Vincent Silver
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Everything posted by Vincent Silver
"My karma ran over my dogma..."
I stand behind...well everyone who has posted on this. When you debate on tyhe internet they alway degrade down to flame fest. (I know from experince)
History of a Fallen Angel
Vincent Silver replied to Vincent Silver's topic in Assembly Room Archives
(The spelling errors are because I am writing this from scrach since my oringal story wasn't very good in my opinion. I can't pst today but I will have an update soon) -
History of a Fallen Angel
Vincent Silver replied to Vincent Silver's topic in Assembly Room Archives
(Sorry this is long overdue! The story swiches to thrid person now,jst telling you so you don't get confused) The sun peaked over the hirson and began to send it's bright beams of light through the small village of Serpah. Th evillage aptly named after it's inhabitants,the angelics known as the Serpahs. The people of the town sowly began to stir but one young seraph was alreay awake. His name was Vincent Silver,he sat amiring the sun rise,the beams of light bouncing and reflecting off his silver hair. He yawned and screched his wings as he stood up. "Today...I start training." The young man spoke to his-self in a wisper. "Indeed you do my boy!" Vincent heard his father's voice behind him. He quickly turned and looked at him with a smile. His father was large man standing 6'3 with a large build. He was obiously a warrior,but his dark green eyes showed that he to was human,or seraph. "Can't believe my baby boy is a man now..." His father said his voice half pround and half sad. "Dad,I'm not a kid,you can't call me your baby. I'm grown now,I'm going to train to be like you a royal knight of Lindson." "Well come on' your mother is cooking,We'll talk abou ti over Breakfast." -
*Cracks knuckles and trys to act like he knows what he is doing* Alright yo, I first say this and thought I couldn't do it Thought my rhymes wouldn't push it But I took some time Read some rhymes And now I'm going to try Now I'm throwing stuff off my head If I mess it up, sue me, I'm dead All your rap skillz are up to par Your skill and talent goes far But I'm going to try my hand Hopefully I don't sound like a ham Toss on the word to make a killer rhyme Trying to do this stuff in real quick time Rearrange I'm deranged My opinions on rap have changed I'm singing fast Getting good at last But now I'm rapping with an all star class We got people spewing rhymes back and forth And all of them got mad worth Well I'm out of time And out of rhymes So I'm going to end this with this line PEACE!!! (DJ SILVER IN DA HISOUSE!!)
*Mumbles somethign about not getting promoted,but sighs and quickly changes his mood* Congrats all who got promotions!
I type everthing out,I hate writening pen and paper. i still make a lot of mistakes while typing but not as much if I was writing out everything... **Chages thwe site's name to "The Keyboard is Mighter Than the Sword"**
I like! I am remind of the Queen song 'Bohemian Rashapodsy' dor some reason...
(This is a work in progress,it all takes place on a planet named Masa Duna. If you would like to knwo more about Masa Duna email me) Of all of the many great races of Masa Duna,the great Serpahs are spoken of only slightly. The great race which named the planet Great earth in there langue is only spoken of in the beguning of its' history. Why is that? How can one race seem to vanish out of history? The anser is simple,the Seraoh's themselfs vainished from Masa Duna. The greatest race known to the planet was killed out in a matter of years. Why? How? These are the questions you may ask,and I could give you the simple answer the textbooks give,but I beieve that isn't enough. T truely understand the reasons,and the affests of the disapperance of the Seraphs. You must see it from a Seraph's eyes. Throught the eyes of the only seraph that surivied,through the eyes of the only Seraph that can never die. Little is writen about the Seraph,but even little more is writen about Vincent Silver,he only survior,but now both will be leaned about. Listen and hear the grand history of Masa Duna through the eyes of the man who lived it. Throught the eyes of Vincent Silver,through my eyes.... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (I will write more tommoro,please tell me what you think!)
ooc:wow I think our big battle is now limited to two people 0,0 IC: "YOU WILL FEEL MY PAIN!" With every word Vincents auror grew larger and brighter. His eyes burned with pain and hatered as he swung his fist at Whynasin. Each attack stronger than the next. Soon Whynasin's chect was full of small craters where Vincent's fist made contact. Vincent jumped into the air using his wings for liftoff. He kicked Whynasin dead square in the chest with both feet,sending Whynasin flying back many feet. Vincent wasted no time,he rushed and double axe hamered Whynasin into the ground before he could stop. A hugemous crater formed when Whynasin's body hit the ground. "Kuna eldo shunu Masa Dunu!"(I summon you Great Earth!) Vincent spoke the Serpah words with great anger in his voice. The ground around Whynasin began to close up apon his body quickly,soon Whynasin was buried alive,but Vincent still didn't stop. "Gado-ken!" (Light Engery!) A beam of silver light flew from Vincet's heat to the spot where Whynasin's body lay. The beam colided with the body causeing a huge explision which engulfed the entire battle area. "Feel the pain of a fallen angel...." Vincent wiped the blood and tears mixture from his eyes... EDIT:Typos...
Please ALL members verify their email address!
