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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vincent Silver

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Everything posted by Vincent Silver

  1. Xaious, New Orleans is the only good thing in this blasted state if you ask me.
  2. I'm alive, don't give me that blasted Weenie Award!
  3. Happy days of birth!
  4. "Alright, lets go blast some ugly buggers!" Devin said loading shells into his new shotgun, Vrinn doing the same. "Good idea, acording to the briefing they should be north in the main control room, but it seems the air-lock between there is broken. Look like one of you boys are going to need to weld up the hole in there. Thats where you come in." I heard the comander type a few keys and in a flash of light some equipment spwned at my feet. A small welder and a air tank attached to a small breather mask. I shouldered the tank and clicked the breahing mask onto my helment, I also took my pistol out the holster and replaced it with the welder. I gave a nod to my team-mates singaling I was ready and we began our trek north. We soon reached a door at the end of the large storage bay we're we had set up base, the door made a slight creak as it's sensors picked up our presence and automatical slid open. The team was greeted by a pitch-black only the small spark from the broken overhead lights gave a small flicker. The team flicked on their built in flashlights in unison and the hall was soon iluminated by the three beams of light, revaling the borken floor panels and wall pipes, as well as a few blood stains. "Poor bastards, probaly never saw them coming..." I mumbled, my own voice sounding muffled and strange thru the mask. Vrinn now took the lead, steping slowy with his gun in the ready postion, we were going to see them coming. We each followed closely behind him our guns drawn as well. Each of us jumped as we heard a lound creak and a large section of pipe crashed to the floor a few inches away from Vrinn. "Holy shit!" he screamed out as I felt a small needle pierce my skin from inside the suit, I suddenly felt myself relax yet my sences were still keen. TSA drugs, build into the suit, whenever my vital signs showed signs of action they we're admistered, to keep us calm in the most dangerous sitation. Shame they were wasted on this. "Dammit! I hate when that happens! I swear those bloody aliens break those pipes on purpose!" Vrinn fumed as he kicked the pipe out his way. "Now even the 'chill drugs' can get rid of that temper..." Devin mumbled beside me, I held back a laugh as we continued down the hall.
  5. How about some cash? *waits for the insane amount of laughter from Xaious*
  6. "All right boys lets get this done with. You know the drill" The comander's voiced boomed into the headset build into my helmet. I groaned a bit, another clean up mission, I could tell the rest of the team was as tired of this as I was, I could even tell the comander was tired of being cooped up in the small Comand Console that we had brought down onto the ship with us. A few Kharaa infest a ship, kill a few crew member, and we gotta clean em' out. I slamed a clip into my TSA issued Light Machine Gun and loaded a bullet into the chamber as the HUD flashed across my visor. My eyes soon ajusted to the display as I quickly read the info, "One clip in the gun, three spares, vital signs at one hundered precent,...damn the motion sensor's offline comander." The comander's voice once again boomed into my headset, "Yeah, look like the ships main computer is out, one the bright side the nano grid is still up we can transport our own in" One of my teammates, Vrinn Perin, butted in, "Yeah cheif but that cost money, TSA ain't gonna give no creds to this lil' team" It was obvious from the man's accent he was of Irish decent. "Yeah yeah Perin, I know how it works, but there's a few resource nodes on the ship if we can get some nano-sludge we can build whatever we want. But first lets get the bare necessities." I watched as an Armory appeared before in a flash of light, it still amased me how fast the nano grid could build something out of the spare minerals in the air, changing the minerals into metal and building the sturcture one molecule at a time. I also noticed the small counter that displayed our current funds for this missions went down by 25 credits. "Uh boss, it isn't on..." Devin Silvius, another teammate, said as he banged his gloved fist aginst the machine, a large clang echoed off as metal hit metal. "Well duh Silvius, told ya the computer's offline we got to activate everythign by hand. Just punch in the acess code." Devin sighed a bit as he fliped open a panel revilling a small keypad, he punched in a long code and hit enter. The armory flashed to life, a soft hum singling that it was online and creating ammo, the top slid open to revleal a huge cashe of light and heavy machine gun clips, shotgun shells, and large explosive bullets for the grenade lancher. "And now I get to play Santa boys, Merry Christmas kids." The comander laughed a bit and soon equipment appared at my teammate's feet. "Nothing for me boss?" I said in mock disapoinment as I grabed a few more light machine gun clips. ((Thats all I'm doing for tonight, tell me what ya think))
