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Everything posted by Falcon2001
Hmm, not sure about this song, it was originally a man in the mirror song, but I'm not so sure anymore. What did I do? The problems were surfacing And now it's all gone Black coats my insides Greasy grimy like pond scum Your face hangs in my memories Staring at me from all sides You profess your hatred for me -Or so I hear- On a nigh-daily basis But what did I do to make you so angry? Was I not good enough? Smart enough? Funny enough? Did I not make enough time? Was I too slow? Too Fast? Why did you hate me? Why did I love you? What can I do To make myself forget you?
William awoke staring around at the confusion. Snakes were everywhere and people milled about strangely. His head hurt like hell and there was a vague tingling sensation all over his body. Suddenly the memory of what he had done flooded back into him, and he stared in horror at the flute in his hand. Oh gods, I unleashed a song of power here? he wondered, terrified at the implications. His mind rushed back over ages, trying to identify the song. "Tiamat'sss sssong." Peredhil hissed at him awkwardly, swaying over him and looking very vexed. "Written by a great bard onssse to charm dragonssss and draconic relatives. Unfortunately in my attempt to counteract the effectsss, sspellsss went awry, and the resultsss have been...unpleasant, to sssay the least." William looked at him, wishing fervently that he could just wake up and it would all go away.
William continued to play, and images began to appear. Haunting spectres of days past shimmered into being and swept through the hall, simultaneously scaring and entrancing the assembled Pen members. The power of future and past and present alike soared through William as images roared through the sepulcherous mist that settled over the ball. Cioden forging the Nightshade, his hammer striking the final blow, trapping spider and sword together for eternity. Falcon walking through serene forests, looking much older and calmer than normal. William Azunost lying bleeding in the main hall of a chapel, while ghostly priests look on impassively. The Pen keep, wrecked and ruined, as strange creatures mechanical and flesh crawl over the remains. The flute trilled to a high C, and held it for several seconds. William collapsed.
Unfortunately, Peredhil, I'm going to the DeVry University in washington, not on the east coast, or I'd be very excited to see you guys. As it stands I may be able to see you in a couple years if we're still all around by then. *is nervous - asking a girl to come to a party with him today*
William continued to play, the flute sounding mysteriously through the hall. It's sweet sound echoed hauntingly, as he drifted away from the first tune into another, heart-aching melody of a man torn between two decisions.
William sat idly by the refreshments table, looking bored and listening idly to the music. "Remember that song, knew that composer...nothing new...nothing different." He muttered, wondering whether he should move from punch to something more stiffer. The night was rapidly degenerating into every other party he had ever gone to, and really, he wasn't up for it right now. On his way to the bar, he noticed something rather strange. A white flute, sitting on a table in the shadows, hardly noticed and very easily looked over in all the finery. It appeared to be carved out of bone, with a strange pattern winding around it he couldn't make out at that distance. Torn between getting drunk enough to leave or grabbing the flute, he stood there mesmerized for a few seconds. "Heya William!" Will jumped about a foot in the air at the sound of Stick's voice. Whirling around he almost throttled the grinning, easygoing guy standing so very close behind him. He hadn't heard him sneak up. "Greetings, Stick - don't scare me like that, damnit." William muttered. "Do you know who's flute that is?" Stick looked at it for a second, then shrugged. "Never seen it before." William stared at it for a few more seconds. "Do you play?" Stick asked, staring at him. "I...I used to. A while ago." "You should, then." Stick nodded, looking for all the world like he had signed an official note. William stared at him almost incredulously, then shrugged and walked over to the table. The flute seemed almost camoflaged by the other stuff on the table, assorted party debris all of it, and when he touched it, he felt the engravings on it, and a chill ran down his spine. Roses? He raised the flute to his lips, the irony of destiny like cold water down his neck, and played a single note. Silence fell. He continued with a song that they used to play years and years ago, a slow ballad about a warrior and his bonny lass, a song nobody knew the words to anymore but he. People danced, and he continued to play.
