Vincent Silver
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Everything posted by Vincent Silver
This life is just a big plot twist And no one knows I exist My life's a record spins and skips But no-one gives a sh*t One two three Now one can care about me Three four five I just wanna fuc*ing die Happy then sad my life flips around One moent I'm up then I'm down Why this sh*t gotta happen to me It all a fu*king hell no one sees (chours)
I agree Peredhil,I have been dpressed recently and I been writing more thean the period of happyiness I had. When I was happy I got the Wennie Award. *Growls at the metion of that thing* It's not to say that I'm nit happy I just getr depressed for no reason.
ooc: That wasn't right...I mean....It was his balls man!! Ic: Vincent staggered to his feet slowly,he spoted his spear laying in the sand and grabed it in one swift motion. He spined in with both his hands causing sand to fly in all directions. He spread his wings quickly sending the sand in his feathers flying out. Without a word he took off runing at Sardin coming in for a attack.
Ah Vincent Silver my fav character name to use among my many names. I got the name Vincent because when my mother was thinking of names for myself,she mentioed Vincent. My father hated the name and I ended up being called Blake (blarg I hate my real name) I was told I could of been called Vincent by my momther and I thought the name sounded cool. So when I got into Role Playing I always name the main character Vincent (which got me confused when FF7 came out cus I had two Vicents!!) When I started writing I had to think of a last name for Vincent,who at the time was a character with no appeance. I began tryin games such as Terra or Bonne (The name of my parish "Terrebonne" means good earth in french) I finally gave up untill I got the idea to give him metallic silver hair. I was talking to a friend about my character I sliped and called him Vincent Silver,and the name stuck!
Thank you,the strogest works of art come from depression. It's the strongest emotion,but no tthe most favorable one.
No matter what you think,no man can stand being kicked in the balls. Not even a bersker,I mean...it's getting kicked in the balls! Come on how can you ingore that? Vincent threw Sardn to the side and began to tend to his...injury. As he did he began to regain his sences from his bersker stae. He returned to his normal size,his mucels no longer bluging. He knelled on the ground couching and trying to regain his sences.
She fades away in light diming My f**ked up life is so unforgiving Why can't I keep the ones I love Is this a sick punisment from the powers above I see in black now unlike the light I saw I can't hear her voice,just the ravens caw Light is waiting some where for me But it is somewhere that I cannot see Vincent Silver
(Damn,I need to get into this post earlier,I can't read all of that stuff ) Music: Cradle of Filth Red Hot Chili Pepers Disturbed And many more... Writing: Chris Lebouf (or Chris Stevens as many know him) Douglas Adams Poe (Is one of my favorites but I don't write like him....) Most of the Pen writers... Misc: One f**ked up family Friends Depression for no reason Boredom and most of all...Life in genral...
As one who is depressed often,I know where your coming from Falcon. Just don't shut off your friends,there one of the few sources of light in this dark world. And remember were all your friends here,no matter how little or how much we know about you,we will always care....
ooc:Short post my amazing battle plan confusing ya Kasmandre? Ic: Vincent turned quicklt and turned to block the blade with his hand. The blade lodges itself deep into Vincent's hand but it dosen't seem to phase him. He lets out a roar and grabs hold of Sardin the blade still lodged in his hand. He begens to curch Sardin between his massive hands
Vincent moved his eyes with the blade,not noticing Sardin reaching for his dagger. Vincent heaerd the blade fly through the air and he tryed to doge it,but it was to late. The blade sunk deep in his flesh luckly Vincent moved slightly so it hit flesh instead of bone. He screamed in pain as blood washed down his loose lether pants,Vincent grabed the blade and pulled it out griting his teeth in pain the whole time. Vincent glred at Sardin his eyes seeming to have a slight red glow to them. His wings began to turn black as his mussels blunged. No longer was he Vincent,he was now bersker,the spirts of his dead brothers filling his body with hate and power. He droped the spear to his side and chareged at Sardin kicking up dust. He no longer care about pain,just causing it...
Vincent sheilded his eyes from the attack. The sand filling the cracks between his wings. Vincent goes to jump to fly but the sand in his wings cause him to fall back to the ground. He cursed under his breath and decided to go for a ground attack. It was apperat that the sand pervented him from flying but it also threw him off blance and slowed him down. He took a wide swing at Sardin but he used his now supierior speed to doge the attack. "Fine,I got a trick of my own..."Vincent threw his sword into the air it float there for a moment. Vincent stared up at it "Quick-Silver Change" He mumbled the sword flashed a few times and returned to Vincents hand as a spear.