  7. Woo! Thanks guys *glomps Ayshela back* ...Now give me presents dammit!
  8. ChameKitsune here, I'm a level 5 rogue at the moment.
  9. The laughing dulled down for a moment as the halfling turned to look at the woman behind him. "You wanna join in eh? Whadda say boys?" The drawfs exchange a few rude comments about how she can "join me anyday" and the laughter boomed up once again. The halfling turned in his seat and offered his hand to the young lady behind him, "Name's Cha'may Rosenkin love, feel free to take me' place I had enough for tonight." He took her hand gently and kissed it, a never seasing grin on his face as he got up and headed to the bard plaing near the fireplace. He tossed a few coins into his lap, "With music that bad you should be payin' me to listen to it" he laughed as he began to walk away, the bard grited his teeth at the comment and called out loud enough for the entire tavern to hear, "Well I guess I should really be thanking the dwarfs for the tip, seeing as how you took all their money!" The laughter at the nearby table suddenly stoped as the five dwarfs check their money pouches and found their gold indeed gone, they all stood up, some grabing battle axes others cracking thier nuckles. The halfling began to dart for the door but two of the dwarfs were closer and reached it, blocking his way. Cha'may cursed as the other dwarfs soon surrounded him. "What should we do with em eh?" One dwarf asked in a rought accent. "I say we chop em' up then take o'r gold back!" The halfling turned in place looking at each dwarf that surroumnded him, the grin back on his face as he drew two short swords, one in each hand, "Don't make me hurt you boys..."
  10. Oh no a mini Pismon! Just kiddin, congratz
  11. One! Lights blured overhead, the roar of the crowd filling his ears Two! Muscles tigthen. Gotta get up, Gotta get up! Three! A sharp pain, back to the mat before he could move an inch Four! Eyes seraching, seraching for a man he mad never meet yet fought Five! A grin on his face, out of place amonst the scars and bruises. Six! Again muscles tighten. Gotta get up, Gotta get up! Seven! Back to the mat. I'm gonna loose..I can't lose! Eight! The roar if the crowd grew, could barely hear the count Nine! His vision blured more, lights dancing dizyly in his view. Ten! That final number hurt more then any punch thrown that night. Knock Out!
  12. Evil lil lambs...grrr...
  13. // I have an rough idea for the storyline of this RP but this intro post won't tell much about it, just introduce my character and give people a chance to interact. The RP is based on a D&D quest my friends and I have played, I would like to keep the group of advenrutures to about 6, after that anyone else who joins should make a villan character. I know my writing skills aren't the best but I have some good plans for this RP and I hope some of you will join me. If anyone is intrested in playing the main villan PM me and let me know. Your free to use your current character or make one up if you like. A bit about the quest: In the oringal quest that our DM had made, one of the advenures in the group (a worshiper of Shar) was choosen by Shar to find the pieces of the sword Godsbane(The form Mask took during the Time of Trouble, and the only sword with the power to kill a god.) and use it to defeat Selune. The group of adventures that had travled with the man before he turn to Shar's cause were each choosen by their gods to help stop the man. Each adventurer, including the villan, were given special powers by their god mimicing the gods powers. _____ The a small gust of wind blew through the streets of Silvermoon, causing the hanging wooden sign creek and shake back and forth on it's chains. The signs was once a grand marking, now the gold paint that had once gave the engraved words "The Fading Light" was now dull and chiped. The door to the establishment alos showed ware and tear, the once shiny golden door handle faded and smuged from many vistors hands, the inside of the building though didn't show the wear that the outter did. Aside from the thin layer of pipe smoke and smell of ale in the room it looked grand, a long bar stood aginst the right wall, a total of 10 bar stolls lines along it's length, to the back of the room a large fireplace surround by three coushined chairs, as well many tables, each with six chairs, in the center, finnaly to the left a stair case lead up obviously to the inn. Many patrons filled the bar room but one seemed to catch most eyes. A halfling, the only one in the tavern in fact, with dark red hair parted back, a few strands falling over his dark green eyes. He was thin, wearing a tight red sleveless shirt showing off an muscular chest and arms, he wore a pair of slightly baggy black pants and mtaching black leather boots, his belt held a short sword and a dagger as well as a rather plump money pouch. He was currently sitting at a teble with 5 dwarfs, the table full of bottles of ale, each person holding a mug, it was obvious they were having a drinking contest. The young halfling was laughing and drinking with the dwarfs, but if you watched closer you could see the his hand reaching into the two closest dwarfs money puouches and taking a few gold pieces with each drink, the entire time still laughing and joking with te dwarfs who were unaware of the robery in progress. ___ // Now just introduce your characters, the fun will start once I get a few more players. Have fun
  14. I close my eyes and think of you Remembering the first time you said "I love you" I can almost feel your touch I can almost feel flesh aginst flesh as if you're here But then I open my eyes And you're not there I'm only left with the thought of you ___ Meh, long distance realtionships suck. I want to be with him so bad, but I have to wait one more year before those thoughts become real. tweaked spelling Vincent - hope you don't mind. -Peredhil
