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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Falcon2001

  1. This is the article that spawned this post. Read it and weep, folks. This is what has happened to today's youth. *sighs* This is so sad, I love my old games. I love them more than the new ones. So what's your game? Old or New?
  2. You know, I thought about that - somewhere I must have made the connection already. By the way, those of you who have seen Red Vs. Blue will recognize this little gem of logic. Church: So rookie, you getting any of this? Caboose: I think so...so Tex is a Robot...and you're his boyfriend...which makes you...a gay robot. Church: *sighs* Right Caboose. I'm a gay robot. Sure.
  3. Pain. Cioden sat up abruptly, stifling a course scream. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead, and he was momentarily disoriented. He was lying in a bed somewhere, with a single blanket pulled over him. He was shirtless and there were scars on his chest he didn't recognize. When he tried to remove the blanket, he realized that his arm wasn't responding right. When he looked, he realized it was dislocated, and the memories of his encounter with the strange creature in the shadowplane suddenly leapt to the forefront of his mind. "What the hell was that thing?" he asked himself, mentally flashing back over the fight. Somehow it had not only rendered his attack magic useless, but also his teleport spell. How he had somehow ended up wherever he was, he had no clue, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the blue-eyed monster hadn't been the one to move him. As he mused over the possible meanings of such information, he felt someone approach. "You're awake." the voice was soft and sleek, and when he looked up he was not at all surprised to see Yui standing at the entrance to the room. Her gaze was worried, and suddenly Cioden felt his anger rise again. He kept quiet as she walked in with a loaf of bread and some cheese, setting it on a table near the bed and then looking at him. She met his gaze, but backed up a bit after seeing his glare. "Why did you bring me back here?" Cioden asked, eyes burning slightly. "I...found you - I suppose that's the best term for it - while I was 'Walking. Some big white monster had you, but I must have distracted it or something. I couldn't just leave you there, so I shifted to the infirmary." She seemed to be waiting for some sort of agreement, but Cioden looked away. "You could have. And you should have." "What do you mean?" she asked, incredulous. "I don't need your help!" he yelled, the anger flaring up again. He put his weight on his bad arm and fell out of bed, landing with a curse and a scream that was cut off by sheer willpower. Blood oozed out of the wound on his chest as the scar ripped. Yui jumped forward. "Don't come any closer!" Cioden said, staring at the floor and breathing heavily. Yui stopped and backed up a few steps. Cioden laid there for the space of a few breaths, then slowly, raised himself up with his good arm, bit by bit. Soon he was standing, teetering a bit, but still managing to stay up. By now his chest was smeared with blood, and the floor was slick from where he had landed. Starting directly into Yui's eyes, he reached over with his good arm and grabbed his dislocated shoulder. He shut his eyes and jerked the shoulder back into place. There was a popping noise, dull and slightly muffled, and he screamed again, but he managed to stay standing. Yui gasped, but restrained herself from helping him. Cioden teetered slightly. His eyes were bloodshot and he was breathing heavily, but there was a deadly grin on his face, and his eyes shone with the fruits of his labors. "I don't need your help. I could have handled that monster, given enough time." Now he was at ease, the anger settling to a dull, cold roar. He took a hesitant step, then walked out past her, leaving the food behind. Yui stood for a moment, then turned to leave by shadow. She hesistated before 'Walking though, and left by door instead. The bread sat untouched.
  4. Good poem, Salinye, but unfortunately anger has become too much a part of me for it to change too soon.
  5. Amazingly enough, I never felt scared about posting. I guess I'm just fairly confident in my writing.
  6. Nice song, I think I'll try and set music to this, just for my own personal enjoyment ;; not to steal anything from you, but I can melody already.
