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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vincent Silver

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Everything posted by Vincent Silver

  1. ooc:Sorry about not replying Kinda busy with school but now it's SUMMER *yay*\ ____________________________________________________ Vincent looked over the long line of people looking to quest when he noticed a large moving through the crowd. "What the hell?" Just then a female with a fail jumped in front of Vincent suprising him. "Hi,the name's Tzimfemme. I think you quest is kinda intresting,can I join?" Vincent's first reaction was to scream *HEY GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE!* but he thought better of considering this person just cut through a large crowd of warriors,so instead he said:"Welcome aboard!"
  2. Yeah I know my father is on medication for his...brain,and he dosen't want us to help...
  3. ooc:I have done this on the Archmage fourm once,but it fail mesribly so I will try again.... IC: In years long past the anicent people made a great tool,They created the Staff of Welth. For many ages people have searched for this tool to gain great welth and riches,but remember wealth has many meanings..... The sun peaked its gloden rays over the towers of Lindson castel in the grand courtyard a man in red armor with a long flowing red cape stood amiring the sence. His hair was long shoulder length,but it had an unussal aspect. It ws metalic silver.A royal servant walked up to the man, "Master Vincent,the king wishes to see you...follow me" Vincent nooded in replyand began following the servant through the large wooden gate into the Lindson castel. The servant lead Vincent down the highly decorted halls the throne room. The king sat at his throne,he singaled for the servant to leave and for Vincent to listen. "First Royal Knight Vincent Silver" "Yes my lord how may I help you?" "I have heard rummors of a 'Staff of Wealth',this intrest me I have decided that you will lead a quest to find it for me,I have asembled a large group of adventures to join you they should arive in the courtyard soon. Now go meet them and complete this quest in the name of your king" Vincent bowed and left the throne room back out intop the court yard. There a servant had put his equipment...now all he had to do is wait...
  4. Another one of my "free flow" poems this one is dosen't ryhme but it displays the state of mind I'm in right now, You stand so far away My love does not help you You keep us all away Even though we love you Take to heart what your love one are doing for you And many hardtime you will surrive through We will always help even if we are not wanted Becayse we love you trufully and forever By:Blake A. Cooley
  5. Hey I love to Role Play...I just kinda suck at it... Thank you all for the great greeting,I hope me life here at the Pen is great! Now I must regain the sleep I lost from that poem!! ___ "Never argue with a fool,he may be doing the same"
  6. I noticed something...I can't write short stories...long ones fine!...short ones..well ya' know. So I decided "How bout' a poem!" then that little voice in the back of my head went "YA! Good idea"...so here goes. ~_-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-_~ "Writer's Ballet" Vincent walked into the recuriter's office and grabed a piece of paper and a pen. Without a word he wrote something and slamed it on the desk. The person behind the desk picked it up as Vincent lefty the room. It read: Sleepless I sit at night So with this pen I write My ryhme and rhythm may sound queer But come fourth harken,hear! In my mind I spin my dreams Of brave heros and evil sceams My imaganition makes the werid It dreams of places far and near My poem is finshed thanks for the hear May it find a place in your heart near... THE END! godguyver@yahoo.com
  7. I wish I call him everday to talk but he never answers me back...I CALL EVER DAY FOR ALMOST A WEEK! You tell HIM something...I want to ends this crap too but I never had a chance!
  8. Well thanks for the opinion and the great honor of seeing you sence I can hardly ever do it in real life...
  9. This is a poem about something that takes as much as it gives...time (again off the top of my head) What can give you new choices And slowly change the land What can kill offs everthing in the end Even the most powerfull man Its grasp around the world you cannot see But is the giver, without it you cannot be It's called Time...time..time ______ "Fire" is a poem I wrote for my 8th. grade reading class Why is it that makes us amire This wonderfull thing called fire What about it takes us higher And never lets us down It's wicked red glare wipes acrros our face As it goes along on its deadly race Killing everthing in its path But we still amire...fire _____ Thanks you...
  10. Thanks a lot I never thought of my self as a good poet!
  11. e-mail-godguyver@yahoo.com sorry bout' dat!
  12. ooc:just a poem I am making up as I go along (almost a song) My heart burns for you My heart burns neverending Does your heart burn too? Or are these crasy thoughts I'm Thinking Your looks,your mind,your everthing encant me Almost like you put a spell apon me I can't get my mind off of you I hope you can't too Because my heart burns for you... Vincent Silver AKA Blake Cooley
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