Vincent Silver
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Everything posted by Vincent Silver
w00t sould be said as monotone as possiably! It's the meaning for "I care just enouf to say this:w00t" lol Any way congrats on the promotions I wish I had goten one but I guess I'm a peon whois not worthy.(j/k) **Formulates plan to kidnap all higer pen members and hold them for a ransome of a new promotion**
Wow for the first time I'm pissed off at someone at this board. Now you know as well as myself and everyone else what I meant. I wrote that on limited time on a PUBLIC computer. I was in a very big rush. I don't think it's fair that my poem is being rejected becouse of the spelling mistake I made. I don't hold grudges but at the moment I am mad....
This was actuly writen to a girl I really loved,but the realtionship went sour. Thats one of the main reasons I'm so dark and evil,it hurt me alot...
Vlad the Imploder posted, The Big Pointy One posted, Vincent Silver posted, ooc:I'm back (damn holidays take up my net' time) Ic: Vincent entered the pub and began to search for the famous drinker Brute. But his search was stoped abrubtly by the bartended who thought the bloodly liver in his hands was quite strange. He let out a quick "Help Guard! Insane Murder!!" Vincent's eyes widened as he relized he better do one thing,run like the wind! Vincent took off runing as fast as he could untill he quickly doged into a alleyway. Vincent wiped the sweat off his brow and relized he had droped the liver,Vincent sighed. "I guess I'll just have to look for that godforsaken liver" (Brute's one not the one he stole)
ooc:If anyone has read 8-bit theater they know where I got this idea from. This will have a lot of the 8bt humor in it so feel free to make your characters look stupid. IC: For many years a powerfull force had layed dorment,there terror was forgoten in the world and it sunk into a false sence of sercity. The great fear was tought to be gone but it was just returning. This powerful force is that of the FOREST IMPS!!! Vincent had arived at his destioation fo rhis quest,"The Cave of Death,Tourtue,Pain,And Genraly Bad things" and he was prepared to fight off the fearsome creature that surely await him in the cave,as well as the nermous wealth and shiny things! Vincent walked in the care and light a torch,he walked forward and hit a strange fleshy wall. he kocked on the green scales and hear a loud roar above him. Vincent looked up and saw a humungous dragon towering above him. He quickly did the thing any hero would do....wet his pants,screamed like a girl and ran! The dragon chased Vincent for miles into a forest untill it finnaly gave up and whent back to it's cave. Vincent rested for a while changed his pants and continued on through the forest....
This is the result of boredom on the human brain...Please prevent this form happening agin plaese donate to the Silver Anti-Boredom and Wennie Fund!
Wennies are evil The plump when you cook em' Wennies are evil I don't like the look of em' Wennies ares evil They don't taste good Wennies are evil They don't look like they should Wennies are evil Take it away Wennies are evil Aw dammit just take this damn thing off *walks off angerly*
ooc:Vincent can fly but not very far in this form,and yes he is wearing a cape as well as a mythrill brestplate. IC:Vincent stared at his oppent,his crimson eyes glowed brightly as the sun began to sink below the hirison. Vincent let out a roar that sounded like thousand of people screaming at one time and lunged at Vlad. Vlad used his speed to his advantage and jumped out of the way of the blade. Vincent continued his atack each time missing Vlad by a few inches. Vincent let out a roar of furstration. Vlad took this time to side step behind Vincent and give him a swift elbow to the back of the head. Vincent staggered,as he did his eyes blinked between his normal eyes and the cirmosn bersker red. Suddenly Vlad knew what he had to do,if he gave Vincent enouf' dammage he would knock him out of this bersker mode....
Voilence good..hehe
*bows* Thanks you Heh I r0x0rs
Vincent had searched for the liver for many hours for the liver but it seemed to elude him. He then resorted to a new way of finding it. Vincent grabed the nearest person and began to question him. "Have you seen a liver?" "Um...no" The townsperson tryed to walk away but Vincent had a firm grip on him. "Where were you when the liver in question was found missing!?" "Just get away from me you freak!" He tryed to run away again,Vincent then began to beat the man to inch of his life. "Now do you know where it is?" "....n...o.."the man said weakly,finally conviced Vincent droped the man and grab another victum and did the same. Soon the area Vincent was in was full of blodly bodies and still not a bit of info on the liver.Vincent finally figered it was best to leave the area before the police arived....
People say there are many fish in the sea But I fell in love I couldn't see A love that surpasses all sences It has no bounds,no fences We can talk for hours But not one word said All the while we imange each other in our heads Now I live for the moment I can talk to you Uni you are my one love,my true With love, Blake
Our love is an power invisible You can't see it but it is strong We will always be indivisable You and I can never go wrong. Ties Unbreakable Love too powerful We can do the unthinkable Because our Love will always rule Ours is a love we can't see But it is a love that will always be... By: Blake A Cooley
Berserker's Spell _____________ Spirts of pain Spirts of Hate From lost loves And lost mates I invoke thee into my body I invoke thee into my soul So I may gain your power And lose control
ooc:If you wanna understand why Vincent is raging and any bit of his back ground email me at gato_wiser@hotmail.com Ic: Vincent stared at the dark figure of the vampyre. With out a word he drew the sword at his side the blade made a high pitch metal screech and sent sparks flying at Vlad.Suddenly the sword began to glow dark purple. The sword glowed brighter and brighter untill it was to bright to look at. Then suddenly the sword stoped glowing and in the place of the origanal long sword it was replaced by a large double handed sowrd bigger than Vincent (Think Nightmare's Sword form Soul Caliber) Vincent took little time to ajust to this new weapon he swung the sword at a suprisingly fast speed tward Vlad. Vlad used his powers to his advantage and turned to a bat form to doge the attack. It seemed Vlad need a better weapon than a dagger or a lest a good battle plan to beat the besker Vincent.