  7. This is a collaborative piece between Yui-Chan and Falcon2k1, bringing together two very different characters with very similar powers. The dark edges of reality blurred a little as Cioden walked by them - the other-realm, the reversed side of our plane. Dark and empty, the shadowrealm is the dark, mirrored image of the planes. It's cold, empty flatness is inhabited by very little, and few would want access to this demi-plane - few of course, but for those for whom power is not an option, but a need. Cioden was one of a rare breed - those who are able to traverse the shadowed, dark realm that is the Shadowplane. They typically never realize their potential, and thus the knowledge of the Plane of Shadows is typically limited and too scattered about to make any sense. For most it was inborn, but for Cioden it was a prize that was earned through battle and conflict. The power that surged through him, allowing both for his entry into the plane and for his subsequent survival within the turbulent environs was power stolen from another, whereas most Shadowmages use it innately, without realizing what they are really doing. Cioden's footsteps echoed through the dark paths with a hollow noise. Sound carried strangely in this plane, sometimes, making it hard to tell if you were being tracked sometimes. Cioden stopped in the midst of a small village, populated with slightly unfocused houses and the scattered remains of humanity. The faint outlines of humanity going about their daily business was all the life that existed in this town...but Cioden was uneasy. He almost took a step forward, then shifted his weight back and cast a spell. A hissing noise came from his left, and was immediately followed by a roiling ball of greenish acid spearing it's way right through where he was going to step. Green lightning bolts leapt from his fingers towards the source of the ambush, and he immediately drew Nightshade from it's dark scabbard for use. The missles bounced pitifully off of a magical shield, and then there was a wavering in the air as an invisibility spell was dispelled. Cioden was hardpressed to remember ever seeing anything remotely like what was left when the spell finally dissapated completely. Tall and pearly white from head to toe, the creature stared at Cioden blankly with overly large, blue eyes that were set into a head with no recognizable nose, mouth or any other olfactory organ. Hairless and smooth all over, the creature was either asexual or extremely adrogynous, at least as far as Cioden could tell. Vaguely humanoid, it sported two extra arms sprouting from the back and reaching over the shoulders. KILL the thought came without heed or warning, and Cioden instantly noted the telapathic power that appeared to be the creature's only means of communication. CIODEN - KILL it thought-sent at him, then attacked, weaving multiple spells at once with it's multiple arms. Cioden sent a spiral beam of lightning bolting towards it, but suddenly it dissapeared. Taken slightly aback, he prepared to cast another spell, but suddenly had to run as a veritable barrage of small blue missiles hurtled at him. Nimbly dodging most of them, he threw up a shield against the few left. The shield sprung into life - then suddenly evaporated, leaving Cioden suddenly, violently unprotected. Eight missiles slammed into his torso, sending the mage skittering along the ground to crash into an insubstantial hut. Bounding to his feet, he swore and then lanced out with a beam of white-hot magical energy. Without stopping to see if it worked, he invoked one of the many runes he had imbued into his cloak and fired off two fireballs in quick succession, then teleported away. He felt the familiar tug in a direction he couldnt' describe, but then the spell completely dissappeared, as did all the attack spells that he had cast at the pearly white monster. He felt an odd sensation deep in his gut and realized it was terror. He pushed it aside and rushed at the creature with Nightshade. The creature quickly lashed out with a long, white tail, almost tripping the mage. Cioden leapt the tail and slashed downwards, only to find himself cutting into nothing. It had shifted behind him and grabbed his arm, forcing it down and back, applying pressure. He felt a sudden pain as his shoulder dislocated, and he fought against the sudden onrush of blackness. There was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and suddenly the dark flood rose up and overwhelmed him in their terrible embrace.
  8. Nooo!!! You can't leave! *Falcon flings himself around your legs*
  9. *sighs* Peredhil, of course, is right...I'm just unwilling to experience that pain again any time soon, and knowing that hurts too. In slightly better news, I was rather elated to see that I was able to use turbid correctly in a poem.
  10. I hated how you looked at my eyes With sleepy love and hidden tolls You stole my heart and took it from me I let you have it so you would go I shut my walls, closed the doors and sealed off my whole soul I killed my thoughts, rejecting hoping That there was really something more Cold and bitter, the way you left me Heart of granite, wings of stone cold and bitter, feeling nothing heart of sorrow, all alone I hated how you looked inside me Focusing my turbid soul You awakened a part within me I had severed a long, long time ago Now I lie awake at midnight Wretched - wracked by memories Memories I can't run 'way from They have become a part of me Cold and bitter, when you left me Heart of crystal, wings of bone Cold and bitter, feeling empty Heart of darkness, the fault my own I see my soul covered in dark chains Embossed with all my darkest deeds My happiness has been all drained away Something came and stole from me I hate it all, but just can't manage To make myself care about anything I cry alone, spinning in the darkness My life has gone so far away I'm a cold and bitter man.
  11. Oh wow - this is awesome Unfortunately enough for my reputation, the only reason I read this was because the name appealed to me - I'm a fairly transient person and normally don't read poetry... *sighs* /me is a hypocrite.