*prays for the people in California too*
I posted this at the forums for the local anime club, which I used to be president of, and it's a more high-school crowd, but it's still a weird, but nice, piece of ramble and I figured I'd share it with all of you.' Every once in a while I decide to completely ignore that voice in my head that screams 'Go to sleep NOW!' along with the voices from across the hall and from Trillian and just think for a second and let it all sink in. To bring some of you up to speed, here's a quicky timeline of my life. June, '03 - I was perfectly happy with my life. I had a beautiful girlfriend, my friends were awesome, I was leader of anime club, and everyone at school knew who I was. I had pants nobody else in the world had, and the audacity and style to wear them anyway. I had charisma, charm, and was on top of the school. I was in heaven. But nothing gold can stay. Last day of school - I realize that I can't graduate on time, and fear settles in cozily in the pit of my stomach. I sign up for internet summer school in order to make up 1 of the 11 credits I needed to do my senior year of high school. For those of you who aren't aware, a normal school year contains 6 credits. I was approximately 10 classes behind. July '03 - I work all July at an R.V. park belonging to Courtney (Akieryn)'s mother, who was gracious enough to hire me. I hacked weeds, killed brambles, got money and a computer and spent it recklessly, living up what will probably turn out to be my last summer break living down at the RV park and working. School is tough and I flag for a while. July 15 '03 - A water main bursts at the park and I spend 8 hours on my knees in runny mud digging with whatever I can - hands, shovel, bucket, anything to get to the leak. I go back to my trailer exhausted and give up on school and graduating on time. July 18 '03 - After spending three days being depressed over my girlfriend who wasn't calling or coming down to see me, I finally realized that if I gave up I might as well die, because I wasn't going to be of much use if I fell now. In that instant, my life changed forever. July 20ish '03 - Me and Rachel break up, signaling the true end of one life and the beginning of the next. August '03 - After three weeks of planning and thought, I move out of my house to go to Mariner High School, living at Khav's house and changing my entire life plans. I set up my schedule and start working at it. September '03 - I start school. My confidence is shot, I have no friends, my girlfriend and I are no more, I hide my tacky pants for fear of looking even dumber than I already must look, I've left Anime Club, I don't see most of my friends at all aside from a close circle that congregates at Khav's house. My charisma is gone, my charm left me for a cuter guy, and the only way I could claim to be on top of the school is if I crawled up there through a ventilation shaft. My life is at this point in time about as bad as it's been in years. But my report card comes back A A B A B D, signaling the best report card since fourth grade. October '03 - I go to a college fair and talk to a representative from DeVry University and set up a personal interview as almost a joke. My 1.41 GPA wasn't letting me go anywhere. Later that month, the interview occured and they accepted me under the condition that I keep my grades up and pass the SATs with a 1100 or better. I was astounded, to say the least. October 29 '03 - I sit at my computer typing randomly, letting it all soak in. You think that high school is such a big thing when you're there, but eventually it hits you how much bigger the real world is. Leaving behind everything I loved taught me that more than anything else in the world. 2 2/3 years after high school I'll be out of DeVry with my Bachelors Degree in Network Administration and Security, and I'm almost assured of making $40k a year right out of there. The idea boggles my mind. I'll be taking out $50,000+ in student loans just to pay for this, and that's more money than I've ever really thought of seriously. After that, I'll probably never see any of my friends from high school again. *Listening to FLCL OST 2 - Track#1 - Crazy Sunshine* I love this song. It's sad in a happy way almost. It's the feeling I get when I think about my life and where it's going now. A feeling like I want to cry, but I can't help but smile. I don't even know what I'm going on about anymore, and tomorrow is rapidly approaching...but I guess I'm here to tell everyone that high school isn't an end, it's just the beginning. I'll start taking night school classes soon, and that's going to be even more of a workload than it is right now, but that can't be helped if I'm going to graduate on time. I dare you all to do something you'd never do. Try something you wouldn't normally try, and make the world different. Eat chocolate instead of vanilla. Talk to that quiet kid in the corner of class. Make friends with the new kid - trust me on this one. Work a little harder at being nicer to your teachers, and they'll like you back. Watch anime you thought you hated, and then think about why you didn't like it. Play video games you beat long ago - refuse to fall into a rut. Just do it and tell me about it in this thread if anyone's brave enough. Other than that, just post responses to this and what you really think. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight.
Cioden stood near Yui in the presentation of the physical realm, but in the shadowplane, they were miles apart. He chuckled dryly, but his heart wasn't in it. Much as he hated to admit it, when her thoughts reverberated along the shadowplane, he agreed completely. He would never feel completely at ease here...but for different reasons than Yui would. You can never truly kill a conscience.
Caryon walked up to the front doors, to see two rather large guards looking rather stunned. Pre-occupied with a thought, he shoved his invitation into the nearest one's hand and walked through the door, suddenly aware of the presence of all the people. *** William Azunost saw Caryon walking and wondered silently to himself - He can't honestly be going to the - I suppose he must be. The addendum coming after he saw Caryon walk through the doorway to the great ball. Mentally thanking all of the listening gods that he hadn't seen Cioden yet, William walked up to one of the guards and thrust his invitation at the man, who shook his head as if awakening and took it, staring for a moment at another invitation in his other hand. "Err, have a nice...party...thing..." the man muttered and shook his head again. William shrugged and walked in, mentally cursing himself for forgetting his sword.
William Azunost scowled at his closet. This accursed fall ball had come up suddenly, and he couldn't think of anything to wear. Sighing, he turned and scowled at the mirror for a while. The Sword of Roses sat on his bed, immaculate as always, but his traveling clothes weren't exactly of the standard required for a ball. Sighing, he decided that he'd have to resort to magic. Mentally reaching out he tapped into the manastream and started forming the magic to his requirements. White dress pants formed into being, the latest style from the last town William had been through, along with an immaculate white shirt and a flowing white cloak that shimmered slightly, interwoven with threads of silver that caught the light oh-so-carefully. After dressing, he combed his hair back and headed off, muttering about looking nice for the bloody sake of it, the Sword of Roses still on his bed.