  15. I'd like to nominate Xaious if it's ok?
  16. I'd love to have an interview if you ever have the chance, I've finnaly got a decent story for Vincent down .
  17. Ah, damn you of many names!
  18. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have return from a much too long break from the Pen. Our friend Mental Tempest brought the board (which I had sadly forgoten about) back to my attention and after a bit I quickly dusted off the old account and sign back in. Hopefully this place is the same friendly Pen I've come to love so very much before. And also, I plan on...I guess you can say 'renewing' Vincent, considering his story was rather craply put togther, I plan on making him much more solid and intresting.
  19. Glad someone liked it, I figured this wouldn't be geting a very warm welcome on this board. But I truely hate Christmas, I'll get into that story some toher time though.
  20. I love you Loki
  21. This is a song I wrote for my friend's band, sums up how I feel about Christmas: You ask me why I seem so distant You ask me why I don't even try You ask me why I'll just break down and cry. I blame it on the holidays I blame it on the the bells and the holly I don't want any christmas spirt I don't want to be gay and jolly Fuck the fucking holidays So screw your fucking presents I want to stay really depressed I don't want to see the family Don't want to put on my sunday best. I hate this fucking holidays Everyone is too freakin' happy I don't want any of this joy To me it's prety freakin' crapy Why? I blame it on the holidays I blame it on the the bells and the holly I don't want any christmas spirt I don't want to be gay and jolly Fuck the fucking holidays Fuck the fucking holidays...
  22. Looks spiffy eh?
  23. Happy Birthday Ayshela! *hugs* Sorry if I'm a lil' late.
  24. Vincent looked at the comution of the ball: snakes, haunting music, drunken dancers, and a sofa entrance. This was definatly a Pen ball, where else would such things happen. Vincent couldn't help but laugh looking at the strange sceen. After a few minutes of wall flowering Vincent decided to venture out into the (slightly Snake crowded) dance floor, looking for a young lady (or man, didn't matter to him) to dance with.
  25. "Bah, Ayshela gonna kill me, I'm so late." vincent basicly ran down the halls of the Pen, trying to button up his shirt, button his pants, and fix his long hair all at the same time. Needless to say it was quite a sight. When he finally reached the door of the ball room it would be hard to guess that he was a horid mess runing down the halls a few seonds ago. His long silver hair was now perfectly shright, with a bit of it draping over his left eye, he wore a long sleved button up shirt and a pair of loose black slacks. A few silver rings with black fire designs on his fingers, and a silver cross around his neck. He dug around in his pocket for a slightly crumbled up invitation and walked into the ball. He was greeted by the bustling noise of people talking, laughing, and dancing and by the sweet music the band was playing. He couldn't help but smile, maybe he'd get a chance to dance with one of the many lovely women of the Pen. He spoted the hostess and made his way over to her, he genlty took her hand and kissed her hand in a gentalman-like manner. "Wonderfull Ball Ayshela, you've done a great job. Sorry for being so late, but I'm here now. Wouldn't miss it for the world."
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