Vincent moved his sword to block the lower attack,but the second attack hit his mythrill brest plate. Red sparks flew from the armor as Vincent sumbled back. Vincent quickly regained his posture,he glared at Sardin his eyes fixed on him unwaving,as if he only reason to live was to fight this man. Vicnet slamed his sword into the ground and began to move his arms gracfully. The formed into a X shape and black ball appered in front of Vincent. "Sha..." The ball grew larger. "do..." Black lighting evloped the ball. "KEN!" (ok dbz/street fighter rip off) The black ball shurnk back to it's ornigal size,about as large as a marble. The beam flew quickly at Sardin and exploded on contact. The small ball of antimater spreading and destoying chunks of his clothing....
The stage was set and the first combation was ready. He now stood waiting,changing the terrian to his own advantage. Shamin Sardin felt a wind disturbing the land he was creating,but it wasn't a natural wind it felt much like a pair of wings decending apon the area. He looked up and saw a inged man in a bright mythrial armor elsipe the sun from his point of view. The red mythrill armor glowed and shined giving the man a red auroa. He decend slowly his platium sliver hair dangled and flowed. His face was fair like hat of an elf,but he was far from of it. A member of the lost race of the Seraph. The last surviour,the only one left. The loss was apperant in his looks because even with the fair elfen like looks he seemed to be eternally depressed. He landed in front of Shamin Sardin he dusted some sand off the baggy leather pants and leather boots he wore before looking in the man's eyes. The dark green eyes pierced deeply into his almost peering into his soul. Without a word the man drew his long sword in one quick motion... (Been RPing n chat rooms lately so I getting better at writing! )
The Mighty Pen - Official Roll Call 17Jan03
Vincent Silver replied to lumpenproletariat's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
(Decides not to rest of post due to lack of internet time) Vincent walks into the room,his silver hair trail behind him making a barrage of colors dance across the walls and the other pen members. He walks through the groups of people,they people move out the way as if the mythrill armor's red glow had some sort of power that caused them to move. He walks directly on to the stage and grabs the mic,the gaurds stay behind sencing some sort of auror of power around him. He taps the mic making a loud screching noice so whoever wasn't looking at him was now looking. He speaks in a cold voice,"Vincent Silver,Warrior of Time" HE drops the mic and walks back out the door (I'm starting to be more serious) -
Mind's Eye The thing that sees all is the Mind's Eye When it punishes you for your crime you'd whish you'd die You kill one person or any It's tourture you withthe force of many It deals justice but no reward In it's hands it hold your life chord A snip and it has done it's job It will punish you for murder,decit,or rob My entry! Short like all my other poems!
I'll be happy to join my half dragon friend
Just then Vincent jumped out his hands in the shape if a gun. "FREEZE!"Vincent yelled Wyvern stared at him,"....Vincent,what are you doing?" "How do you know it's me?"Vincent paused and rubed his hand over his face"Crap,I forgot the ski mask....." The elders fell over.(Anime Faint)After they wiped the huge sweatdrops off there heads they ingored Vincent and whent back to mumbling about the promotion sitiutaion. Vincent lunged at Gryfalcon and put his "gun" to his head. "Your all coming with me or he gets it!" Vincent yelled in his "terrorist voice". "Do what he says he'll shoot him!"Wyvern yelled! The rest looked at him,"....what?"
Mind's Eye The thing that sees all is the Mind's Eye When it punishes you for your crime you'd whish you'd die You kill one person or any It's tourture you withthe force of many It deals justice but no reward In it's hands it hold your life chord A snip and it has done it's job It will punish you for murder,decit,or rob My entry! Short like all my other poems!
How could this be! Promotions handed out in the grand comuinty of the pen and the Shiny one does not recieve! Revenge must be served....preferably cooled with a side dish of yams These were the thoughts runing through Vincent's mind as he stealtly snuck into the buliding were the elders meet. His plan was simple....Eldernaping! He finally broke the lock with his Shiny Card (don't leave home without it) and tiptoed into the building. He pressed his back aghinst the wall Metal Gear style and listened in on there conversation.
Hey I'm the master of shiny stuff after all my name is Silver!
Happy dosen't work for me....I like depressed
Sorry I wasn't sure who was in charge of the weenie awarde so I got mad because I thought I wouldn't lose this godforsaken thing. Sorry to get mad,I have the shortest temper in the world.
"um....well..I...um....,"Vincent suddenly got a hero voice,"I chased a large monster this way but it eluded me,from fear of course"he let out the hero laugh trying to hide the fact he was lieing. All of sudden Vincent and the mouse heard a sound in the bushes. It sound like "KeeeKeeKeeKee" The mouse gasped and ran away. Vincent prepared for the evil that await him behind the bushes. The creature revealed itself it was a...3 ft tall forest imp... The creature began to speak...
*claps hands slowly* I like the fact that it leave a lot to the immagintion but still paints a mental image...