I can't reallyu read it all because of my certin issues but I read a good bit and it was great. Beter than what I could do,I guess my claim to fame on here is potery,Just wait a bit for your app. to read by Wyvern....hopefully he dosen't do the dwarf thing again liek he did to me... Well anyway great writing and best of luck to you! __________ Vincent Silver,Last surviorer of the seraphs and keeper of the powers of time,"Live for Honor,Die for Honor"-Seraph Battle Cry
Vincent had tracked the organ untill it had it's back to the dead end wall of the alley...at lest he thought it was it's back he really couldn't tell. "Ok you,someone needs you in their body and I'm going to return you!" The orrgan back away scared for a moment and then lunged forth and attacked Vincent....don't ask me how it attack...it just kinda....did...well anywho back the story. Vincent and the organ wrestled on the ground for a few minutes untill the liver got losse and ran away again. Vincent sighed and now chased the runaway organ through the crowded streets of the city....
Vincent walked the streets of the city shurging off the stares at his angelic wing. He was mostly staring at the ground to avoid the glaring eyes of the townspeople. Suddenlly something cought his eye,a bloody organ....ran down a dark alley. Vincent stared at this strange sight untill the organ ran out of sight. "What the hell?" Vincent murmured to himself. Vincent walked down the alley and noticed a notice on the wall. "Hmm intersting...well I man needs a Liver and it's jsut right to return it...I guess"Vincent shurged and took off running after the runaway organ....
We need a good ol' fansion brawl,so...here it is ~~~~~ Vincent stood alone in the burt remains of was once his home town. The wind blow strongly sending bits of dust and ash brushing aginst his face. Vincent fell to his knees and felt a single tear run down his face. "No...everone is dead....I'm the only seraph alive...I'm all alone" Vincent clinched a fistfull of dust and threw it angerly. Vincent felt his anger growing. Suddenly he felt a sudden pain in his wings. His pearly white feathers turned black slowly and his eyes turned blood red as the rage of the dead seraphs filled his body. Vincent began to berserk and destroy the large debri around him. He stop suddenly and noticed someone on a far-off hill. He charged in rage at this lone warrior. One thig was one his mind...death
What is love to you? A person's beauty and mind too? What if you could not see the face of the one you love then would it still be true love I fave fallen for someone i could see but the mind and soul was perfect to me I am seeing love through a blind man's eyes Now I can see her body is not the real prise ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decided to Kayla, Blake Cooley
This is a revised version of the other Staff of Wealth,the story takes places in the world I creatured (no name for the planet yet) If you would like to know more about it contact me at gato_wiser@hotmail.com , I have the entire history in my head so I can talk quite a bit about it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has been one year after the War of Power that struck the planet. The conorstone of the know world, Lindson, has been struck by a resent depression caused by the cost of the war. King Leo VII has decided to make a last dich effort. He has decided to send his lead knight Vincent Silver,to find a legandary artifact know as the Staff of Wealth. Little does King Leo know,but others are after the Staff,and they its true power. ________________________________________________ Vincent strolled back and forth among the large halls of Lindson serching for the needed things for his journy. "What am I forgeting......MY SWORD!" Vincent slaped his forehead and walked into his room. He carefully grabbed his father's old sword,the Quicksilver, from its place on the mantel above his fireplace. He blow some dust of of the blade and slide it into the scarbard at his waist. "Been a good while since I used this thing," Vincent thought while trying to polish the handle with his cape and walking down the halls tward the stables,"I hope I won't have to use you much" It took Vincent a good fiveteen minutes to get down form his room at the top story to the stables in the courtyard. He quickly untied his black horse and hoped onto its back. He bagan to ride off through the village and into the plains surrounding Lindson......
ooc:umm..other people can post on it you know....
The large battle cruiser "Hyperion" drifted slowly in orbit above the planet Chronos,deep within it's halls towo men where aurguing in the meeting room. "Commander The men are geting restless,we have been in space searching for remains of Zerg for over a year. Let the men go on leave" "NO! I was ordered to stay here and stop any way of the Zerg coming back into force!" Just then the communtion officer talked over the ship's commution system "Sir we have recieved a Protoss message should I play it for you",The commander gave his "ok" and a static-filled protoss voice filled the meeting room. " Any of our allies recieving this message we have found a large swarm of Zerg in sector Alpha 27-2,plese send help....soon" The commander look at the man he was arguing with,"Looks like you men are getting there excitment...Send Wraith Team Alpha to check it out." ooc:I don't have any more time today I will post more tommoro...
I haven't been here in a while but I plan to write some new stuff,I hope you will all like it...
Beginnings, Volume I: Sliver
Vincent Silver replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Assembly Room Archives
ooc:At first I though this was about me O.o