Caryon scowled at the paper in his hand, as if hoping it would merely fade away into nothingness. "Fall Ball? What were they thinking, sending me this?" He mumured something under his breath, trying to remember the last ball he had gone to - Ihlea was as beautiful and lithe as a wind spirit, gliding effortlessly over the ballroom floor, her feet never seeming to touch the ground. Caryon felt like he was floating, too. They gazed lovingly into each other's eyes as the music soared, the orchestra playing beautifully in the background merely highlighting the mood. He was in heaven as the lights in the hall set off her hair, making it seem like a sunset... Daydreaming again, Caryon? Caryon shuddered visibly as Yawgmoth's presence touched his mind. Decay, death and corruption flickered through his vision. Sorry, my lord. he apologized, and felt Yawgmoth chuckle, a sound like gears snapping. You are still human, you cling to her memory. You must rid yourself of it before you become perfect. I will talk to you later. The presence retreated, and Caryon was left alone again. He looked again at the invitation, and smiled suddenly. "I'll forget about her at the Ball...lose myself in the crowd for a while." Pushing his goggles up onto his forehead again, he stripped to the waist and washed off the dust and metal flakes from experiments past and present. Running his hands through his rogueish black hair, he smirked and left it alone. Throwing on his good leather vest he walked out, heading towards the ball with the invitation clutched in his hand.
Woohoo! My thread finally took on it's own life. (The many rooms of the mighty pen keep one) Anyway, this soundsl ike major fun.
Boondock saints has three of my favorites: People who live in glass houses sink ships. And don't cross the street if you can't get out of the kitchen. (and my personal fave.) Why don't you make like a tree, and get the F**K out of here?
Freeform Black roses, sharp and beautiful Lying on the ground beside you White snowflakes dancing in the sky Whirling round you, in a dizzy haze Red bloodstains, from your painful time Clot with sadness, fill with madness Purple bruises from the choice you made Beautiful and falling from your grace Blue tears I cried for your sanity Please come back to me, my lovely Silver moonlight, blessing my vow of life Transposing, scorning you again Black roses, sharp and beautiful I can't stand because you're gone This poem is about a girl I knew once, but she decided to live her life with a man who treated her like an object, so I turned my back on her. But black roses will forever remain her symbol to me.
Interesting, I remember Immortalis - what guilds were you in? I would be Cioden2001, Falcon2001, or Shinryu, and was active on the boards as Falcon2001. Remember me at least?
Well I finally got a guitar line for this song, but it doesn't sing well enough so I can't show off to my friends yet. So I'm rewriting it. Sorry if it ruins it Anyone that wants the tablature can email me or PM me or something. I... I can still feel you in my arms When we were in love and safe from harm I remember I... Remember how it felt to hear you say That you still wanted me to stay I remember I remember the hard times and the bad I remember the times that made us glad I remember the things that you would do I remember when I loved you I... Lie awake at night so cold Clutching memories that hurt me so I remember I... Remember when you turned away from me And how it felt for me to be so disenchanted I remember the way you turned away I remember the things I wanted to say I remember the way we used to be I remember when you loved me I remember the pain of breaking away I remember how I got where I am today I remember the heartache that I went through But I still remember when I loved you.
No. Just...No. I'd prefer not to be the accessory to murder, which is I'm sure what would happen if my naked body showed up at a beach somewhere. Droves of people die at the horrid sight, and then I'd have to hide their bodies. And you KNOW how hard that is. Anyway, to re-answer the question - no.
This is off-topic and everything, but Tralla's avatar is really cute
I would want teleportation, especially like in WoT ('cause then you get to wear cool clothes like the Asha'man, 'cause you can create portals!) heck, I'd just want magic. Like a Mystic Theurge, I'd want all kinds of magic, Divine, Arcane, and Wheel of Time That'd rock.
I... I can still feel you in my arms When we were in love and safe from harm I remember... The way it felt to hear you say That you wanted me to stay I remember I remember the hard times and the bad I remember the times that made us glad I remember the things that you would do I remember when I loved you I... Lie awake at night so cold Clutching memories that hurt me so I remember... The time you turned your back on me And how it felt to be disenchanted I remember I remember the way you turned away I remember the things I wanted to say I remember the way we used to be I remember when you loved me I remember the pain of breaking away I remember how I got where I am today I remember the heartache that I went through But I still remember when I loved you.
Yeah, I think the ink gets in your blood...how come I have this strange hunger for wiggly cabbage?
Those of you that know me that well know that I'm very religious, but I've never really written any real God-poetry or anything, so I decided now is as good a time as any. Draw me closer to your side Teach me how to survive I'm your weapon, close at hand I'll be patient, just be my true guide All my life I've lived You've been there for me My deepest regrets healed Sorrows and sympathies Please be there for me Jesus, be my guide Help me with my troubles Please stay by my side You're my light, my shining star Whether I am near or I am far The light of heaven, shining down on me Please God make me all that I can be The story of my life One of tragedy I will worship you Because you're there for me In my darkest hour You brought me to the light Fill me with your spirit I'll be your sword by night Glory to the father, Lord of all You've always been there, don't let me fall I'll be waiting, here for you Please dear God, see this poor man through
Very good poem. I can't really think of much more - three hours of sleep and all that
Good poem...wow I'm tired, I think I just fazed out for like 10 minutes.