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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vincent Silver

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Everything posted by Vincent Silver

  1. Congrats, you derserve it. *hugs* Good job.
  2. *cough cough* Is that a hint that someone wants to dance with a certin handsome young man?
  3. Ugh, no thanks P. Thats a wee' bit too much reading for me right now.
  4. No one to warm me through the cold No one here to love and hold Only warm tears aginst cold skin to warm my soul Only bad memories to make my young mind feel too old Every choice I've made looks so wrong I just wish my time in this hell wouldn't be so long
  5. *sighs* It's been a long time since I've seen this board...but I'm finnally back. I missed all of the good friends I've made here and I'm sorry I wasn't here to meet the new ones I could have had, but now I'm back to make up for lost time. I'm back guys, didja miss me?
  6. (It's a poem about suicide but no worries,I'm not trying anything) I don't care... About it any more I don't care... Just want to shut the door I want to die... Find a kinife that loves my flesh I want to die... Watch the blood spill on the floor red and fresh Everything is over... I just going to die Everything is over... This is my goodbye
  7. Heh,I would probly join in on the nudity,although I'm not exactly too proud of my looks. But hey nakie is fun! :-p
  8. *Rushes in,steals cake and leaves a note* Happy Barfday,MMmmmm Good cake
  9. I never meant to hurt you I didn't want you to cry You ask me why I did it I really don't know why I took an already broken heart And shattered it even more I took your beautiful feelings And shattered them on the floor I'm sorry for what I did I'll do anything to make it up to you I'll always love you Even with the stupid things I do
  10. *Steals a bucket of ice cream* Oh...um..Happy Bithday!
  11. *Hugs Tasslehoff* Sad to see ya go,I'll miss ya a lot...
  12. Well writen,I really liked it.
  13. I enjoyed this,very (I dred to say the word) cute. Thumbs up from me.
  14. Another crushed dream Another false hope that seemed so real Another fit of sorrow Another day to go insane Love evades me yet another time Maybe I wasn't meant to have it Maybe I'm just cursed to sadness
  15. Congrats you all derserve it...now....*devices a scheme to get promoted to supreme ruler* Muahahahahahahahaha!
  16. To make people happy whenever the need it the most... OR To prevent stupid crap from ever happening in the first place...
  17. *Takes notes also,eyes Sorciere evily* Very funny.
  18. Why can't I just say those lil' words? Will you even believe me when I do? How can I tell you what you mean to me How can I say "I love you"?
  19. I dream of you holding me And I get goose bumps, it seems so perfect I dream of me kissing you And my heart feels warm; I'm in heaven If only I was there To do the things I dream If only you knew how I feel So we could kiss every day If only we could, it'd be heaven
  20. Started out good but it got to the point where it was forced. I was depressed today for no real apparent reason and thats whats this is about.
  21. My eyes are watery for the sorrow I cannot see I cry beacuse the voices inside are telling me I cry to the invisable pain inside me The pain my mind spins to hurt me I feel so cold inside,I'm angry this lie I spin I'm crying cus' I spin my own pain like all men
  22. Hide the pain with a smile Dry up all the tears Forgot that I am stupid Even with all my years Forget she doesn't love me I won't remember she didn't care I'll just keep on puting on a show To hide the feelings I cannot bear Try to forget the dumb choice I made Try to ingore her face in my head I just wanna die I just wanna be dead
  23. 0_o I didn't think it was that good, thats my AIM away message when I'm sleeping lol!
  24. *bump* Since it got buried in other post
  25. Watching the dreams floating in my head Travling the world without leaving my bed I close my eyes and leave the real world behind A world of dreams and adventure I will find.
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