Rachel and I got back together after being seperated for a month - I have to rethink everything. Oh crud. I can't write ;; oh well, small price to pay for being happy. When I have a girlfriend I can hardly ever write, because I guess I just use up all my poetry juice. *Story fragment* Imagination blinked, clearing sleep away from his eyes. He couldn't sleep for some reason, so he decided to go downstairs and get something to drink. Trudging through the cracked and crumbled mess that is Falcon's mind, he made his way to the fridge. Opening it, he reached inside and pulled out an empty container with 'Poetry Juice' scrawled on it in sloppy handwriting. His eyes narrowed. "DAMNITALL EMOTION! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME SOME!" Over in the corner, Emotion curled up into a little ball and slept the sleep of the just...well...the just-unconcious.
  13. YAY! Immensely funny, incredibly original, and downright incredible. One day I'll be featured in a story, I just know it
  14. Great poem, but I'm horrible at criticism...I just thought it was really cool.
  15. Hmm...this is a toughie. I am a Gemini, which is a Wind elemental sign, and therefore am very changing and swift to transform...or at least that's my view on it. My writing has forever been influenced by Robert Jordan, Tolkein (I mean, what fantasy writer HASN'T been influenced by him?), Kurt Vonnegut, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. When it comes to music, my personal musical style has shaped through a LOT of different music. Incubus, for sheer musical talent and vocal quality, has really done a lot for me in inspiring my vocal method. Flaw and Sevendust both showed me that you can have hard rock without screaming all the time. Sarah McLachlan is just a wonderful vocalist. Sublime has really good, syncopated vocal rhythms. Sugarcult is a pop/rock sort of band that just has really cool riffs, go figure. Evanescence is the best hybrid of heavy electronika guitar work and pure vocals I've ever heard - the CD comes out march 4th...DAMNIT that's a long time.
  16. Ugh - hold on, that pun's 'inspiring' a headache.
  17. o.O You like Cioden as a person? I DON'T even like Cioden. Wow. You are messed up, Vlad. Jeez - I should be thinking more...*sighs* I kind of went on a trying to go numb again crusade, and in doing so, quit anime club, quit here, and then refused to talk to any of my friends 'cause I was so depressed...*sighs* Not exactly a smart thing to do. Anyway, I forgot that Jess lives right next door - and Stacey has a car, and I apparently made everyone worry about me and I'm really sorry and I totally didn't mean it and it sucks when you're walking away from your friends...*sighs* God it hurts. I'm still depressed, but I'm learning to deal with living like this - maybe I'll survive. In any case, I'm back - sorry about that.
  18. I quit. Goodbye.
  19. I would like to state that I did NOT plant that panther and/or snake. It was all coincidence. I was up in the tree at the time watching the stars...err...with two large animal boxes...for...shelter...yeah.
  20. The figure on the floor convulsed as the darkness suffused itself into his being, until he was darker than pitch, a mere outline. Through him one could see the emptiness of the void...then it flashed again and he was jerked upright. He still wore William Azunost's raiments...but he was definately not the holy warrior. His hair was tangled and coal-black. His face had taken on the lean grin of a wolf, but the scariest part lied in his eyes. They appeared to be mere black eyes, but if you looked at them you realized they were pits of darkness, a hole into the void itself. Constellations spun out their lives, exploded soundlessly as the universe slowly spun itself out towards entropy and the void laughed chillingly. The void stared out of William Azunost's eyes, chill and filled with despair. The muscles on his arms and hands were pulled taut like whipcord, and the skin seemed to shrink against them, giving him a strangely starving look. The Sword of Roses was gripped in one hand, but it too had changed. Where once there were roses, now black lillies clung to the blade, which was a deep mottled purple. A strange glow emanated from the sword, but somehow it still exuded holy power along with the evil power. Dark Azunost's grin was purely insane as he looked around for an opponent to play with.