  12. Dang nice poem.
  13. Excellent poem Tralla, reminds me of some of my freestyle work, though much better than most of my rants
  14. It's an interesting song, with an interesting theme, at least to me I don't really like our school But you say it's cool So I guess that's that I was gonna go outside But instead you sighed So I'll stay a bit longer Sometimes I'm just wasting away Sometimes you're just fading away Stuck inside my class all day But you say it's okay So I guess I'll chill I wanna go hang out at the Mall But I'm in your thrall So I'll stay right here Sometimes you're the worst part of me Sometimes you're the way I want to be Every time I look at you I wonder how I found you I'm such a lucky guy Lady luck's my biggest fan She's got a perfect plan And I'm in love with her Sometimes you're my favorite deity Sometimes you seem to tell me how to be Lady luck I want you to let me go.
  15. You know, it's strange...I've been a Pen Member for a bit over two years now. I've known everyone for quite a while (some longer than the two years due to Archmage) and I suppose I've probably established quite a name for myself here...but I can't help feeling like I'm just a halfling among giants. I mean, the names and people I talk to on a daily basis are almost legendary to me - Yui-Chan, Peredhil, Gyrfalcon, Wyvern...these are all names that I look up to and men and women who's great works I try so hard to emulate. Am I the only one? Are there people out there that would place little old me on that list of names in their head? It feels so strange to think about, but truly, this is home. I've met so many great writers and artists in my stay here, it's quite possibly one of the few parts of my life that hasn't annoyed me at one point or another. It's not threatening or harmful or abusive or anything - it's always there, serene and calm and happy, waiting for someone to visit and share. *chuckles* I still remember back when I joined two years ago, how amazed I was at the quality of work - it humbled a man that wasn't use to humility. I've grown up having such a control over words and music that I kind of got used to being one of the best until I came here, and I realized how much more I could be. This organization has seen me go from confused, suicidal teen to a man who's stepped out on his own and is taking responsibility for my life and doing what is best. I just wanted to say thanks for everything, and I wanted to let everyone else know how important this place is to me. *hugs the whole place*
  16. I refuse to pay 13 bucks a month.
  17. NWN: Hordes of the Underdark?
  18. BAH! COMMUNISTS! Final Fantasy NEVER had sequels - NEVER!!! And then they released - those moneyhungry bastards! YAARRGGHH!!! Besides, all the Final Fantasies past 7 have been horrid. I am completely willing to send anyone who wants it the complete Final Fantasy Gold collection, which is a collection of all the Final Fantasy Games for various consoles before FFVII, and emulators to run them. This is an awesome way for people to experience the beauty that is 8 and 16-bit gaming, before graphics took up all of the creator's time and energy. DOWN WITH 3D!
  19. WHAT? *Grabs catalogue* *Gazes in horror* Oh my- Who put a camera in my shower?
  20. *checks* In episodes I and III it's the nice blue one. II has the kind of bleached out pink one and IV features the purple one.
  21. I got my acceptance letter on monday from DeVry University informing me that I had been accepted. I'm so freaking happy. So I was wondering what other people are doing/planning on doing. I'm getting my Bachelors in the NSA program (Network System Administrator) What's everyone else doing or going to do?
  22. I'd put mine back in Sal's shower-room, so that I can start turning a profit again. *Starts redistributing catalogues including 'Sal in a Towel Part IV' and 'The Best of Salinye Sleeping'* Other than that I'd probably want one that would let me see God.
  23. Society isn't your friend, but it's not your worst enemy ever. Most people would figure me to be an anti-society-type person, and really, I am...but subtly. I wear whatever I want to - I refuse to wear black all the time anymore because really I'm just getting a bad image by looking like a freaking vampire wannabe. I'd much rather just wear jeans. Yes I wear my long sleeves underneath my short sleeve tshirts. Yes I'll wear a collared shirt with a sweater and look like some college kid or something. Yes I'll wear all black with a geeky shirt. I've got long black hair that's down to my chest now, and a bit of a beard too (needs to get a photo now that he's got his beard nice and trimmed), and most people that see me on any given day categorize me until they realize that I don't subject myself to a singular fashion statement. Also, I refuse to reduce myself to being mean to people in an attempt to distance myself from their 'society of conformity' thing. I have all sorts of friends. I don't worry about society trying to conform me, 'cause they don't have a chance. I do what I want, when I want, and how I want to - 'cause that's real living. I'm good friends with all my teachers, even though they're part of this mind-screw society. And you know what? I enjoy benefits from that. I would suggest learning to live with society, 'cause if you stop and take some time to analyze it, you can make it work for you, like I did.
  24. This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  25. ;; Maybe not always the best example, but at least you know now that's not a good flavor... *sighs* Bah, it never works out like I want it.
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