Vincent Silver replied to Peredhil's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
It's working here! -
Vincent summoned all the strengh in his body and stood up. He droped his sword to the ground and looked Whynasin dead square in the eyes. "I will fight you like a true Seraph" Vincents eyes burned with hate and pain,a stray tear ran down his face. He extended his arms out in both directions and spread his wings which were now stained brown and red from the mud and blood. He began to chant in the acient language of the Seraph,the tinge of hate still in his voice. Two silver orbs formed at both of his hands and began to swell in power. "Now you will see whay my kind called me Doku-Shii,The Wrath of God!" He claped his hands together and the two orbs collided,filling the battle area with a silver light. When the light faded Vincent stood facing Whynasin. His body now surround by a silver auror with burned and destroyed everthing that came in contact with it. His wings were now clad in metal and each feather was like a small dagger. His eyes glowed gold and stared directly into Whynasin's. "I will use every once of pain and soworow in my soul to defeat you! In the name of my mother,my father and everyone I have loved I will defeat you!! Fell the wrath and pain of all the Seraph through me! LIVE FOR HONOR,DIE FOR HONOR!" Vincent lunged forth and tackled Whynasin and began to pummle him,his auror buring and searing his felsh. Vincent no longer cared,he would kill him,no matter what. EDITS:Bloody Typos
"I'm not ready to lose to you,you argoant little elf!" Vincent began to slash at Whynasin repeatly in a rage. The whole time images of rage filled his head. The memorys of his village burning to the ground,finding his mother dead in there burnign home,and facing his newly risen father,made each attack stronger and faster. But even with this speed and power the elf doged each attack like it was nothing. Vincent droped his sowrd to his side out of breath from the constant attack. Whynasin let out a luagh,maybe the serpah wasn't much of a challege afterall. Vincents eyes filled with tears from the pain and the memorys he was expericing. He grited his teeth and began the assult of constant attack onece more. "You will feel the wrath of the last of the great Seraphs!!"Vincent lunged forth with one final attack,the sword implaed Whynasin stright through the heart. Vincent let the sword go,leaving it still stuck in Whynasin's body. He feel to one knee and breath heavily...
**SCREEECH** The van pulled to a sudden stop,Vincent thought he heard two thuds ahead of him but he ignored it because of the shear annoyance of the polite-ness. Vincent turned around and face his captive. "How the hell can you be so nice!! I'm threatening your life, don't you realize that!!" "Oh dear,it would be rude to try to escape..." "No it would be smart!" Vincent stepped out the driver's side and opened the side door,"Look I'll even make it easy for you!" "I don't understand, shouldn't kidnappers, um..kidnap. Not let them escape?" Peredhil scratched his head confused. "Look you overly polite nitwit! No promotion is worth this much headache! Now I'm turning around, feel free to ESCAPE!!!" Vincent turned around and began to whistle like he didn't realise anything. "Are you sure Mr. Vincent?" "YES!" "Ok,but I till don't think this is the correct way to do it" Vincent sighed.
ooc:This RP takes place when Vincent was young and decribes the events that lead to what he is today. Feel free to take the story anywhere you want,but try to stick to the basic outline I put forth. You can insert new characters or just control Vincent and the previously introduced characters. Hope you have fun and this turns out alright. I'm going to write another version of this in Asembly. IC: The sun began to peak over the hirison near the small villiage of Dun-Tilzain. The ray of light began to fill the town with life as the inhabitaints awoke and began there daily buiness. It was a normal sence as in any village except this village was all Sreraphs,a race of Angelic. Even stranger was the young Seraph youth that awoke that morning. He was like all Seraph's in apperance, White wings,fair skin,strong fit body. But his hair was strage, it was completly metalic silver,most said this was just a fluke,but others saw it as a proviciy or a curse. The young boy awoke in his soft bed, his sliver hair laying in tangles over his eyes. The soft light of the sun through the window causeing the hair to shimmer and shine. He foght with the mess of hair for a few minutes and began to dress. He quickly sliped on a pair of loose pants and a plain white shirt. He walked out of the house into the now livily village. He screched and yawned, wondering what today had in store for him. He figured it was best to let his mother sleep and head out into the village to start his day...
Vincent sighed in disgust at the amazing polite-ness. "Ok,come on you. I can't believe this! First I don't get promoted, then I get suck with him" Vincent continued mimbling as he lead his "captive" to a black van. He slide the door open and waited for Peredhil to get in. "Oh no,after you!" Peredhil motioned for Vincent to enter first "GAH! Just get in the damn van!" Vincent pushed Peredhil in and walked to the driver side. He steped in and drove off...
Out of no where Vincent slamed his fists into Whynasin's back, sending his to the damp ground. "He's mine" Vincent turned his eyes to the newly healed Sardin. He griped his sword at his side andin one quick motion sent the sword at Sardin's neck in a quick slash.
Men are easy to understand all we want are three things: 1sex 2beer 3sex..wait i said that already...
*Puts his ear to a tree* Hello? Hello? I don't hear anything *mimbles and walks off.* Tree:"What an idiot"
Very well writen...wish I could say more beacuse it dersvers more,but all I can say is very well writen.
0_0 Ok to set the record I'm male...
The many good things that come out of boredom....
I wrote this in a really boring art I class one day,think a System of a Down song *deep breath*: Jesus is in your DVD player Open the tray and let him out Please don't be a hater Open the tray and help him out JESUS JESUS IS IS IN IN THE THE D V D PLAAAAYER! Jesus loves you,and I do too But let him out of there What are you going to do Being in there,he probly can't bear OH! JESUS JESUS IS IS IN IN THE THE D V D PLAAAAYER! What yall think
*Sneaks up and kidnaps Archaneus* I can't have you threating my postion of depressive poem writer Heh heh heh
Never take my poems to seriously I seem to get in a depresswed state of mind often,never anything serious. So like um.....chill out I'm not gonna kill myself