  21. Way way back when, back in the mists of time when I first moved here, my friend introduced me to Archmage, and I quickly became addicted...that was about...lesse here. I'm a junior - 11th grade, and I moved here in sixth...hmm...like 5 years ago. Anyway, I played for about four years running (!) and eventually quit after a brief flash of courage known as The Hunters, a Guild-allliance dedicated to destroying multimages. Eventually the Hunters died out, but not before we struck fear into MMs everywhere...or at least on blitz guild. Anyway, way back when I first needed a username, I sat and thought about it for quite a long time. At this point in time, I had been looking up japanese names, and I combined Shin (King) and Ryu (Dragon) and created Shinryu, the Dragon King or King of Dragons...actually now I think Shin no King would be King of Dragons, but back then my usage of the japanese language was really poor. William Azunost came out of the story A Game of Chess: Tale of the Five Rings that I had been writing. It's still in existence, though I haven't touched it lately...anyway, I thought of a name that combined William (My name, I wanted to be in my own story) and Azure, which was a really cool name for blue, one of my favorite colors. Eventually I created William Azurest, and when that sounded funny, William Azunost. Cioden was a stroke of pure genius on my part. I've never heard of the name before, and I've never heard of it before. By the way, that's See-O-Den, not Sy-O-Den. Anyway, he started out as Cioden Cabot (That's Ca-Bow), then changed to Cioden Darkeye and it's stuck ever since. I still don't know where I made up the name, but it's cool and I like it and it's staying. Falcon2001 was because I've always really loved falcons, etc, and at the time didn't know about Gyrfalcon or I might have chosen something more...original. Anyway, Falcon by itself wasn't taken in the beginning at the AMBB, but I lost my password for Falcon and had to create a new account - Falcon2001. Thus begins a saga. Nathan Dionysus, used in one RP, was created because I wanted a biblical-sounding name that wasn't too ostentacious. Nathan may not be biblical, but the entire effect of the name is nice. Dionysus is a mispelling of the Greek God of Wine, btw, and it just sounded nice. BTW, he's a Vampire Hunter - I originally wanted to call him Vincent, but originality reared it's ugly head.
  22. William Azunost stumbled onto the field, his veins awash with acid and his head filled with colored lights. He was losing control. Cioden cackled inside his head, and he screamed aloud as he felt his will shatter and tumble down. His eyes flashed silver, then back to blue, then silver again. The Imperfect Angel let out a shriek and flung back his head, arcing his back the wrong way as the Sword of Roses started shining with an eerie light. A violet light enveloped him and the sword, and a blue light flickered up to fight it. You're mine, Azunost. Everyone falls eventually, and it's time for you to have the taste of hell in your mouth... The violet light started overpowering the bright blue light. You'll die by the time I'm through with you, Azunost, but before that, you'll fight, and dance to MY strings. The blue light started to flicker and die out, and the dark purplish aura took the advantage. Die, Azunost - know that the darkness always wins. William Azunost gave a final screech, and the purple aura suffused him, changing him...
  23. Man I wish I could write like this. I mean, I can write, but not short and powerful like this.
  24. Very good usage of words and imagery, and it just looks cool too! Very neato words, too
  25. I see you standing there With a grin upon your face and flowers in your hair Sometimes I wish I was there In that special place The place where you care...(stretched out) Take me away to a better place Where I've never fallen from your grace Take me there, take me away Don't leave me behind in your wake The tragic garden of love and hate I walk the path betwixt light And the world you desecrate You are the reason, you are the fate But you're a deadly poison The mongoose to my snake...(stretched out) Take me there, to that special land Where you'll be there to take my hand Take me away, take me oh so far To the land deep inside your heart (guitar fill, with vocal 'Bah, ba-bah' stuff going on) Nothing you say can cure my disease The flowers on your lips Will never give me a rest or ease So I turn and walk away from my fate My heart's been torn And I don't need to recriminate Let me fly with you, to that other place I want to be with so bad it makes me ache Let's go away, and never come again I don't want for us to just be friends Take me there never to return I want to love you so bad But I don't want to burn It's so hard to fix things, why do I try? I love you much, love But I hate to cry... ==================== For my first poem at the new site, I feel rather proud, this feels really good to me. I mean, I haven't been writing very well lately, but this actually has a song line to it before I started it...I was wandering around town, and this just came fairly unbidden to me - and then I went home and wrote it down. Tell me what you think, k? *eagerly awaits comments*
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